A Woodland Stroll

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A Woodland Stroll

Postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:13 am

It's a beautiful day in Doma Park-it truly is. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the trees...the trees are magnificent, showing off as much greenery as they possibly can, their bark the very epitome of reality. It felt like they were trying to keep the very fabric of life in the park alive just by their presence, and it looked like they were doing a good job of it.

There was more than a little bit of hustle and bustle in the park today, too-it was a weekend, and on such a lovely day many people came in to relax from the fast-paced life in the city. Small children naturally followed the parents, and pets followed the small children. Old women were out feeding the squirrels and birds, and it was an all around utopia in the little piece of nature.

But if one were removed from it, and had any sort of magical vision at all...they'd notice something a little off. The trees, the flowers, the very grass, all of it was -overflowing- with energy. Life was practically bursting from them. And while it wasn't harmful, it was odd that the park would be so...vibrant.

On top of that, some of the rumormongers had come to ply their favorite hobby in the park, other oddness rising on top of it. Sure, Doma was always chaotic, but this was a bit over the top.

"Didja hear? Ol' Brown, that farmer over on north way sez his carrots just up and disappeared in the night! Claims he saw 'em walking off. He's been snorting Pixie dust, methinks..."

"Bah, that's nothing! Hal sez that his corn was up and walking around like folk, and even tryin' to talk! He's snortin' Moogle dust, not just Pixie Dust!"

"You're both pansies! Odgard said his -watermelons- were grown, and exploding all over the place! It weren't natural...-and- he had proof of it afterwards. His farm is covered in seeds and juice! He doesn't know how he'll make it through the year, poor chap..."

And through it all, there was one serene sight lounging on a bench. Brown hair flowed over a simple, though mildly handsome face, going further down to a slender body that was clothed in simple green cotton, there was a being that many knew. Savior to some, crazy git to others, and more than a little oddball to anyone that knew him. Sorune the Druid...

And even those without magical sense could see the life pouring out of him into the ground, making the grass around grow wildly and bloom vividly, and the tree he was resting under was actually growing fast enough to watch. He was taking a nap while a few curious children gazed at the tree in wonder.

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Postby Spleen » Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:41 pm

(OOC: I just realized that the sheet I have up in the forum is old and wholly incorrect, including the background and all of his abilities, and the sheet I have up on the Wiki is level 6 for the Tarrasque fight. I'm going to find some kind person who knows what they're doing in PS and get them to see if they can fish level 1 Seryntas out of the Tarrasque sheet for me; I lost the original sheet, which was on my hard drive that went kablooey.)

It's warm inside Seryntas's armor, which is okay by Seryntas, who hates the cold with a murderous fury. His helmet is off. His helmet being off emphatically does not reveal his long, silky raven hair and delicate yet chiseled features, because that would require him to have them to begin with. Instead, what's exposed is a large, round head with a wide mouth, yellow teeth, large nose, and slightly beady brown eyes. His hair is brown and very short, and it looks like he hasn't shaved in a few days. He's taller than average, somewhere around six feet, four inches, but impressively well-built, easily 240 pounds even without his mithral plate armor, well-made and colored blue by a rust-proof enamel coating. Strapped to his back is the sheath of a hefty greatsword with an extra-long hilt.

Winter was good for Seryntas. Xiao Long, the odd little mutt of a girl (half halfling, half wood elf) who's been living with him for almost two and a half years now, continued her plan to use his winter downtime to wean him off of emotional dependence on his armor, which went far better than it had the year before, even if at sunrise on the first day of spring he broke the lock that was keeping his armor in the cupboard rather than waiting two hours for Xiao Long to wake up and produce the key. So today he feels sane, or at least his armor isn't talking to him much and he feels entirely comfortable describing himself with the pronoun "I". He even fancies that today he's feeling sociable.

