Tarrasque vs. Gaera

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Tarrasque vs. Gaera

Postby Archmage » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:31 pm

Time: 11th of Tunara, 6:47 PM, in year 1317 of the Era of Peace.

Location: Just south of Doma Capitol, less than half a mile away from the city limits.

A rampaging monster has been tearing its way across the landscape to the south. Anticipating a collision course with the city, the King of Doma has ordered an enormous military detachment to fortify and barricade the area so as to prevent the creature from ravaging his kingdom.

All of his efforts have failed.

The monster has totally obliterated all of the walls, siege machines, and soldiers that have been sent to stop it. It has eaten chocobo bearing their riders in a single gulp. It has charged over entire divisions, pressing three men into the ground with a single stomp of his foot. And now it has nearly reached the city. There is no time to delay.

A party of brave heroes, willing to make one last stand at the south side of the city, have assembled themselves to try to save the entire population--or at least buy them some time to escape.

(This is the formation of heroes that will stand against the Tarrasque. And this is the whole battlefield as seen from above. There's a good bit of space between you and the enemy, as you can see.

Kamos is flying. Kelne has had time to enchant his own weapon with an Antipode spell (he did it yesterday, so no cost to him today). Taiar is EATING YOUR EMOTIONS. If anyone else has any pre-combat buffs they want to cast, they can do so and it is assumed that they cast them before the map is the way it is.

Kelne has brought six minions with ballistae with him. On Kelne's turn, he may command the minions, but Kelne's player may not directly control their actions. Each ballista, once fired, takes a whole turn's action to reload. It takes two people to properly operate a ballista; the time to reload is doubled otherwise.

I am using a Wiki page to keep track of people's current status and also the initiative order. The tarrasque is not on the order yet because you don't get to know where it acts. The minions are after all of the PCs. Please go to the Wiki page and make sure your status is up to date after each turn so that I don't have to keep track of everone's MP/TP by myself.

The first player to move is Jeridan. Let's get it on!)

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Postby Besyanteo » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:47 pm

Jeridan sighed, stepping foreward slowly, so that he was for the time being on point. It was likely to make his death only that much quicker, but he had little else to do until the gigantic monstrosity reached them. For the first time in a long time, he regretted ridding himself of Nakibe's "gift".

(Moving 3 spaces forward and holding turn.)

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Postby Archmage » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:49 pm

Jeridan bravely moves forward, standing his ground against the tarrasque. Thankfully, it's still pretty far away, so he can breathe easily for the moment.

(Combat map [yourside] is updated. Kelne's turn.)

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Postby Kelne » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:19 pm

"Alright people, you know what's at stake here. Either that thing dies or it stomps all over the city. And not just the parts in need of a bit of urban renewal." Kelne was not in a good mood. He couldn't help but feel that the military campaign to stop the cursed thing had been badly botched, and aside from a few brave volunteers, the only support he'd been able to scare up were enough minions to crew siege weaponry paid for out of his own pocket.

It was depressing just how ill-prepared people were for giant rampaging monsters.

"We're going to hit the cursed thing from both flanks. Daenj'r, Taiar, Kilisha, you're with me," he indicated spaces on his carpet, even now rising slightly above the ground, "Sorune, take the others round the right flank and wait for my signal." He was confident Sorune could get them round using the old dirt mound trick, and hopefully it wouldn't take too much out of him.

"Mazuo, you're on high guard. See if you can take out the thing's eyes, and lend a hand wherever you're needed." He spoke with the authority of someone who was taking charge of a bad situation and did not want people wasting his time arguing. "You lot," he waved a hand at the minions, "start firing as soon as you've got the range, and keep at it. If the thing gets too close, scatter. If I don't make it, Kyle's in charge." Gods help the poor soul. This was quite possibly the worst possible repayment of their friendship that there could be, but there were precious few people he'd trust with looking after the minions.

(Speechifying done, Kelne will hold his action until his passengers are aboard, then make southeast at a good rate of knots.)

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Postby Archmage » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:22 pm

Kelne's magic carpet lifts him about a foot off the ground, waiting for passengers to board.

(Kilisha's turn.)

