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Clearing up some space on the site

Unread postPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:00 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Quick Stats:
Captain Pervy (Uncle Pervy) - Lvl 9 - 120 HP, 130 MP, 58 TP


name: Captain Pervy (Aliester Purvis) - age: 37 - eyes: green - hair: reddish brown - height: 6' 4"

A former sailor, a former pirate, a former guard captain, and now the Admiral of Doma's Navy, Aliester J. Purvis (Pervy to his friends) has done more with his life than he ever expected to do. Born in a humble and nameless fishing village on Doma's coasts, he lived a most normal life, save for a run-in with a barracuda that cost him his tail when he was six.

His talents in white magic were discovered by a traveling healer who visited the village from time to time. Pervy was then taken to an academy of white magic, where he could learn to hone his talents and use them for the good of people all over Gaera. However, the young man balked under the rules, restrictions, and expectations placed upon him. The final straw was when he was old that he would be expected to serve in Doma City, rather than returning to his home like he wanted.

On the eve of his graduation from the academy, he fled, and joined the crew of a merchant ship, hoping to return to his roots at sea. This turned out to be worse than expected, as the laws aboard the merchant ship were downright tyrannical in comparision to those of the academy. When a newfound friend was brutally punished for sneaking liquor onboard, Pervy and several other sailor began to plan a mutiny.

This mutiny was interrupted when a pirate captain by the name of Laydin Gerrard raided the ship. Pervy and several other mutineers were all to happy to join Captain Gerrard, and Pervy began down the path that he would follow much of his life. Quickly, he rose among the ranks of his newfound calling, and was given control of the ship upon successfully rallying the crew behind him against Laydin's orders during a raid.

For almost twenty years, Captain Pervy sailed the seas around Igala, plundering ships and living life as he desired it. He was not quite a ruthless as some pirates, for he was content to take his victims gold rather than their lives. He helped the growth of Forfiet Isle during this time. While he never achieved true infamy during his years as a pirate, he did manage to achieve a longevity that few others have through a combination of cleverness and pure luck.

It was a raid on Kohlingen that stretched his luck to the limits, ad the Doman Crown began to see him as both a threat and a potential resource. He was summoned to Doma after the raid, on the thret of being assassinated in his sleep. He befriended the Queen of doma during this time, and after helping to save her life, managed to secure a pardon from her. He also began to doubt his previous choices in life, after meeting some of the other people in Doma.

It was when working with her that his life truly changed, when they and a few others encountered Celestials that had come to Gaera. The things he saw, and the words they spoke to him, did more than anything to inspire him to try to make a change for the better. On the way back, he offered to help Aya retrain the then-mediocre guards of Doma, an offer that she accepted.

Soon, Pervy was officially made Captain of the Guard, and servedwith distinction, often dealing with a number of threats such as Loake Recht and Valzar Du Lac personally. Later, he was promoted to Admiral of the Doman Navy, after the Barians began to step up thier aggressions on the Val'ri.

Pervy has always been a boistrious man prone to some degree of crude dramatics, but age and experience have served to temper him a bit in those regards. He once possessed a rather flagrant disregard for the law, but time, loyalty to Aya, and the eventual realization of the good that enforcing order can do have served to give him a respect for it. While he is still known to overlook minor offenses, he draws the line at disruptions of civil order and peace. If he has a particular fault now, it would be a minor predisposition toward nepotism, for he believes that he owes his friends more than he owes strangers.

Name: Captain Pervy
RPer: Uncle Pervy
Race: Half Nekojin
Level: 9
XP: 950/6250
Max HP: 120
Max MP: 130
Max TP: 58
Initiative: 9 + 2d6 (11-21)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Courage: +5
Wisdom: +5
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +2
Agility: +4
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +3
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude: 5
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Base AT/PA - 16/16
Modified for skill - 22/21(27)
Modified for armor - 22/21(27)

Body=Holy White Mage's Robes (AC 6, provides 2 points bonus damage reduction from all sources and 10 points damage reduction from Shadow/Dark sources, including spells)
Loracian Amulet - grants an extra +6 to MBlock on all dark/shadow magics.

Weapon Damage - Masterwork Cutlass (6/8/13, +1/+1)
Thrusting - 9+1d6
Slashing - 14+2d4
Chopping - 22+2d6
Weapon (Cutlass) - 11 <Cou/Agi/Str>
White Magic - 13 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Holy Magic: - 12 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Benediction: - 11 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Brawling - 3 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Improvisational Weapony - 1 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Malediction Magic: - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Hydromancy - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
[k]Ancient Magicks - 11 <Wis>
[k]Sailing - 8 <Wis>
[k]Navigation - 6 <Wis>
[k]Artillery (Ship) - 6 <Wis>
[k]Doman Law - 2 <Wis>
[k]Chain of Command - 2 <Wis>
[k]Guard Tactics - 3 <Wis>
[k]Crashing Airships - 1 <wis>
[s] Motion/Style Analysis - 12 <Int/Int/Wis> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp --Spells/Techs--

