Could someone tell me if I'm doing this right?

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Could someone tell me if I'm doing this right?

Unread postby MegaRose » Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:01 am

I am new and haven't made a character yet, so this is my first time. I read a little about that Philsys thing and tried to make a role playing character based on a character in a comic book I never get around to drawing. If I'm doing this wrong, please tell me.

Before I go into stats and whatnot, here's a little about my character, Desdemona:
Desdemona is a typical demon (horns, goat legs and cloven hooves). She works as a mercenary and is usually neutral but can be evil if in a bad mood. She will do anything for money. She has few friends, and they don't like her much because she charges them money for everything. Her basic weapon is a whip, but relies on fire and dark magic, along with her ability to hire monsters as fighters for later summoning. She usually keeps a cool head in battle, but occasionally makes the mistake of trying to seduce opponents. She thinks she's a likeable person but really, really isn't.

Okay, here's her stats:
Magic Aptitude=5

Demon Summoning <wis/int/mag>=4
Fire Magic <wis/int/mag>=4
Whip Skills <cou/agi/str>=4
Dark Magic <wis/int/mag>=4
Seduction/Deception <int/cha/cha>=1
Stealing <cou/int/agi>=3
[k]Demon World Wildlife Knowledge=4
[k]Making Money=4
[k]Communication With Monsters=4
[s]Fire Resistance=4
[s]Theft Resistance (hard to steal from)=4
(I don't know if I can put down the stuff Des is vulnerable against as negative skills)

[Demon Summoning=1]Demon Assistance (Summons demons to fight, can summon hired demons or a default low-level monster, one demon at a time, lasts until monster is killed or enemy is defeated)=10 MP
[Demon Summoning=3]Demon Employer (Hires monsters as fighters for later summoning, requires money to use, the stronger the monster, the more expensive it is to hire, 50% success rate, doesn't work on bosses)=8 MP
[Whip Skills=1]Whip Dance (Uses whip in intricate attack patterns)=2 TP
[Whip Skills=4]Whip Snake (Controls whip from a distance for sneak attacks, small chance of stunning the target)=4 TP
[Fire Magic=2]Mars (Basic fire spell, target catches fire, doesn't work on fireproof enemies, damage varies but generally not too strong)=2 MP
[Dark Magic=5]Saturn (Destroys things with a touch of her hand, but only practical when target is within reach, can only be used once per battle, not effective on bosses)=15 MP
[Seduction/Deception=4]Deception Dance (Seduces enemy into vulnerability, and stuns them, doesn't work on female or non-gender enemies)=6 TP

Is this good? Am I missing anything? I don't know what all these number-d-number things are, so I haven't added that yet. If this is good, remember that Des is a mercenary so if you want, I can roleplay.

I'd like to point out that I'm actually used to the calculation-based system of Pokemon, in which only a few things are random.

Edited by: [url=>MegaRose</A] at: 7/25/03 2:03 am


Re: Could someone tell me if I'm doing this right?

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jul 24, 2003 7:00 am

Things like this belong in the OOC Discussion forum.

Also, I'm going to work, so I can't read it until I get back, but hopefully someone else will. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>


Squintz Altec
Posts: 1056
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2002 1:54 pm

Re: Could someone tell me if I'm doing this right?

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:49 am

Okay, I read it through.

Okay, attributes points are good. Charisma's going to make things difficult, but I see why it's low.

HP is not 54. It's (55+STA*5), so it'd be 50 HP. MP is fine, TP is fine, Initiative is fine.

For skills, no skill may go above rank 4, even the knowledge and support skills. I looked them over, and you DID use the right amount of skill points, just too many in certain categories. Also, having a character that's fireproof and has resistance to dark may be pushing it.

Now, your techs. These I can't tell what you're trying to do. Basicially, here's what a normal tech looks like:

[Demon Summoning = 1] Demon Assistance (10 MP) - Summons a weak demon to fight for her. It has 20 HP, an mblock of 5 and an AT/PA of 5. It deals 10+1d4 damage. It lasts until killed, or unsummoned.

Now, your MP costs are a little on the low side, unless they're supposed to be low level spells. If you put in what rank they're equal to, like that example tech above, I can figure it out. Your techs using TP look like their costs will be fine, and Seduction dance could possibly cost too much. I have to check that tech that someone else has.