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Postby Seethe » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:02 am

For Kilisha, everything had felt unreal since she had left Doma city to join this last line of defenders. She had seen her share of demons and monstrous creatures in the past, but this giant monster that could destroy armies and ravage a kingdom by itself was something she had thought only existed in legend. But the people gathered here to stand against the thing were real enough, and the sight of the great creature approaching on the horizon proved that it was more than a fairy tale.

The same sight, however, let Kilisha know that the battle had begun. Whether she would now stand or fall, she would oppose the destroyer with every bit of strength she had.

She listened intently to the mage on the carpet's orders. Kelne had named her as part of the group that would be with him. Without a moment's hesitation, she ran to the carpet and took her place where he had beckoned.

(OOC: Kilisha moves to her place on the carpet. If it's not too late to declare this, Kilisha used the Sharpshooter buff immediately before the battle began and will hold her turn until she is close enough to the Tarrasque to use Aim. Otherwise, she uses Sharpshooter this turn.)

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Postby Spleen » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:55 am

Seryntas unsheathed his greatsword and examined the blade. I wish this was my dad's or something, the warrior thought. Then I could go into battle and yell something cool about it being my dad's sword, instead of just yelling like normal. The yelling works too, though. I seen guys piss their pants watching me running at them with the yell. Bodies're a bitch to clean up afterwards, though. Blood's one thing, but a load of steaming piss is just too much, even for me. The thoughts wouldn't have made sense to anyone else if they could hear them, but a lot of the things Seryntas was in the habit of doing didn't make sense to a lot of people. Like dressing in armor to eat dinner. Still, the thoughts kept a hold on Seryntas's jangling, buzzing nerves. Not that he was scared, mind. Never that, especially not covered like he was in his friends, and that was something no one got. No, Seryntas wasn't afraid. Couldn't be afraid how he was.

Seryntas had to keep himself in check or he knew he'd charge the beast alone.

He passed the time for a while by looking around at his new allies. One or two he was sure he'd seen somewhere. Fuck what I've seen because I seen a lot of things and sometimes other people see 'em too. It wasn't one of his good days; that was a particular understatement because he felt like someone was punching his brain with a fist that someone had wrapped in a gasoline-soaked rag and lit on fire. He did know what it looked like when he was seeing things and for now he wasn't, though. But gods and dogs fucking help me if I come out of this with my whole face and get to dream again, because I know I'm gonna start halfway through this seeing things that ain't there. He looked at them, but didn't assess. Not Seryntas. The man whose head sat between the helmet and the armor was trying to keep himself together. The man who did the assessing had his head inside the head of the man who had his head between the helmet and the armor; that's how it felt on bad days and today was the worst in weeks or months or a year, Seryntas couldn't remember and didn't care because if he asked the head in his head, he'd know. Or could guess and sound right and Seryntas wouldn't know the difference. None of that mattered, because the friends were around him and they knew what to say to keep him together and fighting. They always knew.

He saw Kilisha moving back to the man with the carpet, and harumphed silently. If only I could have one of those. I could swoop in like a fucking I-dunno-what and cause some real bloodshed and shit on one of those. Instead they're gonna use it to shoot arrows off of or some such shit. Oh well, at least I know Kilisha's a good shot. So's the kid, but the kid ain't around even though I said "Kid, we need good hands out there, even tiny fuckers like yours" except I shouldn't've said "fuckers" around the kid 'cuz she's just a kid even though she's my age. My age. What a joke, the kid being that old and just a kid. Out loud, he addressed Kilisha as she passed. "'Ey, 'Lisha. What's say we get the kid and the old man and find some demons and giant fucking spiders to squish after this thing's over, eh? That'd be a time." He hoped she didn't realize he was having one of his bad days. The kid could always tell, so he was kind of glad she was there because she would feel sorry for him but also kind of sorry she wasn't there because she would feel sorry for him and he felt like he kind of needed someone to right now. And maybe the kid could talk to him the way she did and call his whole self Seryntas and maybe he would be one guy with one head for a while, sometimes that was all it took.

He walked up next to the big furry guy. He was the only one here bigger than Seryntas and Seryntas respected the shit out of that, especially on a day like today when everything was big and bold and primary colors except what the man in Seryntas's head told Seryntas he needed to see. The man in Seryntas's head did stuff like that when he was there, and when he wasn't there Seryntas did it himself because he could because the second man's head wasn't gone, it was just filling all of Seryntas's head. "So are you ready?" he asked excitedly to the man he didn't know was named Jeridan.

