Chapter One: The Sons of Doma

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Chapter One: The Sons of Doma

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:07 pm

The Colonel cleared his throat. "There's many close parallels. Some are so very close to our world that you'd be hard pressed to find the difference. However, they're there. For example, one one world, you can buy DVDs of the original release of Star Wars, starring the great action hero Christopher Walken as Han Solo. In others, perhaps the normal shade of hair is blue. It's strange, but not too strange.
"However, the further along the quanta we go, the weirder and weirder things get. By Quanta 3, we have worlds like the United States of Lizardia, where dinosaurs became sentient, but follow our history almost exactly. There may be further strange worlds once we break the quantum barrier and visit Quantum 2 or 1 worlds."

A student raised his hands. "Sir, where does Gaera-2 come in?"

"I was just getting to that. Gaera-2 is a Quantum 2 world...just discovered. Nothing I tell you here leaves this room. My story begins with a simple order from a king..."


General Dycedarg was the commander of all Doman millitary, and thus an audience with him was almost as good as an audience with King Franklyn Domanda. However, today was different. He had a job, and only Guardsmen (and women) could do it.

"I've called you three here because you're among the best of the best. You've demonstrated ability to get in, get out, and do it with a minimum amount of fuss." He continued on, only stopping for breath. "We have a situation. A group of upstarts calling themselves the 'Sons of Doma' were planning on staging an attack on Doma itself, possibly destabilizing the country. We found out and dismantled the group, but its leader, Kindar Fireroot, escaped. He's a charismatic leader, and if we don't bring him to justice, he might just end up forming another rebellion." At this point, the General paused, perhaps to let the others speak.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:30 am

One of the figures did, indeed, speak up. "Oh? So he hides behind others, eh? Or is it that he does not deem us worthy to see his true power? In any case, the insult is too much!" His sturdy vestments, emblazoned in several places with the symbol of Numian, jostled noisily as he raised a gauntleted fist to the air. "Let him know the meaning of true, honorable combat, and that we, the true sons of Doma, are not so weak, lest he sully the name of our land with his conduct!"

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:09 pm

It was all Emil could do to keep from scoffing aloud--if that was a display of the best of the best, perhaps the talk of Doma's military superiority was more bluff and bluster than even he'd previously suspected.

He knew it. No matter how much time this took, it was going to be a long mission. Too long.

But what an aggravating line of thought that was. If he kept following that, he was going to snap at the armored man, and that'd be no good--they had to work together, after all, and who knew how long. The dark-haired man pushed himself off from the wall he'd been slouching against, and turned his attention fully to General Dycedarg.

"Has an artist been able to construct a likeness of this person for us? That'd be awfully convenient." Indispensably useful, at that, he noted to himself silently, to the point that it should have been given to us already. "Is there any background information on him--hometown, family relations, friends, other connections?

"Additionally, is it possible to get a copy of the report on the original attack? It'd be useful to see what tactics he used, and what worked against him--I'm surprised you don't have copies with you, in fact."

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:45 pm

The general smiled at Edwin quickly, pleased that someone else understood the severity of the situation. However, that was short lived, as there were more pressing matters, like further explanation. He would never know why that damn Cietian was chosen for this job.

"As I was about to say, we have an artist's rendition of Kindar. Anything other than his name and his plan are unknown. He's covered his tracks well. For all we know, he wasn't even born in Doma." Dycedarg crossed his arms. "We'll provide you with everything you need to know if and when you accept. Pay will be triple standard rate, and we want him alive and unharmed. Don't take a piece out of him because he wanted to harm your country." Dycedarg glared at Emil at that last word, though he didn't say what he was thinking.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:31 pm

Emil scowled darkly. "If punching him a good one makes the difference between catching him or not, expect him brought back with a broken nose." He paused, and hooked his hand through his belt. "If it makes the difference between a peaceful trek back or not, without a bitchy captive, expect the same.

"If those conditions are fine? I'm fine. I promise I won't even shoot him in the ass."

