Planewalkers' Journies - OOC Thread

RP-related discussion otherwise not covered in the Character Closet.
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Unread postby Kai » Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:09 pm

This seems like a thing that is awesome.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:27 pm

I for one welcome our new ability to stack bonuses.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:29 pm

But with great power comes great responsibility...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:29 pm

Another post! For those that haven't heard yet, Paizo Publishing, former publishers of Dragon and Dungeon and current publishers of the Pathfinder line of adventure paths among other things, is keeping Pathfinder 3.5. OR rather, they're keeping it their edit of 3.5. They're altering 3.5, fixing the most glaring holes and rebalancing things overall, while keeping it largely backwards compatible with 3.5 OGL. They've already released the first alpha release of this system, and they'll be doing open playtesting over the next year. They'll still be releasing 4e products as well, but Pathfinder's staying with this.

Now, I've been reading this alpha release, and I have to say, every change they're making, I love. And I am very tempted to use Planewalker as one of the playtesting beds for this system. But I want to know other folks' opinions of the changes as well. Conversion would be handled mostly by me, if you're concerned about that, and although it only deals with OGL content, it's intended to work with most WotC products in the end, so I'll do my best to convert non-OGL stuff over using the changes as well.

So, what I'd like you all to do is look at the new system yourself, and see what you think. Current and benched players both can speak up on this, and although I won't necessarily require a total consensus either way to make my decision, if anyone is against it I will certainly consider your arguments in my final decision.

Here's the first release of the system itself: At the moment, it only covers parts of the OGL - races, the four main classes, skills, feats, combat rule changes, schools, domains, and some spells - but the most important parts for actual play, I'd say. And other aspects will be released shortly. I'll link to those as well as they come out.

The thread will still go on as normal while I decide, but I'll be making a decision after four days; I figure that's plenty of time for people to look over the system and make a decision.

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Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:42 pm

Makes no nevermind to me.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:51 pm

I'm certainly interested for the most part. Though I plot on trying to make a new character when I'm ready to play again, for varying reasons.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:35 am

I like what I'm seeing here, yeah.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:32 am

So far, from what I've heard of people looking at what's been released for the system so far, support is good. Though I do want to warn people: since this is an alpha, things may be broken at first. However, I will be keeping track of any comments in that vein from any of you, and posting them to the Paizo playtesting boards, to help with the design of this system over the coming months. I'm going to be using house rules where necessary, but they'll be malleable. There may also be reconversions of characters as the setting emerges, but for folks that don't want to delve into the playtesting to that level, I'll be happy to handle the lion's share of the conversions for them.

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Unread postby Seethe » Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:43 pm

I'll just go along with whatever is decided. I'd prefer not to create an account over there when all I'd probably ever use it for is to download one file if we end up not using the system. Whether or not I like the system, I'm willing to playtest it anyway.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:49 pm

Because everyone seems to be no worse than apathetic about the new system, I'm going to go ahead and start converting things over. I'll be sure and link people to converted sheets as I finish them.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:33 pm

The first alpha release of Pathfinder's been updated. You can either repersonalize and redownload the full PDF (even if it says it's still personalized, you'll have to repersonalize it for it to let you download it), or find just the list of changes here: ...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun May 25, 2008 2:30 pm

So! Right now, we're in the interesting position of having a long waiting list and not many active slots. And honestly, I'm loathe to switch anyone out onto the inactive roster. So, as I've talked with some of you already, my current plan is opening a second thread. Two groups, each going on their own trips, swapping back and forth as necessary and feasible based on whichever trip the individual members find more interesting. The current set, so far as I'm aware:

Gus - Lux
Jak - Zant
Kai - Joss
Kelne - Asp
Neb - Anne
Seethe - Rosalyn
Shaun - Dalarin
Shini - Shawn
Spleen - Theller

Once plot hooks become taken, things will diverge into separate threads from there. I'll try to guide things so the end result doesn't become too unbalanced across the two parties; with luck and a little skill on my part, it won't end up that one PC wants to do one thing and the rest all would rather do something else.

