Educating New Commers

Character sheet archiving. Help with characters can be solicited here. This is also the place to talk Philsys or other RPing systems.

Educating New Commers

Unread postby Emiko666 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:15 pm

On educaring new commers to our, well, interesting world of RPGing. I would advise that people with the skills and or heart to teach people like me how to play, create, and talk, because some of us are just copleatly and uterly clue-less... like me sadly. Post a forum, if you want, on teaching us what to do and how to do it, please. :thumbsup

PS I love RPGWW dearly and everyone within it. :blush
Contact me at :happy

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Re: Educating New Commers

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:53 pm


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Re: Educating New Commers

Unread postby Kai » Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:53 pm

Hullo there. Welcome to RPGWW. For the sake of procedure:

A RANT. About RPs. All new to forum, please READ THIS FIRST.

This is actually posted in OOC RP Discussion. I could also refer you to the FAQ, but since that's right at the top of the front page I'm sure you can find it.

Anyway, this is the character closet. If you're looking for more information about general RP stuff on this forum, check the OOC RP Discussion subforum I just mentioned. Things live there that are useful.

Some things that are useful don't actually live on this forum. For one, try this spelling thingie. Correct grammar and spelling are good, as it means we only have to read a post once or twice in order to understand and/or assist you. <p>-------------------------
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Groxley Grunk

Re: Educating New Commers

Unread postby Groxley Grunk » Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:51 am

Oh neat, an obessive fan! Can I abuse it? Can I can I huh huh huh?

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Re: Educating New Commers

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:35 pm

We actually had a separate forum about just this, that you suggest--called the RP Bootcamp. Sadly, the great ezFluke of early 2005 ate it all up. :[

One of our posters, Capntastic has expressed interest over instant messenger of wanting to revive it. I told him to go for it, as I really don't have the energy to invest at the moment.

Though, it'll probably take time for that to happen. I guess the whole point of this ramble is that the idea has merit.

For now, I guess, if you have specific questions, best to ask those--hard to give a general "this is how it works." Or, you can do things the old, old-fashioned way, and watch a chat RP for a little while, and then throw yourself in headfirst, and figure things out as you go and as people tell you in chat. <p>
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Re: Educating New Commers

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:04 pm

Giving us some kind of real-time communication information would be helpful, too. I, personally, hate the shit out of communicating by email, and would be much more inclined to help someone who supplied an AIM screenname to contact them by. <p>-_-___-___-___-_-

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