Of course, "sociable" for Seryntas isn't necessarily the same as for everyone else. In this case, it's sitting down on a bench (next to a sleeping man in green) and hoping that someone tries to start a conversation him, because by the gods, Seryntas will converse the crap out of someone if that happens, and maybe the entire city of Doma will want to be his friend (Seryntas's ambitions often leave out intermediate steps). His social ambitions block out absolutely everything else and cause him to miss the fairly obvious fact of the plants growing around Sorune.
"Tell you what, Leto, I won't fight with you. Zeus' wives are pretty tough customers. You have my permission to boast openly that you have beaten the daylights out of me."
-Hermes, the Iliad (Stanley Lombardo, translator) Book 21

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Postby Molokidan » Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:41 pm

Sunlight. Birds. Trees. Dozing geezers. And death. Or a growling stomach. To the 20-year old sushijin, the two sensations seemed like distant cousins. The past few months had seen an unusual decrease in jobs for the young freelancer, and it seemed as if he got older, the days of adventure he loved had gotten far and few between. In fact, the biggest battles he'd been in lately were with the small woodland animals who usually became his dinner.

Breakfast this morning had been bread as usual, but such would not hold Molokidan's energetic stomach. Oh, how he longed for a cut of fresh whalefin! A small, heated cup of tofu bisque, or a crisp salad slathered in goma dressing!! He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind, but it was too difficult. His lust was too great...and to add insult to injury, there were two...well, who knew what they were, but the point was, they were talking about mobile vegetables, and that was just too much to handle!!

"Enough!!" Molokidan shouted all of a sudden, running his hands through his wild azure hair. "Telling rumors is one thing, but giving people false hope that such culinary treasures actually exist is cruel and unusual punishment!!"

He approached the two beings, tastebuds tingling in anticipation and tendons vibrating in aggravation. "I want the lowdown on these veggies...and spare me the hearsay!"
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Geesi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:59 pm

Ah, spring. The critically-acclaimed time of rebirth, renewal and hay fever. Sharell is almost grateful to not have to suffer from it any more. That said, the resplendent blooms of life magic were the next best thing, and she had taken to the park like a cat to water. Which is to say, curiosity overpowered her discomfort.

And so, most sinisterly lurking in plain sight is a woman of mid twenties, reasonable height and proportions. There's no silky raven hair here either, but there could be if the sorceress didn't prefer wavy purple. Cosmetic shapeshifting is one of the nicer ways of prettifying the population of Doma. Her clothes aren't a complicated affair, just a blue robe, some orange scarves and a few bits of jewelery. Oh, and there's the eyes. Far from being crystal sapphire orbs of sea's beauty, they're dull yellow, with slitted pupils like a cat. Depending on who you are (and probably how much you like cats), it's either creepy, cute or both, but it marks her pretty unequivocally as a Mazoku. Or a soul unlucky enough to be one sixty-fourth nekojin and missing the nekomimi, but you know. Less likely.

Somewhat disappointed that the source had been a person and not an impending celestial invasion and further disappointed that the perpetrator is asleep, the mazo contents herself for now with playing a game with one (or more) of the braver children. Occasionally she carves letters into the still growing tree with a penknife. So far, a crude depiction of a gallows has been lightly cut into the bark, along with a man's head and body. Underneath are the letters, "o_to_u_"

"Good guess, but," she sounds concerned, adding an arm to the figure, "sorry, no el."

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:28 pm

Unfortunately, few were wanting to even be around Seryntas at the moment. However, there were a few squirrels skittering around his feet...and one of them even had the audacity to jump onto his chest and try to scrabble into his armor! On top of that, some sort of pigeon had flown on top of his helmet...the animals were sociable, even if no one else was!


"Cor, bloke, ye scared a year's life outta me! If you wanna go see Hal, his farm's a good distance west...'bout a mile, ya think?"

"Sounds 'bout right. Can't miss it-he's got a big mill fer grindin' that corn. And he painted it bright red, too."

The rumormongers then went back to their private conversations, trying to ignore the madman Molokidan.


Sharell would discover her game was flawed-the letters she was carving into the tree actually seemed to be healing, although at a slow rate. The first letter she'd carved was already faded to the point where one had to squint to see it, and her gallows were also fading.

The child hadn't noticed yet though, but was thinking carefully. "Um...Obtuse...Octogon...E?"

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Postby Molokidan » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:03 pm

"One mile west..." Molokidan pursed his lips, considering what lay ahead of him. "A farm...possibly the source of monstrous food...yes, this certainly sounds like a lead."

He switched his gaze to the sky, briefly focusing on and ignoring a large man who seemed to be having a little too much fun with the animals.

"West, huh...?" Molokidan started heading toward where it seemed like the sun would set. "Hal's farm, here I come!"
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Geesi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:36 pm

"Huh. That's a new one on me..." Sharell says to herself, appraising the tree's regeneration. Probably a lot more to this fellow than meets the eye, she muses. Is there a necrotic wasteland somewhere he's aiming to heal?

