Hi, i'm new...

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Hi, i'm new...

Unread postby ArleJerlutos » Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:04 am

I've never RPed before, so i'm not sure if this meets the requirements.

Character name : Chae'Ri Gys
Race : Elf
Element : Earth
Age: 23 elven years, 92 human years.
Height: 5'7
Build : Slim
Gender : M
Skin color :greenish-brown (sort of autumn color)
Eye color : light hazel
Hair color : black
Status : apprentice warrior mage
Weapons of Choice: Rekhia, a thin, crescent titanium blade that resemble a leaf, blowdarts made from poison frogs' and snake poisons.
Skills : control over Earth elements, camouflage, communication with bug critters, amphibians, reptiles, brewing herbal wines and remedies
Interests : the creatures mentioned above, plant life, good herb wine/tea
Dislikes : crowds , most people, smiling for no reason, people who laugh too much , going against his will, when people mention anything related to family, sleeping, females

Basically he's a loner sort, maybe because of the fact that he is an orphan and cannot accept the fact that his mother and sisters tried to kill him at every chance in the past, until he killed them out of self defence. Chae'Ri's father died when he was born(war). He's also afraid of sleeping, because of the vivid nightmares that haunted him even during the day. He is not gay or anything because he don't like females. It's only due to the maniac mother and sisters he had. I won't go too graphic on what they did, but it's just physical/emotional abuse. Surprisingly, he's a softie when it comes to children.


<p><span style="color:teal;font-family:helvetica;font-size:small;">Have some crappy watery tea, eat mould cake and please exit at the right...off the cliff. Hearing you scream is my pleasure.~SadisticME</span></p>

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