Dark Star Prophecy

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Postby Seethe » Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:37 pm

(OOC: By the way, I'll go ahead and give everyone 75 XP for the round of stories.

Now, this'll be the first time I've run a Philsys battle, so let's hope I don't accidentally kill us all... Maybe End can save us when he gets back.)

* * Below Decks * *

Sword drawn, Brinala followed Gnashrak below the decks. A number of sailors came in behind them, but they all wound up turning down different paths from what the elf and the nekojin followed. The sound of fighting could be heard throughout the ship, though it sounded as if the battle was occuring in pockets scattered about.

As the two turned one corner, they came upon a pair of what must have been the Sahagin. The creatures were basically "fish people," roughly humanoid in shape, but covered in scales and possessing large dorsal fins as well as smaller fins at the wrists, elbows, and the ends of their tails.

Thinking that she recognized the creatures, Brinala wondered for a moment if they weren't actually members of a race she had previously known as the "Sushijin." However, there was no time to ponder this as the creatures advanced with crude spears ready.

Battle 1

Order of Initiative
Sahagin Fighter A
Sahagin Fighter B

Gnashrak's Turn

* * Cardinal's Bunk * *

Meanwhile, the hall outside Cardinal's bunker had been rather noisy as a number of sailors rushed through it before, but it was now quite empty. However, behind a door further down the hall could be heard the sound of a rather large skirmish.

Before Card could do anything to investigate the sound, though, another door nearby flew open. Through it emerged a lone fish person that had apparently gotten seperated from its allies. This one also carried a small spear, but was covered in a number of strange markings as well.

Despite being alone, the creature hissed as soon as it saw the human and leveled its weapon at him.

Battle 2

Order of Initiative
Sahagin Mage

Sahagin Mage's Turn

Acting immediately, the Sahagin held its free hand up, palm open towards Cardinal. As the creature whispered an incantation in a quiet hissing voice, the palm began to glow with gathering energy. Then that energy blasted forth, streaking at the former priest.

(Fire Blast: Attack 15+5 Defense 19+7, failure
Cardinal's HP: 74/74)

However, lacking the power to get past Cardinal's magical resistance, the fireball dissipated before actually reaching its target.

Cardinal's Turn

(OOC: This took so many edits to get right. If anyone read this post before the current edit, they need to make sure they read it one more before proceeding.)

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Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:38 pm

Cardinal freaked out initially, putting his hand over his face as the fiery blast streaked towards him. When its energy crashed against the shores of his aura, he looked back at the fishman, disappointed, and scolded it.

"That was IT? You have the DROP on me, and all you can do is SUCK?" he exclaimed, putting his hand behind his back, presumably to scratch it. "Please... PLEASE. Don't waste my time. I've got a date with the current realm's god of death, and... well...

"You're just a speedbump."

Pulling his hand from behind his back, it revealed a blueish-white ball of energy, swirling and flaring like the surface of the sun. "Now, if you want to throw FIREBALLS... try it like this next time." And with a smooth, yet reckless motion, he hurled it at the aquatic beast...


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Postby Kelne » Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:29 pm

Gnashrak didn't waste time trying to work out what the fish-things were. They were enemies, and that was that.

With a roar of "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Gnashrak charged, swinging his axe at the closer of his opponents.

(Battle cry, coupled with a medium attack.)

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Postby Seethe » Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:10 pm

* * Below Decks * *


(Battle Cry: Attack 12 Defense 19, Failure)
(Medium Attack: Attack 27 Defense 33, Failure)

The Sahagin warrior, a creature of such ferocity that the battle cry really had no chance of working, immediately responded to the elf's attack by parrying with its spear. As if amused by the total failure of its enemy's opening move, the creature let out what sounded like a combination of a hiss and a laugh.

Sahagin Fighter A's Turn

Following up on its initial luck, the creature again set its spear towards its attacker. Though the weapon was crudely made, its head was long and cruelly serrated, promising painful injury to whoever's flesh it should pierce. Without hesitation, the weapon thrust forth toward Gnashrak...

(Heavy Attack: Attack 33 Defense 28, Success
Damage 37
Gnashrak's HP: 39/76)

... And went straight into the elf's midsection. Fortunately, a last-second twist by Gnashrak kept the damage away from any vital areas, but the spearhead still slid along the elf's side, leaving a nasty cut in its wake.

Sahagin Fighter B's Turn

With its own spear ready, the next Sahagin moved forward. As its comrade had already engaged Gnashrak, the creature moved towards Brinala, deciding that the less muscular mage looked like easier prey. Rushing her, the creature thrust its spear.