(OOC: Seryntas walks 2 hexes south. The way he moves likely looks like nervous excitement at the oncoming battle rather than a minor psychotic episode.

Hey Brian, I think there's an option in MapTools to always enable the titles of our Tokens, which might help for simple expediency of identification. I don't remember where. It's awesome that you're getting use out of the program, though. Tell me if you figure out any useful tricks with it :D

Also, Seryntas' token makes me laugh a little because it's so out-of-character for him.

Jesus shit writing this post was fun.)

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Postby Archmage » Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:31 am

Seryntas steps forward to join Jeridan in his stalwart formation, ready for the beast to charge at any moment. Meanwhile, Kiliya hops onto Kelne's magic carpet, bow at the ready, trying to draw a bead on the lumbering monster from a distance.

(Kiliya is sharpshooting, Seryntas has moved, and the carpet is now on the battlemap, more or less. Map's updated. Jade's turn is now.)

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Postby Lenore » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:08 pm

Jade stared at the beast approching on the horizon with horror. She closed her big purple eyes and took a deep breath; no amout of cutness was going to get her out of this one. But she knew she had to protect her home - she knew if this thing got Doma, it wasn't going to stop there. No. Nekonia would be next, and her with it. Another deep breath; deep, calming breaths.She opened her eyes and saw the thing again, then screwed them tightly shut. 'You can do this. you HAVE to do this. you WILL do this. You CAN DO THIS!' She told herself.

Her eyes flew open and she checked the pouch on her side for the poison and the poisoned shuriken. She had her katiris in the'r sheaths and a dagger in her obi that she wore for the day. It was lucky. Or that's what she told herself.

She turned to sorune. "I think for now I'm going to be more useful in true form." A slight breeze picked up around the girl and her form shifted to that of a white dragon with a purple frill and paws instead of bird feet. Her tail lashed and she took to the air with a hiss.

((Jade shapeshifts into true form and holds her move for the time being. She was scared enough for Taiar to get some good negative energy from her
Forgot to mention: While transformed, her HP rises by 30%. She gains +3 to her strength, but suffers a penalty of -3 to her dexterity. Her normal armor is disregarded, and she gains a natural AC of 24. ))

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Postby Archmage » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:21 pm

Little girls are considerably more threatening after changing themselves into dragons, but the tarrasque, either having terrible distance vision or just being too hungry to care, seems largely unimpressed.

As the group holds their ground, staring off into the distance...you know, that tarrasque was moving very slowly a second ago...and now it's moving considerably faster. Wait just a minute, is it charging us at ludicrous speed?

The tarrasque's previously lumbering pace increases rapidly, and the beast accelerates to a remarkably quick gait, crossing the huge span of landscape between itself and the last defenders of Doma in seconds. Congratulations, tarrasque, you've just set the Gaeran record for the 50-yard dash.

One of the minions operating the rear ballista abruptly wets himself.

(Seeing the tarrasque rip up earth like that is positively terrifying; Jeridan, Kelne, Kilisha, Jade, Taiar, and Solis all failed their resist checks against the tarrasque's frightening presence and are going to take a -2/-2 to AT/PA and a -2 to all missile and spell rolls until the tarrasque is gone or no longer a threat.

It's Sorune's turn. Also, the combat map now looks like this.)

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:52 pm

Sorune-AKA, one of those not so impressed by speed-was doing as Kelne told him. He trusted the man's judgement in a fight, and being one of the veterans on the field could help...

"Everyone, here! We have to flank it!" was all he yelled before summoning up a mound of earth under his feet, rising him up a few inches while he tried to gather the four that were closest to him-possibly not even that, if Jade was too large.

(Travelling Mound, using part of it to simply get everyone nearby, and then moving to the Terrasque's left side. I've no idea how many hexes this is.)

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Postby Spleen » Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:09 pm

Seryntas watched as the Tarrasque, in a matter of seconds, went from a shape on the horizon to something so big and close that he could lick it if he wanted to, although he had a feeling it wouldn't approve.

