Shadow Gaera

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Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:58 pm

It's been theorized by mages for generations: A universe like our own, but one where everything is...different. Nothing is quite like it is in our Gaera. Things we know as good seem a mockery of their former selves. People are altered, either in very small ways or radically, but even someone whose nature is unchanged will be altered by the difference in their environments.

We did a CI in Shadow Doma! Here's what we know so far. Much of this has not been run past the creators of the original entities in Gaera Main (but note that Cha was, in fact, there, so the stuff on Doma is kosher):

Doma is ruled by Charles' father, the despotic King Franklyn. After a failed but heroic coup, Prince Charles has been imprisoned and made the broken tool of his father. Franklyn rules with an iron fist. The Guard of Doma, far from being the lawful supporters of justice they are in Gaera Main, are only slightly better than many of the criminals they put behind bars, and far worse than the rest. Speaking out against the crown is, of course, illegal, as is any religion. Nonhumans are persecuted by the government and the people themselves, hated and feared for being different. The borders of Doma are sealed; the government claims this is to keep dangerous foreigners out, and this is true, but its main purpose is to keep Domans in.

(Not confirmed:) Theice and Barius are great places to live, with just and benevolent leadership, as is the country analogous to Riva (known as the Dragon States).

The Theice-Barius Supporters of Revolution (TBSR) are a secret organization of nonhumans within Doma City, seeking to support the interests of nonhumans within the country. Operatives can help nonhumans pass for human and even attempt to smuggle them out of the country. Two very high-ranking members are the vampire Selendrile (Cha's character, in Gaera Main the vampire who sired Jazz Tymisonn) and Vleian Sunstrider, a powerful wood elven druid exiled from his native Ka'thalar (some of you may remember his Gaera Main incarnation as being the commander of my forces in the Wargame).

Ake Tanner's father died when he was twelve. The loss of the family's breadwinner forced the already lower-class Tanners into dire straits; rather than being sent to a school for architects as he was in Gaera Main, an uneducated Ake wound up in a street gang. The opportunity to discover and fall in love with organized martial arts never came, but Ake's fighting spirit came out anyway, and now, as "Steelfist" Tanner, Ake practices extortion, muggery, and petty theft and has built a reputation as a fierce streetfighter.

The being analogous to Seryntas, however, is almost unrecognizable. Rather than the imposing 270-pound mass of greatsword-swinging, beer-guzzling, bounty hunting muscle possessed of a heart of gold and deep-seated emotional problems that he is in Gaera Main, he stalks the streets of Doma as the legendary assassin known as the Topaz Dragon, as cold and ruthless as he is skilled and clever. He has different deep-seated emotional problems than Main Seryntas, but they're there.

I really want Shini to flesh out Shadow Barius so I can figure out Shadow Boris.

Anyway. Anyone else want to contribute how their characters, countries, establishments, etc. are different in Shadow Gaera? <p>-_-___-___-___-_-

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:57 pm


Also: I'll add more later. <p>
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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:44 pm

William Ironclad becomes a blacksmith. <p>
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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:54 am

Currently debating between one of three fates for Idran.

Question before I decide: Is this an alt-history or a mirror universe? <p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:02 am

I declare Bizzarro-Kelne to be a lich. That is all. <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:24 am

Shadow Kumo is a young Moogle, far from having any magical prowess, he instead gets by with trickery and cunning, often disguising himself as a young human child. He does have an alternate form that he assumes rather often-an unimpressive form of an angel that really just looks like a cheap outfit some kid put together. It even has a halo that's connected to his head by the dingle-bopper. He has recently gotten involved in a certain organization...

Shadow Sorune is an odd duck, living in the outskirts of the palace itself. He was thrown out of the mage portion of the Guard for incompetance and lack of any magical prowess, and has turned himself to far more mundane studies instead. He studies magical artrifacts and how they can be used to further a 'mundane's' efforts, actually going so far as to make himself a magically-powered suit. Far too expensive for use with the regular guard, but he's working on a way to make it affordable for elites. He also has a perverse dislike of nature, considering it uncivilized and useful only as supplies.

Shadow Tolaris died of an illness while young. However, his sister lives on, and escaped to one of the outlying nations while young. There is little else known about her.

Shadow Kali is a member of the Guard, mage division simply because they didn't know where else to put her. Her brother is missing, assumed dead, and she couldn't care less. She's become rather sassy, and quite proud. Also very loose.

