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Unread postby Kelne » Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:46 am

"Merely passing through, sir, and in search of sustenance" Cryvus said politely, "Though I confess to curiosity as to the woman's reasons for disturbing the peace in such a manner."

It was, unquestionably, the longest speech Cryvus had yet made in the presence of his comrades and, though politely spoken, unfortunately betrayed an accent which only confirmed any suspicions of his status as an outsider.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:57 am

The woman reacts quickly, moving towards the pair of them, voice raised with arms outstretched and pleading.

"My child! The m-"

A sharp crack of the baton from the second enforcer; a ruddy skinned man with a mop of black hair, ends the woman's sentence prematurely. She crashes to the ground, clutching at her side and trying to catch her breath.

"I warned you, hag! You're under arrest for creating a disturbance of the peace!"

The first enforcer, face utterly devoid of emotion, calmly turns his gaze back to the two outsiders.

"The reason does not matter. She had caused a disruption and will be detained, as law dictates. Now, would you kindly move along, citizen?"

The other four, off by the statue, can't help but notice this spectacle, nor the way the market crowd, previously keeping their distance from the disturbance, disperses rapidly away from the enforcers.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:15 am

Mikolas tensed up as the baton blow fell. A scowl of icy retribution flashed across his face, and he made to speak, only to pause and think better of himself. He let his expression melt into a more base displeasure.

"Hey, no need for that sort'a thing. The disturbance is all over now. Ma here was just lookin' for me, y'see? I take more after my Pop, but..."

He leaned towards the baton wielding enforcer, having slipped into his best tombstone smile.

"Y'see the resemblance, right?"

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:25 am

"Frak, what is that idiot doing?" Xerxes turned away from the statue and started moving towards the scene, walking at an angle to the group so that he could approach the enforcers from behind. He made sure not to make his movements too obvious or too fast, hoping that there would be no need for action at this time. [i]The damn foo' has attracted the frakking rentas. Don't ever want that, they'll be nothing but bullies and power-trippers. I should know...</a>

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:50 pm

Crisis could only look onward in shock--not only was that moron going to blow money on getting FOOD down here, but now got in a dispute with the locals; and some particularly aggressive ones at that... Salt himself stated that this was to be as covert a mission as possible, and for this loud imbecile to be ruining that... so much for a well-done job for the Emperor...

...This incident would be faulted completely to Mikolas were the lot of them to survive.

He reached inside his coat for an ammo clip, looking around for some sort of cover where he'd be able to be unnoticed, but have a clear shot in the meantime...

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:21 pm

Jules calmly walked over, keeping up all appearances with his almost trademark gait. He joined Mik, looking at the woman, then the officers. "Now now, c'mon boys. Surely your mama's taughtja not to beat women. It just ain't civil, ya know?"
Hey there! Can I give you a hand?

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:34 pm

The baton wielder turned to Mik sizing himself up against him with a scowl and not noticing he was coming up short.

"No, can't say I don't, friend."

The square-jawed one cast a glance at Jules as he approached and then another past him, noticing the rest of the group. He turned his gaze back to the dark skinned outlander.

"Disrupting a sanctioned trade area is hardly civil, but that matter has been dealt with. Now, however, I'd like to see some identification for the lot of you."

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Unread postby Capntastic » Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:59 am

Upon being asked for identification, Mik reared back to his full height and began rifling through inner coat pockets and inner-coat-inner-jacket pockets. Retrieving them, he forked them over. The first was his merc license; a thick little sheet of plasteel with inscriptions and an intaglio style depiction of his face. Clenched in his gap filled grin in said image, is what appears to be the very license this is all printed on; which would explain the teethmarks on the thing. The other card was the relatively new and unharmed Coblast license.

"Yeah," Mik said, following up Jules "my Ma here could teach you two a thing about manners- but we've gotta get dinner."

He then knelt to help the poor woman up.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:32 am

The calm enforcer looked over the pair of items, paying little attention to either, while his friend looked ready to intercept Mik's attempt to help the woman up. The bald man held up a hand though, and passed the towering man's identification back to him.

"This seems to be in order here," he said, casting a glance at Jules and then another beyond him at the rest of the group, "though I don't know what you plan to find down here. Go bother Sikes, maybe that wretch will help you. As for your 'mother'," he continued, casting a unkind look at the woman, "make sure you keep her inside from now on. If I catch her again she'll get more than a reprimand." He turned, gesturing to his partner, and the two of them headed off into the market.

Mikolas helped the middle-aged woman to her feet. She wore thick hooded cloak over what appeared to be a ragged set of worker's overalls. What stood out most, though, was how intensely grateful she looked.

"That was a kind thing you did, stranger. Thanks." Her speech was slightly ragged, the downhiver still recovering from having the wind knocked out of her.