Anyway, it makes it a perfect slate if she works fast. A little distracted from listening in on the directions to walking corn, it occurs to her that the kid chose a letter. "E... did you give me that one? It should be," she points the knife underneath the work, and notes in 'surprise', "it's gone! How could that be?" before tracing over the same arm as before. "If some wise guy is using magic to erase letters, I don't think we should count it against the poor guy on the gibbet, do you?"

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Postby Spleen » Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:15 am

Seryntas jumped off the bench and tried to rid himself of his new animal friends. "What in the hells is going on with these animals?!" he exclaimed, having never been particularly comfortable around wild animals thanks to his farming background.
"Tell you what, Leto, I won't fight with you. Zeus' wives are pretty tough customers. You have my permission to boast openly that you have beaten the daylights out of me."
-Hermes, the Iliad (Stanley Lombardo, translator) Book 21

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:53 pm

Molokidan's travels wouldn't be hampered much...except for the woodland animals trying to play with him as he left. In fact, they were more than a little insistent that he stay, a few squirrels actually tugging at his legs...What in the blazes was going on? They really didn't want him to leave. And he could see the same happening to a few others trying to leave the park.
Seryntas' animals were playing with him, squirrels still trying to scrabble into his armor, a few enterprising pigeons trying to make a nest of his helmet...and he just might notice the shuffling in the bushes behind him. Shuffling of something...rather large.
Sharell's little game was dissipating faster than before, and she'd see the man in green begin to wake up and rub his eyes tiredly.

"Mm. Dear me...how long was I asleep? Miss, do you have the time? Only, I have an appointment to keep. Something of a show to run here in the park."

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Postby Molokidan » Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:14 pm

"Alright...this is ridiculous!" Molokidan shouted, watching as the squirrels scampered up his britches, in a very Lilliputian fashion.

He looked across the park to spy the big man again, still playing with the animals but not looking very pleased with the results.

"Hey, did you do this?!" he shouted out. "If you unleashed some vampiric strain of squirrels unto this park for some sort of unholy vengeance, I'm going to be very unhappy."
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Geesi » Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:55 pm

"Vampire squirrels?" Sharell perks up immediately. "This is better than I thought! Hey, um, little guy, you might not want to stick around, I don't know if they'll be after acorns or blood."" she flips a small coin to the child soon to be caught in the middle of a deadly undead wildlife war, "here. Get yourself some ice cream."

"Hour or two past noon, I think," that is, if she hadn't lost track of time, "mind if I watch? It looks like it should be interesting."

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Postby Molokidan » Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:08 pm

Molokidan looked at the coin in confusion, but then, as he picked it up and looked back to the woman with the vibrant hair who had just thrown it, suddenly it all made sense!

After all these long weeks of searching...I've finally got another job! A job filled with monstrous animals and walking corn, no less!

"Understood." Molokidan nodded, pocketing the coin immediately. "I will defend you from these bloodthirsty beasties, mistress, in exchange for your currency and your cream!"
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Spleen » Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:16 pm

"I didn't do nothin'!" Seryntas shouted as he wheeled around in a circle, trying to divest himself of his unwanted animal friends. "Squirrels're goin' crazy! Off, ye beasts, off!"
"Tell you what, Leto, I won't fight with you. Zeus' wives are pretty tough customers. You have my permission to boast openly that you have beaten the daylights out of me."
-Hermes, the Iliad (Stanley Lombardo, translator) Book 21

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Postby Geesi » Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:23 pm

She hadn't meant to throw the money quite that far, but Sharell ran with the idea. No shame in discount bodyguards, and he had the 'mistress' down pat even without any prompting. Now, he was perfectly serious about the undead rodents thing, but hell. Let no one ever say a Zenteno wouldn't work with what she was given.

"Perfect! But try not to hurt them, alright? You can get in trouble beating up vampires, and I'm not sure if that law stops applying if they're animals, too."

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Postby Molokidan » Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:36 pm

"Yes ma'am!" the short young man nodded. "You have nothing to fear, with Molokidan at your service!"

Brandishing his katanas, Molokidan moved in front of Sharell, lending a menacing eye towards the hyperactive forest creatures that were currently swarming Seryntas.