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:57 pm

"Very well, Emil." Dycedarg smirked. "Punching is fine." With that matter settled, the general turned to Edwin and Bart.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:35 pm

He nodded and returned to his former position, leaning against the wall. At the least, Dycedarg had some sense--that was a useful if rare trait in superiors.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:59 pm

The other man, for his part, just seemed to frown at the other two. So he was working with a hardened killer and a fanatic. Great. Just great. This wasn't the sort of action he was hoping for with a new assignment, but whatever. It wasn't for him to pick assignments.

"So, what do we know about his past organization anyway? Just a random bunch of rowdies, or was he actually capable of planning things on his own? More important, what'd his old bunch say about him? I just wanna get a handle on what we know about how he operates."

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:05 pm

"Well, from what we know, he's a very charismatic fellow. The people who joined him were very loyal, and extracting information from them proved quite difficult. His plan was to stage several riots, dividing our forces to protect the people. He relied on mass panic and general mayhem, and actually stood a good chance at accomplishing something. Since he's still out there, he may try this plan again, though in a different capacity. The only problem is that we don't know where he went, and if I was him, I'd get the hell out of Doma." the General nodded towards Bart.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:22 pm

"Hmm!" the priest said, more uttering it as a word than a grunt. "If he understands that his former tactic did not work, it stands that he might try for a different vulnerability. Keep us on our toes, as they say!

"But perhaps we may stifle his strike at the shoulder--if we believe him to be using panic as a shield, then we should sunder that arm, and educate the townspersons in such a way as to reassure their hearts and gird them against being so used again in the near future." He nodded, satisfied with this idea, not letting minor details like mixed metaphors bother him.

"However, that is not what we have been asked to do, of course! Pray, what do we know about his location? Did his former armsmen reveal to us any of his hideouts or somesuch? T'would be folly if we were to go out into the wilds and wander whimsically, hoping to find our mark, would it not?

"Of course, if this is a part of the knowledge we shall garner on terms of acceptance, then I gladly put my weapons to the cause!"

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:35 pm

Dycedarg blinked. It took a moment for him to understand the priest's speech, and translate it into a form suitable for consumption. "Well, we assume he had centers of operations all around. None of the captives would say anything, except one. He mentioned something near Kohligen, so I'd suggest you start there. We can provide a chartered zeppelin if you need it."

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:27 pm

Emil stared openly at Edwin. "Is that a native Doman dialect? It...'s unique."

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:54 pm

"Why, of course it is! I merely disallow myself to use the banal regional slang, and strive to use words that keep my meanings remembered in the hearts of men. Even in speech, everything I do I take very seriously, and work to my best capacity. I could not call myself a man if I were to do any less!"

The loudest clergyman this side of Doma turned back to Dycedarg. "While we all might benefit from a proper trek on foot, this matter has the taste of urgency to it, and so I would not disagree to usage of the zeppelin, should my cohorts withhold objection." His gaze shifted to Emil, and then to Bart.

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:06 pm

The general simply shrugged. "It's there, so use it if you will. I'd suggest checking out the area around Kohligen anyways. Maybe around Gunnir as well."

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:59 pm

Emil looked to be withholding something, alright. So eager to please his fellow guardsman's expectations, he almost missed what Dycedarg last said.

"Gunnir? Any particular reason? I mean, sure, any man leaving Doma would head for Nagra--no one in their right mind would voluntarily go to Ciet--but why Gunnir?"

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:32 pm

Dycedarg blinked. "Well, given that Gunnir is near Kohligen, there's a good chance any shady operations would try to place themselves between the two. Good access to the zeppelin ports at Gunnir and Kohligen, as well as nothing but farmsteads in between."

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Unread postby Nakibe » Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:15 pm

"Yeah," started Bart. "Sounds like a good place to lick your wounds while you're busy thinking up something new." With a shrug and a small grin, Bart continued "Must say, though. It ain't the smartest place to go, and that's gotta count for something."