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:49 am

"From the ashes they rise," Cryvus said quietly. Getting mixed up with enforcers so early into their assignment hadn't been in the cards, so far as he was concerned, but it seemed to have worked out. The fact that Mikolas had valid papers and a small posse at his back probably hadn't hurt.

For now, he was content to let Mikolas take the lead. Indeed, Cryvus generally preferred to allow others to do the talking. It allowed him the opportunity to think.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:59 pm

"No problem." he said nodding, watching the two enforcers walk off.
"How about you tell me and my pals here what's up, while I get somethin' to gnaw on."

His attention was then partially split between the conversation, and scanning for tasty vittles.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:08 pm

Crisis listened to Mik before simply shaking his head, and returning the clip in his hand to its rightful place, silently thanking fate in the meantime...

...however, he still retained what he perceived to be a safe distance from the sector. Last thing that's needed was for the large one to drag everyone into spending unnecessary money down here just because he felt only slightly hungry...

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:49 pm

Gunner had time to look alarmed as he realized what was happening: Were they about to get into an armed conflict with the enforcers of the local law? ... But no. The situation subsided when the enforcers backed down, and now they could get under way again. But first... he wanted to know what the hell they'd just been risked for. Luckily, Mik was also present enough to ask her about that. He was starting to feel a little superfluous. So, Gunner stopped by Mik, and looked the woman over for obvious injuries. He was no medic, but it wouldn't take much training to see the line of a bone in the wrong place next to a huge welt, or similar maladies. ... Probably.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:57 pm

Mikolas sniffed the air, the scent of roasted meat stronger than before. He couldn't see any cook shops immediately, though. They must be a little further in. Crisis, meanwhile, cast a look around the immediate area.

Those enforcers appear to be slinking off South through the market, the less restrained one taking out his aggression on a peddler's stand as he passes. A quick glance to the North West, though, reveals another pair of dark-green garbed enforcers looking towards the market. They chat among themselves for a moment before heading inside the building marked as the Enforcer Station on the data-slate map. He then directs his attention to the North-East, towards what the map designated an "Arteria Exit." It seems to be a giant road leading into a tunnel, presumably connecting this division up with the rest of the hive. If it was a little bigger you might be able to fit a Cobra class destroyer down it, which is no mean feat.

The woman turned to Gunner and Jules, seeing Mik's attention was elsewhere, the desperate edge returning to her voice alongside her breath.

"He was only a boy, he-" She continues to blurt out a description of the lad slightly faster than the two of them are able to keep up with. Shaving off the petty details in their heads, they both summarise that this missing person must be only 14 or so, in possession of broad features, a shaved head with chemical burns across his scalp and the same pallid skin that his mother does. "He was out last night with his no good 'friends'. He never came home. I've tried to find them, but nobody wants to help!" Her voice rises again as she casts a bitter look at her fellow down-hivers, some of whom had stopped to watch the outsiders who'd seen off the enforcers. "I...I just want my boy to come home" she finished, starting to tear up and sob.

It doesn't look like she's suffered any serious harm. He figures she'll probably be hurting for days and sport one hell of a bruise, but nothing with long-lasting consequences.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:03 pm

Now, this was probably nothing. In fact, in a hive this story was probably more common than blades of grass in a field back home. However, it could also definitely be something. And besides, he had a nagging feeling that he should pay attention to this woman.

"Is this unusual for him? ... And tell me about these friends of his."

He doubted the others would be as enthusiastic to follow up on this. But that was fine: He could head off, and still keep in touch as necessary. The machine spirits would see to that.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:22 pm

The woman stopped crying, though the tears still flowed freely down her cheeks.

"He's stayed out during the night shift before, but he's always been back by lunch. He's been running with some of the local thugs since the Combine let him go." She pauses, wiping moisture from her eyes, a slight scowl appearing on her lips "They're nothing but scum, but he says they keep him safe. That's how it's been until now, but..." she trails off, shooting off a glance at a burnt out hab-stack to the East . Her face drains of blood, pupils dilated as her eyes turn back to Gunner, speaking in nothing more than a terrified whisper now.

"All those dead, burned alive in their habs during the blackouts. Souls burning still....they can't rest easy. Throne of Terra, people disappeared before, but I didn't think anything of it. But Miv swore she saw wraiths lurking in the shadows one night, eyes burning red in the dark. Oh Throne, they took my boy!" she screams, completely loosing it and dropping to her knees, crying uncontrollably now.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:22 pm

Mik stopped his quest for food to pause and consider the lady's plight more deeply.

"That's a pretty crummy situation, but I dunno if we can help. We're sort'a busy with stuff as it is. But I guess it wouldn't hurt at all to keep an eye out."

He then turned to the group at large.

"What do ya think, fellas?"