* [Skill Explenation] [s]Motion Style Analysis : A martial discipline that based upon watching the way his opponents move and reacting to those cues. It allows the character to add the half the rank of their M/S Analysis skill, rounded down, to their PA. It applies only when the character can see his or opponents; not when ambushed, surprised, blinded, or otherwise.
* [Innate]Ushyu - Ushyu is a cabbit companion that follows Pervy wherever he goes. Ushyu can, for combat purposes, assume the form of a crystalline shape, of which is capable of deflecting blows. 50% of the time, whenever Pervy is attacked physically, Ushyu will attempt to block the incoming weapon with her body. Ushyu attempts to parry the blow, using Pervy's PA score, and if successful, the attack is deflected. Ushyu will only attempt to block relatively "light" incoming attacks (a claw, a broadsword, etc), not "heavy" ones (a polearm, a two handed axe or sword, a golem's fist).
* [With Ushyu in Crystal Form]Face Strike (6 TP) - On Pervy's Command, Ushyu flies at the target's face, and takes on her Cabbit form. She lands on his target's Face, covering his eyes if she can, and sets to work raking all four of her paws and biting the target's face for a few moment, dealing 12+1d6 points of damage. If the target's eyes are exposed, this attack may cause blindness (on a critical hit). At the same time, Pervy takes the opportunity to attack the distracted victim's body (with any standard attack, the victim is at -4 to parry). Ushyu will let go and return to her crystal form before the victim can retaliate; otherwise, she falls. Not effective against creatures without a face. Does no damage to but may still distract targets with visored helms or significantly harder skin. Very large targets will not be distracted; as Ushyu is too small to have an effect.
* [With Ushyu in Crystal Form]Bash (4 TP) - On Pervy's command, Ushyu flies away from him and around the target. When she sees an opening, she swoops in and bashes the target with her crystalline body; preferably leading in with one of her corners, and deals 24+2d6 damage (use Pervy's AT). If she cannot get a decent opening, she'll try to harry the target instead, so that Pervy can strike more easily.
* [With Ushyu in Crystal Form]Face Bash (6 TP) - This is a combination of Bash and Face strike. Ushyu bashes into the face of a creature, while Pervy attacks. The creatures suffers 24+2d6 damage to the target, and the target has a -4 penalty to block Pervy's attack. The target cannot be blinded by this attack.
* [Innate]Headbutt (4 TP) - Pervy headbutts a target, dealing unarmed punching damage plus an additional 8 damage, with 1/4 the damage dealt by this attack being dealt to Pervy's head if he misses (more if the target is wearing a helmet or has an exceptionally hard skull). After headbutting, if he connects, Pervy may make a weapon attack at an additional -2 penalty, and his opponent suffers a -4 penalty to parry or dodge the attack. This ability only can be used against humanoid targets.
* [Cutlass=9, Brawling=3]Onrush (6 TP) - Pervy rushes a target, performing a slash, then a punch attack (modified by brawling as an unarmed attack rank), then a second slash, followed by a punch that is +6 to damage but -2 to hit.
* [MSA=12, Cutlass=11] Scalpel. (12 TP). This allows Pervy to make a single stabbing attack of incredible precision, doing 4+1d6 * MSA Rank damage. It maybe directed to kill (Stab to a vital organ) or incapacitate (Stab to stomach, which can be endured)
* [White Magic=1]Cure l (10 MP) - Recovers 10+rank*2+1d6 HP to any target. Has no effect on the undead.
* White Magic=2]Pure (8 MP) - Cleanses target of normal poison. Does not work on particularly exotic or virulent poisons.
* [White Magic=4]Cure 2 (18 MP) - Like Cure, but recovers 20+rank*4+2d6 HP to any target. Has no effect on the undead
* [White Magic=4, Benediction=3]Regen - (24 MP) Target regains (Heal rank)+2d4 HP per round, for (Ben rank) rounds.
* [White Magic=4]Heal (14 MP) - Cleanses target of any unnaturally-caused affliction, such as poisoning, induced paralysis, induced insanity, ect. May not work against particulary strong versions of such, nor upon those wrought but natural causes; such as paralysis induced by a broken back (GM's discretion).
* [White Magic=6, Benediction=6, Hydromancy=2]Synthesize Cure (20 MP) - This spell creates a potion or elixer out of a bottle of water that heals any who drinks it by 12+rank*3+1d6 points of damage. Typically, this spell requires a container to store the result in--however, if the potion is not used within Benediction rank hours, it loses its magical properties and reverts to regular water.
* [White Magic=7]Group Cure (18 MP) - Restores 10+rank*2+1d6 HP to up to rank specified targets. Has no effect on the undead.
* [Holy=4]Fade (16 MP/30 MP) - Either deals 16+rank*5+2d6 damage to a single target, or deals 10+rank*2+1d6 holy damage to all targets within a 20 foot area around a target location.
* [Holy=9]Greater Fade: (26/58 MP) Deals 24+rank*6+3d6 holy damage to a single target, or deals 14+rank*4+2d6 points of holy damage to all unfriendly targets within a 20 foot area around a target.
* [Holy=12]Profound Fade (42 MP) - Deals 30+rank*8+4d6 holy damage to a single target, and confers a -2/-2 AT/PA penalty on the target till Pervy's next turn.
* [Holy=1, Ancient Magicks=6]Invoke(4 MP, 1 TP) - Pervy creates a holy glow around his hands. This creates enough light to read by, and also gives him a +1 to his Magic Attack roll. It can be cast as a free action, and lasts Holy/2 rounds.
* [Malediction=2, White Magic=5]Mute (30 MP) - Prevents a target from speaking by creating a magical barrier in the throat. This prevents the casting of most spells (since some subvocalization is required for many of them) and also prevents the target from using magical breath weapons (such as that of a dragon). The MAtk roll is made at -4 for this spell.
* [Benediction=4,White Magic=4]Wall.(30 MP) - Adds Rank+1d4 to Resist Magic for 4 rounds.
* [Benediction=3]Protect (30 MP) - Reduces Physical Damage by Rank+1d6 Points for 4 rounds.
* [Benediction=3]Shell (36 MP) - Reduces Magical Damage by Rank+1d6 Points for 4 rounds.
* [Benediction=5, Holy Magic=4]Fade Strike (16 MP, 2 TP) - Allows Pervy to imbue his weapon with a Fade spell. The Fade spell is cast on the weapon, with which he can make a physical attack (all in one turn--this is a single action). If the blow lands, it casts Fade on the enemy (as normal, chance to resist and whatnot).
* [Benediction = 9] Reflect (MP 32). This reflects any spell cast on the target back at the caster, including healing and beneficial spells. Spells the target uses on itself are reflects at a random target. A critical casting will break through the Reflect and have normal effects.
* [Hydromancy=1]Create Water (5 MP) - Allows Pervy to create rank/2 gallons of clean water.
* [Hydromancy=1]Salinize/Desalinize (5 MP) - Allows Pervy to salinize or desalinize rank/2 gallons of water.
* [Hydromancy=1]Clean (4 MP) - Cleans an object the caster is in contact with. Objects affected by this spell appear as if dunked in a vat of water for a minute or so, and dried until the water was gone. Thus, some materials may not be very well cleaned by this, and others may be damaged. Objects on fire are not affected.

Edit1: Added a most important Skill to Pervy gained from High Crime
Edit2: Updated backstory, turned off HMTL.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 5/6/04 4:54 pm

Luck hates him :(

Unread postPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 9:15 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Name: Tristan Laevens
Age: 19
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blonde
Level 4
EXP: 1300/2000

Tristan is a native of the Mirwell Province in Ervingshal. His village in particular was close to the edge of the accursed Black Forest. Thus, much of his life has been spent fearing, respecting, and trying to survive in the shadows of that woodland. While life in his village was somewhat peaceful, it was never idyllic. His entire life, he was taught the value of constant vigilance in regards to the black forest, and a hundred parables and tales of its many tradegies. Thus, Tristan learned to survive and to defend himself. Putting his talents to use, he made several forays with the local guard into the Black Forest, and has learned much from these experiences.

However, pure survival is not the only thing on Tristan's mind. He has learned the family trade or taning and crafting leather goods. Also, he desires to make his family proud, and join the elite Calvary of Evringshal, the Green Riders.

Sadly, his dreams have been dashed by a run of foul luck. Bad luck has marred much of Tristan's life. He has always been prone to accidents and foul luck in general, as though fate had it out for him. This has gained him a rather bad reputation at home, and the nickname 'Tyrfing Laevens', which he hates with a passion. However, Tristan seldom complains about it, for he sees himself as being lucky enough, for he has been able to live when his peers and friends have not all been so lucky.

His life took a turn when he enlisted with the forces that were to help Doma hold off the invasion, when he was given directions that lead him to the wrong boat. This boat left him in Therney, and forced him to ride overland to Doma. There, he found that there would be no way for him to get a ship back home due to the coming of winter. Thus, he established himself in Doma, and with the aid of a few loans, managed to open a leather tannery along the wall of Doma City. Now he seeks to pay off his debts and make a living for himself. Dimly, he wants to go home, but the fresh start that Doma has offered him makes this desire wane as time goes on.

Cou: 3
Int 2
Wis 3
Stam 2
Agi 6 (7)
Dex 2
Str 2
Cha 1
Mag: 5

HP: 86
MP: 105
TP: 37
Init: 10+ 2d6 (12-22)
Dodge: 27
Mattack: 10+ranks
Mblock: 18
Base AT/PA: 15/15
Skilled AT/PA: 17/16
Armored AT/PA: 16/14

Skills (13 Unaccounted for due to <Spoilers>)

Short Swords <Cou/Agi/Str> 7
AmbiDexterity <dex> 7
Leather Working and Tanning <Dex/Wis/Dex>5
Horse riding/Equestrian - <Cou/Dex/Agi> 2
[s]Two Weapon Style <Dex>7
[k]Geography <wis> 3
[k]Evringshite Legends <wis> 4
[k]Black Forest Survival <wis> 6


Short Sword 9+d6, 14+2d4 ,19+2d6
Treated Leather 13 -1/-2 15 4
Horse Badge: Agi +1

[innate] Staggered MAG: Tristan is a man with a lot of magical potential locked away within himself. However, the nature of his being prevents him from fully drawing upon it. It will increase as certain plot points are met (The Stat points have been spent)

[innate] Jinxed: Tristan seems to have been born under a bad sign, suffers a -2 penalty to all skill, attack, Mattack, Defense, M Defense, Dodge, and so on rolls. On a d66 roll, he has a +6 penalty.

[innate] Shared Jinx (TP4): Being around Tristan sometimes makes his ill luck contaegious. Through no real action of his own save being around, Tristan's jinx spreads to friend and foe alike. Everyone around him suffers -2 to their rolls.

[innate; Short Swords=4] Kamikaze (TP15) Tristan tries to make a dashing and heroic advance on a single Victim. Then Murphy's Law has its way with them both. The GM rolls a d6 (Unaffected by Tristan's Jinx)

1-2: Both Tristam and the Victim get a moderate to serious Injury of some sort.
3-5: Both get a severe Injury of some sort
6: Both suffer near-fatal injuries

The circumstances of how this manifests is entirely up to the GM, as is the exact nature of the damage and any attendant penalties. For example, Tristan may charge the target, only to trip, bash his head, and be KO'ed. The victim, however, has his shoulder impaled by one of Tristan's swords sent flying by the fall; doing a good deal of damage and impairing combat ability.

[Short Swords=4, Two Weapon Style=4] Speedy Strike [TP2/4] Allows Tristan to attack twice with a sword; for three (for 2TP) or four (4TP) attacks a round.

