by Shinigori V2 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:29 am
Basically I'm super crazy sick of having to jump on you guys and ride you around like some sort of unicorn that also has magical typing abilities in order to get anything done. This game as well as Kirby have basically come to a dead stop because every time I ask, I get a chorus of "Ehhhh eventually."
So I'm going to make it easy. If you're not interested, just tell me! If you ARE interested, please, stop forcing me to come to you. I don't like it any more than I'm sure most of you do, but I'm not sure if anyone understands how frustrating this is for me. Null's Game is literally the culmination of ten years of planning, I'd really rather not have to stick a fork in it three chapters into the grand story.
So please. If you'd like to bow out, let me know so I can try and find replacements. Thank you.
Hey there! Can I give you a hand?