On an unrelated note, Pathfinder's recently come out with its final Alpha release. Since the last posted about 1.1, the skill system was revamped again, and bards were finally converted over as well. For the former, I've already converted all sheets into the new format for those that didn't want to convert themselves, and I'll be letting those players take a look to make sure they're happy with my distribution. As for the bardic changes, Gus, I'll make those changes on my end and send you that when I let everyone take a look at the skill conversions I made.

Finally, by my calculations, Rosalyn, Joss, and Anne are each due for a level, plus I seem to still be waiting on one for Lux as well. Get to me when you get the chance, the four of you, either to work on the level together or with the results of your own levelling.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon May 26, 2008 12:52 pm

Triple-posting to say that of course none of you have to wait for a plothook to decide where you want to go next either. If one of you has a specific thing in mind for your character - a specific destination, a specific sort of adventure, etc. - let me know and I'll tell you what your character can dig up.

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon May 26, 2008 7:47 pm

Looks like fun times.

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue May 27, 2008 1:40 am

I'll give it a thought, see if there's anything I can think of. And when you say I owe you a level, I'm not sure what you mean. I updated Lux's character sheet in the Character Closet a while back. (Link.)

Unfortunately I've lost track of his XP. I know I had only just hit 3rd level after Thesset's place, so I must be somewhere around 3,800.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue May 27, 2008 2:03 am

4250, actually. And so you did; I must have just forgotten to update the changes in my own copy of your sheet. I'll update that, and PM you with the changes to Bard.

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Unread postby Christian » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:43 am

Ah... err... I'm... I'm very interested in joining this... but I'm at a loss where to begin.

Although I stated I loved Planescape, that was the PC Game, and I've never actually played the Pen and Paper version... so... I'm sneakily getting my hands on a lot of 3.5 Books, but what specifically should I read up on? I know discussions here are going to clog the thread, so I'm getting back into AIM... just gotta figure out how to appear not to be logged in and blocking...

I'll be logged in on AIM (woo) and MSN in case you need to reach me; christiancord on AIM, soptunnan2k5(at) on msn.

Just send me a bleep when you log in and I'll try to think up a concept until then so we've got something to work with.

Oh, and I'll have to read through the "backlog" of the RP thread... Oh God...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:32 am

Nah, discussions here are fine, though I'll try to grab you on AIM some time soon just because it can be more convenient.

As for material, probably the most useful one would be the Planar Handbook. The Manual of the Planes is handy too, but a lot of it's been made out of date, since it was a 3.0 book. Unfortunately, these won't have a lot of information on Planescape specifically, since it was a 2e setting. They'll have bits and pieces brought over from the old stuff (Planar Handbook especially, since it was co-written by one of the major Planescape writers), but mostly generic stuff. If you want info on the setting itself, you're going to have to grab copies of the older books. The major ones there would probably be the Planescape Campaign Set, obviously, and the Planewalker's Handbook. You could also poke around at Planewalker, it's the unofficial-yet-WotC-approved source for 3.5 Planescape. There's also a 3.5 conversion project that's been going on there. Go ahead and check into that (it'll be linked from the front page), but ignore most of the setting background. It's not out of date or anything; just the opposite, since it's set past the "end" of the metaplot from the official stuff, and we're still set some time before that. Most of the rules stuff is fine, though

Oh, one note: we're not using 3.5 exactly in the game, but instead the Pathfinder system. It's a long story why it exists, but basically it's a continuation of 3.5 being published by Paizo in lieu of converting to 4e. However, it's pretty close to standard 3.5, and purposefully - it's designed to be compatible with all already-published Wizards products - so no big worries there. It's also in an open beta until August '09, and so it's free to download, though you do have to register to do so.

Also, researching into the setting first certainly isn't required or anything. Though I wouldn't want to dissuade you from doing it, since obviously I think it's a pretty great setting. If you do want to do that, I'll do my best to get you the info once I catch you on AIM. In case you might happen to catch me first, though, my AIM's in my profile. Or you can use that button right below this sentence somewhere.