(Heavy Attack: Attack 20 Defense 15, Success
Damage 36
Brinala's HP: 24/60)

Brinala threw her shield in the way to defend, but the spear got past it to stab through her robe and partly into her stomach. She was not able to contain a cry of pain, but she did keep the presence of mind to fall back as the spear continued forward so that it would not work its way further in, though this did result in her falling to the floor.

Brinala's Turn

"Can't be... h-having this," Brinala groaned as she tried to keep her concentration.

She then sprang forward toward the Sahagin that Gnashrak had attacked.

(Aided Disarm: Attack 23 Defense 13, Success
Sahagin A disarmed)

Catching the Sahagin's spear between her sabre and shield, the Nekojin wrenched the creature's weapon out of its grip. Brinala then tossed the spear away.

Gnashrak's Turn

* * Outside Cardinal's Bunk * *


(Supernova: Attack 16 Defense 28 Failure)

The burning orb thrown by Cardinal hurtled toward the Sahagin mage, but it fizzled out before impact just as the creature's fireball had done. The fish creature reacted with a slightly amused grunt.

Sahagin Mage's Turn

Raising both of its arms now, the fish creature hissed a few more arcane words. A larger globe of fire than what it had previously thrown now gathered, soon to streak at its enemy...

(Firebomb: Attack 22 Defense 27, Failure)

Only to, once again, dissipate against the opposing aura. Now a bit confused, the Sahagin scratched its head. Was the art it had dedicated it's whole life to learning... totally useless or something?

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Postby Kelne » Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:21 am

People tend to forget that orcs have an honour system. In particular, ganging up on a single foe in an otherwise fair fight is considered cheating. As a result, Gnashrak also switched foes, attacking the other sahagin with considerable force.

(Heavy attack.)

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Postby KingOfDoma » Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:36 am

"Oh, for God's sake..." With a flick of his thumb, the leather strap holding the scabbard in it's place was loosed, and the force of gravity pulled it away at the same rate as Cardinal lifted his sword.

In an even motion, Cardinal drew the sword back, and took a step forward, using the momentum to maximize the power behind the swing...

And, if the sahagin was watching closely, he might notice Cardinal wink...

(Medium attack.)

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Eine Momente, bitte!

Postby Endesu » Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:29 am

End had, for much of the time that had passed, been thinking of a rejoinder to that 'drakeema' thing, given that he hadn't responded to it before. Perhaps, at some point, he could think of a stunningly witty response to throw right back at Brinala (perhaps concerning the name of the Drakeema) and it was so that his mind operated during those periods when he wasn't watching the workings of the ship or the sea swirl about the ship like... water around a boat.

It was eventually during one such midst of creative thought that the Moogle noted someone had called out that an attack was underway. Further discourse on this note caused End to shift into combat mode. The time for witty rejoinders was over!

"Um, eek! Sorry, guys!" With that, the Moogle swiftly shifted into his Dragon Knight form (given that the ship may not have been able to take the weight of Full Dragon) and charged below decks, ready and waiting to attack.

(Apologies; reading comprehension for the last post was lacking, to say the least! Although standing for two days and thinking about it is certainly possible for him...)

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Postby Seethe » Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:28 am

(OOC: End: This is happening on the third day of the voyage, which means End has been standing in the same spot for almost two days.

Also: I've had a post ready twice now, and it has been eaten both times by unfortunate events. I'll try again tomorrow. I feel like... seething for a while.)

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Postby Seethe » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:56 pm

(OOC: And here we go again. I'll just try to remember the last results instead of rerolling everything. Also, I think I'll be leaving most of the system calculations out of the text from now on.)

* * Below Decks * *


This time the blow from the battle axe connected, cleaving the unfortunate Sahagin's head in two. Killed instantly, the creature's body fell immediately to the floor.

(Heavy Attack: Damage 95
Sahagin Fighter B is dead)

Sahagin Fighter A's turn

Though it had lost its weapon and its ally had been slain, the remaining Sahagin did not flee, apparently either observing a code of honor of its own or simply being too feral to run from battle. As Brinala had switched in as its opponent, the creature came at her. Throwing its fist, the Sahagin landed a solid punch against the nekojin's already injured stomach.

With the breath knocked out of her, Brinala staggered backwards and fell down again.

(Heavy Attack: Damage 13
Brinala's HP: 11)

Brinala's Turn

Brinala had to fight the urge to curl up now, but she managed to gain her breath back through a considerable effort. Not yet ready to give up, Brinala looked up at the Sahagin, then raised her hand toward it.

A pale green aura appeared around her hand for a moment, then blasted toward the fish creature. Struck directly in the chest, the creature was knocked off its feet and completely enveloped for a moment. When the glow finally faded away, the creature lay unmoving with much of its scaley skin turned to ash.