Edit1: Level up :D
Edit2: Bes corrects me! :D
Edit3: Backstory filled in. And HTML is the devil :O
Edit4: Dark Tidings gains! Techs to come!

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 8/2/05 3:10


Unread postPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:03 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Name: Marie Bagot
Sex: Female
Race: Usagijin-Half
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 90
Build: Thin and starved.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Shock White

Marie is the product of an Usagijin's trader's dalliance when he left his homeland. Circumstances forced the child onto the trader, and she was reluctanty taken back to The Woodlands and made a part of the family. However, Marie's immediate homelife wasn't particularly unhappy; her father and adoptive mother soon grew to consider her one of their own. Unfortunately, many of the Usagijin did not take quite so well to a halfbreed in their midst. As a result, Marie was often taunted and mocked for her human blood, and in general given a hard time. She tried hard to gain their respect, at first from a desire to fit in. Later, this became a desire to rub their faces in their prejudices. She tried many things gain this respect, generally falling back to deviousness when her capabilities failed her.

Soon, she grew fed up with trying, and left The Woodlands in frustrastion and traveled to nearby Therney. There, she found little acceptance, and went on to seek a ship. She ended up on the ship of a pirate by the name of Blackheart Jane. There, she learned to use weapons that her homeland had enshewed, anf became fond of dueling in general. After leaving Jane's service after a few years, she has sought to become recognized as a duelist, and to make he living off of it. So far, she has failed at both, and fallen deeply into poverty.

Cou: 3
Wis: 1
Int : 5
Cha: 1
Agi : 6
Dex: 2
Str: 4
Sta : 1
Mag: 0

HP: 55
TP: 20
Initiative: 9+ 2d6 (10-21)
AT/PA: 18/18

Modified for Skill (Flyssa) 20/20
Modified for Skill (Estoc) 19/21


Estoc: 13/10/8
-Slashing: 16+2d4
-Chopping: 17+2d6

Flyssa: 9/12/15

-Accurracy 13
-Arrows 16+1d6


Thrusting Blades <Cou/Agi/Str> 4
Slashing Blades <Cou/Agi/Str> 4
Bows <Cou/Dex/Str> 3
Tracking <Int/Int/Sta> 3
Unarmed Combat <Cou/Agi/Str> 2
Gambling <Wis/Int/Int> 2
Dragoon Training Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 6/24/04 4:38 am

Choco-riding White Mage.

Unread postPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:07 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Name: Fresca Dantir
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Level: 1
Max HP: 68
Max TP: 26
Max MP: 83
Initiative: 4+2d6
XP: 380/1250

Fresca is a White Mage hailing from the outer Varrock region. Her younger days were spent working on her family's ranch, helping to raise the Chocobos they bred. At the age of twelve, she went with her father to Varrock to help him sell a few of the birds when it ws found that she had a great potential as a healer.

The Academy there trained her well, teaching her a variety of healing and bolstering enchantments. She was then sent to help the Doman Guard. At the castle, she was instructed in magicks that would allow her to dispel enchantments and further serve the nation.

However, Fresca was not happy as a Guardswoman. The work was often too rough for her likely, and a particularly bad run-in with some demons on the outskirts of the nation nearly left her with Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome. However, she found help in one of Doma's Transient residents, Enlil. The angel listened to her problems, and helped her work through her trauma. Later, though Enlil, she met Kyle Broadsky.

Fresca quickly became enamored with the soft-hearted fencer, finding in him a soul as passive as her own. From him, she learned to assert herself better, and to follow her own dreams. As such, she has left the Doman Guard officially, and seeks to return to her roots as a Chocobo Rancher. Thus, she works to try and amass enough money to buy the land she needs for a ranch.

Fresca tries her best to be a friendly person, and to inspire goodwill in other people around her. However, when met with resistance, she will either withdraw into herself passively, or will explode from the frustration and spare the cause little anger or sarcasm. As of late, the latter has become more common

Courage: 2
Wisdom: 4
Intuition: 2
Charisma: 5
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 1
Strength: -1
Stamina: 2
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for skill - 10/10
Modified for Equipment - 8/12

Armor - Robes (AC:5, 0/0)

Weapon Damage
Staff (-2/+2)
-Thrusting - 4+1d6
-Slashing - 7+2d4
-Chopping - 11+1d6

White Magic - 6 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Benediction - 5 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Enchantment Magic - 5 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Malediction - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Chocobo Riding -6 <Dex/Agi/Int>
Staves - 2 Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 5/6/04 5:55 pm

Crazy Happy Ghost Lady :D

Unread postPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:09 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Jaylie Maxem Langstaff.
Age: 26
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 190 pounds
Eyes: Green
Hair: Raven Black
Build: Portly; given she has had two kids.

Jaylie was born in the nation of Curatori Faiyar, and soon grew dissatisfied with life there. As a child, she was respected for her willingness to explore 'haunted' houses, graveyards, and other such sights. She could never quite understand why people felt uneasy in them, and was fascinated by the stories they held. Later, she was apprenticed to a local mage, and developed her own connection with such places and the energies and forces behind them. This soon led her to leave Curatori Faiyar, seeking other such places.

Since then, she has travelled through Doma and some of the more peaceful parts of Riva, seeking and studying haunted places to learn what has happened and set the restless to ease when possible. Time has taught her to be cautious, and tempered her curious nature. To others, she seems a bid morbid or creepy in her facsination with ghosts and the like. But, underneath that is a friendly woman willing to make a friend.

Jaylie is married to Kent Langstaff, and is the mother of two children. They live together in Doma City, with a bad habit of leaving the kids in the care of a nanny.

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +3
Agility: +2
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +1
Stamina: 0
Magic Aptitude: 3

HP: 55
MP: 65
TP: 20
Init: 6+2d6
AT/PA: 10
EXP: 850/1000

Short Sword: <Str/Agi/Cou> 2
Spiritualism: <Mag/Wis/Int> 4
Necromancy: <Mag/Wis/Int> 4
Cooking <Wis/Dex/Int> 3
[s]Sensitivity to Astral Traces <Int> 4
[s]Sensitivity to Lingering Emotions <Int> 4
[s]Incorporeality Sensitivity: <Int> 4
[s]Mapmaking/Use <Int> 3
[k]Spiritual Undead: <wis> 4
[k]Igalan Wars/Battlefields: <wis> 4
[k]Igalan Geography: <wis> 3
[k]Ghost stories <wis> 4
[k]Burial sites <wis> 4
[k]Architecture <wis> 3
[k]Haunted sites <wis> 3
[k]Faith of Numian <wis> 1
[k]Nature of Dreams <wis> 1

[Spiritualism=1]Astral Jolt (10 MP) - Deals 12+rank*2+1d6 damage to a single target.
[Spiritualism=4, Necromancy=4] Speak with Dead (8MP, 2TP) Allows communication with a single spirit within an area (small house, large room, part of battlefield). The caster may either select the spirit, or a random one is chosen. Difficulty at contacting the spirit depends upon how long ago the death was, and how strongly connected it was to the event that happened there. Once the spirit has been contacted, it is forced to remain for rank minutes before it can leave willingly.
{[s]Sensitivity to Astral Traces =1, [s]Sensitivity to Lingering Emotions = 1} Sense Tradegy (TP1) Jaylie can sense innately when she enters an area (small house, large room, part of battlefield) where a particularly tragic event occured, such as a murder, a bitter betrayal, ect. When this ability is used, it lingers for [Combined Skill Ranks/2] Turns. Particularly powerful events may trigger this at no cost at GM's descression
[Spiritualism = 4, Necromancy = 4] Banish Undead (24MP) Attempts to banish a single undead being from existance, or more precisely, it's spirit. Zombies, skeletons and other undead which are simply animated are not affected. The target automatically resists if it's level is greater than the mean rank of the caster.
[Spiritualism=1 Necromancy=1]Bastion (18 MP) - Cleanses a piece of land (100 sqft) of dark energy and lingering negative emotions for (rank*5) days. The enchanted area has all the effects of a piece of cleansed land until the spell wears off. Unwanted Spirits, and Undead bearing souls, cannot enter. Should they wish to do so, they must make a COU*3+d20 check vs. the caster's spellcasting check. If they succeed, they may pass through the area, but they suffer 100 points of damage as a result. Undead that are merely animated (Zombies, skeletons, and the like) are not affected.
[[s]Incorporeality Sensitivity = 1 Spiritualism =3] See Incorporeal (MP5, TP1) This allows Jaylie to sense an Incoporeal being she otherwise could not, revealing where its spirit is. She may use this to attack physically with only a -2 penalty. She may also see through other forms of invisibility cast at a rank lower than her Spiritualism Rank

Edit: Added EXP
Edit: Off goes the HTML

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 5/6/04 6:03 pm

~lelelelelelele -(:)

Unread postPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:12 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Inverse Stanovski

Hair: Blue-Green
Eyes: Blue
Age: 19
Build: Thin
Appearance: Rather Bishy (When human)
Race: Slimehalf

Inverse is a success story in many ways. He hails from Barius, but was driven out by the increasing cruelty of Vaniyakna's reign. Fleeing to Doma, he sought employment in a local potion store. To suppliment his income, he took to adventuring. during one of his early adventures, he found a centuries-old library, and sold its contents to a number of scholars for almost 200,000 gil. Since then, he has bought the potion store where he once worked, and a number of other businesses. His net worth is now several times what the library brought him.

