Inustani Clans -- HAY PRIAM LOLZ

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Inustani Clans -- HAY PRIAM LOLZ

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:30 pm

All right, here's what I have so far on the clans of Inustan. Bear in mind that these clans do not all have equal weight--they are to eventually be separated into Greater and Lesser clans (though there will be words other than Greater and Lesser to label them). This is part of the reason I am posting this--I request feedback from you peoples, as to which four to eight of the following clans should be the Major clans.

Also, I do not have all the clans outlined sufficiently, but where I lack extrapolation, I will simply place a breed name. The clans for which I have developed a collective personality have a True Name, though I will also list the name of the breed from which I based them, for visualization's sake.

Let's begin!

Rusuelo (Jack Russel Terrier) -- Curious, intelligent, rather cloistered. Most of Inustan's research into the sciences comes from here, and all the Rusuelo academies, both magical and scientific, are open-air institutions. The Rusuelo are known for their love of life and their value on knowledge. Young Rusuelo tend to be writers or track-type atheletes; adult Rusuelo tend towards the sciences or other studious disciplines.

Bichon (Bichon Frise) -- Elegant, dignified. Generally they strive towards positions of fame and reknown. This, of course, means they usually have lofty and sometimes unrealistic goals, but this helps inspire hope in those around them. The Bichon are known as highly skilled courtiers.

Zul (blue tick coon hound) -- Aggressive in whatever they do, they are often merchants or politicians. Very persuasive, but they often obtain (sometimes rightly, sometimes not) reputations for being less than honest. Regardless, they are almost always very involved in their social groups, and tend to make a great number of personal connections and networks.

Aleman (German Shepherd) -- These staunch gente comprise the majority of Inustan's standing home defense. Loyal to a fault, they will do anything in the name of duty, and even more in the name of protecting their homeland.

Ovejas (sheepdog) -- Compassionate and warm, they are gentle despite their large size. They can, however, become very fierce if those they are close to are threatened. In work, they tend towards positions like counselors, or doctors.

Barnedi (Saint Bernard) -- Very spiritual people, they herald from the mountainous area near Fideleo's Tear. Due to the nature of that terrain, they have developed very thick fur, and are of a large build. The Barnedi are the most devout and powerful of priests within the Inustani, and they are also known for their skill at the culinary arts.

Shihua (Chihuahua) -- Very alert, members of this clan have extraordinarily keen eyesight. They are highly reactive, which can sometimes be (rightly) mistaken for nervousness. Despite their rather short stature, the Shihua make excellent scouts, and are also known to have several skilled archers within their ranks. Outside of the military, Shihua can usually find a living as appraisers or inspectors.

Chou (Chow) -- Detail-oriented in mentality, often to the point of 'nit-pickiness,' they are always looking for what is wrong with things. And they are usually loud about it. Members of this family often have difficulty finding employment due to their complaining nature, but when they are taken into a co-supervisory position, they are found to be astounding assets to productivity and work quality. A few are involved in legal proceedings, a few are critics, but they will almost always hold a position where they can say bad things about other people's work and get away with it. They work very well with a Shihua accomplice.

Oesti (Westmoreland Terrier) -- Dedicated, friendly, very casual and sociable. Of all the clans, this family has the least cohesiveness with regard to its members, but this is mainly on account of the amazing comfortability the Oesti have among others, regardless of current political machinations or rumors or even family name. They tend to work best as part of a team, and are a good addition to almost any group, of any sort.

Maltesas (Maltese) -- People-minded, these Inustani are always thinking of ways to better life and the nation. They tend to be very sensitive to political matters. Noble-born Maltesas are usually courtiers or lawmakers, and those of lesser status will take up similar positions--somewhere that they can 'make a difference.' They rarely seek the fame that comes with such positions, but that does not mean that they do not get this fame anyway.

