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Clark's character thread.

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:27 pm
by CronoLuminaire
Updated James' sheet, thanks for the help DW.

Name: James Mandrew
RPer: CronoLuminaire
Race: Reploid like mechanical life form... or "Third Type"

Level: 3
XP: 1230/1500

Max HP: 89
Max TP: 43

Initiative: 6+2d6
Base AT/PA: 13/13
Unarmed AT/PA : 12/13
Rapier AT/PA : 13/13 (weapon modifier: 14/12)
With Full Armor AT/PA : 11/12 (weapon modifier: 12/11)
MBlock: 21+D20

Courage 4
Wisdom 4
Intuition 3
Charisma 0
Agility 3
Dexterity 3
Strength 3
Stamina 4
Magic Aptitude: 0

Weapons: "Natural" weapon; Blasters, and Rapier
Armor: Metal Skin - AC 10, AT/PA
"Full Armor" - AC 23, AT/PA +0/-3
Special Note: Metal skin is the default armor, with "Full Armor" replacing it when worn. Upgrading Full Armor IS possible, though it should be highly expensive for the PC. The Metal Skin, however, CANNOT be upgraded.

Weapons Damage

Blaster: Damage 15+1d6 Acc=12

Light: 8+ skill rank + DEX + 1d6
Medium: 10+ skill rank + DEX*2 + 2d6 at a -2 penalty
Heavy: 12+ skill rank + DEX*3 + 3d6 at a -5 penalty

Unarmed (Not full armor): Skill rank + STR + 1d6 Punching, STR*2 + 2d6 kicking

Unarmed (Full armor): 4+ Skill rank+STR+1d6 punching, 4 Skill Rank +STR*2+2d6 kicking

Items: CPU, Feather Pendant (adds 10+1d6 to any non magic attack, before modifications, not counting ranged weapons like the blaster. Works once per round.)

Unspent, 14
[k]Mathematics/Physics 3(1 1/2)
[k]Computers 3(1 1/2)
[k]Biology 2(1)
[k]Geology 1(1/2)
[k]Medicine 1 (1/2)
[Cou/Dex/Dex]-Blaster 6
[Dex/Agi/Cou]-Fencing 5
[Dex/Dex/Str]-Two Weapon Fighting 6
[Cou/Str/Agi]-Unarmed Fighting 4
[Str/Agi/Dex]-Jumping 2
[Str/Agi/Dex]-Climbing 2
[Agi/Agi/Dex]- Flight 2

[Innate tech] CPU: Translation
James' CPU can translate new languages after being exposed to a large enough sample of the language, this exposure usually comes over a length of time. This time is 7-Int weeks, 1 week minimum. After which James can speak and understand this language on a fluent level.

[Innate tech] CPU: Scan
James' CPU is equipped with a scanner, which serves a variety of functions. It has aided James to detect the "unseen", whether the microscopic or the "invisible". The Scanner can also detect the vital signs of most organisms, which is important to his next tech...

[Innate tech] Disabling Blast
If James' scanners detect an aggressor is near death, the strength of his attack shall be adjusted accordingly so as to merely render the opponent into a state of unconsciousness.
It would have to be an extreme situation indeed for James to try to override this function.

[Innate tech] Auto-Repair System
James' CPU monitors his own "vital signs" as well as those of others. When injured, the CPU will initiate a Repair process, this Repair process operates at three levels.
One: During the normal course of a day, James is up and about, the repair system is functioning at a very low level, if it is needed. A living being is in a constant state of growth and repair, this level is about equivalent to that.
Two: When James has entered "Sleep" mode, there are more resources available for the CPU to allocate to Repairs, increasing its efficiency greatly. 10% of his HP and TP are restored every hour.
Three: Emergency Repairs, When things turn Dire, and James is reduced to a critical state, the CPU will initiate an emergency shutdown procedure (KO, 0Hp or whathaveyou), Repairs will be at their utmost efficiency at this time, Repairs continue at this level until he is stabilized (The point where HP would indicate a return to consciousness, again.) This restores 40% of his HP every hour, but he has 0 TP when he wakes up.

[Innate] Armor recall
James has been given an “upgrade” by his creator, further allowing him to simulate humanity, James can remove his armor and helmet at will, the change is practically instantaneous, by habit, James has his armor on most of the time, and usually only removes it for “tender moments” between family or loved ones. He can remove all armor at once, or can remove individual pieces. Of note, James almost never wears his helmet anymore.

[Innate] Wings
Another result of the “upgrade” is that James also has wings which he can bring out, he removes a bit of the armor on his back to do so… while the removal and replacing of the armor causes no ill effects, the bringing out and replacing of the wings themselves causes some discomfort to James, who keeps them in most of the time. Thus, if forced to take them out in the heat of combat, he would be unable to take any other action during the current turn.

[Flight 2] Flight. The wings mentioned above are flight capable, and James knows how to use them. Partly due to tutelage.

[Innate] Charge [Variable MP] James may charge his blaster for a damage Multiplier. Paying 5 TP will allow him to do x1.5 damage. 10 TP for x2 Damage, 20 TP for x3 damage.

[ Unarmed Fighting] Fighting Chance [ 2 TP ] James had to spend some time fighting without the aid of his blaster, he was easily able to identify a couple of points of weakness in humanoid foes, The Solar Plexus, and Adam’s apple ( Trachea ),. James selects one of these and strikes, -4 ( -6 if Trachea ) to hit, if successful it deals damage as a punch and causes a -d3 ( -d6 ) penalty to the opponents AT/PA for d3 ( d6 ) turns.

[ Two Weapon=2, Blaster=4 ] Double Delta [10 TP] James readies the blasters in both his left and right arms, and gathers energy much like charge, but instead of releasing it all at once, he fires six shots, 3 from each arm, which can be focused on one to six targets. ( 6 Individual Blasts -3 to hit. )

[ Blaster=4, Unarmed=3 ] Plasma fist [ 16 TP for first round, 8 TP Each round thereafter ] James focuses energy into his arms like a charge, but his blasters remain unreadied, instead the energy is diffused into his fists adding damage to his punches for a certain number of rounds. Obviously while this is in effect he can not use his blasters, or else he would cancel it. ( +2d6 Damage to punching attacks. )

Edit: Minor fix to his [k] skills, he had a half point to much.
Edit 2: Fixed formulas, changed stats to make sense.
Edit 3: Changed that Penalty that shouldn't have been there. And spaced some things out better.
Note: Ok, only thing to do is spend those 14 skill points.

Edited by: [url=>CronoLuminaire</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/12/06 16:09