"Er, by the way..." he tilted his head back. "What is your name, madame?"
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Nekogami » Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:48 pm

Nature was something that Raptre L' Sarithe enjoyed greatly. The spring was one his favorite season. It gave him the most inspiration for his music. The park was looking exceptionally vibrant from this apartment window so he decided to give it a look.

Seeing the exuberant wildlife and foliage was, at first, invigorating but as a Guard and a poet, it was his duty to notice when things were wrong and this was wrong. The trees were growing so fast he could see leave progress from bud to bloom and keep growing. And then there was the animals of the park harassing the pedestrians and squatters. They weren't attacking per se but their fear of humans was missing.

The guitar in his hand drooped as all his attention was fed into figuring out what was going on. It wasn't until his heard the dull thump of the wood against stone that he realized he was in danger of dropping it. Slinging the strap of his head to rest the instrument on his back, Raptre strolled into the park, seemingly to take a step full into the madness. He looked at the birds flying close in to the ground and even perching on people, with no regard to their annoyed and sometimes terrified swats. It was like nature was on a powerful aphrodisiac. While that fit with spring fairly well, there was no denying that this was terribly wrong.

There was enough room from him to transform into his natural dracogriff body but that might make matters worst. If it did deter the animals from molesting the common people, it wouldn't stop the disaster of the trees expanding.

"Ryuumah, what is going on?"

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:38 pm

It was as if the world had simply gone mad in the vicinity of Doma Park-there was no sublime tranquility, there was only the mad panic of children, screams of all ages heard as the park animals suddenly went berserk...and the very fabric of the park itself joined them, blades of grass growing to insane proportions and suddenly attacking the populace alongside frenzied animals, and rising above it all on his tree-throne was Sorune, looking mildly amused at the spectacle. Children were screaming, and the one that had been playing with Sharell was being choked by an errant piece of grass...but the four had their own problems, blades of grass menacing each of them in turn. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"Please. My show is barely begun-struggle, those of you made soft by the city...struggle, and show me if you can survive nature at it's fullest! Too long I've let you run roughshod over my forest..."

(For now, simply freestyle. I'll be doing actual Philsys...once I get all your sheets.)

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Postby Geesi » Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:35 pm

How very dramatic, Sharell pondered. Still, if things stopped being dangerous the second they descended into gil novel-esque supervillainy, it'd be a much safer world. She'd probably be a happier person, too.

"Name's Sharell! Pleasure to meet you, Molokidan. New plan, though! Turn them into dinner. Or salad."

For her part, she grabbed one of the malevolent grass blades and tested how strong it was. If it's easy to snap (being grass and all), she'll pull some applied astralism and toss the hapless kid being strangled toward herself to catch. If it's tough (being the instrument of unholy vengeance and all), she'll pull her knife and start hacking, slashing and looking for rupees. Only without the rupees.

(Astral Throw for the relevant victim, or some Link in the Park, depending.)

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Postby Molokidan » Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:52 pm

"Yes ma'am!" Molokidan shouted, whipping his katanas around in a wide arc, in some attempt to sheave a buffer zone between he, Sharell, and the violent grass.
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:49 am

Raptre cursed his lack of weapon but wasn't this supposed to me a nice day? In this city, one should know better. Still there wasn't time for regret. He would have to evacuate the park.

"Civilians! Out of the park. Now!" He dashed in, shouting and commanding. He pointed to the exits. "Get home or seek a healer if you're injured just get out of the park."

He hoped that in the chaos people were heading his orders but it was hard to tell at this point. He turned just in time to see Molokidan, Sharell, and the child in a conflict with the park lawn. He had to tilt his head at this to make sure that his eyes weren't being tricked by light.

It was grass and it was threatening them. "This city is cursed. I'm sure of it. Demons, plagues, and grass. Can nothing be natural in Doma?" He rushed towards them as close as he could without incurring the wrath of grass. "Need any help?"

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Postby Spleen » Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:30 pm

(OOC: Are the squirrels as violent as the grass is?)
"Tell you what, Leto, I won't fight with you. Zeus' wives are pretty tough customers. You have my permission to boast openly that you have beaten the daylights out of me."
-Hermes, the Iliad (Stanley Lombardo, translator) Book 21

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:14 pm

Sharell's toss of a small child was quite effective-he was screaming, but he landed without a serious injury well out of the park, and well out of the way. Some of the other children, however, weren't so lucky...and some of them were being dragged into the ground by the large blades of grass. The small animals weren't really doing damage, but they were definitely spreading chaos-enough so that some people were just seeking cover. However, the concentrated efforts of our heroes were doing well to protect almost everyone.