Charpe (Sharpei) -- Wise, ponderous, and rather slow to act. Though they are generally cooperative with respect to national affairs, they are not necessarily the most loyal of the families; this can be attributed to their independence where staying informed is concerned--they have to 'see for themselves' before any judgment is made. This sort of deep thought often gives one the impression that a Charpe is 'off in his/her own little world,' which isn't entirely inaccurate. Whatever a Charpe dedicates him/herself to learn, he/she will often become a prominent master in the field. Elder Charpei are almost universally respected as sages.

Llorke (Yorkshire Terrier) -- Eccentric, experimental personalities are predominant within this clan, and more often than not one would notice a sort of 'mad scientist' motif with any given Llorke. Despite their moderate recklessness, the Llorke are constantly pushing technology and magical research to the limit, testing the boundaries until they snap, and explode in their faces (sometimes literally). Llorke tend to hold positions of independent research, but will often have a position within a group that allows them to tinker and mess with stuff.

Collie (Collie) -- Natural born leaders. Charismatic, devoted, caring, often strong. Since Inustani history has been recorded, there has always been a Collie on the throne, and legend from before history started has stated more of the same. Collies posess the uncanny knack to hold a group together and drive them towards a common purpose singlehandedly. Common work for Collie family members includes such positions as teachers, priests, or any other similar position of leadership.

Toreo (Pitbull) -- Passionate, aggressive, and generally uninterested in the affairs of the rest of Inustan. They frequently get into fights with one another, and as such, it is rare to find the Toreo who does not have a multitude of scars. They wear these scars with pride, though--the creed of the Toreo may as well be "Survival of the Fittest." Most gladiators are Toreo, and they are very good at it.

Masteo (Bull Mastiff) -- Very large, but, similarly to the Ovejas family, they are usually warm-hearted. Fate placed them geographically near the Toreo homeland, and this has granted them the strange role of keeping the Toreo in check, and protecting the rest of the clans from them (as well as vice versa). It was they who decided upon the erection of an official coliseum for the Toreo to hold recognized games of battle, and their massive strength and ferocity under fire has kept the Toreo from upsetting them. Together, the two clans live in a strange social symbiosis, somewhat separated geographically from the rest of the nation.

(Schnauzer) -- These Inustani have a love for the old ways of life, and a certain amount of disrespect for the chaotic new ways that the nation has been taking lately. Steadfast (some would say stubborn) in their ways, they much prefer the known and safe to the unknown and unpredictable. Frequently they accompany the Aleman on the border guard, protecting the homeland; but they also make skilled lawmakers and police.

Fudel (Poodle) -- A prideful people, they place a significant value on their appearance and performance, which usually means that you can trust any product of this family's work. Very often Fudel are atheletes--they are especially good at swimming, though running and hunting are also popular.

Shisha (japanese for "emissary") -- Originally formed by a group of Nekonians who happened to agree more with the Inustani way of life than the Nekonian way, they took up residence in Inustan and eventually gained respect. As a House, the Shisha act to collectively represent all non-native Inustani living in the country within the governing council, be they Nekonian, human, or otherwise (though the Shisha house is still predominantly Nekonian in heritage). Some clans will never like the Shisha, simply because of what they are. And some clans respect the Shisha more than other native Inustani houses, simply for the fact that Shisha weren't just given a vote in the council--they earned it through displays of loyalty.

Oro (Golden Retriever) -- This clan has, for the most part, stayed true to the practices that Inustan has relied on for centuries--farming. Despite the nature of Inustani farming (note: native Inustani are carnivores, hint hint), these people retain a strong appreciation for the sanctity of life, and do not let any part of any animal they breed go to waste. Similarly, they treat family members with great respect, but expect them to haul their fair share of the load, as it were. This sometimes leads to bad feelings towards the more flamboyant, showy clans, as they 'have never known real work,' but this does not get in the way of the strong sense of community that the Oro hold despite small complaints.

