First GMed RP!

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First GMed RP!

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:55 pm

Yup, so I'm thinking of starting another RP that I will GM. Dunno if any of you have heard of this, but there is a new anime out called Beet the Vandel Buster. Sounds corny, but it's really quite awesome. I'm hoping to base an RP off of this because it is very RP friendly.
Vandels are high powered demon-like monsters who have appeared on the planet to destroy humanity. They have dark abilities, some that create bogs of filth while others give them brutish strength. They also have enormous amounts of physical strength at their disposal. They are given rankings, denoted by dragonball-like balls embedded in their right arm. Enter the Busters. They are a guild of humans that have signed a contract to fight vandels and vanquish the Dark Ages. These humans aren't really any different from normal humans, and anyone can become a buster. They are able to use "magic", which is called Divine Power, in contrast to the vandels Dark Power. These busters are also given rankings based on their strength and the number of monsters/vandels they kill. Their level is shown clearly, marked on their chest by engravings in an ancient number system. This leveling is done at an appraisal house, as well as the giving of money for their actions. Every town has an appraisal house, where an appraiser, usually a high level but old buster, lives. This appraiser uses an ability to scan your retina for images of killing the monsters, then gives you credit for it. If there is any doubt as to the death of a monster, you won't get any credit for it. The ultimate defense of a buster is his Saiga. The Saiga is actually a physical manifestation of divine power thats shaped into any weapon the user has in his/her mind. The Saiga, though, can only be used by the most powerful and well trained of the busters. It is the most powerful thing a buster has in his arsenal and is usually just an embellished version of the user's regular weapon. Busters use any weapon they like, ranging from swords to lances to even crude guns. The Dark Ages is really kind of like our medieval times. No alloys, no cars, no electricity.
And so is the layout of the Vandel Busters world.
Jauni entered the Appraiser's House, having just killed off another Vandel, named Torakin. The Vandel was a level four vandel, and it had taken him some time to track down under the water. The Appraiser held his head in her hands, searching through the images to ensure that he had done what he had said he'd done.

"The job is not done," she said after lifting her head from where it was previously.

"What are you talking about?" asked Jauni. He pictured the final blow in his mind. He had raised his naginata above his head, swung down with all his might, and the vandel burst into a puddle of water. Thinking the job was done, he had left.

"The Vandel, Torakin, is still at large," the Appraiser said to him, "I suggest you assemble a team, Jauni. You're already a level thirty-three buster, and yet you have no team to call your own. If you'd like, I can post a notice about it on the board. There are a lot of busters out there that need a team. I'm sure they'll join you."

Jauni finally gave in and a wrote a notice that read as follows: "To all interested Busters. I am in need of assistance and would like to create a team. You must be level twenty-five or above to be considered. If interested, please meet in the town square on the tenth at noon."
I'm looking for four other people, five people in total. It'll be freestyle, of course, and I'll be rolling a ten-sided dice during battles and such. <p>_____________
There are three kinds of people in this world...</p>Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/8/04 8:56 pm

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Re: First GMed RP!

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:11 pm

Name: Jauni Heref
Age: Twenty-two
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Weapon: Naginata
Saiga (if any): Cyclone Naginata- A four foot naginata that, when twirled, creates a whirlwind.

Appearance: Wears standard Buster jacket, and blue pants. He has black spiky hair and green eyes, set behind a pair of half-rimmed glasses.

Background: Jauni comes from a long line of farmers. He was the first in his family to ever join the ranks of the Busters, miuch to his parent's dismay. His younger brother looks up to him, and one day hopes tobe a buster like him. He has been a buster since the age of twelve. he has killed many monsters, a variety of them, actually, but didn't confront a vandel until level twenty-eight. He despised the teams of busters, thinking he could do the work by himself, with others only being in his way, or so he says. In reality, he doesn't wish to risk the lives of others. He doesn't wish for his brother to become a buster, for fear that he might get hurt. In truth, he's been about others safety. He's always acting tough, but in the inside, he's a softy, wishing for peace. That is the sole reason he fights, to ensure that someday the Dark age would be over and humans will be able to live happily again. <p>_____________
There are three kinds of people in this world...</p>Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/8/04 9:12 pm



Unread postby john » Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:19 pm

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Re: cill

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:52 am

Alloys have been around for a long time, what with the bronze age and all.

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Re: cill

Unread postby GC130A » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:20 pm

The only thing I've heard about Beet the Vandel Buster is a recommendation from one character to another about what monsters were faster to level up on. this representative of the series as a whole?

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Re: cill

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:32 pm

Hahaha what?

EDIT FOR CONTENT: I've not seen the series, but I'd like to know more about the world you'll be using for the RP- not just about how guys blow up demons or whatever.

Edited by: [url=>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 8/26/06 21:24

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Re: cill

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:28 pm

...You two did notice that this thread was posted a year and a half ago and just bumped by an anonymous poster recently, right? <p>

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Re: cill

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:29 pm

Of course.

I was testing you.


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Re: cill

Unread postby GC130A » Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:54 pm

About twenty seconds after posting, yes. But it's a legitimate question!

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Re: cill

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:35 pm

Wow... it's been a long time since I've read Beet the Vandel Buster....

Anyhow, to answer the question, no, it is not at all representative of the series as a whole. That doesn't even have much of anything to do with the series. Maybe an inkling of relevance. <p>

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