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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:55 pm

Kumo nodded, beginning to dance a little while trying to move towards them, using one of his more simple tricks-and hoping that he's far enough away from his new companion that she won't get swarmed.

"Oi, shadows! How about a little light!"

A small show of fireworks would begin around Kumo's feet, making it look like his every step was setting off a flame again, spreading higher and further with each dancing step. Nothing like being a distraction...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:00 pm

The Shadows, en masse, swiftly turned their attention to the noisier and smaller scrap, and, predictably, came rushing towards him, claws readying to tear into his tender Moogle flesh.

Well, the claws would've, had Inana not been on them with a rather flashy combined elemental spell, which managed to wipe them out in one swift attack.

Which would've been fine... save for the fact that a second group now came swarming over the ruined shelves to meet them, ten in all.

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Unread postby Kelne » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:09 pm

Kelne simply nodded, passing over the coin, "Just will it to work when the time comes. That ought to take care of the disguise. There was a growling noise outside a few moments ago, so you might want to get ready for trouble."

So saying, Kelne headed over to open the door, sword in hand.

If he was at all bothered by 42 having woken up swinging a sword he didn't show it. Truth be told, it was the sort of thing he himself might do.


Indeed the energy was felt to be something unusual. Still, the Not-Boss had said that this was where they were supposed to dig, and it didn't seem to be harming them so far. On with the digging.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:15 pm

Taking a closer look, Greg looks for anything that might suggest what happened. Footprints, ripped cloth, broken weapon remnants, any clues at all.

If nothing's found, as Greg has the suspicion of, he floats into the inn. Though he'd like to respect privacy, he begins floating through the rooms, hoping that perhaps things ended well and she simply decided to rest for the night.

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Unread postby Endesu » Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:56 pm

42 grunted, taking the coin and eyeing it as he came to stand, weapon still readied.

Kelne thus went to open the door, likely full of anticipation of the upcoming battle with what may very well have been an Ikei...

... what he likely hadn't been expecting, however, was that what appeared to be nothing more than a dog was at the bottom of the steps, being played with by a small group of children.

42 came to join him in a matter of moments. "What's up, then?"


As the digging would continue, more and more earth would be revealed... and signs of what appeared to be a gigantic glass lens of some sort, buried within the dirt, began to come about. The lens, from what could be seen of it, shined despite the heavy layer of dirt that had come to cover it.

"Don't break the lens, mind you. Leave it alone! Just clear off the rest of the dirt."

The digging would thus ensue with the minions clearing out the rest of the stuff that covered the lens. Once sufficient time for this task had passed, what finally came to be a gigantic pit of sorts; within that pit was a mysterious gigantic lens. And just beyond this still shining lens was a gigantic swirling portal of some port; purportedly the source of the energy.

Justin nodded from his stance nearby. "Good job. It looks like we've found the first one, all right." He was also vaguely tempted to comment on the crunchiness of cookies, but for the sake of his current position and so as not to reinforce any further suspicion, he kept that to himself.


Nothing was found; no trace of Jikuro or the two men lingered behind.

The ghostly fellow would also find that no one was currently utilizing the rooms; the situation had called for an emergency evacuation by way of the guards, in order to further and ultimately root out any Shadows that may have managed to roost within those rooms.

Thus he was still without knowledge concerning her whereabouts. Now what?

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:04 pm

Frowning some, Greg leaves the inn. Glancing down both ways down the street outside, he gives himself some height above the ground, and begins floating over Doma. He brings his path near various spots in the city they've both been, but generally he ambles, looking quite lost for what to do. For now, he hopes for the best; there's little else he can do but continue his search for now, as difficult as that is with neither voice nor ear.

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Unread postby Endesu » Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:14 pm

Greg's search would continue for some time, and each spot he swept by apparently turned up little to nothing - there was no further sign of Jikuro or the two men she had been with.

However, during the process of sweeping over that he was doing, he would see something quite unusual from his aerial perspective - near an edge of the city, emptied out perhaps due to the rush of Shadows, existed what appeared to be a gigantic rotating lens of some sort...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:54 pm

IM: ...Damn it, what happened?

Starting to feel increasingly frustrated (and increasingly helpless), Greg floats above the city for a spell, looking down and trying to think of something.