All the voices shut up.

Except one, the head in the back.

It's time. Welcome to our death.

Welcome to
my death, the voice corrected itself, because suddenly the voice was in full control, consuming the others as it did when a bad day became a good day. Then it was just Seryntas. Seryntas and the friends, but once again he knew the friends weren't real, just a hallucination. He knew there was a word for it, a word for what happened when he could hear objects - his armor, in this case - talk to him, but he didn't care only because that shit bored him. There was nothing Seryntas needed with fancy words. Ironic that a bad day would become a good day on the last day of my life, huh? he mused before rolling his shoulders and squaring up against the monster, his war cry preparing to burst out of him.

The others are afraid, he noticed. Fuck. This is already looking shitty.

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Postby Archmage » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:52 pm

The ground swelled up beneath Sorune, Jade, and Solis, creating a huge mound of moving earth that swiftly propelled the group over into a flanking position. The experience, for Solis and Jade, was much like riding a wave while riding a wakeboard. In the event that neither of them had ever done the "surfing thing," there is simply no suitable comparison to being shot across the ground by a moving wall of dirt.

(Map's updated. That costs Sorune 10 MP, 'cause I say so. Update your stats on the wiki. Now it is Daenj'r's turn!)

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Postby Kelne » Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:29 pm

It was the sheer speed of the thing that was so frightening. If it had anything like the reflexes to match that kind of straight line speed, they were screwed.

Pull yourself together. You've faced worse than this and you're still here. Which is more than can be said for the rest of them.

Fleetingly, the idea of retreating crossed his mind. A sign of just how rattled he was. He throttled it down. If he was going to die today, then so be it. One thing was for sure, all possibility of a managed engagement had just gone out the window. Maybe if they'd set things up ahead of time, rather than waiting until the thing trundled into view...

Time for new orders, "Tai, see if you can get onto its back and sever the spine. Sorune, I want it distracted. I don't care how you do it." No time to direct everybody. And in any case, he didn't have as good a sense of some of their capabilities. Hopefully they'd exercise a modicum of common sense.

For his part, Kelne was making for the rear leg, with the plan of hamstringing the monstrosity. Kilisha was along for the ride at the moment. She could stay or jump as she saw fit.

(Assuming the held action can be used, a couple of heavy attacks on the back of the rear leg.)

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Postby Archmage » Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:41 pm

Kelne, having prepared himself for this kind of situation, or at least having considered his next move somewhat in advance, quickly zipped his magic carpet, carrying Kilisha, over toward the right side of the tarrasque's body.

(I'll give him a move on the hold, but nothing more at this time. Map is updated. The yellow arrow indicates the tarrasque's facing direction. It's still Daenj'r's turn.)

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Postby Seethe » Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:55 pm

(OOC: Not taking any actions here. Just character developement.)

The blinding speed of the tarrasque was indeed frightening. For a very short moment, Kilisha thought of not just retreating, but of fleeing in full route. She didn't give the idea any real consideration, though. She had decided against being a coward when she had first learned of this monster's existence.

Of course, that decision had been made in ignorance of the tarrasque's full horror. When she had heard of the creature, she had thought of the Draggawocky of Belvoken. In her mind, the Draggawocky had become the visage of terror and destruction, but she had seen that creature destroyed by Astrynax. This monster, however, made the Draggawocky look lick a runt.

On that thought, Lisha began to wish that Astrynax was here. If Astrynax was here, this group might stand a chance. At least Seryntas was here. The knowledge that Seryntas was here at least drove away the feeling of being alone that often accompanies utter terror. But then, another part of the succubus wished that Seryntas wasn't here, that he was somewhere far away where he would be safe.

Suddenly, Kelne gave out new orders to some people and the carpet began moving. She hadn't been ordered off the carpet, so she stayed. The carpet suited her anyway, as it was fast and it seemed to be moving... somewhere that wasn't directly in front of the tarrasque. She stayed where she was and kept up her attempt at aiming, waiting for the right moment to release arrows. But she couldn't stop shaking.

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Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:23 pm

"Blessed Ashura, giver of life to all, protector of the people, hear my prayer. We stand in the hour of dire need. Our very existence is being threatened by a grave threat. We need you, dear Ashura. Guide our blades. Bless our magicks. Gird our forms. Give us victory, for the force in us demands no less. ... so let it be."