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:41 pm

Gunner tries not to flinch at her outburts, and mostly succeeds. He looks to the others and says:

"I think we should look into it."

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:59 am

Cryvus nodded, "The Emperor has brought us here for a reason," he said, "And it behooves us to follow His will." This appeared to be the extent of his contribution to the discussion for now.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:57 am

Jules looked at his comrades, then turned back to the woman, placing a strong hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Ma'am. We'll do our damnest to find yer boy."
Hey there! Can I give you a hand?

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Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:25 am

Mik nodded, gently clamping his own hand on her other shoulder.

"Haw! Everythin'll fine. We got a few days here yet; though we ought'a be focusin' on the.."

He turned to Jules, and then the rest of the group.

"Well, you know. Hey, here's an idea- we talk to the guy's sister, and see what comes of it, an' then see if we got time to look for Ma's kid tonight."

He nodded some more, hand on his bat's hilt, pleased with this plan.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:58 pm

Crisis shook his head; there was no need to help this woman. That wasn't the sort of job he was ordered to do by the Inquisitor, after all. However...overhearing what he could of the story...it at least sounded like a potential lead--if not a potential to be subjected to this form of heresy...

...and yet when presented with the potential fresh lead, Mik had to go after the sister instead. Already almost dragged them into the altercation with the local enforcement, and now...

Crisis' eyes narrowed and brow furrowed as his palm made direct contact with his forehead.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:02 pm

He didn't like the sound of that plan. The timetable after a kidnapping wasn't very long at all, and Gunner was hoping to either save the boy if he was going to be experimented on, or if that wasn't possible to atleast catch the foul creatures responsible in the act.

"How about this... There's a bunch of us. We'll split into two groups. Some of us will look into the lady's kid, and the others will check with the girl."

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:22 pm

The woman looked up at both Jules and Mikolas. Perhaps it was their steadying touch, or maybe the sincerity of their words, but she managed to restrain herself, her display of anguish limited to sniffs and sobs now. She thanked them again for their kindness, and had the presence of mind to actually tell them her name, along with where she lived. "Gerta Moy, hab-stack 2-21, chamber 7/19." After she elaborated on this a little, Xerxes got a rough idea of where it was and made a note of the location.

(Map updated.)

Gerta seemed a bit more together now, the promise of help doing much to ease her worries. She thanked them for what must be the fourth time now, wishing the Emperor's blessing upon them, before she started to make her way North through the square.

(Before we can move on, people will need to agree on a plan of action. Where will they go? Will they divide their efforts? Make your character's opinions apparent if you haven't already done so, along with their views on the plans of their fellow acolytes.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:18 pm

With a modicum of privacy restored, and having given the matter some thought, Cryvus spoke up, "Do people have any preferences as to which task they take on? It would be best not to have too many people questioning the sister in any case. We are not, taken as a group, a particularly reassuring sight."

He had his own thoughts as to who should be doing what, but it would be better to let people decide their own course, and then propose changes if needed. After all, Cryvus wasn't exactly the leader type.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:07 pm

"Probably obvious by now, but I'd like to go an track down the missing kid."

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:27 pm

Crisis, instead of actually talking like a normal man-girl-looking-thing of a human, instead calmly walks toward the rest, stopping halfway, before pointing to himself, to the floor of this hab-area, and then swinging his index finger toward Gunner...

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:37 pm

Gunner just sort of looked at Crisis for a half minute.

"I... think... Crisis is saying it's going my way."

Which is going to make everything much less comfortable. Eugh. Creepy.

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:45 am

"It's probably for the best. He's not a people person." Quite how Cryvus had determined the gender of Crisis was something of a riddle. Perhaps he had simply picked one at random for convenience sake.

"The Thorian stratagem must continue," he continued absently, marking the beginning of another bout of muttering.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:54 am

"Well, I'd love to help track down that kid. Them wraiths things sound cool."

He folded his arms, looking towards the decimated habstack, half scowling, half smiling.

"Who's gonna check up on that guy's sister?"

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:26 am

Xerxes sighs loudly. "I aint happy wit' this. We've been charged by a pretty high power, and yet y'all'd prefer to chase after some juvvie. Ha ain't even been gone for a whole shift. Frak, he's probably just coming down from some halc or other. Maybe he just got tired of living with crazy over there," he says pointing a thumb in the direction of the leaving mother. "Now I don't know if anyone else here has even spent time in a hive before, but if you aint then realise that this event happens all the time. Now I aint gonna stop ya from yer wild ratling chase, but at least one of us has gotta complete the mission. I've interviewed the occasional witness before, so who's wit' me?"

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Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:37 am

Mik nodded to Xerxes' speech. And then added a followup to his own question.

"I guess Xerxy here'll check up on her."