As he is, though, he still knows there's little he can do but collect information. Find out what he can until he can actually do something useful with that information. As such, however reluctantly, he begins floating off, getting a better look at this strange artifact. After all, however odd Doma is, this much strangeness all at once has to be interrelated.

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:31 am

The closer Greg came to the lens, the more he would feel of a bizarre energy emnating from it...

The lens itself appeared to be a golden-rimmed glass lens of a standard sort, only fairly large. Just beyond the glass of the lens, there appeared to be a swirling purple and black vortex of some sort.

Moments would pass before a closer examination of the lens would reveal what appeared to be a living and breathing rendition of Greg's own body, staring right back at him... through the reflection of the glass...

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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:42 pm

Kumo nodded a bit, looking between Inana, the two who needed saving, and the shadows...

"Get those two to safety, now! I' least hold off this group."

Kumo began to shuffle and slide again, a wind spell knocking several books and many sheets of fried paper in the direction of the shadows, hopefully blocking their vision for a few instants...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:15 pm

Starting back at the sight (and admittedly, a bit tempted to explore the ramifications of that further), for now he just watches it, looking around for some indication of the source of this lens. Keeping far enough back that this reflection couldn't somehow grab him through the lens should that be the concept of this enchantment, he examines it as well for any clues as to its nature. Had enough trouble with shadowy duplicates of himself already, too risky to assume this is anything else just yet. HE might be a ghost, but he's not stupid, after all.

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:02 pm

Inana hesited for a moment. However, that moment passed, and the woman swiftly dashed over to the old man and the girl, holding her hands out in a friendly gesture; perhaps her attempt at showing herself to be friendly and not out to tear their gizzards out. "Please come with me! We're here to escort you to safety!"

This process seemed to go on well enough for the two to be out of immediate danger; Kumo thus had the task of a horde of Shadows coming at him.

A few of the beings seemed annoyed by the cluster of books and papers attempting to deter them; most simply kept moving on towards the moogle, either ignoring the paper material or clawing their way through it.

He had, at most, gained a few extra moments; the ten shadows were just about on top of him...


Greg's further examination would reveal that this was indeed a physical match for him, though the outfit did not match his former, livign attire at all; this figure's clothing was far too dirty and stained, and his surrounding within (or beyond?) the lens appeared far foggier and smokier than the one that Greg was within now.

The reflection(?) made no attempts at reaching towards Greg or seizing him, regardless of his distance; it simply seemed to look on as Greg looked on it.

Any examination for a potential source of power or perhaps a complicated series of mirrors revealed no source; all that was present was the noted lens and the vortex beyond, with no further clues as to exact operation or purpose...

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:46 pm

"False alarm, apparently," Kelne said, resheathing his sword, "but since you're up, we may as well get on with it. I get the impression time may be against me."


"So now what, Not-Boss?" 32 asked, extricating himself from the pit.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:25 am

He gives a short, inquiring wave to the non-reflection, to test its response, but otherwise finds little he's willing to risk his presence in this world on in this lens.

Watching the being's reaction to his wave, he speaks up, not really expecting anything to come of it. "So, some sorta shabbier version o' me, eh? Weird sorta mirror, I s'pose."

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:41 pm

"Is that so? What's the problem, got a ticking timebomb in your pocket? A fast moving poison in your veins? A gas tank about to run low?" 42 sarcastically replied, as if not comprehending the full weight of Kelne's words. It was likely that he wasn't taking the former tyrant especially seriously. "... but, fine. Sooner we finish this tiresome task, the better."

That said, 42 began to move onward.

Kelne may or may not note that the children and the dog began to move downstairs at this point. One of the children, a somewhat small, blonde-haired girl in a brown robe of sorts, briefly glanced at Kelne and seemed to give him a knowing smile. Kelne's memory may or may not have been the best, but he may have been able to recall a child by the name of Cara with a similar appearance...?

Whatever the case, she had departed downward.

42, seemingly not noticing the brief look, had already departed downwards as well. Kelne wouldn't be standing around all day, now would he?


Justin regarded the lens for a moment, then seemed to stop at the very edge of the lens, tugging at it ever so slightly. This accomplished, he looked to the Minions and nodded... and then headed back to the ship.

"My order now is for everyone to take five. Just take a brief rest, you lot, and do not touch or harm that lens in any fashion. I'll be back in a moment."


