Shiny magical loot

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Shiny magical loot

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:30 am

Because I can.

Robe of Fashion

The ultimate fashion accessory of the rich, this simple robe can be altered at will to emulate any type and cut of material, and hence any garment the wearer can imagine. However, the resulting garment cannot provide AC, nor can it emulate accessories such as jewellry.
Base spell: Alter Self
Cost: 10,800 gp

Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses

Created as an answer to gaze attacks, these lenses darken in response to such attacks, preventing the instigator and the victim from making eye contact. Of course, as long as the gaze attack is maintained, the wearer cannot actually see, and counts as blinded. The glasses have also been known to activate in response to sufficiently malevolent glares.
Base spell: Darkness
Cost: 9,000 gp

Wand of Paint

A very handy item for artists who work on large scales (or rich vandals), this wand produces a steady stream of paint. The colour and intensity of the paint are controlled by a series of buttons along the side of the wand.
Base Spell: Control Water (?)
Cost: 9,000 gp <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

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Re: Shiny magical loot

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:42 am

Shiny Magical Lute

A small brass instrument with strings- it has a small crank, of course, to power the mechanisms inside that cause it to creak out a delightful little song from the creator's childhood. While to some uneducated or unawares folk this may seem magic in its own little way, there do exist enchanted versions that are able to reproduce the sounds of all stringed instruments; from the humble lapharp to the majestic sitar.

Base Spell: Clockwork Mechamisms; or, a refined sort of air enchantment; coupled perhaps with runes.

Price: As such rare novelty items tend to run, quite expensive. Even moreso with the truer magic types.

If you visit someone with one laying on a shelf, be sure to avoid it unless you want to sit through it repeatedly- the enjoyment fades as quick as the intstruments repertoire, but the thrill of showing off such a charming gadget lasts like molasses.

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