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:24 pm

"Well, if it's going to be so easy, I expect you'll be back soon. Remember, keep a low profile. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to brief the King." With that and a dismissive wave of his hand, the general had left the room, leaving the three alone except for the guards.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:28 pm

"It seems introductions are in order, my fellows." He faced the other two, and extended a hand to neither in specific. "I am Edwin Grier, son of Melvin, and servant of the ways of our lord Numian. And yourselves?"

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:33 pm

"Emil," Emil responded. He kept his hand to himself. "Say, Edwin, if we're to keep a low profile, shouldn't you learn to speak normally? Or will you be playing a mute on our travels?" We wouldn't be so lucky...

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:07 pm

"Oh, you! Do not fret, I am ever mindful of what I say and to whom! We shall be fine," he declared, beaming a smile.

"And you, comrade! What shall we call you on this journey?" The other man found himself the subject of Edwin's uncannily joyful gaze.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:32 pm

"Name's Bartholomew, but ya can call me Bart." And with that he holds out a hand for the others to grasp. "Anytime you two are ready to get this on the road..."

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:36 am

"Bart it is, then!" The handshake that followed was equally vigorous as his speech.

Edwin paused for a moment, and approached a guard. "Good sir! Do you know when the zeppelin the good General mentioned is to launch?"

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:11 am

The guard took a second to translate Edwin's speech in his own mind. "It doesn't have a set time, sir. It launches on your command. We commissioned it especially for you and your group."

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:14 pm

Any thoughts Emil had of shaking hands with the only other apparently-sane member of the taskforce were instantly dispelled at witnessing Edwin's attempted crushing of Bartholomew's hand. He stared at the event with a look of slight horror, as if reading a report of a particularly shocking crime.

This was going to be a horrible, horrible trip. He knew it.

"If--" he shook his head, mentally bracing himself for oncoming horrors before continued on more briskly. "If we're going to go immediately, I have to stop to pick up my things. I tend not to carry my weapons and such around castle grounds."

He turned around to face the others. "I'll go get them and meet you up at the zeppelin. That'll be good?" It didn't sound much like Emil expected to be contradicted, or that he would care if he was.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:03 pm

"I agree! I, too, must prepare. Perhaps time for a meal before our flight would be in order, as well! Then, we shall meet again at the zeppelin docks." And with that, Edwin too strode off, not looking back.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:13 am

Emil gave Bart a sidelong glance that spoke volumes. Volumes of what, well, one couldn't be sure, but Edwin was probably in them, as well as various other sorts of unpleasantries.

"You have a feeling of impending doom, too?" He made the appropriate inflection, but he hadn't the look of someone asking a question. Emil knew that doom was everywhere.

With a perfunctory wave, Emil headed off himself, presumedly to gather his items as mentioned.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:50 am

"More than usual?" replied Bart. "Hell yes." It was easy for Bart to see that at least ONE of his companions for this job would be a pain in the ass, and there really wasn't anything he could be expected to do about it. After all, he still didn't know why Edwin had been chosen to go with this instead of anything else.

Whatever the hell it is, he'd damn well better be GOOD at it. was his thought. At least that'll make the aggravation worthwhile... I hope. And with that on his mind, he made haste to gather his already half-packed things for the trip.

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:40 am

Everyone's gear was in the approximate place they left it, and recovering it wasn't hard at all. Everyone arrived at the Zeppelin port in the center of the city at the appropriate time, except for Emil, who was diverted along the way when a renegade market cart full of fish chased him down a hill after having the wooden slats keeping it from moving broke. The cart finally gave up chase upon crashing into the local tavern, "The Headless Mackerel."

The zeppelin port was a marvel of modern technology. It was staffed full time by Zepp's finest engineers, and the flying machines contained within were constantly serviced to make sure that they were able to fly. Many people were taking trips, arriving and departing, and it wasn't hard to see the standard hellos and goodbyes of people. It was a busy place, and easy to blend into.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:49 pm

Emil's original plan had been to get his stuff and go immediately to the zeppelin port. He had, after all, already eaten--having shared a rather bland fish sandwich with some of his fellow guards at some nearby restaurant--and didn't need to stop to eat as Edwin had announced to all and sundry.