Daenj'r rose from one knee, and faced the giant, monstrous beast. "Thanks for the blessing, my lady. Time to get down to business."

Raising his hand in the air, he spoke new words to his goddess. "Lady of Life! Shine on these ones! Guard their forms and drape them with your majesty! WHITE SHIELD!" From his hand spread a thin sheet of whitish energy, swirls and ribbons flowing and ebbing on the surface. It blanketed the entire area, forming a low dome over the party's head. It then vanished from view, but the effects remained...

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Postby Archmage » Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:09 am

Daenj'r's spell swept across the battlefield, and as the dome of light vanished from sight, it became apparent that the entire group was considerably more ready to take on the world. Somehow, their defenses just felt considerably more stable, for what that sort of intuition was worth.

(You've all got +15 to AC and Magic AC. There's no duration listed for that spell, so I'm defaulting it to rank/2, and that's 6 rounds. Tai's turn. If he would please specify whether he's increasing AGI, COU, or STR with his pre-battle emotional consumption?

People, don't forget to update your MP and TP on the Wiki page.)

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Postby Taiar » Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:57 pm

The strength Taiar felt earlier in his battle preparations seemed to have left him as he stood in awe of the monstrosity as it obliterated the distance that used to be between the attacking army and itself. Nothing made the Mazoku feel normal like negative emotions though, and he put what the party made to good use by gorging himself a little bit more. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the Dragon's Bane in both gloves, filled with somewhat renewed vigor, and brought himself back into the realm of the attentive just in time to hear Kelne's new order.

"You got it. If my Glaive can't get through to that thing's spine, then I'll just keep digging until I hit it...!"

Although the Tarrasque was annoyingly close to him now, it was easily within the reach of his magical arms. He vanished in a teleporting 'poof' of smoke and aimed to land on the back of the beast, readying himself to plunge his polearm right behind its head. That's normally where a spine would be...Hopefully, that holds true for it as well. In the mean time, he'll just hold onto whatever he can for dear life.

(The Pre-Fight Comsume Emotion was used to raise his strength by one. The Consume Emotion in the current turn was used to do the same, putting his AT/PA back at the neutral 24/24. Taiar executes the Poof spell, a maximum of 100 feet, and goes for the Tarrasque's back...assuming it's big enough to stand on. Looks like it is.)

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Postby Spleen » Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:21 am

(The Tarrasque's back is big enough to hold a picnic on for a family of twenty-four.)

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Postby NamagomiMk0 » Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:31 pm

"You know, if I weren't already thinking the same damn thing, I'd be saying 'screw you, I'm leaving'," the chimeraform mercenary replied to Kelne. It was rather irritating that the man was taking a patronizing attitude, to Kamos, and if anything, he'd have said "screw this" for the most part.

However, there was a part in him that said that the potential rewards would be well worth the risks. Sure, this thing was said to be nigh-unstoppable, annihilating battalions of the Doman army almost effortlessly. This, however, was balanced by the potential rewards. If the thing actually managed to be stopped somehow, he himself could set the price. And if anyone objected? Well, there's reasons outside of himself for them not to refuse any rewards, that much was for sure.

He had picked an aerial position for a reason. He had heard that, though it was utterly gigantic, it was also stuck on the ground. In essence, being in the air would mean, if anything, that he'd be an unappealing target in comparison to the more grouped people, and were it not for the greater need for mobility in their cases, he would've opted to order everyone to scatter. However, need for mobility and flying outdoes that for scattering, it seems...

Holy FUCK that thing's fast! was the first thought through his mind when it charged. He seriously didn't expect it to be that fast--logic reclaimed the mercenary's mind, however, and he quickly assessed the situation; the beast was far too close for safety. His best option was obvious--as he unslung his rifle before sighting at the beast, all the while gaining distance up and back from it.

