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Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:31 pm

OK, I have no idea if you CAN convert a Dragonlance charcter to Gaera, but this is a shot at it. He's pretty damn twinked out, but I've tried to bring him down somewhat. If we can work something out, great, if not, oh well. PS GMs, I'd really appriciate your input.

Character Name: Rikkard Jordon
Character Race: Human/Quicksilver Dragon hybrid.
Character Age: 152
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 6’1”
Weight: #162
Clothes: Sleeveless shirt and loose pants. Doesn’t wear shoes.
Quirks: No family, and doesn’t use his family name. Often reacts violently to the harming of women, and has a great deal of difficulty in doing it himself. Strange tattoos on his arms. Kinda klutzy.

Character Sheet


HP: 70
TP: 20
MP: 50
Initiative: 6+2d6
AT/PA: 22/18


Courage 4
Wisdom 2
Intuition 4
Charisma 0
Agility 2
Dexterity -2
Strength 6
Stamina 3
Magical Aptitude 2

Total points to spend: 32

Runic Fist (Unarmed combat skill) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 4
Holy Magic [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 3
Superhuman Jump [Str/Str/Sta] lv 4
Stealth [Agi/Agi/Int] lv 2
Uncanny Perception [Int/Int/Wis] lv 2
[s] Damage Resistance [Sta/Sta/Wis] lv 4
[s] Melee Evasion [Agi/Agi/Int] lv 4
[s] Missile Evasion [Agi/Agi/Int] lv 4
[k] Wilderness Survival lv 4
[k] Woodslore lv 4
[k] Holy Lore lv 2


[Innate] Holy Resistance: Due to his nature, Rikk can resist holy magic with unusual effectiveness. On level One, he resists 10% of all holy damage, and this increases by 5% every level.

[Innate] Draconic Form (20 TP): Rikk’s four winged quicksilver dragon form. Due to his diluted bloodline, it’s limited, but he transforms far enough to be clearly recognized as a dragon, albeit a very small one (around 8 ft long, with a 20 ft wingspan). Beyond the role-play difficulties a dragon form presents, it’s very painful, which clouds his thinking. This effects his stats by giving him a +2 to Str, Sta, and Cou, but reducing Wis, Agi, and Dex by the same amount. His unarmed strikes do x2 their normal damage. He may also fly in this form. He can only hold it for X+1d20 minutes, where X = Characters Level*5.

[Innate] Meditation (Cost: See description): A last ditch healing technique developed by Rikk’s order. He meditates for 1+1d4 hours, which completely restores HP, MP, and TP. He is normal for 24 hours, after which he is penalized by the amount he was restored. WHAT THIS MEANS, is that his MAX HP, MP, and TP will be reduced by the amount he was restored for 24 hours. He may not regain this HP, MP, and TP in any way, except waiting the 24 hours. It may only be used once per month, otherwise the HP, MP, and TP loss will become permanent.

[DmgRes = 1] Toughness: This skill is born of a monk’s long years of training and practice. They have gained the ability to ignore lesser physical pain, and will it not to effect their body. The result is they take no appreciable damage. It acts as a natural armor, reducing physical damage taken by rank+Sta points.

[Uncanny = 2] Sense Hostility: This skill is born of careful attunement to the people around you. Rikk has learned to pay attention to his 6th sense, and as a result, he can sense when people are planning him harm if they are focusing their thoughts on him for more than 120 – rank*5 seconds, and within 20 feet of his location.

[Runic = 1, Holy = 1] Burning Aura (5 MP per turn used): A technique created by those who practice the Runic Fist, which allows them to turn astral strength into pure fighting power. This technique boosts AT/PA by +1/+1, and grants the user an extra 2d4 holy damage to a successful unarmed attack.

[Runic = 2, Holy = 2] Rising Sun (8 MP, 4 TP): A powerful uppercut, which burns with holy fury. Deals normal unarmed attack damage, plus Mag+2d6 holy damage. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 3, Holy = 3] Soul Burn (15 MP, 6 TP): A focused spiritual blast, which sears out in a straight line from the user, dealing 8+2d8 holy damage to anyone, friend or foe, within a three foot wide, seventy foot long corridor in front of Rikk. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 2] Gattling Kick (4 TP): A pair of rapid kicks across the face. Both attacks are as normal, but when coming out of the move, Rikk will be at a AT/PA penalty of 0/-2 until his next action. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 4] Whirlwind Kick (8 TP): A gattling kick, followed by a pair of rapid set up punches and a final, massive kick to the chest. Does one normal attack, with damage x 3, and the target is sent flying 2d6 feet away from Rikk. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 7 (Cannot be used yet)] Spiral Kick (12 TP): A trio of roundhouse kicks with the right leg, followed by a final snap kick under the chin. Normal kicking attack, with damage x 4, plus falling damage, as the technique sends the target 4+3d6 feet into the air.

[Runic = 12, Superhuman Jump = 4 (Cannot be used yet)] Spiral Fist (20 TP): The Spiral Kick technique, followed by a punch from above as the target goes airborne. Normal kicking attack, with damage x 5, and falling damage doubled.

[Runic = 15, Superhuman Jump = 8 (Cannot be used yet)] Dragon Tail Hammer (25 TP): The Runic Fist’s succession technique. Leads off with a gattling kick, followed by a barrage of punches, a Spiral Kick, and a two handed blow to send the unfortunate target back to the earth. Normal kicking attack, with damage x 8, and falling damage tripled. <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>

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