(Shade Bolt: Damage 39
Sahagin Fighter A is dead)

Battle Over

(Brinala and Gnashrak gain 250 EXP)

With danger gone for the moment, Brinala pulled herself back to her feet and staggered over to lean against the wall. She took a dried herb from a pouch on her belt, crunched it up, and swallowed it.

(Healing Herb: Recovery 34
Brinala's HP: 45/60)

She then took another from her belt and held it out, offering it to Gnashrak.

“Good thing I brought a few of these,” Brinala said. “It’ll heal that cut on your side as fast as a potion.”

At the moment, a short ways down the hallway they had turned into, an especially noisy tumult could be heard coming from behind one of the doors.

* * Outside Cardinal's Bunk * *

The Sahagin mage was not watching closely enough to stop Cardinal's sword from cutting into its side. The creature staggered sideways a bit, then, with a hiss, pointed its spear at the human. A second later, though, it dropped the weapon and fell to the ground.

(Medium Attack: Damage 32
Sahagin Mage is dead)

Battle Over

(Cardinal gains 250 EXP)

Cardinal now had two options. First, he could proceed through the door the mage had come from. But on the other hand, the most action at the moment sounded as if it was happening inside a room further up the hall.

* * Below Decks 2 * *

As End came below decks, the sound of fighting could still be heard from every direction. One room up ahead, though, seemed particularly noisy. It was fairly close to the center of the ship, and apparently a fairly large fight had broken out there. Thus, it was probably the place to go.

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Postby KingOfDoma » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:24 am

"... well that was uneventful," Cardinal mused sadly as the fishman fell to the floor. Then, he noticed the commotion upstairs.

"Ah, but more events lay ahead!" With a smirk, he quickly attached his scabbard to his belt, and headed abovedecks to join the action...

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Postby Kelne » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:51 am

Gnashrak wasted no time in wolfing down his share of the herbs. He promptly made for the loudest sounds of fighting.

"Roit, let's get da rest of 'em," he said enthusiastically.

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Postby Endesu » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:12 am

Not one to ignore deliciouslly helpful cues, End proceeded to dramatically bust his way in, taking the time to theatrically strike a pose as he did so.

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Postby Seethe » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:23 pm

* * War Room * *
(Healing Herbs: Recovery 36
Gnashrak's HP: 75/76)

Through different doors, Cardinal, End, Gnashrak, and Brinala entered the same room at roughly the same time.

The room they found themselves in was a large and mostly bare room with walls adorned with maps and charts, normally used for planning of strategies and tactics before battle. In other words, this was the war room. Ironically, a war was being fought here at the very moment.

Several sailors were present, including the ships captain. Several more sahagin were present as well. Near the center of the room, a large hole had been busted in the floor, and additional sahagin were emerging from it.


Order of Initiative
1. Sailor C
2. Gnashrak
3. Sailor A
4. End
5. Captain
6. Cardinal
7. Brinala
8. Sahagin Fighter A
9. Sahagin Fighter E
10. Sailor B
11. Sahagin Fighter C
12. Sahagin Mage B
13. Sahagin Fighter D
14. Sailor E
15. Sailor D
16. Sahagin Fighter B
17. Sahagin Mage A

Sailor C’s Turn

Sailor C (whose real name wasn’t actually “Sailor C,” but who the God of Battle was going to call “Sailor C” for the sake of his own sanity) glanced around at the newcomers upon their arrival, glad to see reinforcements. Wasting not a second before returning his attention fully to the battle, the sailor advanced upon a nearby sahagin, measuring the creature’s movements as he approached. Then, striking quickly, he skewered the creature on one of the two short swords he carried.

(Precise Striking, Light Attack: Damage 30
Sahagin Fighter D’s HP: 0/30
Sahagin Fighter D is dead)

But just as the body of the sahagin hit the ground, another sahagin climbed out of the hole. Brandishing its spear, the creature immediately dashed into the fray.

(Sahagin Fighter F has arrived)

Sahagin Fighter F’s Turn

The new arrival wasted no time in getting started. Dashing toward the first sailor it saw, the fish creature leveled its spear, quickly calculating the best angle from which to stab. The attack landed, leaving a cut across the unsuspecting sailor’s back.

(Measured Stab, Medium Attack: Damage 25
Sailor A’s HP: 16/70)

Gnashrak’s Turn

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Postby Kelne » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:44 pm

Gnashrak wasted no time getting stuck in, heading for the greatest concentration of Sahajin and attacking the first one he ran into.