Shadow Bill is a revolutionary in the organization mentioned above, a sophisticated killer who is quite proud of his Orcish homeland. His preferred instrument is the drum, and while he's rather good at it, he mostly uses it as an excuse to hide weaponry. He's a master of several forms of martial arts, weaponry, and poison.

The Moogle nation of the Shuman mountains, far from being splintered and shattered, lives on. However, it is also tiny-less a nation and more a city. Perhaps five hundred Moogles live in the mountains, though they've become expert traders and miners both, exporting whatever minerals they find.

...That's a rather scary amount of information on my characters, come to think of it. If I have more info to share, I'll give it. <p>
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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:33 am

Alternate universe.

Also, the only character of mine who hasn't been mentioned is Dae. He's a sadistic sergeant in the Guard, with little love for... well... anything. He has no magic, and utter devotion to the King.

I prefer to let new characters emerge in this world (and in my psyche) as things come my way. <p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:48 am

So then there is no single point of divergence is what you're saying, it's just a universe in which a bunch of stuff is different? Right. <p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:47 pm

Yeah, so, like, a separate setting with names that people know. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:45 pm

One last question: This isn't supposed to be merely "evil people are good and good people are evil", right? It's just "what would your characters be like in this setting", from how I read it, but a lot of the characters people have mentioned so far I barely know, so I'm not sure. Just wanted to make sure either way before I think on this for too long. <p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:56 pm

There's at least something different about everything and everyone, plus the broad differences in the setting itself have an overreaching effect; either people are different because the world they live in is different, or people are different because they were born different, or both. "Different" doesn't mean "opposite", though sometimes it does (some of the more interesting shadow concepts are direct opposites, after all).

It's also more of a dark fantasy setting, because the setting of Doma is so depressing. <p>-_-___-___-___-_-

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:59 pm

Right, that's about what Bes told me. Well, I've got a few ideas for characters, then. :O <p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:31 am

So, I'm thinking that Inustan is a fractured, warring state, not unlike the old old situation in the Germanic tribes or the states that eventually became China. Racism is prevalent, nationalism is a key value, and they more or less ignore Nekonia unless they start shit first.

Kurt Eldridge was born into nobility somewhere (Man, I need to learn other countries someday), and is still something of a paper-pusher. Eschewing the more arcane arts, he is a skilled fencer, although competitively and not combatively.

Milo D'Asperge, on the other hand, is a gypsy amongst the lands between Doma and Barius, taking a less conventional approach to highway robbery in the form of things more along the lines of cheap cures that don't really work. Also, he speaks *perfect* common.

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:25 am

There aren't any lands between Doma and Barius, Priam. Barius is an island nation off the coast of Doma. <p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:56 am

I think he meant Baron.

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:28 pm

See? This is why I need to do the research sometime. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:00 pm

The elven nation of Kalshana openly opposes the kingdom of Doma, and while they haven't made any overt action against the kingdom, rumors fly that they're amassing forces to go to war. The rumors seem somewhat substantiated by the fact that the elves seem to be expanding their territory into the Forbidden Plains, but no one can seem to figure out why. They've become increasingly xenophobic as time has gone on, and only participate in limited trade with Nekonia.

Yuji Nakamura lent a hand to Charles in his attempted coup, and never got it back. After escaping the Doman Guard, he ended up going to see, and now captains a medium sized pirate ship, the Kingsfall, which he uses to raid Doman ships as often as possible. Rumor has it that he uses a large portion of the supplies he pillages to support the Revolution.

As soon as I scan it, I have a picture of Yuji with a blade instead of a left hand, in a ninja-pirate outfit. It's keen! <p>
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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Zemyla » Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:25 pm

Hmm. Unlike my initial feelings when I first heard of it, I'm now bubbling with ideas. Here is everything for all of my characters, even ones I've only gotten to RP once. Don't complain because you've never heard of one or another character in here; I'm just getting this down on paper.

Kenna Samrilli was kidnapped and her village burned by cultists of the ghost Meleagris, as before, and as before, she formed a bond with him. However, instead of promising him freedom and then destroying the cult, she became his living avatar and enjoys the support and worship of the cult. She now moves about unobtrusively, soliciting new members.

Intemera di Galanti is a gladiator, and fairly humane for her milleu. Her virtuosity is pretty much the only thing that keeps her from being booed out of the arena for not killing as much as the fans demand.