The secret to Inverse' stunning success lies in his obsessive desire to know essentially any rumor that he can hear. Using his newfound wealth, he has hired a small corp of professional information gatherers and pays then very generously for the information they bring him. He uses what information that he considers noteworthy to determine what move he makes next with his businesses. He is also willing to take a short loss for long-term gain, letting the other businesses cover it. So far, he owns several potions stores, one import/export service (OCP Importers), a number of provision stores, and two tenament complexes.

Though coming to Doma has brought him money, it is rare that he is truly happy. He still pines for his homeland, feeling guilty for leaving it behind to Vaniyakna's clutches. A recently failed realtionship has not aided these feelings. As a result, he can be a harsh person to those who upset him. He also tends to follow the law as closely as he can, knowing his rumormonging puts him in a tenenous position sometimes, and looks down on those who do not. The final key to this lies in a deep-seated feeling of inferiorty and alienation that stems from his race. He has a hard time shaking the feeling that others hate him for being part slime, and that he'll never truly be accepted. As a result, he tends to seclude himself. Ironically, it is his own desire for rumors that brings him out of hiding.

Cou 2
Wis 5
Int 3
Cha 2
Agi 1
Dex 2
Str 0
Sta 3
Mag 3

HP = 70
MP = 70
TP = 20

Init = 3+2d6
AT/PA = 6/6

AT/PA w/Rapier 8/7 (8/10/X , +1/-1)

AT/PA w/Thrown and Splashed attacks 10/6 (Lesser Acid: 10+2d6 1st round, 6+d6 2nd round. Aqua Regia: 12+3d6 1st round, 8+2d6 2nd round, 4+1d6 3rd round. Acid puts victims in a lot of pain.)

Equipment: Robes, Rapier, 2 Tubes of Aqua Regia, 3 tubes of Lesser Acid (Tubes enchanted to withstand extreme Pressure) 2 Healing Potions (Heals 20+1d10 HP), 1 Mana restore (10+d10 MP) 1700 gil (Not all in Doman Currency)

Electromancy 4
Pyromancy 2
Cryomancy 4
Metamorphics 4
Rapier 3
Throwing/Splashing (Non-Aerodynamic) 4
Potion-making 3
[s]Rumormonging 4
[s]Attentive 2
[k] History of Barius 4
[k]General History of Igala 3
[k] Doman Law 2
[k]Secrets of Doma/ns 4
[k]Business Sense 4

[Fire=1]Fire 1 (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 fire damage to a single target.
[Ice=1]Ice 1 (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 ice damage to a single target.
[Ice=4]Ice 2 (12 MP) - Does 14+rank*4+2d6 ice damage to a single target.
[Lit=1]Lit 1 (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 electric damage to a single target.
[Lit=4]Lit 2 (12 MP) - Does 14+rank*4+2d6 electric damage to a single target.
[Cyromancy = 3] Freezeover (8 MP) This spell creates a sheet of ice on the ground at the feet of one target (Assume 1 hex if there is no target). This sheet lasts for 3 rounds, and forces the victim to make an agility check (Agi*3+d20) vs 25 or Slip, losing their PA and action for the round. If the roll succeeds by 8 or more, the victim's feet are frozen to the ground. The victim cannot move or defend from rear attack. Each round, they may try to break free as a standard action; Strength (Str*3+d20) vs 30. Those that break free still have to deal with the slippy ice until the duration is up.
[Metamorphics=3] Cosmetical Alterations (15 MP) Use small amounts of shapechanging magic to change the target's basic appearance for up to three days. Can change hair length and color, eye color, skin color or texture, facial shape, and so on. No statistical benefits can be gained. Inverse cannot use this on himself.
[Metamorphics=4] Humanform (16 MP) This allows Inverse to take the shape of a human. The appearance is set and cannot be changed. However, the spell is not particularly stable. A critical hit, or a hit doing over thirty points of damage, break the spell if he fails a Metamorphics Roll [Int+Wis+Mag+(Rank *2)+d20] vs Damage taken.
[Innate] Shapechange Immunity: The circumstances of Inverse's birth and lineage have left him immune to all shapechanging magicks below the divine level save for his own. A particularly powerful shapechanging effect may force him to make a Metamorphics roll to avoid being knocked into his true shape (GM Ruling).

Rumormongering: This allows Inverse to do one of two things. He may try to see if he's overheard rumors on a particular subject (applicablity and accuracy is GM's call) with a successful check, or he may spend an afternoon seeking information on a particular subject.(Modified by how low a profile he keeps and how much he has to spend).
[Innate] Slime shape: Inverse's natural form, a nine-inch tall slime. As a slime, he cannot wield weapons of any kind, nor carry anything heavy. He may bite for 2d6 crushing damage a round. Spellcasting is possible as a slime. He lacks bones as a slime, and can slip into some very tight places. Generally, he prefers to avoid this form unless there is no real recourse.

Edit: HTML =OMFG no <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.
</p>Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 5/6/04 6:04 pm

The Hardass Archer

Unread postPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:16 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Zemekis Craulnober
Age: 18
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Hair: Blonde, Short.
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180

Zemekis hails from the mining city of Narshe, the third son of six children. His family was a farming family, but many of them worked in the mines. Zemekis was no exception. He began work in them at the tender age of twelve, as was common in the region. However, his time there ended after a year and a half when a cave in killed his two older brothers; leaving him the eldest and only son of the family. No longer wanting to risk him in the mines, Zemekis' parents instead put him to the comparitively safer trade of hunting, which he took to with relish. When not long before he turned sixteen, Zemekis married Claris Shetfield and left home to live on his own; early marriage being an expected thing in Narshe. Soon, they had a daughter; whom Claris named Choko.

Zemekis ws happy with his family and his life, until events in Narshe got him tangled in the affairs of dragoons and a frost dragon that had secretly moved into an abandoned mine with a hatchling. Finding himself very uncomfortable with an nervous mother dragon close enough to his home to smite it, he left Narshe to learn more about the ways of dragons. Coming to Doma, he became very suspicious about the dragon, and sought a way to match her, should she decide that Narshe was not fit to remain standing. This led him to an enchanter in Baron, who imbued his bow with magic to paralyze any dragons who felt the bite of his arrows.

Mercenary work left him enough to send a good deal of money back home, and seeing the relative peace and prosperity of Doma made him decide to move his family to there from Riva. He joined with the Guard, and saved his money in order to buy a proper home. His hard work soon got him promoted to a rank of some authority, while he scounged as much as he could to support his family from afar, and save to buy them a home. However, Claris soon fled Narshe on her own, after some futher incidents with overzealous dragoons, and sought Zemekis in Doma.

Reunited, the Craulnobers lived together until the invasion came. Seeking refuge in Nekonia, Zemekis joined the counter invasion forces, and aided in the battles that followed. Now, they have returned to Doma, and seek to establish themselves once more.