(medium attack)

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Postby Seethe » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:43 pm

The first sahagin Gnashrak reached had been stalking toward a nearby sailor and did not notice the elf's approach. The battleaxe swung around and hacked into the side of the creature's head. The thing fell over on its side and died without ever figuring out what had hit it.

(Medium Attack: Damage 73
Sahagin E's HP: 0/0
Sahagin E is dead)

(Sahagin Fighter G has arrived)

Sahagin Fighter G's Turn

The next sahagin to emerge from the hole saw as its comrade was struck down by the elf. Thinking to take revenge, the creature charged Gnashrak with its spear. However, Gnashrak was quick enough to parry and knock the spear aside with his axe. In fact, the force of the parry was so strong that the spear flew from the sahagin's hands.

(Heavy Attack: Critical Failure
Sahagin G is disarmed)

Sailor A's Turn

One sailor had suffered ill luck from the beginning of this skirmish. But, though covered in bruises and cuts, he continued to fight on. As it happened, it was this moment he chose to swing his sword in retaliation at the sahagin that had attacked him. Unfortunately, his ill luck continued and his attack was parried by the creature's spear.

(Medium Attack: Failure)

End's Turn

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Postby Endesu » Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:10 pm

End looked about and, with lance in hand, attempted to attack the Sahagin that was currently troubling Sailor A.

(Given that he had boosted a few attributes up due to his transformation, this attack would most likely carry some greater force with it - see End's PS sheet for more details.)

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Postby Seethe » Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:17 am

The lance came in at Sahagin Fighter F, who did not react quickly enough to stop it. The end of the lance pierced into the creature's side, and the creature fell down to die a moment later.

(Thrust: Damage 32
Sahagin Fighter F's HP: 0/30
Sahagin Fighter F is dead)

(Sahagin Fighter H has arrived)

Sahagin Fighter H's Turn

The next sahagin out of the hole set its sights on the sailor wielding two swords. Dashing in with a quick thrust of its spear, the sahagin scored a light stab against the sailor's leg.

(Light Attack: Damage 14
Sailor C's HP: 39/60)

Captain's Turn

The captain of the ship had already squared off against an opponent. He now moved to attack that opponent, swinging his longsword down at the creature. However the creature had been faring, it was not able to stop this attack, and the sword cut down through its shoulder and into its chest. The creature fell and joined those of its brethren who had already expired.

(Medium Attack: Damage 49
Sahagin Fighter A's HP: 0/30
Sahagin Fighter A is dead)

(Sahagin Mage C has arrived)

Sahagin Mage C's Turn

Another sahagin emerged from the crack in the floor, this one with the markings showing it to be a mage. Hissing a quick encantation, the creature sent a bolt of ice flying at Sailor C. The bolt reached its target and struck, exploding on the sailor's arm.

(Ice Burst: Damage 24
Sailor C's HP: 15/60)

Cardinal's Turn

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Postby KingOfDoma » Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:42 pm

Cardinal's hands and eyes brimmed with green energy, flaring like wildfire.

In his mind he thought, "I sincerely hope this doesn't damage the vessel... mmm... it shouldn't. Probably. Most likely.

"... hope this thing's insured."

Looking to the sky above his foes, he fired twin beams of green energy, which seemed to open a rift in space and time. Above them was shown the night sky, and within were highlighted seven stars, arranged in the form of a hunter (well, if you were crosseyed and intoxicated), crackling the same shade of green.

After about a half-second's pause to gaze upon the beauteous sight, the seven stars began to brighten, to frightening levels. Before the sahagin could properly react, all the stars fired pulsing beams at the ground, the thickness of treetrunks.

Cardinal saw none of this. He was wincing, hoping there'd still be a starboard side of the ship after this...

(Orion Strike. And scorchmarks are the worst thing that can happen. ... really. <.<)

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Postby Seethe » Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:36 am

The pulses of light fired down at the floor of the room, enveloping and incinerating all of the sahagin that stood there. When the lights were finally gone, all that remained of the creatures were the blackened marks on the floor.

(Orion Strike: Attack 36 Damage 74
Sahagin Fighter B's HP: 0/30
Sahagin Fighter B is dead
Sahagin Fighter C's HP: 0/30
Sahagin Fighter C is dead
Sahagin Fighter G's HP: 0/30
Sahagin Fighter G is dead
Sahagin Fighter H's HP: 0/30
Sahagin Fighter H is dead
Sahagin Mage A's HP: 0/25
Sahagin Mage A is dead
Sahagin Mage B's HP: 0/25
Sahagin Mage B is dead
Sahagin Mage C's HP: 0/25
Sahagin Mage C is dead
Cardinal's MP: 44/98)

(Sahagin Mage D has arrived)

Sahagin Mage D's Turn

Despite the decimation of the sahagin in the war room, the supply of new arrivals was not quite yet exhausted. Another pair of fishy hands reached out of the hole, bringin in yet another mage. Without spending even a second surveying the charred spots on the floor that had once been its allies, the creature conjured a powerful charge of electricity, which it blasted at the most injured-looking target it could find. The unfortunate sailor was jolted hard and knocked from his feet to land to land motionless on the floor, dead before he even had a chance to thank the dragon knight who had come to his aid moments before.

