The Third Great War

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The Third Great War

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:26 pm

Not that great a name... but whatever...

This is the OOC thread for my personal Dungeons & Dragons campaign. I have players all hammered out and all, so you can stop reading here.


The countries of Greate (pronounced "Grey-ate") and Halnor have been at war for almost three years. At the beginning of the war, Greate, Halnor, Tulthick and Thimfar were at war, attempting to capture the Valley of Rimhor. In the valley there was found to be a huge power source that could be used as an efficient and waste-free source of power. After two years of war, Greate and Halnor had forced the other countries out of the war, and had set down to negotiate, but at the same time they still attempted to get a hold of the Valley. As of now, peace talks have gone nowhere.

The army of Greate has put out an announcement asking all mercenaries to join the army, and you have decided to join for whatever reason. All mercenaries are being paid according to current average prices, and will be grouped with other mercenaries in elite special squads. You have been sent a letter that says to report to Jul'ha, the main army barracks and capitol of Greate, to meet your other teammates and your Commanding Officer. <p>

<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>
"En Taro Washington!" -Spleen.</p>

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Re: The Third Great War

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:27 pm

These are the character creation rules. If you don't understand these rules, don't worry about it. It's just so that you guys can help me out by doing these yourself. If you want to, you can ask me, but if you don't, then I'll fix it for you once I see your sheet.

1) Use Standard power dice rolls.
2) Use fractional buy when figuring saves and BAB
3) NO TWINKING!!! (That's you, Henry.) IF don't care what you do with your characters, but if you create a character whose sole purpose is to bend the rules to your will, I will be a very mad DM. I reserve the right to say no to any character idea you have without any legitimate reason.
4) Everyone will receive a 1500 XP Cushion for Item Creation Feats.
5) Please provide a well thought out and typed up backstory for your character.

There may be more, but that's all I can think of for now.

RP Rules

1) We will be RPing on AIM Chat whenever we can. This means that whenever all the people in the campaign are online, we will use AIM. Otherwise, we'll use the board.

2) Be honest! If you have your own set of dice and don't trust the AIM dice system, you can use your own dice, but if I feel you are cheating, i.e. rolling twenty times, faking a number, etc. I will be a very unhappy man and insist you use AIM chat to roll dice all the time, even when posting on the board.

3) In AIM Chat, please limit your character's speech patterns to single sentences, unless your character is actually making a speech. This makes it easier for people to cut in, as well as cut back on this situation:

Dude1: Hey, why don't we go down the left road?
Dude2: Yeah, let's go down the left road.
Dude3: Wait, what about the right road
Dude1: Ok, Left road it is.
Dude1: Oh wait, maybe the right road...
Dude2: *Goes down the left road*
Dude1: No, the right road!

You know the situation.

4) On AIM Chat:
((Use double parentheses for Out Of Character speech))
*Use asterisks for actions*
(Use single parentheses for special actions, i.e. Power Attack options)
{Use brackets to show attack and damage rolls.}

5) Please show me the breakdown of your attack and damage rolls. Example: {Attack: 12+4=16 Damage: 3+4=7} Put the roll first, then add modifiers. Also, please show attack and damage rolls at the same time to speed things up.

6) Try and keep off-topic OOC conversations to a minimum. If you need to talk to them, privately IM them. Do not flood the chat with useless banter. Thank you.

7) ¶13453 c|0/\/'7 L|53 1337. 17'5 4/\//\/091/\/6. 7|-|4/\/|<5. Also, dun use slang. Goodly English and spleling makes you look smarterer. The only time this rule does not apply would be for RP purposes... like Crom...

8) Use past tense. Don't ask why. Just do it.

9) Please use Times New Roman 12 point font. Some of your fonts are really funky and hard to read. Also, please color your fonts a certain color to make it easier to differentiate. And don't change colors. Thank you.

10) There won't be any RP experience, so don't ask. If anything there will be XP penalties if nobody is RPing. Remember, D&D is a tabletop Role-playing game.

11) What I say goes. End of story. I have no need to support myself with any "good" reasons. If you don't like it, tough. :p

Military Rules

1) A commanding officer will chosen from the platoon.

2) All troops must obey the CO's orders. Failure to comply will result in a court-martial and exile from the country.

3) All troops will be supplied with foor and water, as well as a regular salary. Any and all gold and equipment policed from enemy troops are to be brought back to an encampment and turned in. Failure to comply will result in a court-martial and an appropriate fine.

Rules of Engagement

All enemy army troops are to be treated with extreme hostility. Women and children are to be treated with care. Only attack women and children if they pose an imminent threat to your safety. Indigenous creatures not affiliated with the enemy army are to be treated with caution, but may not be killed unless they pose an imminent threat to your health. Noncompliance with these ROEs will result in a court-martial and a subsequent arrest under the charges of first degree murder. <p>

<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>
"En Taro Washington!" -Spleen.</p>Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/16/06 13:29

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Re: The Third Great War

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:42 pm

And, here is the map of the area:


If it's too small, just tell me, I'll try and make it bigger. <p>

<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>
"En Taro Washington!" -Spleen.</p>Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/23/06 15:43

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