Dark Xia

Re: Could someone tell me if I'm doing this right?

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:02 am

okay let's see...

HP: 54 nope, it should be 50 with -1 Stamina (55+(5 x -1) = 55 - 5 = 50)

okay DEMON SUMMONING... okay summoning is used here.. I'm guessing its linked to "Demon assistance," just a little tidbit, for abilities... well here's an example....

[Whip = 2] Disarm [ 4 TP] - Does normal damage, opponent must make an immediate STR check(STR+d20) vs (STR + Whip+d20) or be unable to attack physically with the weapon for a round. User cannot attack without releasing the held opponent. Critical success disarms.

I use d20s, others prefer 2d6s

see the [whip = 2] that's how many ranks in "whip" you need to have the skill, so include that in your abilities, it helps clarify what skills chars have to be able to use abilities, unless they're "innate" like a dragon can breath fire, ect

also max ranks at first level philsys is 4, so demon wildlife knowledge definitely goes down, along with others.

Now for abilities...
Demon Assistance (Summons demons to fight)=10 MP
- how many demons for how long?
Demon Employer (Hires monsters as fighters for later summoning)=8 MP
-How mcuh do you have to pay them, there needs to be a system of success or failure I think, and there aren't always mnosters around... also some mnosters have loyalties to the enemy your fighting and this wouldn't work, FF tactics, this is not.

Whip Dance (Uses whip in intricate attack patterns)=2 TP
-Despite what some text says somewhere, write how much damage this does, and the rolls one hasd to make for this to hit, and what it can hit in one attack.
Whip Snake (Controls whip from a distance for sneak attacks)=4 TP
- damge, and rolls to see if someone notices that its sneaking up like say (Dex+2d6 vs INt+2d6)
Mars (Basic fire spell)=2 MP
-description, is it a burst of flames? fireball? and damage
Saturn (Destroys things with a touch of her hand, but only practical when target is within reach)=8 MP
-uhhh... usually instant destruction isn't the thing first level chars have..
Deception Dance (Seduces enemy into vulnerability)=6 TP
-Saving rolls needed, and what exactly does it do? -5/-5 to AT/PT or what? or does ti stun them? <p>Image

Squintz Altec
Posts: 1056
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Re: Could someone tell me if I'm doing this right?

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:58 am

...yeah, just read one of those two posts up above.


Okay, I fixed the original post.

Unread postby MegaRose » Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:05 am

The post at the top is edited, I still don't understand everything but I've fixed what I could, and adjusted some techniques that seemed too powerful.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Okay, I fixed the original post.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:20 am

*This should help you with the spells*

Just remember, just because a spell is there doesn't mean that your character has it ^^;;

Overall, you're doing a smashing job.

Squintz Altec
Posts: 1056
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2002 1:54 pm

Re: Okay, I fixed the original post.

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:25 pm

I must say, that Demon Employer skill is indeed interesting. Something like that could be based of Charisma, Demon knowledge, or even Seduction for success. I think that something like that has to be roleplayed, and there can be additional modifiers added/subtracted for good/bad roleplaying of the "negotiations." Of course, that's getting ahead of myself. For that skill, I suggest a success chance of 30+demon knowledge rank * 5%. That's still 50%, with the chance of it getting higher as she grows more knowledgeble. Of course, if you're not trying to hire a demon, that extra part won't take effect.

Dark Xia

Re: Okay, I fixed the original post.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:39 pm

As for negative skills uhhh vunrability to fire, cold, ect? Though I don't think these would cost skill points....

And don't forget damage for your techs that deal em. <p>Image
</p>Edited by: Dark Xia at: 7/25/03 1:40 pm


Re: Okay, I fixed the original post.

Unread postby Archmage144 » Fri Jul 25, 2003 6:48 pm

Uh, those skills where you're telling the GM how to do the ability/stat checks? There are standardized ways to do those, though alternate methods can be used--however, on a sheet, the standardized method should be given, really. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>



I actually put in Demon Employer as a Pokemon sort of thing

Unread postby MegaRose » Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:20 am

The Demon Employer skill is a bit like Pokemon but I'd make it a lot more complicated. Desdemona is not a nice person so few creatures would want to work for her, so Seduction/Deception might be important, and how much gold she has hoarded would be important too. And even then, it wouldn't be much help if she summoned a monster who was lazy or on a break. It would be interesting.

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