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:12 pm

Just a quick apology here. Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I'm currently doing a new job that has me going to bed at 11 to get up at 7, and not getting home until 7. By the time I've eaten and calmed down a bit from the day it's time for sleep so I've been putting off posting as Lux (partly because I wanted time to think about where to take the character). I'll try to resume a more frequent schedule now (and catch up over the weekend). Oh and Idran, the info I've messaged you was for you to work into the little narrative sections you've been doing for the other characters. As Lux is passed out at the moment I'll leave it up to you to decide where exactly (in case someone wants to stumble across him), or I can just wake up and seek the others out.

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Unread postby Christian » Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:43 pm

As I haven't been able to get into contact with you over AIM...

Seethe and Idran, would you guys mind horribly if I sort of go stumble into another group? I'm kind of doing nothing right now (due to Summer break), and I'd like to get into more active parties for CI.

'course, I don't mind sticking around, or pulling Rosalyn with me, or some such.

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Unread postby Seethe » Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:16 pm

I have been kind of slow lately. It might be best for both of us to stumble into another group, or I can just put more priority on posting in the thread.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:27 pm

Yeah, I'll take care of things in my next post. Sorry about the pacing.

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Unread postby Christian » Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:42 am

I'm sorry for rushing you on. ^^;

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Unread postby Christian » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:28 am

I have a very bad memory for names, so I was wondering if, when we split up the group, everyone could make some short descriptions of themselves in their first posts; I've been reading the backlog, but I'm still bad at remembering who's who.


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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:12 am

Hope everything is going great guys, sorry for the abrupt split earlier, but I needed out quickly, and it ended up fitting very well with Lux's character. Hopefully I'll be able to return in the future, but for now I'm sitting out.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:11 am

Just letting everyone know, I'm putting the game on hold for a couple days until everyone gets things resettled from Ike. Dayton should be back within a couple days at most, from what I hear, but Houston might be longer. Hopefully it won't take too long, though; not just for the game, but for Shaun's sake too.

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Unread postby Christian » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:20 pm

I might as well take this opportunity to reveal that I'll be retiring Alvar quite soon; probably once we're done with the quest we're on, but if I finish a new character before we are, I'm not sure he'll survive the trip back.


I feel bad about abandoning him so quickly, but I just can't play him the way I envisioned him. That's the gist of it

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:43 am

Since power's back for Shini and Neb, we'll be picking things up in the Limbo thread pretty soon, once you two are ready to go again. Pandemonium'll still be on pause until Shaun gets back on and gets things settled too, but hopefully he'll be back by next week.

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Unread postby Spleen » Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:20 am

So, treasure stuff.


Boy, I'd love that Crystal of Return. Pull Theller's light crossbow as a free action, sign me up for that. But I could part with it if someone really wants it for their character. I think it's also relatively safe to say that Theller's the only one trained in Disable Device, so does anyone object to him grabbing the Chronocharm of the Laughing Rogue?

As for anything else, Theller will take his share of the money from the sale of the things no one wants (and the gems, of course).

He wouldn't have an objection to Magpie getting a share, because thinking about how long it was probably standing there makes him a little uncomfortable and he wouldn't bring it up.
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Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:48 am

On the matter of the crystal, Spleen looks to already be aware of it, but keep in mind that it only functions as a Least crystal when attached to a masterwork weapon, and won't function at all on a normal one. You can't use the full Lesser power unless you get a +1 or better weapon to attach it to, though you can always purchase one if you like during this downtime if you've got the money.

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Unread postby Christian » Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:28 pm

Magpie wouldn't object to receiving its share, although it hardly expects any money (so, unless anyone is kindhearted enough to bring it up, you'll get its share as well).