Courage 3
Wisdom 2
Intuition 3
Charisma 0
Agility 3
Dexterity 5
Strength 3
Stamina 3
Magical Aptitude 0

HP: 70
MP: 0
TP: 20
Initiative: 6+2d6 (7-18)
AT/PA: 12/12

Modifed for Skill (Daggers): 15/12
Modified for Armor: (Leather) 14/11
Modified for Armor (Chain Mail) 12/10

-Studded Leather&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (AC: 11, -1/-1)
-Chain Mail (AC: 20, -3/-2)

Dagger (Lone or Double)
-Thrust: 7+1d6
-Slash: 13+2d4
-Chop: 18+2d6

-Accuracy: 11
-Damage: 18+d6

-Accuracy: 15
-Damage: 28+2d4

Archery <Str/Dex/Cou> 4
Hunting and Tracking <Int/Wis/Sta> 4
Farming <Wis/Int/Sta> 4
Carpentry <Wis/Str/Dex> 3
Daggers <Str/Agi/Cou> 3
Mining <Str/Sta/Dex> 2
[s]Chain of Command <Cha/Wis/Cou> 4
[k]Guard Tactics <wis> 4
[k]Doman Laws <wis> 4
[k]Castle Layout <wis> 4
[k]Survival <wis>4
[k]Farming <wis>4
[k]Dragonkind <wis>2

[Archery=2]Trick Shot (2TP) - Allows the character to attempt to make a shot that would normally be impossible, providing the player can make up a good enough explaination of why the arrow would hit. The higher rank the character, the more the player can BS
[Archery=3] Stab and Shoot: (3TP) Zemekis can draw an arrow, stab a melee range target with it, then fire at another target for normal damage. The stab requires an normal attack roll, and does 4+2d6 damage. The shot is done at a -2 penalty, but strikes for normal damage.
[Archery=4]Crippling Shot (4TP) - Used in conjunction with a ranged attack. If the attack hits, a -2 general combat penalty is inflicted until the wound is healed.
[Archery=4]Vulture Eye (4TP) Zemekis takes his time in aiming. This delays his turn for 1d3 actions, then allow him to fire with a bonus equal to to his archery rank (Caps at +6) or fire normally for 1.5 damage.
[Guard Tactics=4] Bow Restraint (5 TP) - Zemekis uses his bow as a lever to restrain a target, holding them in place, bestowing a -4/-4 penalty on the target, and making Zemekis the only targetable character the next round. Costs 5 TP initially, then can be mantained for 2 TP per turn. Additionally, Zemekis's RPer can pay an additional 6 TP to cut off the target's air supply and render them unconscious in 1d3 rounds.
[Item Granted] Paralyze Dragon (TP6) Zemekis attacks as normal. If his arrow hits a draconic creature, it is fully paralyzed for (Archery rank/3) rounds.

Edit: We don't need no stinkin' HTML. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.
</p>Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 5/6/04 7:17 pm

Sean Mooglery

Unread postPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:47 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Name: Rowan McGray
Race: Moogle
Sex: male
Age: Middle-aged, sliding into old age.
Height: 3'

Rowan is a Mooge hailing from the Shuman Mountains. For a long time, he served his community as an able hunter, and was quite respected for it. Eventually, though, it was felt that Rowan lived a little too much for his work, and asked him to relax a bit. Without his constant hunting to keep him occupied, Rowan found he had a lot of free time on his hands. While he was able to keep himself occupied with tinkering and experiements with static electricity, eventually he found himself getting very restless. Soon, he was encouraged by both his peers and his own instincts to roam a bit, and perhaps find something to do with himself in the meantime.

Rowan is a serious, practical sort of moogle. While he does have a playful streak at times, it takes a little doing to bring it to light. Left to his own designs, Rowan will remain mostly quiet, and amuse himself with his tinkering or by doing what needs to be done. However, he will be social when approached, and has no toruble joining in on things when invited. But seldom does he initiate stuff on his own. He also has a curious habit of stealing from people he defeats through the course of his travels.

Courage: 3
Wisdom: 3
Intuition: 3
Charisma: 0
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 4
Strength: 5
Stamina: 2
Magical Aptitude: 0

EXP: 980/1250
HP: 66
TP: 24
Initiative 6+2d6 (7-17)
AT/PA: 14/14

Final AT/PA: Short Sword: 15/13

Final AT/PA: Enchanted Sword Sword 17/13

Equipment: (All Moogle-sized/adapted unless otherwise noted)
-Short Sword: 7/10/13 +2/0
T: 12+d6+d6 (Dark)
S: 20+2d4+2d4 (Dark)
C: 28+2d6+2d4 (Dark)

-Short sword: 7/10/13
T: 12+d6
S: 20+2d4
C: 28+2d6

Accuracy agi+(dex*2)-1 (10)
Damage: 10+str+d6 (15+d6)

-Wayfarer's Clothing: 6 AC 0/0

-Toolbelt: Hammer, chisel, wrench, hand-sized prybar, measuring tape, small bag of nails, small bottle of adhesive, workman's pencil, screwdriver, some loose screws.
-Satchel: Change of clothes, preserved food, random clockwork pieces, handcrank, small glass rod, small glass cylinder, amber, jet, brass rod, several lodestones (in a small bag), flint and steel, length of horsehair.


Short Sword <cou/Agi/Str> 6
Sling <Dex/Cou/Str> 5
Hunting and Tracking <Int/Int/Sta> 4
Tinkering and Repair <Int/Int/Dex> 6
Dancing <Dex/Agi/Sta> 3
[s]Hauling <Str/Sta/Sta> 4
[k]Applied Physical Sciences. <wis> 5
[k]Survival <wis> 4
[k]Clockwork and Mechanics <wis> 5
[k]Forestry <wis> 4
[k]Appraisal <wis>2


Hauling: Gained from a lifetime of having to haul the corpses of heavy game animals, and from having to help his neighbors move furniture. It allows Rowan to add 1/2 the rank to Lifting rolls, and full ranks to rolls for carrying something over a distance.

[Short Sword=4 Dancing=3] Swords dance: (4TP) A style of combat based off the many dances done by moogles. It allows Rowan to stay in constant motion and thus makes him harder to hit. He gains + 3 to PA for (Dancing rank) rounds. However, he may not break rhythm during this time. Being hit requires a dancing roll to maintain the tech. Rowan may not make Missile attacks while sword dancing.

Edit: Added in XP and his enchanted short sword
Edit2: Mo XP + Level up

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 5/6/04 7:28 pm

Pacifist Angel of Dreams

Unread postPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:53 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Quick Stats:
Enlil Purvis (Uncle Pervy) - Lvl 9 - 138 HP, 136 MP, 62 TP


Name: Enlil Purvis - Age: 2 - Eyes: silver - Hair: wavy silver; a little more than shoulder length. - Height: 5'3" - wingspan: 16', 8' when fully open

Enlil is an angel who was once in the service of a (near) deity, who later stepped down. She was created by a mortal gone insane when he tapped into the raw power of Creation; forging her mind, body, and soul completely. He made Enlil to serve as his herald, and announce he ascendence to the Universe. She was completely loyal to his ideals, until he was defeated and saw the results of his madness.

Everything she was created to believe in died that day. The god whom she was supposed to herald was no more, and everything she was created to hope and strive for crumbled. All that was left was the friendship of those who stopped her creator. She has had to rebuild her life completely.

Now she lives on her own after her creator; whom she now thinks of as her Father; told her to go out and experience what existence has to offer. She strove to make him proud of her, to show him that she could adapt to her new reality. She came to Gaera, hoping to find him again after they had parted ways.

At first penniless, she had to sleep in the streets in Doma City. Soon, she took to doing this by choice, using what money she got to help the homeless and the unfortunately. Slowly, she made an impact upon the slums of Doma City, starting an organization to help them, and to council them. Thanks to her efforts, the slums of Doma city have become significantly more safe than they once were.

With the aid of her friends, Enlil was able to establish herself, and to find the self confidence she desperately needed. Since then, she has gone on to stop numerous threats to Doma and the world. She is most renowned, perhaps, for her talent of showing others the wrongs of their ways. She has been able to bring demon lords, mages of questionable sanity, and more to give up their previously destructive ways and work to benefit.

Eventually, Enlil was able to reunite with her father. However, their time together was short, for he had pledge himself to a duel with the Deity of the Dark Sidhe, Mellewyn. Aliester did not try to save himself, giving his life in hopes that he could begin dissuade Mellewyn from his path of prejudice and manipulation of non-Sidhe. Since then, Enlil has overcome her grief, and carried on her father's work, trying to convince Mellewyn to turn from his path. She has become his diplomat, trying to find a peaceful solution to war of manipulation between Mellewyn's people and the Light Sidhe, one that has lasted since the early days of the mortal realms.