The 'reflection' seemed to be somewhat taken aback by the movement. Moments later, he seemed to speak...

"So, some sorta ghostly version o' me, eh? Weird sorta mirror, I s'pose."

At this point, he was placing up a hand against his own side of the 'mirror', perhaps curious as to the exact mechanics of this device. "C'n there be a way t' open this thing up?"

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:07 pm

Starting at the response, Greg suddenly decides floating off out of sight of this duplicate of himself might be a good idea.

IM: Hmph. Whatever this is, I can look more into it once I know she's all right...not sure how I'd go about that, though...wasn't anywhere she might be likely to go, can't exactly check each building. Hell, I don't even know she's still in the city. Those shadow things might've taken her, or...something.

With a sigh, he looks back down to the lens below him, continuing to be lost in thought.

IM: Guess worrying's not going to do much, though. Sooner or later she'll turn up. She wasn't killed, at least...gotta just assume I'll stumble across her again.

Grimacing, he floats back down, just enough that they can see each other again.

"...Well...think we've both figured out this isn't a mirror. An' if I can hear you, I've gotta assume you can hear me too, eh?"

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Unread postby Endesu » Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:13 pm

"Yeh, maybe. Y'seem a lil' pale in complexion there, though. Sure looks like a mirror from this side... an' they're sellin' it as one, bu' hell, who really knows? So... y're a ghost, hauntin' this thing? Y'might be worth some money, then... possibly pawn y'off to some old fool..." The 'reflection' rubbed his hands together ever-so-slightly.

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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:38 pm

Kumo gave a gulp, trying to dance backwards as quickly as he could-praying he wouldn't fall down the stairs at the same time-and did what any sane person would do in his situation. Well, perhaps not -any- sane person. But some, sure. He tried to activate a water spell to push them back, possibly doing them harm-but he was more interested in getting them -away.- And there was that dark whispering at the back of his mind...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:14 am

Frowning, Greg takes a closer look over his doppelganger, edging off a bit.

"...Great. My double's a thief. Hmph. Well, sorry t' disappoint you, but this ain't any sort o' mirror, an' I'm not hauntin' it. It's a portal t' this world, an' I jus' happened t' spot it while I was floatin' by. An' I'm guessin' we're copies of each other or somethin' from the looks o' things. Not tha' I'm 'xactly proud o' tha' from th' way you seem t' be looking."

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:05 pm

Inana had apparently already taken off with the old man and the kid, leaving Kumo completely alone!

The moogle's water spell did something, all right: it got them wet, and it threw them back and away, back into the already ruined shelves and books that littered the library grounds.

This gave him a moment to move, but only one; and already another group of Shadows appeared to be spawning just beyond those he had knocked flat...


"Well, 'scuse me, Mister High 'n Mighty. You try 'n live 'n a place like 'Violent City', an' see if'n you can get by wi'out a li' stealin' here an' there. 'specially since th' only other ways 'a getting money are if y're involved wi' th' gangs, or th' higher classes, or th' fightin' 'renas. I don' wan' none o' that. An' you try livin wi' the soot i' the sky an' i' th' water o'er here, an' see if'n you ca' get by wi'out a lil' dirt on y'self. Bu' no matta'. It loo' li' a mirror from here, an' it's bein' sold as one. So if'n I wanna take it, an' sell it, that's my business, ain't it?"

That said, the other Greg seemed to place his hands on the sides of the opposite side of the 'mirror', and bring it up. Alarmingly enough, Gaera itself seemed to quake for a moment, as if brought on by this very action.

Needless to say, this brief quake brought on a moment of restlessness, but caused no major damage altogether.

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:33 pm

Standing around all day wasn't among Kelne's priorities, no. Still muttering to himself, he followed the others downwards. If Cara (If it was indeed her) wanted to talk to him, well and good. Otherwise, he was going to get breakfast.


The minions spent the time milling about, and tidying up the pit around the edges. There was a bit of discontented muttering. This wasn't the Pit to End All Pits at all.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:13 pm

Glancing around with worry as he can see the world shake beneath him, he passes another glare to the other Greg.

"All ri', jus'...put i' down. Go...find some fella t' con or somethin'."