So, naturally, I have no opinion whatsoever in who gets what right now. Magpie's a strict fighter as far as class goes, and its armed to the teeth already (although mastercrafted anything wouldn't be too bad)

Also, I'm a tad bit swamped with prepping for finals next week, so I might not be that available for CI until earliest wednesday next week. I'd love to do some though, as I feel Magpie has a lot more to give in more direct interactions rather than just posts on a board.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:04 pm

Posting this for the convenience of the players: Since sometimes people have asked for information about other characters, descriptions and whatnot, I'm going to go ahead and put this up.

It's not going to include any sheets that the PCs haven't specifically said I can include, since I know some folks prefer to keep stats out of things or whatnot. But this way if other players want information about a character and that character's player isn't around, and they've said it's okay, then they can check for themselves. Plus this way people can have access to their character sheets even if they don't have them available because of being on a different computer or whatever. These copies'll stay up to date too, so they'll always be the current versions.

At some point I'm probably also going to set up a similar thing for people that want to have the same sort of anywhere-access to their character sheets but still want to keep them private as well, but that's going to be a future deal.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:42 pm

Zant would be interested in the Crystal of Return and the Wand of Bear's Endurance. He'll also claim 100 gold if the gems they found are sold.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:46 pm

Current disposition:

    Chronocharm of the Laughing Rogue
    Crystal of Return?

    Crystal of Return?
    Wand of Bear's Endurance

Gems: 100 gold to each, it sounds like?

Still up for grabs:
    250 gold worth of alchemical objects of their choice
    Amber amulet of vermin, giant wasp
    Enemy Spirit Pouch (Outsider (Lawful))
    Fhorge-hide Armor +1
    Light steel shield, mwk
    Potion of barkskin +5
    Short sword, mwk

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Unread postby Nakibe » Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:19 pm

Trivale would likely take the masterwork shortsword and the Amulet of Vermin, I think.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:57 am

I've been looking into stuff, and I think I'm going to be introducing some house rules into this game. First off, I'm going to be bringing in these articles from GitP as part of the game, and players are free to use them themselves:

This Old Rule: The Diplomacy Skill
This Old Rule: Knowledge Checks
The Fey Druids
Tools of the Trade
The Gleaner (this one is mostly going to be for my reference, but nothing's keeping a PC from taking it)

Second, I'm going to be shifting around some alignment stuff. Here's a basic summary of the changes:

    Despite mentions to the contrary scattered across a few sourcebooks, Positive and Negative energy are no longer associated with Good and Evil, but rather with Law and Chaos respectively. This is much more fitting given that Positive is most commonly linked with creation, while Negative is most commonly linked with entropy.
    Channeling Positive and Negative energies are no longer Good and Evil acts respectively for the same reason, although the specific usage of the energy may be Good or Evil depending on the situation. Neither are they Lawful or Chaotic acts, however, as the energies themselves do not affect how they are used. Despite that, however, restrictions on channeling Positive or Negative energy are now based on Law/Chaos, not Good/Evil.
    Mindless undead now have the alignment "Often CN". The alignment of intelligent undead is not changed for the most part, due to the tortures of the creature's mind and soul that are required to create them, but this is to be determined for specific beings on a case-by-case basis. Similarly, it is no longer an Evil act to animate or create undead; it is still an Evil act to create Evil undead, but this is because a) it is an Evil act to create an Evil being of any sort, and b) the methods of doing such almost always include other Evil acts.
    Contrary to the BoVD, it is not an Evil act to consort with fiends. Nor is it a Good act to consort with celestials. While it might be hard for good/evil to come about through these things, it doesn't mean everything from them is automatically evil/good either.
    All alignment descriptors are removed from spells, except for those spells that fall under the following specific categories:
    1) Spells which summon or create beings or items connected with a specific alignment
    2) Spells which specifically act against beings of the opposing alignment