(Lightning Blast: Damage 33
Sailor A's HP: 0/70
Sailor A is dead)

(Sahagin Mage E has arrived)

Sahagin Mage E's turn

Within seconds, yet another sahagin leapt from the hole. This one decided that the captain of the ship should be its target, and so it conjured up a globe of fire and hurled it at the man. However, the captain was prepared, and as he raised his hand toward the fireball, the flame dispersed.

(Fire Burst: Failure)

Behind the two mages, several long green tendrils suddenly shot out of the hole and rooted themselves into the floor. From out of the shadows below the floor, these tentacles proceeded to lift a large grey central orb. The ends of the tentacles were attached to the bottom of this orb, and the top half opened to reveal a four-jawed mouth, each jaw with a pair of serpentine eyes on the outside and a row of jagged teeth and a forked tongue on the inside. The creature's eight eyes gazed around the room for a moment as it summed up its prey, while some yellow fluid dripped from its teeth.

(Burster has arrived)

Burster's Turn

Deciding that the dragon knight looked like the biggest meal available, the monster lurched toward End, making not a sound as it moved. Dodging past the End's lance with great agility for its size, the creature's jaws bit down. However, the creature recoiled immediately, having been zapped by the dragon knight's aura.

(Medium Attack: Damage 27
End's HP: 67/94
Burster's HP: 495/500)

Brinala's Turn

Brinala had thought the battle already won the moment Cardinal's attack was unleashed, but the feeling turned bad when a sailor was killed in the very next moment. Then, the arrival of the big monster within a few seconds nearly caused her to panic. She reminded herself, though, that it was only one creature, even if it did have slimy green tentacles.

Deciding that the creature needed to be taken out of the game quickly, Brinala focused her mind and made raised her hand toward the thing. The creature immediately dropped to the floor, its muscles spasming and its tendrils curling up around itself.

(Cramp: Success
Burster is paralyzed
Brinala's MP: 60/80)

Sailor B's Turn

A female sailor nearby saw the creature fall and decided that she should take the chance to strike. Raising her longsword high, she charged forth and brought the weapon down in a mighty overhead chop. Unfortunately, one of the creature's writhing tentacles managed to knock into the side of the sword at just the right moment to knock it off its course.

(Heavy Attack: Failure)

Sailor E's Turn

Near the edge of the room stood two sailors carrying staves instead of swords. One of these two magic users was gifted in the healing arts. Now ready to make his contribution, the mage held his staff towards one of his allies, who was then surrounded for a moment in a white glow.

(Cure 2: Recovery 39
Sailor C's HP: 60/60
Sailor E's MP: 77/95)

Sailor D's Turn

The other mage intended to make a more direct contribution to the battle. Raising his staff into the air to gather energy, he then brought it down towards the paralyzed monster. A large fireball quickly rushed toward the monster and created a bright explosion upon impact.

(Fire Blast: Damage 36
Burster's HP: 459/500
Sailor D's MP: 86/100)

Order of Initiative

1. Gnashrak
2. Cardinal
3. End
4. Sailor B
5. Brinala
6. Sahagin Mage D
7. Sailor E
8. Captain
9. Burster (Paralyzed)
10. Sailor D
11. Sailor C
12. Sahagin Mage E

Gnashrak's Turn

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Postby Kelne » Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:13 pm

Gnashrak's reaction was, all things considered, highly predictable. With a shout of "Roit, ya miserable zogga!" he charged at the Burster, dodging between the creature's tentacles to get a clear shot at the central orb.

(Heavy attack. Da Bigger Dey Are is in effect, assuming conditions are met.)

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Postby Seethe » Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:28 am

Gnashrak easily got past the tentacles and burried his axe into one of the Burster's jaws. The blow produced a wet squishing sound as the weapon cut through the slimy but tough flesh of the creature. The creature was left with a deep gash and one smashed eye, but remained completely and disturbingly silent, not making a single vocal noise in response.

(Heavy Attack: Damage 96
Burster's HP: 363/500
Gnashrak's TP: 33)

Cardinal's Turn

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Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:05 am

Cardinal was breathing a little heavily. Not that that spell had ended him in the least, it was just... this was a lot of mojo to be throwing around. And now, he had this giant ugly beast bearing down on the vessel.