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:10 pm

"And I shall accompany you," Cryvus told Xerxes, leaving just the one person to be heard from.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:55 pm

Jules indicated that he'd accompany Xerxes and Cryvus to the apartment of the late Saul and, with that said, the group split into two, each heading to a different location.
(Map updated again.)

Crisis, Gunner and Mikolas

The three of them got a good view of the wares on sale as they headed East through the market. Simple foods, household supplies and various trinkets and "lucky charms" caught their eye, but almost all of what was on sale was of little immediate use to them. Mik did manage to spy what he'd smelled earlier, though; what appeared to be some rodents of unusual sizes being spit roasted over a cart-bound charcoal pit.

As they emerged from the relative bustle of the market and continued towards the burn out hab-stack that Gerta had glanced fearfully at earlier they couldn't help but notice the huge arch that stretched out across their field of view. What detail had been engraved on the stone before had been eroded away with time, however. The Templum beyond the arch, though, seemed to be in better condition. Drawing closer to their destination they noticed that while most of the interior was unlit and pitch black a few fires burnt inside, a sign that some people might be seeking shelter there. The most prominent of these was at ground level and to the South of the burnt out section. A stall had been set up just outside, appearing to be jam packed with all sorts of refuse, bundled rags, scavenged tech and meagre goods. Two weary looking men moved throughout the display while some sort of large vermin, augmented with a couple of crude bionics, dozed out front. A third man, clad in layers of ragged clothing, emerged from inside. Shrew-faced and sharp eyed, he grinned as he surveyed what passed for his stock. A weapon, possibly an autorifle or shotgun, was slung under one arm, though he looked to be in no mind to use it currently.

Cryvus, Julius and Xerxes

Heading South through the market these three also got an idea of what was on sale: not much at all. As they emerged from the last row of stalls they made note of a building constructed in the middle of an otherwise clear square, Xerxes noting it's designation as the 3rd Tantalus Worker's Union on the data-slate map. A couple of harrowed looking men walked out of the entrance with a great deal of haste, one casting a look behind him before they scurried off to the West.

Passing this by and turning South East, the group found themselves in front of a still-functional hab-stack decorated with arched windows and designated 7-17 by a nearby road sign. This was the place. The entrance was unbarred and unattended and the interior, possibly once somewhat decorated, now utterly scavenged, and utterly devoid of sound. The elevator doors hang wide open, with nothing but a black void greeting the acolytes, leaving the stairs as the only means of ascent. Making their way up to the 6th floor swiftly and heading down the corridor towards the 23rd room, they rounded a corner and noticed an ajar door to their right, a few meters down from the turn.

You think you hear movement from inside the room, then nothing.

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:22 pm

Xerxes holds a hand up to the other two, stopping their progress for a second. "I'd like ta avoid a fight here, if we can, but this place is going to the sump. Be ready fo' things to get physical, but hide ya gear fo' the moment." Xerxes reaches under his cape, touching the butt of his shotgun and the handle of his weapon to ensure that he could draw them at a second's notice. He then pulls the edge of the cape just enough to conceal the weaponry, even if the bulges are rather obvious to anyone behind or beside him, and looks to the others to make sure they're ready before cautiously approaching the door.

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:43 pm

Cryvus frowned slightly at the sight of this open door. So far, they hadn't encountered any residents, and nobody had left their doors open for petty thieves to wander in. Still muttering quietly to himself, albeit in a somewhat different tone, Cryvus peered at the door, as if trying to determine whether it concealed a threat.

Whatever the results of his pause for thought, he soon continued, knocking at the ajar door to room 23. He did seem to have shifted his grip on his staff, though.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:49 pm

Cryvus heard a sharp intake of breath as he knocked, followed by a scuffle of movement.

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:55 pm

Given that the person hadn't answered his knock, Cryvus doubted they'd be pleased to see him. Still, he was hardly going to turn around and go away at this juncture. Head turned in the direction the noises had come from, he entered the room.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:01 pm

As Cryvus took the first step into the room he noticed something he'd failed to spot before; the lock was broken.

Stepping inside, however, did not lead to a horribly and bloody demise. What he found was a simple, eight meter box chamber with a water closet and one of those arched windows he saw outside. And, making a fairly poor effort of hiding behind the bed in the corner, was a frightened looking woman huddled in an overcoat too large for her and clutching a rucksack to her chest. At the sight of the middle aged man she relaxes slightly, but otherwise remains motionless.

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:14 pm

"Miss Lili Arbest?" Cryvus asked simply, taking in the scene. Given the broken lock, it was obvious they weren't the only ones who had taken an interest in Lili Arbest. Unless he missed his guess, had they arrived much later, they would have found her gone, vanished into whatever hidey-hole she could find.

It would be a foolish person indeed who believed her plight was in any way coincidental to their business.


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