Another Online DnD campaign.

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Vampire Jester Jinx

Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Jan 21, 2004 10:46 pm

Look at Brandon's/ Lord McBastards thread. Same world, only the opposing pantheon. :D Same rules. Post up who you would like to play, available times, evening will work best really, save for saturday nights, and you have to be flexible, as i'll likely do these at random.

If you have an existing character in his campaign you may not use the same character. Roll up a new one. Olympian gods, etc etc, if you want to play a cleric, tell me which god for, and i'll give you appropriate domains.

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Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:49 pm

I'm in. <p>--------------------
"Kill her. Then we'll have pizza."

-Scorpius, Farscape</p>

Lyri Corinthar

Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Lyri Corinthar » Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:05 am

Solara, Female Human Ftr3 AL NG
hp 26
Init +7 Spd 20
AC 17
Atk +7 base melee, +6 base ranged
+7 (1d3+4, Unarmed)
+5/+5 (1d8+4, Longsword; 1d6+2, Sword, short)
+6 (1d6, Shortbow)
SV Fort +5
Ref +4
Will +2

STR 18
DEX 17
CON 15
INT 15
WIS 12
CHA 15.
Hide +0
Listen +3
Move Silently +0
Ride +4
Search +5
Spot +4
Swim +7
Wilderness Lore +4
Feats: Ambidexterity, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Weapons: Longsword; Shortbow; Sword, short.
Armor: Scale mail.
Shields: Shield, large, wooden.
Goods: Backpack; Bedroll; Flint and steel; Sack; Rations, trail (per day); Waterskin (full); Arrows (20).

Edited by: Lyri Corinthar at: 1/22/04 12:15 am

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Justice Augustus
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Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:20 am

Oooh, opposing RPs eh? Too tempting for me not to consider.

However as my D&D books are at home (not that I know the rules anyway) you'll have to walk me through it all.

I am just too damn British.


"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine</p>

Lord McBastard

Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:43 am

Name: Falin of the Marshlands
Race: Grey Elf

STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 12 +1
INT: 17 +3
WIS: 12 +1
CHA: 12 +1

Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Mud brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 157 lbs - Wiry
Age: 21

Class: Wizard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Level: 3
XP: 0

HP: 11
AC: 12 (+1 Dodge)
Initiative: +2

Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +3
Will: +4

Melee: +1
Ranged: +3

Base Speed: 30ft

Quarterstaff (large sized)
Total Modifier: +1
Damage: 1d6/1d6
Crit: x2
Weight: 4lbs
Type: Bludge

Total Modifier: +3
Damage: 1d6
Crit: x3
Range: 60 ft
Weight: 2lbs
Type: Piercing

Elven Weapon Proficiencies
Immune to Magic Sleep
+2 save vs Enchantments
Low-Light Visions
Special Search
Wizard Weapon Proficiencies
Summon Farmiliar
Scribe Scroll
Great Fortitude

Alchemy(int) 8 (+3(Stat)+5(Rank))
Concentration(Con) 5 (+1(Stat)+4(Rank))
Knowledge(Arcana)(int) 6 (+3(Stat)+3(Rank))
Listen(wis) 4 (+1(Stat)+1(Rank)+2(Race))
Search(int) 6 (+3(Stat)+1(Rank)+2(Race))
Spellcraft(int) 9 (+3(Stat)+6(Rank))
Spot(wis) 4 (+1(Stat)+1(Rank)+2(Race))
Swim(Str) 2 (+3(Rank)-1(Weight))

Carrying Capacity: 58 59-116 117-175
Spellbook 3lbs
Travelers Outfit 5lbs
Backpack 2lbs
Bedroll 5lbs
Candles x10 3lbs
1 days trail rations 1lbs
Water Skin 4lbs
Tinder and Flint
Shortbow 4lbs
Quiver of Arrows (20) 3lbs
Quarterstaff 4lbs
Rat Farmiliar

Total Weight: 34lbs
Light Load

Spells per day
Cantrips (DC 13): 4
First (DC 14): 3
Second (DC 15): 2

Spells Known
First: Burning Hands, Comprehend Language, Identify,Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, True Strike.