He wanted to go the "put magical energy through its head" route, very, very badly, as it would probably result in the monster wanting to rip out his insides.

But, right now, he wasn't feeling THAT suicidal.

He gazed deep into the monster's mind, into the monster's very will. And, he installed in that will a very prominent thought.

"As soon as you feel up to it... eat your friends here."

(Control, the command being ... well, devour the remaining sahagin mages as soon as it can..)

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Postby Seethe » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:51 am

The monster began to notice a strange sensation taking hold in its mind. It felt as though someone were telling it to do something, but not exactly through words. It didn't puzzle long over this, though, as its mind suddenly came to a much more important realization: the fish creatures that had led it here were beginning to look like the best meals out of all the creatures it could see at the moment.

(Control: Success)

End's Turn

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Postby Endesu » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:36 pm

Smarting a bit from the Burster's bite, End had prepared to counter his attack, but finding that the beast was already being dealt with by the others, he turned, instead, to Sahagin Mage D.

Now, he simply did not like innocent folk being killed. He really did not like the fact that the guy that he had gone out of his way to save had just been taken down. Whatever these bizarre fish-like creatures were, they had already gone way too far, and his anger began to build.

Showing vivid signs of rage (but not so much so that he lost motional control), End swiftly charged towards Sahagin Mage D, and, bringing up his lance, attempted to thrust the weapon directly into the creature's chest.

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Postby Seethe » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:37 am

The sahagin turned to face End as he charged. Bringing its spear up in front of itself, the creature let out a threatening hiss. However, that hiss was cut short as End's lance struck past the creature's defense and pierced into its chest. The sahagin immediately fell to the ground unmoving.

(Thrust: Damage 32
Sahagin Mage's D HP: 0/25
Sahagin Mage D is dead)

Sailor B's Turn

The female sailor was ready to try her attack again, but this time more carefully. She watched the movements of the tentacles for a second as she lined her lined her sword up. Then she struck again with a moderate amount of force. The blade reached its target this time and stabbed a fair ways into the monster's central body.

(Medium Attack: Damage 54
Burster's HP: 309/500)

Brinala's Turn

Since the large monster was down for the moment, Brinala decided that she should turn her attention to the only remaining sahagin. Concentrating on connecting with the spirit world, she located one of the more vengeful denizens of that realm and beckoned to it. A second later, the ghost appeared as an blur of energy before the nekojin and rushed toward the enemy mage. However, as soon as it drew near its target, the spirit stopped its rush and turned back at Brinala. Brinala's heart skipped a beat, but she quickly banished the spirit, sending it back to where it had come from just as its ghostly hands reached out for her throat.

(Shade Bolt Sahagin Mage E: Failure
Brinala's MP: 56/80)

Sailor E's Turn

The healer, seeing Brinala's spell turn back at her, pointed his staff at her and chanted another healing spell. Before the healer realized that Brinala had succeeded in sending back whatever she had summoned, the light of the healing spell had already enveloped her.

Thinking the light an attack from the ghost, Brinala screamed. Then, as soon as she realized that her remaining injuries from the previous fight were healing, she composed herself, feeling a little embarrased.

(Cure 1: Recovery 13
Brinala's HP: 58/60
Sailor E's MP: 69/95)

Captain's Turn

The captain had started toward the sahagin that had killed his sailor, but End had gotten to that creature first. The captain gave a nod to the dragon knight, then rushed after the other sahagin mage. He swung his sword furiously at the creature, but the sahagin saw him coming and got its spear in the way in time to parry the strike.

(Heavy Attack Sahagin Mage E: Failure)

Burster's Turn

The Burster continued to writhe about on the floor, its muscles still cramped and useless. There was nothing it could do at the moment.


Sailor D's Turn

The mage noted that the sahagin that remained alive had become an object of interest, having been attacked unsuccessfully now by two combatants already. With a smirk, the mage strolled towards the creature, gathering another large fireball in his hands. As soon as he was satisfied that he had gathered enough energy, the mage hurled the fireball. The orb hurtled straight toward the creature's head and blasted its face open. Thrown backwards, the sahagin tumbled back into the hole, landing with a thump on the floor below.

(Fire Blast Sahagin: Damage 42
Sahagin Mage E's HP: 0/25
Sahagin Mage E is dead
Sailor D's MP: 61/100)

Sailor C's Turn

With the sahagin out of the picture, only the large monster writhing about on the floor remained to be dealt with. Moving in with his two swords ready, Sailor C navigated his way through the tentacles and set about hacking away at the Burster.