In her struggles against an insane dream mage by the name of Simon Marlowe, Enlil ended up very nearly sacrificing her life to end the bitter years-long stuggle. In the process, she finally managed to leave her past as a divine celestial behind, and fully become an ideal Celestial.

Enlil's constant companion is Maru, her katana; a sentient weapon given to her by her father. It often gives her council, and can impart the skill it contains when she places her faith in it.

However, Enlil despises fighting. She learned from her Father that no one has the right to kill an intelligent creature, for any reason. While she will slay an animal, a construct, or a creature whose soul is incomplete if it becomes necessary, she will usually hesitate and try to find another way. But should the choice come between something that can make a moral choice and something that cannot, Enlil will support the former.

Name: Enlil Purvis
RPer: Uncle Pervy
Race: Angel (Ideal of Pacificism)
Level: 9
XP: 2650/6250
Max HP: 138
Max MP: 136
Max TP: 62
Initiative: 8+2d6 (10-20)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +9
Agility: +3 (+4)
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +1
Stamina: +4
Magical Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA - 12/12
Modified for skill - 17/14(15)
Modified for armor - 17/14(15)

Body=Padded Robes (AC 6),

-Jeweled Amulet (AGI +1),
-Ring of Proection from Darkness (+3 to Mblock vs Dark magic)
-Foenix Armlet (Allows Enlil to teleport to the Celestial Plane or mask herself as Foenix with an illusion that can extend to her aura. When in a neutral state, she can pass for a greater demon, and as a lesser one in celestial state)

Elemental Rune: This rune, placed on Enlil by the elemental crystals of Gaera, allow her to invoke certain elemental-based effects.
-Wind: Can take two actions in one combat round once per day.
-Earth: Gets +2 to saves vs Poison
-Fire: Can invoke an extra 15 HP for 6 hours once every three days. She loses 15 HP at the end of this periord
-Water: +1 to saves vs Mental effects

Weapon Damage - Maru (10/13/15, +3/+3)
Thrusting - 11+1d6
Slashing - 15+2d4
Chopping - 18+2d6
Blade Attunement - 8 <Int/Agi/Cha>
Musical Talent/Singing - 21 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Dream Walking - 7 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Aeromancy - 8 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Shadow Magic - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Hydromancy - 3 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Celestial Magic - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Telepathy - 1 <Mag/Int/Wis>
[k]Mecha Repair - 1
[k]Interrelations of Dimensional Forces - 8
[k]Rune Knowledge: 3
[s]Advanced Parry - 2 Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 12/15/04 5:30

By Request: The King of the North.

Unread postPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 3:52 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Quick Stats:
Zachary Evringshal(Uncle Pervy) - Lvl 1- 65 HP, 20 TP


name: Zachary Elwin Evringshal - age: 19 - eyes: Brown - hair: Brown - height: 5' 8'

Zachary is the king of Ervingshal, a small nation north of Valth, on the other side of Shuman Moutains. He was never meant to take the Throne of Ervingshal, but a tragic assassination put the third child of the Evringshal Family to the throne. However, Zachary was never truly ready for the role, and chafes under the pressure of ruling. He does not like the attention that the throne brings him, but he tries to shoulder the burden. He is known as a generally intelligent and just man, but he lives for the few bits of time he can claim for himself. In the past few years, Zachary has found himself increasingly fascinated with Nekonian and Argovia.In his jealously-guarded spare time, he trained himself in the art of Iajitsu, taken from books he had imported and had recieved as gifts from Nekonian Diplomats. Later, he fled Evringshal, balking his responsibilities to live freely and pursue his own heart. He came to Doma, posing as a diplomat of Evringshal. There, he found the freedom he desired, and a great deal more when he met a woman by the name of Cincare. Concern for her convinced him to return home, knowing that his armies could protect her from the Sorceress who was after her. But still, the weight of rule is a heavy one for him, even with Cincare to help him. Given the chance, and the general peacefulness of Evringshal, he may well leave again.

Name: Zachary
RPer: Uncle Pervy
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65
Max MP: 0
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 5+2d6 (7-17)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Courage: 1
Wisdom: 5
Intuition: 3
Charisma: 3
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 3
Strength: 0
Stamina: 2
Magic Aptitude: 0
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
AT/PA: 8
Modified for Skill 10/10
Modified for Armor: 10/10

Body=Kimono (AC=3)

Weapon Damage - Masterwork Katana
(13/17/21, +1/+0)
Thrusting - 13+1d6
Slashing - 17+2d4
Chopping - 21+2d6
Katana - 4 <Cou/Dex/Int>
Animal Handling/Training - 4 <Cou/Cha/Wisdom>
Diplomacy - 3 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Etiquette (Noble) - 3 <Cou/Cha/Int>
Magical Lore - 2 <Wis/Wis/Int>
[s]Fast Strike - 4 Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 5/6/04 7:29 pm

The Unseen Hand

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:10 am
by Uncle Pervy
Name: Mellewyn
RPer: Uncle Pervy
Race: Sidhe Deity
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 450
Max MP: 190
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 20+2d6

Little is truly known know about Mellewyn, for most knoweldge of him comes from legenda and hearsay. Some say that he is truly a demon manipulating the races of Faeriekind, while others say he is the embodiment of Nature's wrath toward mortals. More believe that he serves those powers. A select few think he may be some sort of ancient construct, while Enlil Purvis declares him "Frustrating". All that is know is that his word is law among the Dark Sidhe, and his ambitious are as shadowy as his past.

Courage: 0
Wisdom: 6
Intuition: 6
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 0
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for skill - 48/48
Modified for armor - 53/68

Body: Divine Rainments (+5/+20; +5 to Agility)

Weapon: Moonreaver (15/30/45; +5 to Dex and Strength)
Light: 25+d6
Mid: 35+2d4
Heavy: 45+2d6

Neck: ????? (????????)

Divinity 4 <Mag>
Illusions 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Nature Mastery 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Honor 4 <Cou/Int/Wis>
Swordsmanship 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Perfect Teleport 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Autocracy 4 <Int/Wis/Wis>
Manipulation 4 <Wis/Cha/Cha>
[s]Divinity 4<mag>
[s]Masterful Parry 4 Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 4/1/05 4:21

Re: The Unseen Hand

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:13 am
by Shinigori V2
Fuck, man, can't you come up with even a single original idea? This is just like Vani's sheet.

Fuck, get your own stuff. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>

Re: The Unseen Hand

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:44 am
by Uncle Pervy
What? The My connection is slow and you know it. Not like Mellewyn couldn't waltz of Vani any day of the week. I mean, not to be harsh, but it's cold hard fact. <p>---------------------------

Your are not supposed to be reading this!</p>

Re: The Unseen Hand

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:48 am
by Shinigori V2
Your connection's slow?

Fuck, man, that's your excuse for everything.

"Oh, I ripped off your idea because my connection's slow!"

"I caused the holocaust because my connection's slow!"

"I can't download that music for you because my connection's slow!" <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>

Re: The Unseen Hand

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:14 am
by pd Rydia
"I can't cyber u b/c my connection is slow!" <p>
<div style="text-align:center">"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture</div>

Re: The Unseen Hand

Unread postPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:53 am
by Endesu
Lag is good in the sack. <p>


Re: The Unseen Hand

Unread postPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:04 am
by JasonAB17
*Burns this thread from the eleventh post on down* <p><div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>

I believe you would refer to this as a Neo Vaning.

Unread postPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:37 pm
by Banjooie
Diran: Well. Never did get around to this one. And he's had lots of time to 'improve'. Let's see what we got going here, shall we?

Diran: Enlil Purvis. Super-powerful angel made by a man wanting to be a god.

Jinto: That alone would have been nailed like hatches in a storm, had someone besides Uncle Pervy done it.

Diran: But it wasn't, and let's see where it went. Well, this man found the /powers of Creation/...

Jinto: If ANYONE had said that in their charsheet, I think we would have had them stoned and hung on a cross...but, hey, it's Pervy.

Diran: Exactly. Anyway, this guy uh, died, and Enlil, rather than going insane or anything, decided 'Wow, the guy I've been following for my extremely short life was totally wrong'.

Jinto: Didn't the player of this guy complain about other people with a similar history?

Diran: Yes, but remember: Semi-divine histories are okay if you're loud enough about them. Actually, we should go into the man himself.

Jinto: The guy who looks exactly like his main character, with the same name?