Draknaskigho never fled his village, but instead serves as its prophesied protector.

Sable did not take the mission that killed her and resulted in her subsequent reincarnation as a raccoon. Consequently, she is still human, and serves as a thief for hire and has extensive black-market contacts.

Taneem left his monastery at an early age, and is wandering about the small villages of Doma hoping to bring peace to the region by demonstrating his own inner peace.

Kenki Kenaki is a mostly self-taught dream mage, but knows enough to be able to invade other dreams, spy on them, and sell the information. He's looking for a method to inflict lethal nightmares on foes, which would increase his business markedly.

Syra Karaishnov's data will have to wait for more info on Shadow Barius.

Madrigal does not exist in Shadow Gaera, as she is from another dimension. Same for Dahlia Mercure and Valerie.

The person analogous to Veronica Maria Hernandez is named Itami Yuri, and never did develop her talents with magic or with the lance. She currently works as an innkeeper in Nekonia.

Choba will be discussed later.

Madu Wodenhan lives a rather foppish life, but is still deadly quick with a rapier or a curse. He makes a living by gambling, both in games of chance and on his own skill.

Ami Yerenda lives in Evringshal and works as a white mage.

Seia Naradpath was never born, as her mother was driven from Doma to Riva at a young age.

Chantelle Wijngarten showed a talent for wild magic at a young age, and steadily grew in power and unpredictability. However, on her sixteenth birthday, she suddenly started glowing, and then vanished, along with all metal in a five hundred yard radius. Several buildings in the worse part of Doma are still being rebuilt because they collapsed when all the nails holding them together disappeared.

Reytoh my usagijin monk will need to wait for more data on the Shadow Woodlands.

Ari Olmien works as an axe for hire in the Dragon States.

Javin Samrilli is still an evil white mage. However, he secretly leads an organization that hopes to oust the king and place himself on the throne.

Saluya will wait until later.

The probe that would build Deinera was launched on schedule, since the world that built it is the same as in normal Gaera. However, it landed in Doma instead of Nekonia, and she consequently has a form that looks human. She is currently working in very subtle ways to try to encourage the growth of a less oppressive government. She can afford to be subtle, as her life span is still measured in the hundreds to thousands of years, barring accidents.

Zemyla, instead of using his formchanging abilities to live vicariously as multiple people, is instead using them for espionage. He currently has many different cover identities, covering all sides of the current sociopolitical situation many times over. He also has improved his disguise capabilities compared to normal Zemyla, as his life depends on keeping cover. He is currently playing all sides against each other, trying to bring about the total collapse of at least one government. He has been known to kill people and assume their identities.

I think that covers pretty much everyone. <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:28 am

Barius, contrary to the rest of the world, is a near perfect utopia. The entire nation is sunny 90% of the time, with a constant temperature of between 70-80. Democracy exists, though the voted leader for the last decade has been Vladimir Vaniyakna.

Vaniyakna himself is one of those fabled warriors of light- And by that, I mean he, too, is a pretty good guy. Known to be exceedingly pleasant, expecially during his daily trips through the City of the Sun, he's the people's champion. He's raised an army for one purpose- To defend the homeland of peace and freedom- And he does it well. Intollerance is unheard of- Everyone is welcome in Barius. Crime is almost non-existant, to the point where nobody locks their doors. Ever. His most recent accomplishment is simultaniusly ending poverty and finding a home for all orphaned children in Barius.

His left hand woman is Nezetta, a politician of some renoun- Although her greatest joy in life comes from helping Vaniyakna keep Barius a land of hope and freedom. It's no secret that she bears a cursed rune, infecting her with a rare form of lycanthropy.

Cervant Amanziani is one of the best freelance assassins in Doma, being absolutely ruthless. Having murdered her older brother at a young age, her career has only skyrocketed scince. She devotes most of her pay into sharpening and enhancing her skills- Examples of such include a recent exchange between her and an unknown mage, in which she had herself transformed into a child, because "Who in their right mind would suspect a child of murder?"

Tareen thinks she's a legendary warrior of light and hope. However, her parents only play along while tricking her into doing their bidding. <p>
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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:41 am

Wait, Cervant's brother didn't dodge? <p>
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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:56 am

Alternate universe. He dodged into the blow. <p>

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Re: Shadow Gaera

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:05 am

I'll have some Baron stuff up soon. Right now I need to figure out what I'm doing about getting to work. <p>
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