(Flying diagonally up and away from it, using Lock-ON. +7 to hit with next shot)

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Postby Archmage » Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:10 pm

Taiar's body swelled with strength as he took in the emotions of the battleground. The air was thick with fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and it was clear that the apprehension and terror was more sufficient to satisfy a hungry mazoku. As Tai breathed in the sweet fragrance of terror, realizing that some of it was his own, he felt himself growing stronger. With a quick bit of focus, he snapped through space, splitting off briefly from the material realm to take a shortcut through the discorporeal tunnels that bent physical space. This was the power of a mazoku, to be certain--it was within Taiar's capabilities to draw straight lines when the unfortunate lesser denizens of this plane had to settle for curves.

Meanwhile, Kamos, taking advantage of his three-dimensional mobility, backed himself away from his adversary, lining up a precise rifle shot as he swept back with his chimeric wings and hovered in the air. As large as the creature was, it was not terribly difficult for the mercenary to draw a bead on the tarrasque. Any second now, he would have the perfect shot...

(Bonuses are applied. Map is updated; I'm using the tool to draw a green box around any creatures or objects that are flying. Taiar is up on the creature's back in that hard-to-reach space where I'm sure the tarrasque develops awful itchy hide spots from time to time.

Incidentally, since so many of the party members have a good way to fly or "escape" via teleportation or other means, it should be noted that if the tarrasque gets through this line of defense you'll have limited "chase" space before I rule it has reached the city, at which point if you lack sufficient offensive power to bring it down things are going to become very messy...)

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Postby Nakibe » Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:47 pm

The creature was MASSIVE. And worse, it moved like an engine of destruction sent by the very gods themselves. How... how could we even hope to defeat this... this beast... were Solis' panicked thoughts. For a minute, Solis thought about running. He could save himself, at least, or try to. No one could blame him for running from this... But... but what about Dia? And Zea? And James? ...they would all be killed... It wasn't much of a choice. Run from this horrific beast and hope to live to see another sunrise. Or stay and fight it, with what was likely little chance of survival.

No. No, I can't run. Not from here, not now. This is my HOME now, as crazy as it is. These people are my friends. And I refuse, REFUSE to let some overgrown dinosaur THING run me out of MY home. Without thinking, without realizing what it meant or even CARING what it meant, Solis drew from his card pouch. The soft white glow that usually accompanied his magical workings replaced by a harsh golden aura, as if some distant star was somehow drawn to his hand.

"The workings of fate did design, a masterwork of truth entwined, which did call the presence thine, to destroy precious things of mine which I in truth hold dear." The incantation seemed as near to Solis' lips as if he'd always known it. And perhaps he always had. At this point it didn't matter, only one thing did. "But in my hands a different fate shall now unfold and thus await the unfoldings of destiny to protect what is mine! Magician, with your cosmic might may my hand thus incite a future which will right the wrongs that this one would cause! Wheel of Fortune turn around and show The Priestess' power found in this one HERE be truly bound, as hands of justice near!"

Incandescent light flows around Solis' form, and then shoots like a bolt towards the vicious monster, even now seeming as a small flame before the wrath of the titanic beast.

(Solis uses Hand of Fate tech, and then drops The Magician on himself, increasing his MAtk rolls by a whopping +18 for the next 5 rounds, finishing by using The Priestess Reversed on the Tarrasque. If its MDef check vs 52!! fails and nothing ELSE goes wrong, -18 to its MDef for the same amount of time. Jeridan, GOGOGO~!)

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Postby Archmage » Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:55 pm

Solis, glowing and throwing off a cascade of eldritch energy, erupted with a powerful spell...but the tarrasque seemed completely unfazed.

The minion at the rear position, Minion #47, raised his hand, shouting orders to the others in the group. "Ready...aim...fire!" A trio of large bolts launched from the emplacements nearly simultaneously, each headed straight for the tarrasque. One went wide, a slight misfire, but the others struck the creature's enormous figure, scratched up its scaly hide along their trajectory, and, losing momentum, fell to the ground. While the bolts seemed unable to penetrate and impale the creature's tough skin without a particularly lucky hit, it was evident that the ballistae were not going to be completely useless. As long as the minions' aim was true, a solid ballista bolt strike might just make a dent in the creature.

(The tarrasque resists Solis's spell, and the ballistae deal 19 damage. It's Jeridan's turn.)