The...incident...with the market cart did not help his mood any, and in fact rattled his nerves just a little--he half expected his meal to revisit him in one form or another. It didn't, fortunately, but one could never know. To regain composure, Emil glowered and skulked the entire way to the zeppelin port, muttering a dire curse upon mackerel at least once, as well as a promise to himself to keep unholy creatures of the sea off his dinner plate.

Emil was just finishing up his low commentary when he found Bart and Edwin and completed his rendezvous.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:20 pm

Edwin, at this point, was to be found very near the docks themselves, gazing thoughtfully at the zeppelin. His garb was now of a much shorter variety, lacking the robelike appearance of before in favor of a more pragmatic armor. Not one but two polearms hung from his back, aligned parallel and next to eachother; one a quarterstaff with what one might presume to be Numiite scripture along its length, and the other appearing to be a glaive with one head on each end of the pole, similarly decorated.

At Emil's approach, he merely turned, and nodded, heading for the boarding platform silently but with that grin of his firmly in place.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:58 am

Thankfully, Barthlomew was fairly orderly with his stuff, keeping it mostly packed in his room. Damn. Not quite enough time to send her a letter he thought as he finished his packing. Most likely there would be a chance to send his love a letter during the mission. Hopefully she won't be TOO pissed this time... Letting out a big sigh, Bart started back towards the zeppelin port.

Adjusting the case for his longbow so that it'd be slightly more comfortable, he saw the others and waved, starting to get back into what he thought of as a "work mode". "Well, gentlemen?" he cheerfully started. "Ready for the business at hand?"

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:21 pm

Emil grumbled.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:28 pm

Pausing for a moment to think, Edwin nodded. "Yes. I am ready to put my skills to the service of my country!"

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:22 am

Convieniently, they had met in front of the zeppelin they would be taking. Crew were bustling about it, getting all the pre-flight checks out of the way. The zeppelin itself wasn't as big or as shiny as the newer models, but not as old as it could be. It was a a perfectly mediocre airship, and it blended into the crowd.

The crew kept glancing nervously at the armory that was Edwin. While weapons weren't strictly illegal at the zeppelin port, a man who was as heavily armed never was a good omen.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:10 pm

For about a moment, Bart looked at Edwin, not quite processing why... and then it hit him: Edwin had so damn many weapons it was like he was traveling with a hedgehog. This left Bart with a horrible conundrum... Should I say something? Should I not say something? .... naah. He looks like a blacksmith's best friend, and that'll probably help.

The crew would probably agree that Edwin's presence was... notable by the way they were staring, too. Although... Yeah, proooobably not gonna be as covert as I'd hope.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:57 pm

Striding up the gangplank, boisterously swinging his arms the whole way, and stepping onto the zeppelin dock, Edwin stopped, and inhaled deeply. "Do you smell that, my compatriots? That is the smell of impending victory! Let us partake of these vapors as we make our way across the land!"

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:19 pm

"Is that the smell of victory? Smells a lot like too many humans too close together while exposed to too much sun.

"Say, Edwin, you have a better place to stow your weapons? You're rather attractive to the folk around abouts here, but it wouldn't do so great to have the same attention at our destination."

Maybe, Emil pondered, the group could pretend to be a traveling performance group. Edwin's accent and even protestations would lend right into that sort of excuse.

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:30 pm

A young man, obviously the one that picked the short straw, slowly walked up to the group. He awkwardly saluted, then stammered, "W-where are we going, sirs?"

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:59 pm

"Oh?" Edwin, caught off guard by Emil's objection, visibly searched for the implications behind his words. Finally catching the intent, he raised a finger, exclaiming "Ah!" He reached for his dual-sided glaive, and loosed it from his back just as the poor, unfortunate crewman uttered his query. Regardless of the crewman's inclination to stay near the group at this point, Edwin stamped on the wood beneath his feet, and pointed with his free hand out over the bow.

"To Kohlingen!" he declared, in as best a heroic tone of voice as he could muster.


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