(Other breeds to possibly include:
Cocker Spaniel

Feedback, comments, please.

(edited to include Dia's suggestion) <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 9/28/04 9:48 pm

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:45 pm

I would place the following clans as the major clans: Rusuelo, Bichon, Zul, Maltesas, Charpe, Collie, Shisha. Due to political activity or some other special traits, they seem the most likely to grab public attention and thus be able to rise to preeminence.

Also, I'd like to see a clan based off Golden Retrievers (de Oro, Oro), as I have an inujin character based off Goldens. In society, they'd make good hunters or perhaps providers, while maintaining particularly strong family ties. <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:09 pm

I think no matter what, the Barnedo family has to have a significant voice in the Council as well, being more or less the Messengers of Fideleo. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:20 pm

While I don't have any real comments and ideas to put forward, I have to say this is pretty damn impressive, and I like it. Props to Priam, and the like.

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:23 pm

Point indeed. I forgot that the country as a whole is religious.

(Or was, last time I checked). <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Nov 14, 2003 5:50 pm

Also. Would anyone be horribly offended if any of those 'forthcoming clans' was left out? Or is there any other breed that simply MUST be there? <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:59 pm

Hn. Was hoping for a Saluki, but...oh well. *shrugs* <p>ChibiUrusai: *chomps* I am underage. ^-^
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby SuperRube » Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:09 pm

No Basset hounds? Shame. <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Nov 14, 2003 9:05 pm

I'm sure you could say that there are many other breeds, but they're in such small numbers that they can't constitute a clan.

Also, what's the view on cross breeds? As in, if so and so from clan X gets together with someone from clan Y, what do the two clans think about them, and the resulting offspring?

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:52 pm

That would depend on the clans involved. Clearly, it would be a very different story if it were, say, a Collie and a Barnedo, versus a Rusuelo and a Toreo. I do intend, tentatively, to write up some summarizational business as far as inter-house relations go, but for the sake of RP'ing, the House will most often go along with the child's biological parents' decision as far as to which House the offspring belongs.

And Rube can write his own entry for the Basset Hounds. >={ <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>


Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby SuperRube » Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:32 pm

Basset Hounds: They're the awsomeest clan and everyone loves them. They also get all the cool 'Dragon Ball Z-esque' powers. They also get to cast magic missile. <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:31 pm

Is this information ready to be added to the GG, Priam? <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:40 pm

Make sure to include Steve :('s addition! <p><center><table border=0><td>Image</td><td>

I don't know what the hell this thing is, and quite frankly, I don't care.


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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:11 am

Not quite ready yet. Still need to mark the minor and major clans, and some Geography. Speaking of which, is there a map of Inustan that I could work with? <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:30 am

Image <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:47 am

Whoah, shit! Inustan is completely surrounded by ocean and mountains? <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:27 am

*makes a note to add in a mountain pass while he's divvying up the nation*

edit: *resurrection!* <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>Edited by: [url=>PriamNevhausten</A] at: 1/22/04 1:24 pm

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:25 am

Always has been. That map's been up on the website for months and months. <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Nov 17, 2003 5:46 pm

As a note, I'm kicking around ideas for a couple of the breeds not listed...Well, listed, but not having a clan. Specificly the labrador, cockerspanial, and bloodhound. If someone would like me to drop one of these and toy with ideas for another breed, give the word and I shall consider it. :( <p>

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Re: Inustani Clans

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:41 pm

It's good to see Priam really doing his homework before he jumps into this. <p><div style="text-align:center">
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Re: Inustani Clans -- HAY PRIAM LOLZ

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:47 pm

Hey Priam, still working on this? :[? <p>
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Re: Inustani Clans -- HAY PRIAM LOLZ

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:36 pm

I totally do not check the OOC forum at all. I think I'm done writing up the major clans--others may be added as need be; a clan can be as large or as small as desired, but has to be of a certain size to be recognized by the collective as having a truly important voice. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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