    Funny enough, all core spells changed by this are those formerly having the Evil descriptor. Specifically, the following core spells no longer have an alignment descriptor: Animate Dead, Contagion, Death Knell, Symbol of Pain. Create Greater Undead and Create Undead now only possess the Evil descriptor when used to create undead of Evil alignment. Deathwatch and Eyebite would be excluded as well, except that these spells already no longer possess the Evil descriptor in Pathfinder. Other spells from other sourcebooks will be judged on a case-by-case basis. Note that this does not preclude it being an evil act to _use_ spells from which the Evil descriptor was removed, but there is no longer anything innate about those spells that makes them Evil; the same applies to Good, Lawful, and Chaotic, despite the fact that no spells formerly possessing those descriptors in core have had them removed.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:17 pm

Blast disk (MIC pg. 152)

This jet-black, 8-inch-diameter plate bears a bas relief humanoid skull surrounded by runes and sigils. Its other side is perfectly smooth and flat.

A blast disk can be set to explode through proximity or on a timer. In either case, when the disk activates it explodes, destroying the blast disk and dealing 5d6 points of fire damage to all creatures and objects within 10 feet (Reflex DC 14 half).

If set to explode through proximity, a blast disk must be set down in a square on the battlefield. The next creature of Small or larger size to enter that square (either on the ground or airborne within 5 feet) sets off the blast disk. That creature receives a -2 penalty on the save against the blast.

A blast disk can also be set to automatically explode up to 10 rounds after placement.

A character who has trapfinding can find (Search DC 28) and disable (Disable Device DC 28) a blast disk.

Chaos Flask (Planar Handbook pg. 76)

A chaos flask contains a small amount of the raw stuff of the plane of Limbo. This material can be shaped by someone with a strong enough will (DC 13 Wisdom check) into nearly any single nonmagical object, provided the total volume is no greater than that of the flask's contents - with denser objects requiring more of the material. A flask contains enough raw chaos to create a Diminutive metal or stone object, a Tiny wooden object, or a Small cloth or leather object. The user can even shape the matter into a living creature of Diminutive size or smaller, but doing this raises the Wisdom check DC to 18.

Shaping the Limbo matter is a free action, and the user can attempt the Wisdom check once per round. The item so shaped persists for a number of rounds equal to the user's Wisdom score, and then dissipates into nothingness. The user can cause the object to dissipate sooner with another Wisdom check (same DC).

Everlasting Feedbag (MIC pg. 160)

This leather feedbag is adorned with a small medallion bearing an embossed cornucopia symbol.

When you place an everlasting feedbag around the muzzle of a horse, donkey, or other equine animal, suitable feed fills the bag and is continuously replenished until it is removed from the animal. Any uneaten feed disappears at that time. An everlasting feedbag can be used once per day.

Lesser rod of wonder (Custom item)

Functions as a rod of wonder of lesser power, with an entirely different set of effects.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:11 pm

Just remembered that I never finalized the rewards for the Pandemonium group. It looks like this is how things come down:

    Enemy Spirit Pouch (Outsider (Lawful))
    Light steel shield, mwk
    Potion of barkskin +5

    Chronocharm of the Laughing Rogue

    Amber amulet of vermin, giant wasp
    Short sword, mwk

    Wand of Bear's Endurance

Gems: 100 gold to each

The crystal of return is still claimed by both Zant and Spleen, you two will have to figure out how you want to decide on it. Or you can roll for it. And no one claimed the fhorge-hide armor, but Magpie can't use armor, so it's still up for grabs; let's say it goes to whoever doesn't get the crystal? There's also still 250 gold worth of mundane alchemical items, but we can have that as a favor owed to you that you can cash in on in the future, in whole or over time.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:28 pm

Jak's decided to pass on the crystal, so Theller gets it, and Zant gets the fhorge-hide armor +1.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:51 am

Treasure claims for the other party:

    Chaos flask x2
    Rod of wonder, lesser
    3 bars of platinum (300 gp)

    Chaos flask
    3 bars of platinum (300 gp)

    9 bars of platinum (900 gp) (no other items specifically)

    Everlasting feedbag
    5 bars of platinum (500 gp)

Still up for grabs:
    Blast disc
    Chaos flask x9
    Potion of displacement


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