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:26 am

Kelne would head downstairs to find that there were only a few folk about. 93 was there, and had apparently spent time preparing fruit salad. From where the fruit had come was an interesting query, but whether a clear answer would be forthcoming or not wasn't certain. No matter, as she noted Kelne as he approached and delivered unto him a bounty of fresh fruits, carefully prepared and arranged so as to deliver maximum freshness of fruit flavor.

"Good morning, Kelne. I take it you slept well? 42 hasn't made any significant complaints, I've noted."

42, who quite noticeably did not have fruit salad and was waiting over by the stairs downward, proceeded to scoff once again. "I have plenty of complaints to make about you, that's for certain. For one, you're in my dreams far too much. There's a certain thing that goes by the name of 'mental privacy', which I used to have until you showed up."

"Now, 42, you know that someone needs to keep an eye on your wellbeing..."

The two began to go back and forth once again. Cara was standing nearby, carefully observing the situation but not interfering in any way. She instead moved over to Kelne, taking a stance that allowed her to get a good view of his face. The other child, a boy of some sort, was still playing with the dog from before.

"Kelne? Good to see that you're still alive. Grandpa sent me to make sure that you hadn't left the mortal coil too early. Now, I'm hear to tell you two things, so listen carefully. First and foremost, the way out isn't quite as far away as you might think. I've gotten a good look at this Nerve Tower, and the way down isn't quite as far as you might think.

... however, circumstances may arise that may cause you to reconsider leaving right away. Please consider these circumstances before making any choices; any decisions you make from here can have a dire impact."

She paused, as if for dramatic impact, than indicated Kelne's fruit. "You're fortunate to be getting fruit that's survived the radiation exposure, as well. The way that the wave wrecked much of this world is truly saddening."


Time would pass slowly for the unfortunate Minions, who were left with only this unfortuntely undersized Pit Trap to End All Pit Traps.

Stephen groused slightly, and began to approach the giant lens, poking it here and there with his blade. "This is a waste of my time..."

This was until Justin made his way back out, and waved an arm out towards the Minions (and Anti-Minions). "All right, you lot, to arms... to shovels. Or nets. Whatever the case may be. This hole you've dug? It's good. But it won't be enough. I want you Minions to begin digging out from here and attempt to make a nice solid moat of sorts around the lens. Make it as a deep as possible."

He indicated the Anti-Minions specifically, now. "You lot. Take your nets and begin to clean the lens of any debris that may remain."

He turned to Stephen. "And you."

Stephen scoffed and simply stood back, watching the process.


The other Greg shook his head. "Nuh uh. I'm gon' sell i' t' some rich fool. Ge' m'sel' outta this hellhole. Y' c'n jus' come alon' f'r th' ride, 'less you wann' try 'an stop me."

He was apparently walking now, and Greg would find that there would come a mild tremor with each step. This was indeed unpleasant, but perhaps he could get to the other Greg somehow and stop this series of actions... or would he ride it out?

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Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:15 am

The fencer sat, and tried to think back.

"I remember, really, a vague sense of urgency in everything, you know, when I was a... ghost. It was pretty bad, you know, because I could sort of teleport anywhere I wanted- but I couldn't think of anyplace to go really.

Like, I would keep going back to the same places; and I couldn't even focus on what was there. It got worse as time went on, really."

He looked up. "Is that enough?"

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Unread postby Endesu » Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:01 pm

And to note, that this somehow took place in the same exact spot, on that same damned rooftop as before, without Greg being able to catch sight of them...

Jikuro paused, then turned away. She then turned back, with something of an annoyed look on her face, but she then paused and turned away once more. Subsequently, she mussed her hair with both hands and made an attempt to look as pleasant as possible to Mr. Broadsky.

"Uh... that's all very well and good, but do you remember how it is you came back to life afterwards...? How you were ressurected?" She attempted to keep her tone polite and subtle, but there was a creeping edge of annoyance and impatience lingering there.

This potentially peaceful scene was swiftly interrupted as, in the distance, a certain Moogle came bounding over the rooftops, heading for that exact spot. "Kyle! Kyle, are y'okay?!"

And though no one noticed, there was a second figure, closer to the ground and dressed in a hat and trenchcoat, who was moving rather swiftly towards that same building...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:47 am

IM: ...Hells, this can't be good.

Grimacing as he continues to watch the shaking of his world, he steels himself, brushing a tenative hand along the surface of the mirror/lens/portal in preparation.