Almost. They counted six children that were dragged completely into the ground, disappearing from sight as Sorune laughed. It...didn't sound natural. In fact, it sounded as if he had gone completely, stark raving mad! And the way he was ranting, entire words had gone out the window. He was now just babbling, things about giving the world back to nature and making his precious plants able to fight back.

But soon, they had taken care of the murderous plants...leaving only the Druid. What would be left?

(Sorry for the bit of rushing there, but...I prefer to do combat in chat.)

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Postby Nekogami » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:00 pm

Raptre shouted as the children plunged into the earth and disappeared. The sound of Sorune's laughter and babbling only did one thing to the knight: it infuriated him. He whipped around an hissed, a thick cloud of icy mist bellowing out from his and dissipating into the atmosphere.

He ran over to Sorune and grabbed him by his collar. "What did you do to them?! Where have you taken those children!" he shouted, etiquette and calm abandoned.

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Postby Geesi » Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:52 am

Sharell, too, was trembling with rage. What a pathetic person, to stoop to that after his little invasion went awry. Still, she couldn't be of help to the victims if she were turning Sorune into a bloody smear. That would have to wait. Not very long, she hoped.

She turned her vision elsewhere, taking a survey of the astral and searching for signs of the missing children. It was calming, if only a little, to look in on her true habitat once in a while. If anyone could see them underground or elsewhere, it would be her.

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Postby Spleen » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:28 am

Uncertainty about being in public was pushed away when Seryntas saw the children being taken. A red haze of anger settled over him, blocking out everything but the man responsible. He unbuckled his sword from his sheath, drew it with his right hand, and slapped his left hand onto the bottom of the hilt. "Where are they?" he demanded of Sorune with menace in his voice.

Don't mess with children around Seryntas. Children or dogs.
"Tell you what, Leto, I won't fight with you. Zeus' wives are pretty tough customers. You have my permission to boast openly that you have beaten the daylights out of me."
-Hermes, the Iliad (Stanley Lombardo, translator) Book 21

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Postby Molokidan » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:43 am

Molokidan watched in horror as the children were dragged into the ground, and as the others confronted the druid, he raced over to the closest drag point he could find and feebly began digging with his katanas, trying to unearth where he thought the child was being hidden.
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:32 pm

Sorune kept laughing for a few more moments before finally regaining his composure. No more was he the serene, quiet man who'd been napping peacefully under a tree...now his skin seemed to be light bark, his hair was brown vines, and his eyes...his eyes had no more humanity to them than two pieces of onyx. This was clearly a figure that had become something other than human...

"You want your children back, after you and your kind have been taking mine for so long? You will have to come and take them-come to the forest, the peaceful forest where my children have learned to fight..."

Sorune would meld into the tree as he said it, disappearing from both the physical and astral planes, and leaving the three to consider what had been said...

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Postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:36 pm

"No! NO!" Raptre shouted at Sorune and, obliquely, the situation. Tried to pull Sorune away from the tree but to know avail and even when the druid gone mad melted completely into the tree, he clawed at the bark. Frustrated, slammed his fists against the still-growing trunk.

"Mother of All! Has Tunare come to rebel or has Doma finally driven the very earth around us mad!?" He whirled around and looked at the chaos still milling in the park. "Forest? There's so many... The largest is just west of here, it practically kisses the gates. Could he mean that one?"

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Postby Molokidan » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:24 pm

Molokidan had watched Sorune disappear in befuddlement, wondering how the old guy, feeble as he may appear, could have possibly fit inside the tree -- and if so, then where the heck did he go afterwards?

"That's right..." Molokidan calmed down upon hearing Raptre, remembering what the men were talking about earlier. "Some old guys mentioned something about gigantic food walking around at a farm one mile west of here...I mean, it could just be a coincidence...but who knows, maybe that psycho tree guy has a partner in agriculture or something."
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Geesi » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:44 am

It's a neat trick, that kind of teleportation. Useless outside a forest, so Sharell figures this druid doesn't really get out much. And is an abject coward in addition to the other things she's been calling him.