(Heavy Attack: Damage 40
Burster's HP: 269/500)

Order of Initiative
Sailor B
Sailor C
Sailor E
Sailor D

Sailor B's Turn

Continuing her attack, the female sailor measured the next angle from which to strike. The monster seemed to be regaining a bit of control over itself now, so she had to take more care not to let her attack be deflected again. As soon as she saw her chance, she moved in, stabbing the creature with surgical precision.

(Light Attack: Damage 39
Burster's HP: 230/500)

Gnashrak's Turn

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Postby Kelne » Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:20 am

Gnashrak, for his part, kept hacking away at the creature's central core. He was a bit disappointed that it wasn't fighting back. Not much chance for glory here. Still, he was enough of a realist to take advantage of the thing's weakness and kill it before it tore up the ship any worse than it already had.

(Heavy attack again.)

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Postby Seethe » Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:07 am

Gnashrak's continuing attack put even more gashes on the creature's body. It was severely injured by now, and the floor was going to be stained by the blood it was losing.

(Heavy Attack: Damage 85
Burster's HP: 145/500)

Sailor C's Turn

Sailor C continued his assault as well, stabbing and hacking at every opening he saw. However, he found himself in a sudden run of bad luck, as the monster's tentacles managed to deflect his blows. It looked like whatever the nekojin had done to it was beginning to wear off.

(Heavy Attack: Failure)

Sailor E's Turn

None of his allies seemed too dangerously injured at the moment. Thus, the healer decided that the moment was opportune to make use of his studies in the art of benediction. Waving his staff at the captain, the healer chanted his next incantation.

(Align: Captain's AT +4
Sailor E's MP: 59/95)

End's Turn

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Postby Endesu » Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:27 am

(Sorry, tests, papers, and all other sorts of difficult things interfered!)

Noting that the Sahagin had been dealt with, End turned towards the Burster. He was still attempting to silence some of the anger that remained boiling in his blood, but he found it terribly difficult.

As such, he fed a bit of his anger into his attack, once more, and charged with a thrust of the lance into the Burster, aiming more or less for the central mass.

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Postby Seethe » Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:26 am

End had to navigate his lance past a few tentacles that nearly knocked it off course, but the thrust struck the creature successfully, opening yet another wound.

(Thrust: Damage 29
Burster's HP: 116/500)

Captain's Turn

The captain, with his senses heightened by the healer's spell, moved to join the others hacking away at the Burster. Raising his sword high, he plunged it straight down into the mouth of the creature. The weapon cut its way through the creature's squishy innards and emerged from the central orb's bottom. However, though most creatures would have expired at that moment, this one continued to squirm.

(Heavy Attack: 58
Burster's HP: 58/100)

Sailor D's Turn

Readying another spell, the mage moved in on the only remaining enemy. The end of his staff was glowing by the time he arrived, and he pointed this straight at the creature. However, the fireball that emerged mananaged to move barely two feet towards its target before dissipating. The smirk on the mage's face vanished, replaced by a scowl.

(Fire Blast: Failure
Sailor D's MP: 47/100)

Brinala's Turn

Deciding that she had thrown out enough magic for now, Brinala drew her sabre from her side and charged in at the Burster. She took a stab at the creature and nearly reached its flesh, but a tentacle swept past at the last moment and knocked the weapon aside.

(Medium Attack: Failure)

Cardinal's Turn

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Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:43 pm

"... drat. He's got no one left to snack on. Oh well."

Cardinal raised his hand, and without remorse, formed a sun, dying, in his hands, and fired it at the ugly beast.

Almost sadly, Cardinal thought, "I really WAS hoping to see it try and eat its cohorts..."


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Postby Seethe » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:38 am

The small star burned its way into the creature, incinerating most of the central orb. The creature's many tentacles fell to the ground at once, but continued to writhe around for a few moments. Then, finally, they grew still.

(Supernova: Damage 98
Burster's HP: 0/500
Burster is dead
Cardinal's MP: 18/98)

Battle Over

(Party gains 375 EXP)

The captain looked around the room for a moment, making sure there was nothing hostile left. The sounds of battle nearby seemed to have died out as well.

"Well done, all of you," he announced. "That must have been their main force, since they had their Burster with them. Sounds like the rest are getting cleaned up too. Hopefully we haven't suffered too many casualties."

Just as the captain finished speaking, another sailer burst into the room, drawing the attention of all.

"Captain, thank the gods you're here," he said.

Then the sailors eyes fell on the fallen sailor, further darkening the look on his already distraught face.

"We're... taking on water," the sailor continued. "Looks like we have just enough time to make land, but we won't be able to reach the port."