IM: With my luck so far, this is a one-way, then again, I am a ghost. And I haven't exactly been that helpful this way anyway. This thing's got to be related, too much of a coincidence otherwise...hells.

He gives a look back to Doma, frowning and steeling himself, before speaking up again.

"Fine, not gonna pu' i' back, I'll jus' have t' come through an' make y' pu' i' back."

And he dives!

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Unread postby Capntastic » Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:24 pm

"Look, I don't remember very much at all, and what I do remember isn't particularly lucid. I'm trying to help but I've sort of worked really hard to forget it all."

He turned to the incoming Moogle and began to stand again.

"End! Is Fresca alright? And Marie?"

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Unread postby Endesu » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:39 am

Greg would go through an exceedingly disconcerting experience at this point.

The colors of the world seemed to melt around him, leaving an abstract afterimage of Doma in this wake of sorts as he apparently plunged through the lens/portal/whathaveyou. This journey seemed to end just as it began, with a sudden, terrifying rush of warmth surrounding him uncontrollably and almost unbearably.

The distant sound of a thudding smash could be heard, but he would barely be able to comprehend it as a foggy haze remained over his mind and over his eyes, possibly as a part of his travel experience... or... possibly due to what would seem to be a body of flesh and blood?

A quick glance, however hazy, would reveal that he was wearing the clothes of the 'other' Greg from moments ago... had he taken his body?

A further glance around would reveal the same lens as before... apparently dropped during the prior circumstances... and broken. Crap.

Even now, he could see someone standing over him, pointing at the broken object, and yelling a sequence of obscenities. This couldn't be good.


Jikuro sighed in irritiation, and began to say something else, but was interrupted by the Moogle's sudden landing on the roof next to them. Assassin noted the new arrival, but felt no need to do anything about it. The elven woman herself was clearly further irritated by this break in her attempt to gain knowledge, but was unable to break the scene up that had already begun.

"Yeah, we're fine! We had to deal with some Shadows, but no big deal... lotta guards showed up, anyhow, and helped us deal with 'em. We all split up to look for you, an' it looks like I found you first."

He regarded the elf and Assassin warily. "And what's up with these two? Did they want you for somethin'?"

... and as if to further complicate the situation, a new figure joined the gathering, appearing from nowhere but making a definite thud upon impact. It appeared to be little more than a tall figure in a hat and trenchcoat....

"Allow me a question, as well. Would you happen to be Kyle Broadsky and End Reshiki?"

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:53 am

IM: ...Ah hells.

Making a quick appraisal of his surroundings, looking for an exit, Greg backs off some from the lens.

" 'pologies for tha'' butterfingers today, I s'pose, heh. Bu' I'm sure we c'n come t' some sort o' arrangement 'bout i'?"

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Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:55 am

Why oh why does this always have to happen when End shows up? It's great hanging out with him, but I've gotta find a way to stop this from happening all the time...

The fencer brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Yes, I am Kylitos Broadsky, who are you?"

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Unread postby Kelne » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:34 am

Kelne simply began eating his breakfast. He confined himself to a raised eyebrow in Cara's direction. The ball was in her court. The worrying thought occurred to him that she too might be a duplicate. He had no idea when such a duplication might have occurred, but there had been too many random duplicates of people he knew lately...


A bored minion is a dangerous minion, in some ways. This boredom manifested itself in various minions peering into the lens to see if there was anything interesting inside or underneath, and others flicking it to see if it made any interesting noises.

Thankfully, overtly destructive behaviour didn't seem to be on the cards.

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Unread postby Endesu » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:52 am

A clearer glance about would reveal that he was in some sort of antique store, where a variety of somewhat curious-looking items were set up. He had no time to inspect these, however!

There was an exit (from which a woman of some sort appeared to be peering in), but the shopkeeper was blocking the way.

"Of course! Just pay up for the cost of that lens! About 3000 should cover it. Hopefully, you do have that kind of money... otherwise, why would you have been holding that item, hmmm?"


The Moogle looked even more warily at the suspicious figure, but answered all the same. "An' I'm End Reshiki, yeah. Whadda ya want?"

The figure in coat and hat appeared to pause for a moment. The moment passed, and it took action; it removed its hat, revealing a bloodstained jester's mask of some sort.