Second: Melf's Acid Arrow, Web. <p><div style="text-align:center">
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn"-Call of Cthulhu</div>
<div style="text-align:center">Lex: "You know I'm wanging this argument!"</div><div style="text-align:center">Me:" ....did you say wanging...?"</div><div style="text-align:center"> Lex: "WINNING!"</div></p>Edited by: Lord McBastard&nbsp; Image at: 1/22/04 12:51 am

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Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:03 am

Name: Epaphria
Race: Human

STR: 10 0
DEX: 10 0
CON: 11 0
INT: 17 +3
WIS: 13 +1
CHA: 14 +2

Eye Colour: Ice blue
Hair Colour: Black
Skin colour: Olive
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125
Age: 19

Class: Sorceress
Alignment: Neutral Good
Level: 3
XP: 0

HP: 11
AC: 13
Initiative: +4

Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +1
Will: +4

Melee: +1
Ranged: +1

Base Speed: 30 ft

Damage: 1d8
Crit: 19-20/x2
Type: pierce
range: 80ft

Damage: 1d6
Crit: x2
Type: pierce

Enchanted robe
AC: +3
Weight 7lbs

Improved Initiative

Alchemy: 8
Bluff: 7
Decipher script&#058; 8
Hide: 5
Knowledge arcana: 8
Listen: 3
Move silently: 5
Spot: 3
Use magic device: 7

Carrying Capacity: 50 51-100 101-150
Speed: 30 ft
1 day ration
flint & steel
hooded lantern
five pints oil
spell component pouch
10 arrows

Spells per day:
Level 0-6 times
Level 1-5 times

Spells known:
Ghost sound
Detect magic
Dancing Light
read magic
Disrupt Undead (1d6)
Magic Missile 2d4+1
Mage armor: gives +4 armor bonus
Color spray: stuns, blinds 1d6 mon. <p>--------------------
"Kill her. Then we'll have pizza."

-Scorpius, Farscape</p>Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 1/22/04 2:50 am

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:31 am

still taking submissions. although i started a sample dungeon tonight. i'll finish that out then allow more people in.

a few rules. when in battle, know your place in the init. keep up with it. if you don't respond promptly during your turn, you will be skipped. if it gets carried away and is dragging on, I will MOVE the plot along. so be prepared. Should you become inactive because you aren't paying attention to the window? the floor will simply start to digest you. then gnomes will come out and kick your face repeatedly. online dnd is hard to make run at a good pace. but i am really shooting for it.

thank you. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">
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Blackwind Isao
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Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:37 pm

I'd be game for this though I wonder if we shouldn't get together for character gen or if you want me to just roll it up myself.

Looks like the party could either use a rouge type or a tank of some sort. I'd probably look at playing a druid if I was going to go the tank route. Let me know how you want things to pan out and I'll get something up for you.

- Blackwind.

Edit: Forgot to put up avialability for you here it is:

Monday-Friday: 11:00 AM - 10 PM (Eastern Time)
Saturday and Sunday: Pretty much whenever you want.

Just give me a bit of a warning of when you want to do this sort of thing.

- Blackwind.

Edited by: Blackwind Isao at: 1/22/04 7:49 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:34 pm

Negative. I'll do these pretty much without warning, except maybe a few hours notice. Go ahead and roll up a character, but do it and chat and save zee log. Start level 3. We have a rogue, unfortunately ezboard was not allowing them to post. I'll contact you if i decide to hold a game. More people are still welcome to join in. Like i said, it will mostly have to do with who's online, and whenever i decide to do it. but it'll likely happen once a week. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">
On Bitey, on Molesty,On Sigfried and Roy, on Slasher,On Bitchslap, Yuri and Yaoi! Yo ho ho! And Merry Christmas you bastards!

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Re: Another Online DnD campaign.

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:51 pm

If I can do this depends on when I can get my laptop back. But I would really like to do this. <p>"Especially when you put them up to your eyes and said, 'Look at me, I have chocobo testicles for eyes!'"
-Nezetta (Shinigori)</p>

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