"I see," the captain acknowledged. "Then we'll have to make for land immediately."

Taking the statement as an order, the sailors present immediately saluted and, except for the healer, filed out of the room. The healer knelt by the body of the dead sailor, made a gesture with his right hand, and began a chant that was more likely a prayer than a spell.

The captain turned next to regard the four passengers.

"I thank you four for your aid," he said. "It looks like we'll be needing more of it soon. For now, though, you'd best get your rest. We'll be in hostile territory when we land."

With that, he turned to where the fallen sailor lay, gave a solemn salute, then hurried out through the door.

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Postby KingOfDoma » Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:51 pm

"... well. That didn't have the outcome I was hoping for," Cardinal quipped as he dusted off his jacket, a bit covered in white dust marks.

"If anyone needs me, say it now. I'm going back belowdecks to rest up... better hustle... going, going... Ah, to hell with it. Later."

As he headed down the sodden steps to his room, Cardinal's face began to grimace. "Not even a challenge," he thought to himself. "Barely even worth my time. I should have slept. Would have been more productive... either they'd leave me be and I'd save my strength for someone WORTH my time...

"Or they'd skewer me before I could do a thing."

This thought made him pause outside his door for a moment.


And then he simply thought about getting back into bed, which he did as quickly as he could.

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Postby Kelne » Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:46 pm

Gnashrak took a rather less casual attitude to the ship gradually sinking than Cardinal did. He went up on deck, taking care to stay out of the sailors' way, but keeping an eye on proceedings.

Of moderate importance to him was the fact that he couldn't swim. So if the ship did go down before they reached shore, he was going to be in trouble.

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Postby Endesu » Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:04 am

End spent some time musing over the issue, before resolving his thoughts with a single point:

Since the ship wasn't going to be sinking any time soon, there was basically a guarantee of absolutely nothing occurring for the next few hours.

That firmly in mind, End also went back up top, taking a careful stake and keeping an eye on the surroundings. For the time being, he chose to stay in his Dragon Knight form. Perhaps he anticipated some further crisis just down the road?

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Postby Seethe » Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:08 am

Brinala spent the next few hours trying to find End, wanting to make sure he had made it through the battle and not realizing that the dragon-like creature was him. Once she had searched the entire ship thoroughly and failed to find the moogle, she began to worry.

Eventually the ship reached land and was run aground on a secluded beach at the bottom of a long and tall cliff. As the sailors began to leave the ship, Brinala returned to the top deck and climbed down the ladder to the beach, hoping that End and her other travelling companions would meet up there.

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Postby Endesu » Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:42 pm

He wasn't surprised to find that he had been correct, but he was just a wee bit disappointed.

No matter! He made his way off with the rest of the folk, searching briefly about for Brinala's location. It took only a moment to find her, and he headed over to her. "Hey! For my first trip on a boat, that was a little bit exciting. I mean, it sucked about the guy dying and the ship springing a leak and that expanse of nothing we just went through, but for the most part, it was something new and, well, interesting!"

He didn't seem to have a problem with his new form... although he apparently wasn't aware that the others knew nothing of his transformations.

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Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:11 am

Cardinal had not slept well. He had slept for a long time, to be sure, but it was fitful and full of nightmares, like it had been for the last few weeks. But at the moment, he wasn't going to let it bother him. There was work to be done.

Coming abovedecks, he examined those heading down the ladder to the shore, and spied their commissioner there.

"Brinala! Ahoy... or something! Where are we headed now?"

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Postby Kelne » Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:09 pm

Gnashrak decided to get off the ship and spend a bit of time on dry land. Let somebody who knew what they were doing fix the ship.

Thus, Gnashrak would be found gazing along the beach, pondering his next move.

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Postby Seethe » Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:55 pm

Brinala looked up at the dragon-person who was speaking to her, trying to keep the confusion from showing on her face. Thinking back, she didn't remember seeing him before the fight with the sea creatures started. But something about him did feel... familiar.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know a moogle named End, would you?" she asked. "I've been looking for him since that fight, but I haven't been able to find him anywhere."

Then she heard Cardinal and turned to regard him.

"I think the captain wanted our help with something," Brinala answered. "Might as well see what it is."

Just as Brinala spoke, she noticed the captain approaching.

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Postby Endesu » Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:58 pm

End was dumbfounded for a moment; just a moment, note. He then laughed the question off, waving a clawed hand as he did so. "Oh, sorry, I guess I didn't tell you guys that I can transform. I'm End. I just decided to change just so, you know, I could fight those guys a little better. They seemed kinda tough anyway. 'sokay?"

He also noted the captain approaching, and made ready to receive further instructions!


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