"I've been searching for some time for the two of you. Just to be certain... you two do have psychic abilities, do you not?" It was with this that the figure loosened up both its arms and began to ready its gloved yet blood-stained hands for apparent action. A curious visible energy of sorts began to build around its hands as it performed this action...


Cara looked Kelne over with a simple glance, apparently unsurprised by his silence despite her prior message, and turned back to the ongoing argument between 42 and 93.

"You needn't start worrying that everyone you see here will be a double of some sort or another, Kelne. To be sure, there were the doubles that attacked you and your friends on Gaera... and there was, at one point, a production facility of sorts. But the facility has since been destroyed, and output has been significantly halted. You'll see the odd Android here and there, but that's about it." Despite her small stature, Cara managed to speak with a very serious and comprehending tone concerning the overall situation.

She paused for a moment, as if to consider things, before continuing. "Speaking of which, has Justin tried to make contact with you as of yet?"


A visual inspection of the lens would reveal a swirling purple and black vortex of apparent doom just below; the apparent source of the energy that had been filtering out. Any contact with the lens would actually output no noise at all; the hardest strike with a shovel or the lighest flick with a finger produced the same lack of noise.

Justin tapped his foot impatiently before sending out his order again. "On the double, you lot! Dig around the lens, make a big moat! I wasn't lying when I promised a pit trap - we're working towards it! Get to it, now!"

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:27 am

"Ah...o' course...o' course..."

He begins patting himself down, ostensibly looking for funds while in truth he makes a quick inventory appraisal. Meanwhile, he passes an occasional glance to that woman, looking for any signs of recognition in her eyes; an accomplice, maybe?

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Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:46 am

Kyle drew his rapier, holding it in a ready to strike stance.

"I do not; but I advise you to stop what you're doing until you've explained yourself."

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Unread postby Endesu » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:49 pm

Greg would find the following items on his person:

1x switchblade, with an unusual gauge of sorts set on the side
1x assortment of paper money - while there was a fair amount, there certainly did not appear to be anything close to '3000'
2x hard bread rolls, wrapped in some sort of mysterious smooth yet transparent material
2x bottles of water, one looking unusually tainted
1x large sack, which appeared to expand exponentially once exposed to the air

The salesman impatiently waited, holding a hand out. "Well?!"

The woman, who appeared to be mostly dressed in a 'mysterious' cloak of some sort, seemed to be glaring at him, even as she made her way in and tapped the merchant on the back. He turned to her and almost immediately seemed to calm. A brief chat and a concealed exchange of unseen items between the two seemed to seal the deal, as the salesman turned back to Greg with a dismissive wave. "You're lucky that Small's here to save your hide. Get out of my sight, and take the broken item with you!"

And indeed, the shattered lens lay at Greg's feet. Did he wish to take it along?

Whatever he chose to do, the salesman was making his way back to his counter. The woman by the name of 'Small' stood nearby, still glaring at him. "What's the deal, Greg? You should've been able to swipe that, no problems! To think that we'd have to make a deal with this two-bit just to keep the assassination squads off our heads!"


"I am, but I don't see what that hasta do with anything." End added on, now taking a battle stance.

The figure paused, adjusting his mask with hands that still appeared to be emnating a bizarre energy. "Very well. Let's make this simple. I am here to kill you. The rest of you I could care less about, lest you have abilities along the lines I described." As he spoke, he pointed directly towards the Moogle.

"... kill me? C'mon, guy, I've had enough people try t'kill me. It's not as if it'd be anything new..."

"If that's the case... then you'd have no problem with making your life forfeit... would you?"

With that, the figure, ignoring the warning of Mr. Broadsky and the stances of both Kylitos and End, lunged at the Moogle and made a violent swipe with one of his hands. Though he did not manage to actually seize the Moogloid, he did manage to seize... and break through a chunk of the armor End was dressed in. And interestingly enough, this violent shattering of part of the armor seemed to cause the Moogle to stumble and fall back, in some sort of shock.

The figure made yet another advancing step towards the Moogle, with both hands readied...

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:46 pm

Picking up the lens, Greg looks it over, quite unhappy with this turn of events and trying to tell if shattering has ruined this potential path back home completely.

"Yeah, guess 'm a bi' off t'd...did you say assassination squads?"

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:53 pm

The shattering of the lens has apparently, at least temporarily, prevented his return; there is no image of Gaera on the other side amidst the pieces. Bummer.

