Help with a character

Character sheet archiving. Help with characters can be solicited here. This is also the place to talk Philsys or other RPing systems.
The Dark Gun
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Help with a character

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sat Apr 19, 2003 11:56 pm

We all are familiar with these... Someone puts up a sheet in need of help and advice, and then people give them their 2 bits. There! Background and other touch ups done.

Background: name: Varn Shebuad - age: 23 - eyes: Blue - hair: black - height: 5’ 11”

At a young age, Varn was trained in the art of demon fighting, like all the eldest children of the family before him. They were part of a small tribe of demon slayers, who hunted down the most vile and destructive demonic forces and defeated them. His father was getting old, and so Varn took up his duties. As he was young, and new to the Way (Which is what they called the training of the demon slayer), he hunted first for the younger imps, the weaker demons, and their servants, the undead. Unknowingly, however, most of those he destroyed were minions to a much more powerful demon. This demon, having had his plans thwarted by Varn’s parents for generations, finally decided it was time for revenge, realizing that the previous slayer was old, and the new one was too unskilled to pose a threat.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Unfortunately for Varn he and his parents lived on the outskirts of the small village, and were easy pickings for the angered demon, who destroyed their house and killed his family. He would have killed him as well, but his father, in his last dying moments, used the final bit of his power to create a physical ward, preventing the demon from crushing the boy, or using its magic to kill him. However, the ward would be short lived, with no more power backing it. That did not matter, though, as the village folk, and most of the other demon slayers, were coming, and the demon could not afford to wait for it to wear off. Since he could not do any actual damage to the boy, he set a powerful curse upon him that, although was nulled by the barrier, came into effect later when it wore off. This curse inhibited and corrupted the holy and spiritual powers that the boy had been training in, as well as sheathed him in an unnatural aura, which unnerved all those around him. It weakened his health, lowering his once strong vitality, and keeping him from successfully strengthening his muscles, although it did not effect their suppleness. But, worst of all, it cursed his palms, the center of his fighting focus. Before he realized what had happened, Varn had accidentally destroyed the bed he was laying upon, and the wall of the house he was in, and, as he did so, a torrent of dark energy washed through his mind. He could hear insane giggles, and dark whispers... The true power of the curse, the mental corruption.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Realizing the danger he was in, and the danger he placed the rest of the community in, he sneaked off in the middle of the night, hunting for some way to remove the demon’s curse. He wandered for a long time, careful to touch nothing with his palms, and, eventually, managed to find a group of people who knew enough about curses, not to remove it, as it was stronger than their skill to do so, but they, over the course of many months, taught him how to inscribe runes into objects that would make them protected from the effects of the Palm’s Corruption. He made a pair of gloves, which he always wears, with those runes on it, but he still has yet to find even the hopes of a cure. This, however, has not weakened his fervor to slay demons, in fact he now hunts demons with a powerful vengeance, spending almost all of his time either hunting them and their minions, or training himself to do so. He continues to train in the Way, even though not all of its powers are accessible to him. He looks forwards to the day that he is free of the curse, when his true purpose can show through.

Name: Varn
RPer: The Dark Gun
Race: Human
Courage +5
Wisdom +2
Intuition +4
Charisma (-1)
Agility +3
Dexterity +1
Strength +4
Stamina +1
Magic Aptitude: 2
Init: 8 + 2d6
AT/PA: 18/18
HP: 60
MP: 50
TP: 20

He wears normal traveling clothing, and blue gloves covered in gold runes on both hands.

--Skills-- (32)
[k] Cooking - 2
[k] Fire Starting - 2
[k] Survival - 2
[k] Demonology - 4
[k] Curses - 4
[k] Meditation - 2
[s] Resist Shadow Magic (2/1) - 2 <Cou/Int/Mag>
[s] Dodge Physical - 4 The Dark Gun&nbsp; Image at: 4/26/03 9:54:46 pm

Skull Dragon 2

Re: Help with a character

Unread postby Skull Dragon 2 » Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:08 am

I only count 28 skill points used, but you have 32. Mathematically, the rest checks out. <p>
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Re: Help with a character

Unread postby Nakibe » Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:37 am

Okay, I don't see much wrong with this sheet. Corrupted Palms skill, IMO, should be 1 to 1, with no base stats. I also think that the Resistance skills should be changed to Holy and Shadow/Darkness resistance respectively AND be 2-to-1. Those two changes would pretty much balance out, offhand, leaving you with the same number of skill points.

Corrupted Palms: costs 2 points per rank (2/1). This is the power side of the curse. As part of the curse’s effect, as many points as possible must be put into this skill at every level. Also counts as an according number of points in the Shadow Magic skill.

Curse Effects: Corrupted Palm skill, Cha, Stm, and Str cannot be raised.

I think there's something wrong with these two statements, don't you? <p>

Warning: The previous was a work of Chaos. Anything said above was written by a certified nut. Caution is advised

MY head, Dia!!! eVe</p>

Skull Dragon 2

Re: Help with a character

Unread postby Skull Dragon 2 » Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:41 am

You're right. That would be better punctuated as "Curse Effects: Corrupted Palm skill; Cha, Stm, and Str cannot be raised." At least I'm pretty sure that's the intent. <p>
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Uncle Pervy

Re: Help with a character

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Apr 20, 2003 1:40 am

This character does almost nothing that isn't fighting, Skillwise.

I suggest Magic Resistances be dropped, and skills related to non-fighting be added.

UNless there is a VERY good background reason for this. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

The Dark Gun
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Re: Help with a character

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sun Apr 20, 2003 10:50 am

Image Indeed... *Re-does punctuation* And I'll see about those skills. *Also realizes one or two other things people haven't mentioned don't add up.* Corrected version in a short bit.

Ookay! I got Squintz's help with some of the numbers for my techs, but I still got three left and he got tired... If anyone could help with that I'd be most apreciative! <p>The worst nightmares are those we create ourselves... And then ignore.</p>Edited by: The Dark Gun&nbsp; Image at: 4/20/03 10:59:59 pm

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