Diran: Yeah. Man, that'd so be a Gary Stu call normally.

Nagan: Not back then, though. I guess newbies lose out on that sort of creativity.

Diran: Anyway, this guy totally changed his tune after he failed, told Enlil to live a happy life, and she did. And she was totally philanthropic, no real personality faults--she wasn't MADE with any, of course.

Nagan: No personality faults. Hm. Boy, doesn't that usually show up somewhere?

Diran: Yes, in Harry Potter fanfiction written by 14 year old girls.

Nagan: It does. It really does. Oh, and for the /second/ time, one of his characters has significantly improved a city.

Diran: Didn't CAPTAIN Pervy singlehandedly fix the Doman Guard

Nagan: Yes, and Enlil singlehandedly fixed the slums. I'm seeing a pattern...

Diran: Anyway, it turns out her dad /didn't/ die, so he could die dramatically later to of his OTHER characters from being prejudiced against non-sidhe.

Nagan: ...One of his super-powerful unstoppable ones, right?

Diran: Yep. Noone else would be allowed one, of course. Except as the villain, but I've talked to him under perfectly normal circumstances.

Nagan: So, he's basically just an evil character that this guy can pull out whenever he wants who's unstoppable but he doesn't use his power.

Diran: Yep. Man, no newbie would ever be allowed to do that, EVER.

Nagan: Never, ever. This guy earned it through....uh..being at the forum a long time!

Diran: And then Enlil almost sacrified her life because of...Simon Marlowe? Isn't that /another one/ of Pervy's characters?

Nagan: It totally is. There seems to be a theme here where most of this guy's characters's major history seems based around his own other characters.

Diran: Weirdest thing.

Nagan: Oh, she has a sentient weapon she's had since...level 1? Yes. Yes she does.

Diran: Boy, that'll be interesting, won't it, when we go look at the stats. Oh, she's a pacifist, too. Let's find out more about this later on.

Jinto: Alright, me and Bessie've been looking at these stats, and it's kinda interesting even for a level 9. Very interesting indeed.

Bessie: Moo, moo MOOO moo mooo, moo moo! <Oddly, all her stats seem to be based around one particular stat, at the entire expense of the others!>

Jinto: Well, she's got Charisma +9...and none of her other stats, except Magical Aptitude, even hit 5.

Diran: After eight levels?

Jinto: That's right. And her DEX/STR are both 1. That's right, in eight levels, her strength and dexterity have never increased once. Which means they were probably this low back when the character was level 1.

Diran: Boy, for someone who starts out with a sentient katana to do all their fighting for them, it sure seems odd to not put any --oh, wait, yes it does, it's called minmaxing.

Jinto: Which wouldn't be allowed....

Bessie: Except it's Pervy?

Jinto: ...What?

Bessie: Mooo, moo moo. <That is, er, Moo.>

Diran: Perhaps! Let's keep going.

Jinto: Well, she's got an AGI + 1 amulet...+1? I thought Pervy couldn't stand anything that had +1 at the end of it.

Diran: He can't, that's why he totally wailed into that other girl's sheet, for having +1's at the end of her weaponry.

Jinto: Wait, yes he can! Because he's PERVY!

Meldon: It's all starting to come together!

Jinto: Well, he's got a ring of protection from darkness...another +3. Boy. For someone who hates those +#'s...

Bessie: Moo! MOO! Moo. <Wait! She can totally hide the fact she's an angel with her armlet! WHENEVER SHE WANTS! Or planehop.>

Jinto: I don't think anyone FREESTYLE would be allowed to use that kinda thing. Actually, didn't Pervy yell about...

Diran: He did, he did.

Jinto: Anyway, she's also got a rune that lets her take two actions in one combat, not get hurt by poison as easily, get extra HP, and stop mental effects more easily.

Diran: ....Wow. With +#'s?

Jinto: Up the yinyang--It gets better, by the way, Maru turns out to be a +3/+3 weapon.

Diran: And she's had this since level one?

Jinto: Yep. And it's sentient, so it doesn't really need her to have any dexterity or strength to use it.

Diran: How...convienient!

Jinto: Anyway, she's got the requisite single rank in telepathy to use it...

Diran: One rank? But I've seen her plow telepathy through pretty much everything!

Jinto: Yes, but that's becuase it's Pervy.

Diran: My bad, my bad. Anyway, she's got some advanced parry. Two ranks. Which is an S, so it costs....uh, not that much. Two ranks, for someone who's level 9. I guess she never learned how to get better with her sword, at all.

Jinto: Look at her stuff, she doesn't need to. She's light element, but gets to ditch the downsides, she's resistant to disease, poison--and she's got that Earth bonus against poison, unless they're magical...

Diran: In which case the earth rune saves her.

Jinto: Also, if she switches to her lost form, noone can TELL she's a Celestial, and she gets all these negatives, like eating...drinking...

Diran: So, if being a celestial is bad, she just /stops doing it/. Oh, she takes double damage from poison, though...

Jinto: Which she has that rather nice save against even in Lost form.

Diran: Beautiful, isn't it? So beautiful.

Jinto: Anyway, she can fly, and I know she could do that first level. Man, we'd never let any NEWBIES fly at first level...

Diran: They're not 'trustworthy' yet, remember.

Jinto: Now, she can hit people with her wings...

Diran: Boy, that totally avoids her low STR/DEX, doesn't it.

Jinto: It really, really does. And it's relatively cheap, too. But we missed Compulsion Resistance.

Diran: Which does?

Jinto: She gets about 5 chances to keep from doing anything she doesn't want to, at which point she becomes unconscious and still doesn't do it.

Diran: So, she's /completely immune to charm for anything worth falling unconscious for/.

Jinto: Doesn't even cost TP to do. And 5 saves to break, and even if it can't be broken, she can still fall over unconscious and avoid doing it.

Diran: Regardless of how strong it is.

Jinto: Yep. The CHA whore is immune to CHA whoring.

Diran: Imagine that! Oh, and then we have the Aura Form.

Jinto: The aura form makes her...uh, completely immune to physical harm, but unable to cause it.

Diran: Which would be a problem if she weren't entirely based around talking the other people down and using charm magic and the like.

Jinto: Blah blah blah, swoop attack, which is 'hit, and get out of the way before being able to be hit'.

Diran: Man, if anyone tried to get THAT...and no penalties to hit. These things aren't individually broken, but you ADD THEM UP.

Jinto: Staying Blow, which would be a problem except that you don't have to kill people to deal with them necessarily, and it guarantees you don't kill anyone you don't want to accidentally. It's a fake nerf.

Diran: Herald's Duty is a rather nice way to let you use a 30 rank singing, and when are you ever going to need to use it twice in one day?

Jinto: Defensive Stance, an ability granted by her weapon, that grants extra bonuses if she just happens to have a weapon on her.

Diran: --Of course, playing tank /works/ for you when the other person has to roll resistance to diplomacy every round.

Jinto: It does. Also, Maru lets her use any weapon as long as Enlil is sure she can kill people with it.

Diran: And, since she's Enlil, and highly faithful....

Jinto: And there's another subdual damage thing so she can easily use all her blade techniques without fear of breaking her pacifism thing.

Diran: Blade Faith is yet another convienient method of dealing damage and avoiding the fact she has no attack stats. 1 STR, 1 DEX, and she's capable of dealing huge physical damage for practically no TP, assuming she even needs to.

Jinto: For 4TP, she gets to play dead, and add her twinkstat to her...only good stats, intriguingly, against someone else's WIS/INT, and all she needs to do is not use it against people with high WIS/INT to make it a guaranteed surprise attack.

Diran: And even then, you'd need high enough wis/int to match her wis, her int, and her cha, AND beat her on a d20.

Jinto: Which are, coincidentally, the only things she's dumping points into.

Diran: etc, etc, three songs that let her do whatever she wants with wind, shadow, and water.

Jinto: ooh, here's the good part: Her 'nerf combat' skill for MP. We're finally hitting the things that cost decent MP...

Diran: Basically, if it hits the party, they can still defend themselves, and if it doesn't, they can avoid getting squashed.

Jinto: Countersong in case anyone else actually has a similar ability, because she's the only CHA-whore allowed!

Diran: Okay, talking to birds, which is kinda useful seeing as though birds can do a variety of things when....CHA...whored.

Jinto: Oh my.