"... uh, yes? We've been dealing with them all our lives. Why are you acting like this is something new? Did you suffer some brain damage this morning, or what?"

In a huff, she turned and moved to lead. "Well, c'mon. We need to get back to our hideaway. There are things to discuss."

As she did so, the shopkeeper fixed a glare on Greg, and kept it until he made to leave. He hadn't been in this world long, and he'd already made an enemy...


Kyle did not side idly by and watch for the figure to further harm his Mooglish friend. The fencer instead dashed forth and brought his hilt to bear, down upon the mysterious enemy.

The figure grunted and fell back, the energy that had built around him earlier fizzling and dissipating. He turned in a whisk of movement, shaking off the pain that had been dealt. "Do you want to die, too? If you have no psychic abilities, I have no qualm with you."

Kyle stood calmly by, rapier still readied. "I'd rather not; it's not much fun. But if you're going to threaten my friend here, I'll have to incapacitate you."

(More to come later~)

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:08 pm

Nodding to the irritated shopkeeper as the two of them leave, Greg cradles the lens under one arm, taking a look around this world as they head out the doorway. A bit taken aback by the entire situation, his accent begins to slip as he tries to take everything in. He pays special attention to Small, trying to tell if she's a recognizable double of anyone from Gaera herself.

"...All, our hideaway. All ri', yeah."

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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:01 pm

Kumo did what seemed to be the only smart thing -left- to do. He ran! Hopefully the guards downstairs would be able to help him fight these shadows...if they were still there. He didn't much fancy his chances alone...

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Unread postby Endesu » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:00 am

(The continued bit of plot with Kylitos, Endo, Jikuro, Assassin, and the presumably dangerous man in a coat and hat will be posted up - eventually. Since Kelne isn't posting, his story will be placed on hold and/or ultimately phased out of happening/took place in a dream/related contrived reasoning. Instead we march on with Greg and Kumo~)

Greg would immediately notice one thing about the world around him as he emerged from the shop.

There was a smell. This smell was fairly strong and somewhat unpleasant, and appeared to be that of a heavy layer of some form of soot. This smell appeared to emnate from his surroundings as a whole... and, indeed, the surroundings structures seemed to be covered in a thick layer of the stuff. This gave the city, from what he could see, a very depressing and somewhat contaminated feel.

The structures themselves were, generally, no better; assorted stone and metal buildings that had been either heavily worn by time or sources unknown, and had begun to show visible signs of damage and corrosion. In some sense, he recognized the language printed on several of the signs despite somehow not knowing firsthand...

The skies above were no better: a wide swath of grays and blacks, bleakly choked out by a swirling storm of clouds; one that no less appeared to eternally consume and excrete itself. Bigger clouds were swallowed by smaller clouds, who would in turn bloat up and produce smaller clouds which in turn would devour the bigger.

Small herself was retaining the cloak; perhaps she had reason to hide her face around these parts? Even with the cloak, however, Greg would get the feeling that this was not a recognizable match of anyone from his own world; he could always ask, though the conversation that could follow likely wouldn't go well.

"You sure you're all right, Greg? You've been a good, solid member of our band for years now, and the behavior you're showing me isn't at all like you. You are you, aren't you?" And though she appeared to be speaking to him as directly and closely as one could, she remained turned away from him, still buried in her cloak.

It was as they were moving on that they would begin to hear a commotion echoing from a short distance away...

"What are you going to do to me, you bastards?!" came a woman's voice, brimming with an overflowing amount of self-confidence.

"Heh heh heh. I'm sorry, but you're gonna die." came the response, a low male voice.

Another woman's voice interjected, just after; "Miss Carroll! I'll take care of this situation! Please run away!"

The male voice returned, stronger than before. "Even though you're a woman, I won't go easy on you! Get away!"

There followed what appeared to be a swift scream, then nothing more.

Small seemed to perk up ever so slightly, turning in the direction of the noise. "Hmmm. Interesting. Shall we check it out?"


Kumo would return downstairs to find that the guardsman and the mage had apparently dispatched all of their foes, though they retained a few wounds here and there. There was no sign of Inana, or the people who had been in the upper floor just now.

The guardsman turned. "Well, then! I take it everything is under control above? We thank you for your assistance!" Apparently, he had no idea of the potentially swift death that might be approaching...


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