And.. flaws?

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And.. flaws?

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Oct 09, 2003 5:00 pm

Does your character have any notable flaws that you placed upon them.. just so they could actually be imperfect and thus more believable?

Note that I said 'notable', so I suppose not everyone will have these..

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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Oct 09, 2003 5:04 pm

Yes. I usualy try to give them some flaws. When I rp my avatar she is very shy and scared, not only that she is a giant rabbit thanks to a curse, and she has a horn on her head. My fighter Gean, has a large scar on her cheek and looks alot like a guy.

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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Thu Oct 09, 2003 5:21 pm

Well hmmm... let me see...

First off, Raishilliah is often shy, she has a depressing tendancy to burn things down without trying to because of the nature of her wings, and her appearance tends to frighten most.

Elonia happens to be extremely cynical, as well as panicking easily when things she tries for the first time go awry.
Autumn tends to be depressed most of the time and is cursed with misfortune.
Diele is more pacifistic than is healthy, for sometimes she won't fight back.
Sashel is afeared of water and is very innocent and naieve which has not, but could lead to problems in the future.
And finally... Serra has an extremely strong accent, almost to the point of what-the-heck-did-she-just-say, plus she loses her temper very easily.

I would list more, but for now I have to go to bed. <p>__________________
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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Oct 09, 2003 5:59 pm

Does being short an arm count? I've had two characters like that, plus one with an uncontrollable temper and a personality that is almost smothering...

So yes, I believe in flaws. =D <p>

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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Oct 09, 2003 6:00 pm

I try to ensure that all of my characters have at least one flaw. Those I spend a lot of time RPing tend to pick up more, though. Kelne, of course, has a list as long as my arm, notably including an irrational fear of chocobos (Not that he'd ever admit to it). <p>"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon</p>

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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Oct 09, 2003 7:21 pm

Lets seee......Scizophrenia, violent tendancys, a bad stutter in one case, all sorts of crazy stuff. <p>

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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Oct 09, 2003 9:54 pm

Being mute isn't a flaw, it's a feature! <p>
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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Oct 09, 2003 10:07 pm

Dia is most notably short-tempered and also socially awkward, something which hinders her social interactions and to a degree her business. She's also afraid of heights, a quirk which comes into play in some plot RPs, and she has a hard time being comfortable with being herself. She's distrustful to a degree and has a hard time disclosing information about herself.

Rai'm is, simply put, superstitious, cocky, and undereducated. That's about it right there.

Pink, in second gen, easily developes crushes and acts upon them, but like Dia before her has a hard time developing real friendships. She's distrustful to a degree and sometimes has difficulties viewing men as people. <p>
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Re: And.. flaws?

Unread postby WillBaseton » Fri Oct 10, 2003 12:17 am

Dia forgot to mention Siz. :{

Will's got his cockiness, his inability to let go of problems, and he doesn't take insults well. <p>
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Oh lordy, THE FLAWS!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Oct 10, 2003 12:45 pm

Hehehe. I don't often give my chars physical flaws, but I have quirks and stuff.

...although quirks COULD count as flaws, but... they're fun and stuff.

Karin: Short temper, and much swearing! Also a weakness for sake.

Kaolin: Nympho and can't really get the concept of fidelity, though her current boytoy's starting to hammer it at her. Also dislikes children, believing them to be small and sticky and annoying. Too many children about and she'll go nuts.

Nightbride: "Th'speech imped'ment? Wha' speech imped'ment? 'm pretty normal. ^-^" Very exuberant, overly so. And will get into crazy situations without thinking just because it seemed like a good idea at the time. And at heart, really a romantic; yay for zany matchmaking schemes and jabs in the ribs!

Ryoko: She's got a crush on a guy who, though not OLDER than her father, COULD be old enough to be her father. And she's got many of Nightbride's flaws and stuff. And lack of understanding of modesty. And scared of chickens now, thanks to Dinner. =D She has a tendency to get crushes easily, be fixated, and then cwy when it doesn't work out.

...and as I lack my char list at the moment, I could go on, I suppose, but those are the ones at the top of my head at the moment. =D


Re: Oh lordy, THE FLAWS!

Unread postby Archmage144 » Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:44 pm

Too many to list. XD <p>
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Re: Oh lordy, THE FLAWS!

Unread postby Zemyla » Sat Oct 11, 2003 4:16 pm



EDIT: Seriously, though, my characters do have flaws.

Kenna's main problem is that she has two obnoxious, if occasionally helpful, spirit companions. They get her upset quite a bit.

Intemera not only likes combat too much, she's too eager to embrace combat as a solution to problems.

In Drak's youth, he was virtually defined by the prophecy about him. That is why he is struggling to form an identity for himself outside of that, and it can get him into trouble.

Sable has the obvious curse of being forced to spend most of her time in raccoon form. Besides that, I'm not completely sure.

Merwyn (my MAC character) wholeheartedly believes in the power of technology. He also tends to be absent-minded and, while he has a near-eidetic memory for information in his field, he tends to forget things that lie outside his interests.

Kenki also tends to be absent-minded, and even now, he still prefers the dream world to the waking one. <p>-----
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Re: Oh lordy, THE FLAWS!

Unread postby Ajil6 » Sat Oct 11, 2003 6:19 pm

Ajil the 4th knows that he's an RP character. :D Which means, when presented in realistic sitautions (love, friendship, shopping at the supermarket, driving cars) he's like WTF O_O;;;; <p>[--------------------------------------------]
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Re: Oh lordy, THE FLAWS!

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:20 pm

Seryntas is brash, overly violent, quick to judge, fanatical, arrogant, and selfish, plus he has mild schizophrenia.

Andy, due to eighteen years' isolation and some controlled inbreeding, has flaws oozing out his pores. He knows next to nothing about how to survive in the world (but he's learning). He's also got autism, a lack of common sense, and, to put it bluntly, very little in the way of "book smarts".

Jex is arrogant and childish, and that's about it. Plus, he's plagued by being the only person on Gaera who knows how nuclear fusion works, in detail. <p>"Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to being a Republican. Being a Republican leads to being super-rich, or a poor, confused angry red-neck."
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