"We can try that. It's a pretty obvious trap and he seems a pretty obvious guy, so I figure they should be fine until we show up knocking on his door." She grits her teeth, bearing in mind the sudden transformation from docile napper to unhinged kidnapper. "Not figure. Hope. In the meantime..."

She grabs a hapless bystander if she can find one, dragging them by the scruff of their neck if need be and giving instructions, "listen up. The Guard's probably already hearing something. I need you to find a station and report that the mad druid retreated, but kidnapped six kids as he left. Demanded people on the scene come to some local forest, don't know which one, to get them back and yes, it's about as much a trap as Master Daemon Bridget is. No fey were involved, and they might even help. Can you remember all that?"

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:51 am

The civilian seemed calm enough after what had happened, nodding eagerly with a quick, "The closest one is near Glass Square, right? I'll be there in ten minutes!" before dashing off at a good speed.

Meanwhile, things in the park were cooling down rapidly with the Druid leaving. The squirrels and other animals that had gone berserk were calming themselves down, becoming their innocent, playful selves again. This did not, however, assure the people that were shying away from them. In fact, watching them climb trees only made them a little more paranoid-within of moments, the only ones left in the park were the three. They probably had a few minutes before the Guard showed up, too.

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Postby Molokidan » Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:23 pm

(OOC: I thought there were 4 of us?)

Molokidan slumped down, a disappointed frown on his face. "So we're going to have to wait for the guard until we do anything? That's no fun..."
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Nekogami » Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:08 pm

Raptre whirled around. "I am the guard. The civilian will alert the guard station but in addition include my name- Lieutenant L'Sarithe."

"We'll go ahead. I'm not waiting for beauracracy when the lives of young kids are at stake. Who's coming?" He looked at them each in turn.

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Postby Geesi » Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:00 pm

(Hm, I thought so too.)

Sharell gives Raptre an emphatic nod. "I didn't say we were going to wait. But if we end up lost, or sidetracked, or captured or just following a wrong lead, giving the pros good info is key. Lead on, Lieutenant."

Scribbling down a note for the soon-to-arrive guards, she asks Molokidan and possibly by extension Seryntas, "you in? You look pretty handy and I could still use a good bodyguard or two."

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Postby Spleen » Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:47 pm

Seryntas was inspecting the tree closely, pushing against it to see if he could find the way the man got into it. Seryntas didn't trust magic one bit, as he often said. "This is above me, ain't it?" he mumbled to himself, before turning to the others. "Obviously I'm in. No one's stealing kids and getting away with it while I'm 'round. The name's Seryntas."
"Tell you what, Leto, I won't fight with you. Zeus' wives are pretty tough customers. You have my permission to boast openly that you have beaten the daylights out of me."
-Hermes, the Iliad (Stanley Lombardo, translator) Book 21

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Postby Molokidan » Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:05 pm

"Of course I'm in!" Molokidan nodded furiously. "Those kids are in trouble and I'm still hungry."

"Er...that didn't sound right...but you know what I mean!"
"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"

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Postby Geesi » Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:45 pm

Sharell giggles a bit at Molokidan. Maybe it's just the slip-up, or maybe it's the mental images of the plucky little sushijin as a psychotic cannibalistic terror, but either way. "Of course, of course. And don't worry, Ser. I never met a druid that didn't have at least a little trouble with being stabbed in the face."

She looks around one last time for the people she had seen before, mostly relieved that they're going home. "Those farms and the forest you want to check out are both west of here, right? Sounds like a good way to start."

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Postby Nekogami » Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:56 pm

"How are you all proceeding? On foot? I need to fly back to my flat and get my axe; maybe some better armor as well. I can sing but I don't know that I've got what it takes to soothe the savage beast..."

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Postby Spleen » Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:12 pm

"It's not Ser," Seryntas said a little stiffly. "It's Seryntas, with my thanks."

Gods above, how long has it been since I got called Ser? He thought. It's a long time, I'm knowing that.
"Tell you what, Leto, I won't fight with you. Zeus' wives are pretty tough customers. You have my permission to boast openly that you have beaten the daylights out of me."
-Hermes, the Iliad (Stanley Lombardo, translator) Book 21

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Postby Geesi » Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:11 pm

"Alright, Seryntas then, but if I'm strung up by the ankles by a treant and need a hand, it'll be Ser," the mazo remarks off-handedly, "by all means. I'll walk."

It's a more useful contingency to her than one would think. At least, it has been.


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