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Postby Besyanteo » Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:38 pm

Well. This was not encouraging. Minions at the controls or not, ballista probably ought to be more effective than that. Still, despite the fear, and despite that it looked like nothing he could do here would be effective, he couldn't just run away. He moved, instead, behind the thing heading for the ankle of one of it's hind legs. He quickly slipped on his iron knuckles, and went to work.

(Jeridan moves two spaces down/left, five spaces straight down form there, and two spaces down/right from there. Then he'll use Final Pummel for 5 TP, earning a -4 to PA. Sending those 10 AT rolls to you via IM)

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Postby Archmage » Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:09 pm

Jeridan, being a brave, brave, brave man, leapt toward the tarrasque and focused his mind. This was the kind of thing a warrior like him should dream of, no? Gathering his courage, he lashed out at the tarrasque with both fists, repeatedly battering the monstrosity...

...and despite landing many solid blows, it seemed as though the creature was completely unbothered.

Oh dear.

(Jeridan pummels the hell out of the tarrasque, but his lowish per-strike damage isn't sufficient to break AC. Map is updated. It's Kelne's turn.)

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Postby Kelne » Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:10 pm

Well, he'd hoped for better with the ballistae. No matter. He hadn't expected them to stop the creature on their own anyway. The trick would be to immobilise it fast, so that they could fill it full of bolts at their leisure.

Kelne set about doing just that, directing his blows at the tendon of the rear leg in an effort to hamstring it. He kept the carpet mobile throughout, intending to be well out of the way of any vicious tail strike reprisals.

(Two heavy attacks)

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Postby Archmage » Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:04 pm

Kelne's carpet flew past the enormous beast, enabling him to make a deft fly-by-attack, just as he planned. His precise cuts, striking the tarrasque at the weakest points in its rear armoring, clearly had an impact; long, red streaks appeared in the creature's flesh, and it was evident that Kelne had inflicted some sort of significant wound on the monster.

(Kelne scores two critical hits, dealing 108 damage after AC. The tarrasque notably doesn't seem to be the type to bother with making parries. Combat map is updated. Since Kelne wasn't specific about where he was moving, I assumed a fly-by-attack and positioned him and his carpet somewhere in a roughly straight line from his current location.

Kilisha's up.)

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Postby Seethe » Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:44 pm

Kilisha was also fairly worried by the fact that the ballistae had apparently done little more than scratch the tarrasque's skin. If that was all those big pieces of heavy artillery could do, she wondered if her longbow could accomplish anything at all.

The only way to know, of course, would be to try it. She wasn't confident that her arrows would do any good against the monster's massive legs, but maybe if it hit something bony, it would have a chance of starting a few cracks in the bones. So, focusing her concentration as well as she could, she took aim at the creature's heel and fired two quick shots.

(OOC: Kilisha uses Multi-Shot and target's the tarrasque's heel.)

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Postby Archmage » Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:20 pm

(Uh, you're behind the tarrasque right now. No way you can hit the eye. Do you want to just shoot at it's ass end?)

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Postby Seethe » Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:43 pm

(OOC: I thought the carpet would be high enough-- never mind. Post edited.

Also, you've spelled Kilisha's name wrong on the map.

Edit: Slight tactic change. Edited again.)

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Postby Archmage » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:13 pm

Kilisha, having made sure her aim was true, released her nocked arrow and quickly fired off a second. Unfortunately for her, it seemed as though the tarrasque's armored hide was just too much back here. Perhaps there was a more vulnerable spot, or she had an ally that could help her weaken the creature's defenses...

(No damage. Seryntas is up.)

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Postby Spleen » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:39 pm

Seryntas felt a pressure building within him, a pressure he had felt many times before and embraced, making it a part of him and channeling it. It wasn't magic; magic is brought to bear by practiced minds and controlled will and can do anything. This was different. This was nothing so elegant.

This was rage, pure and simple.


Seryntas's mighty war cry left his lips in an almost awe-inspiring burst of testosterone. And, as it often did, it had the capacity to induce a rage in others. Not quite like it did Seryntas, but similarly.

Seryntas squared himself up to his foe and brought his heavy blade crashing down against its armored hide, everything else forgotten in the rush of battle, his fury boiling in his blood.

