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From the Journal of a Young Moogle

Unread postPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:53 pm
by Dragon Sage007
These small communities, relatively unheard of, have recently been rediscovered by a small group of travellers from Doma, led by a local Healer and entertainer Moogle of twelve years named Kumo. Their efforts have helped them to find out a great deal from them, and Kumo has decided to assist in giving accurate documentation about them. Much of his information comes from his talks with their 'Chief' though he agrees that a better title for his position is 'Primary Diplomat.' The following is text from the journal Kumo kept while he was with them.

History and Culture
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp To understand a great deal about these Moogles, you have to understand their history...and their culture differences. Their earliest history is catalogued as legend, simply because it happened so long ago that it's difficult to find concrete evidence to support it. However, they still treat it as a fact that can be trusted. Their oldest legend is about how the several tribes of Moogles split apart-apparently, long before humans came about, there were a few great Moogle cities in the Shumans and further south. Some relics of that golden age can still be found today by the more enterprising mountaineer, and the Chief was kind enough to show some of those to me.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp However, somewhere along the lines of five thousand years ago-about twenty generations of Moogles-there was a great war between the city, over various things. Prices being too high, merchants gouging customers, the government of elders not stepping in to help the poor man, demand reaching over supply. Many think that these things were true, and that the richest Moogles were constantly selling cheap goods for exhorbitant prices. Others think that there was a great disaster beforehand, and that Moogles that were going through great pains to bring goods to the downtrodden were charging more because of the risk. Whatever the cause, the effect was the same. There was a great civil war, and many Moogles died. No one knows how long this war lasted, but many of their elder council agreed it was between fifty and one hundred years-however, they also couldn't tell how much of this was simply political unrest, and how much was actual bloody war. One member of the council claimed it had to be at least two hundred years, and had many sources to back this up, but many of his sources were also shaky.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And then a hero arose amongst the people. The visionary leader, Lomas Pelpo, rose to the challenge of ending the war. He didn't do it by leading one side to victory over the others-he did it by dividing the city into many parts, between twenty and thirty clans, and then using force to march many of the more warlike people further away from the city, while the peaceful-and the victims-stayed near to it. From there, they would form their own beliefs and customs, and Lomas Pelpo set up many laws in his city to ensure that such disaster never happened again. Unfortunately, he was found to be an unpopular ruler in any case, and the clan that he led deteriorated into civil turmoil once again. The survivors fled to the outlying clans, and populated them.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp While this particular clan had little knowledge of the others, being cut off for so long, the Stone clan is quite happy with their lot. They found their own little paradise in the Shumans, and decided to settle down there. It was well-defended, had plenty of natural game and plenty of room to grow what crops they needed, and had plenty of space for the group of the hundred-odd Moogles.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And from there, they've developed their own sort of government. As far as I could tell, it's an anarchy/council rule system. The council has a lot of weight, and they give suggestions to the rest of their clan...but that's all they are. Suggestions. Nothing they do can ever really be enforced, except if the rest of the Moogle clan do it themselves. While odd, it seems to work. The Chief claims that it's because everyone here knows one another, and would feel ashamed from someone. The last time they had an out-and-out criminal was before his time, and he was over two centuries old. He went on to say that they don't truly have a government as we would call it-that'd be like having a ruling council over your family get-together. Since everyone knows everyone else, things are taken care of personally.

[\i]More is to come from this boy's journal soon. <p>
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