(Using War Cry/Battle Fury. Rolled a 3 on the 1d4, so three other characters (two besides Jeridan; Bes already called it) gain +1 Cou, +1 Sta, and +2/-2 AT/PA for a number of rounds equal to their new Sta (the AT/PA change, including the Cou adjustment, is really +3/-1); a spellcaster who takes advantage of this cannot cast any spells that do not directly deal damage. Seryntas himself gains +3 Cou and Sta with the +2/-2. Then Seryntas is using Devastating Blow to gain 1.5x damage on a single heavy attack.

As far as people who want the Battle Fury: If there's a disagreement about who should get it, the ones closest to Seryntas do. Post if you want it.)

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Postby Archmage » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:36 pm

It would seem that Seryntas's rage and dedication to slaying his enemies were definitely going to pay off. His mighty war cry erupted from his body, giving both him and his allies strength, and with a tremendous blow, he cleaved through the tarrasque's armored hide, creating a huge gash in the creature's flesh. As he stood before the beast, Seryntas found himself sprayed with a sudden shower of dark blood.

(Seryntas deals 209 damage [a massive 3x critical plus his tech]. Nice hit! Jade's turn.)

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Postby Lenore » Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:02 pm

Jade flies up a little higher, well out of reach, her form twining like white smoke in the air. Her purple eyes narrow as she surveyes the battlefeild. Things looked bad, though it looked like Seryntas had gotten in a good hit. Taiar was on the thing's back, good, good. Kamos looked like he was lining up a shot. She nodded to herself and flew down a little bit lower. The Dragon girl hissed, realizing hat spitting acid onto the creature might cause it to throw Taiar off it's back. 'Taiar! Watch out! Cover your mouth!' She yells to him mentally. She then flies before the creature and breats out something that looks awful into its face, then darts away as fast as she can.

((Jade spends 3 TP and uses he toxic Corrosion Breath))

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Postby Spleen » Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:13 pm

It probably says something about Seryntas's level of focus that he completely failed to notice the dragon and the acid, riding as he was on his current of rage.

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:41 am

Sorune was swearing slightly under his breath. Yes, they were doing damage to it...but was it enough? And they'd be sitting ducks for it as soon as it reacted...this wasn't a time for individual action, this was a time for teamwork!

"Solis! I'm going to try and draw it's attention, so give me a little help! Either use those cards of yours to help me, or try and weaken it! I'd prefer the latter! And after that...get away from me! I won't let it harm Doma, and if that means suicidally leading it in another direction..."

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Postby Archmage » Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:37 pm

Jade's corrosive dragon breath hung in the air around the tarrasque, clearly stinging and burning the creature. The beast's eyes watered, and it coughed mightily, gigantic lungs shaking and resonating with tremendous vibrations.

Covering his mouth, however, was not going to be enough for Taiar; caught in the area of the cloud, the mazoku felt a sharp sting as the harsh and noxious fumes reacted violently with his flesh, condensing into acidic drops from the toxic mist.

(Taiar and the tarrasque both take 24 points of damage this round. It's Sorune's turn. Sorry it took me so long to get around to GMing this round. I'm going to assume Jade ultimately moved back to where she started, so the map's still the same.)

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Postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:54 pm

(Sorune will be holding action until Solis acts. That is all.)

(EDIT:This means it's Daenj'r's turn.)

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Postby Archmage » Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:57 pm

The tarrasque was not terribly pleased.

All it wanted to do was eat. And occasionally rampage. And rampage while eating. Why were these little creatures insistent upon trying to stick him with pointy things? It was a barely effective strategy anyway. The little pinpricks from all sides were incredibly obnoxious, and then there was that odd choking sensation. The beast's eyes crossed somewhat and it reared up, roaring ferociously.

As it came back down, it introduced itself to Seryntas, teeth first, taking the mighty warrior whole into his mouth and crunching down. The force of the incredible blow, more than sufficient to break every bone in the warrior's body, armor or no, quickly ended the life of one proud defender of Doma.

Nearly simultaneously, the creature's tail thrashed down from the heavens, flattening the unfortunate garoujin caught behind the beast and driving him into the earth like a fencepost struck with a sledgehammer.

(Seryntas takes 352 damage, Jeridan takes 164. Jeridan actually survives the attack; he's at -14 and can survive to -16. Someone can heal him if they want to...speaking of which, it's Daenj'r's turn.)


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