Diran: And then we have the 'she can break things and cause hella damage for 8TP a round.

Jinto: Everything around her, no less, unless she renders things deaf beforehand. Like her party members.

Diran: Song of Invocation, which is basically 'lol make everyone do what I want' again.

Jinto: Aura goes along these lines.

Diran:The single rank in telepathy obligatory telepathy thing.

Jinto: Not going to complain too much about Dreamwalking, but I'm sure by now you've already figured out exactly how this can be twinked.

Diran: Now that we're all done, isn't there an obvious question?

Jinto: There sure is. IS Enlil just a CHA whore twink?

Diran: Oddly, despite this huge case we've made for it, she really isn't.

Jinto: And why's that?

Diran: Because, amazingly, a character isn't just about the ridiculous abilities they can bring to bear. Enlil is, in fact, a fully rounded character. So, despite being twinky, she's still a good character.

Jinto: Intriguing, that. I guess the only reason Enlil was accepted was that Pervy was a good RPer, which we're no longer giving people permission to try out?

Diran: Aliester Purvis wasn't much better, what with the spaceship cabbit, so I guess we were just more accepting back then.

Jinto: Certainly were. Good thing we're not: If we let somebody twinky RP, Gaera would be ruined FOREVER!
<p><Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies."</p>

Re: Pacifist Angel of Dreams

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:00 am
by Kelne
Y'know, it's a funny thing. It wouldn't have occurred to me to do this of my own accord. It took Banj bringing out the big guns and giving Enlil's sheet the third degree to prompt me to run through it myself.

My feelings on this are ambivalent. On the one hand, I think Banj was justified in this, not because Enlil's sheet is a hideous travesty against all that is holy (it isn't), but because I think Pervy deserved to see a knee-jerk reaction directed at one of his characters in this instance.

On the other hand, the impression that comes across here is "Enlil is hideously broken, but we let Pervy get away with this because he's an experienced RPer." And on this, upon reflection, I don't agree.

Now, this is hardly an impression unique to Banj. I've seen it expressed on many occasions, by many people. And in this context, the fact that Pervy is an experienced RPer is expressed as a backhanded compliment at best.

So. Let's run through it, shall we, and settle this particular issue once and for all.

1) Enlil has a charisma of 9. Achieved through completely legal stat-ups and, as Banj notes, at the expense of practically everything else. I could, in theory, do the same thing by level 4, given three moderately lucky rolls. Certainly a change from all the Cha scores of 2 or 1 or less.

Now while I don't think anybody else has a stat of any kind above 7, there's a measly two point difference, and unless we intend to ban stat scores of 8 or above outright, I don't see how anyone complaining about this has a leg to stand on.

As an afterthought, high charisma does suit Enlil's character concept, what with being a diplomat, negotiator and singer, all of which charisma ties into.

2) Maru. +3/+3, true. However, Maru's damage is 10/13/15, slightly less than your run-of-the-mill longsword, and hardly the stuff of which legends are made. And with a Str of 1, Enlil is reliant upon techs to inflict significant damage. Nor is it as if she can fall back on spells for this purpose.

Maru does boost her AT/PA to the point where she can hold her own against most characters short of dedicated fighters, at least so far as number of hits goes, but by this point, it hardly makes a great difference.

While there aren't many level 8+ characters to compare Enlil with, Griff, Kelne, Pervy or Kilra would all mop the floor with her in a straight melee fight, as would Jeridan at level 6. The only high level character I can think of who wouldn't is Kamos, and even he'd give her a run for her money.

So. Maru isn't an unbalancing item at level 9. I can certainly think of more dangerous weapons, and more dangerous characters to wield them. Whether or not Maru was unbalancing at level 1 is really a moot point, since I don't recall anybody complaining at the time, and the miraculous benefit of hindsight doesn't truly tell us whether we would accept it, unbiased at level 1 in this day and age.

3) Other magical loot. I count four items, since the runes were a package deal. All of which were fairly acquired over the course of several RPs, and none of which she had prior to level 4. Am I really going to hear serious complaints over anything but the runes?

Anyway. The runes. As I said, a package deal, and toned down from what their effects probably should have been, if one wants to be realistic about it, in the interests of balance. In Pervy's place, I'd be inclined to get rid of the effects and leave it as a generic blessing, but that's just because I hate keeping track of fiddly little details. The effects are either strictly limited in use, or limited in scope. Nothing unbalanced here.

4) Skills. Specifically, singing. Enlil has, quite ICly, maxed out on this one. Not often you see a truly maxed out skill; I think the highest other one I've seen is 15. Not really something that there's a great deal of precedent to cover, but again, if we don't want people taking such high-ranked skills, we shouldn't give them the option to ruleswise. In any case, it's not so much the skill as what one uses it for, and if there's a problem, it'll show up in techs.

5) Variable state of being. Truth be told, I think this one's a tad silly. It's not like the flapping great wings haven't always been a dead giveaway when people are trying to figure out whether or not she's a celestial. It might be able to do with a rewrite, and perhaps a rethink as to whether it's really necessary. A note that she's capable of toning down the aura of holiness so that people with a shadow affinity aren't uncomfortable around her would seem adequate.

6) Since Banj raised it, wing buffet. Assuming Enlil invests the maximum 6TP in this, damage averages out to, drum roll please... 27 points. The sheer, unmitigated horror. Granted, in theory she might do 42 damage, but she might also do 12. In all, there are definitely better uses of her TP.

7) Aura form. Given that we've established that the only way Enlil can harm people is physically, and nothing at all is stopping said people from blasting her with magic, I think aura form has sufficient drawbacks to make it balanced. Bear in mind that by the time she's been forced to assume aura form in the first place, non-combat options will likely have already been exhausted anyway.

8) Swoop attack. As I understand it, the chief problem Banj has with this is that Enlil gets to nip out of melee range after making her attack. Certainly an average damage of 59 doesn't match what a fighter or mage could deal out. Recall also that this skill can only be used if Enlil and her target are out in the open where she can fly, and nothing stops said target from shooting at her or blasting her with magic.

9) Calming song. Potentially very powerful. Note, however, that Enlil doesn't get a bonus to her base MgA. With a MgA of 11, most serious foes are going to be completely unfazed by this nine times out of ten. Oh, and Enlil rolls a D10, I see. She'll be lucky to cut through peoples' base MgR with that. Best used for crowd control on the weak-willed or similar purposes. In fact, I think this could stand to be boosted somewhat if it's intended as a combat-usable skill. Perhaps leaving Enlil's roll as the standard D20 would suffice?

10) Countersong. Useful, but pretty specific in its use. Most spells have only a brief vocal component, so Enlil won't have time to begin disrupting them before they take effect. And it certainly makes sense to me that she'd know how to counter her own tricks.

11) Song of Invocation. Very high-level, very powerful. This is the one where the high singing skill becomes an issue. It effectively functions as calming song does, with added benefits, and is infinitely harder to resist. Enlil starts out with a base of 40 for her skill roll, and even if the opponent has a Cou of 10, they're at a 10 point disadvantage, though being aware of what she's up to helps. Nevertheless, against practically everybody, the question isn't whether Enlil succeeds, but how well she succeeds. On the downside, it will certainly apply to her allies as well. Still, it needs toning down.

In fact, this issue may become more apparent as more characters start to max out certain skills at high levels, particularly mages. It's been said that Philsys isn't really all that balanced for higher levels, and this particular tech seems to exemplify that.

12) Millennia Break. A dead tech, and one whose downside was considerably more than its upside anyway, as I see it.

No doubt I've forgotten something along the way, but I doubt it was anything important. Note that I've confined myself to dealing with the sheet itself rather than the background. I may address this another day, I may not.

In any case, I have uncovered two major issues (Calming Song and Song of Invocation), and perhaps a couple of minor ones that aren't really that important.

Certainly not the hallmark of an inherently broken sheet that we ignore because it belongs to an old hand who can get away with such things. <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

Re: Pacifist Angel of Dreams

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:05 pm
by Banjooie


And yes, people DID bitch about Maru at level 1, Pervy pretty much screamed and yelled until we let him have it. I was there for that. There was TONS of bitching.

Also: Can anyone else deal 27 damage, average, with 1 STR/1+dex? Just out of sheerest curiosity? <p><Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies."</p>Edited by: [url=>Banjooie</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/31/05 14:12

Re: Pacifist Angel of Dreams

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:20 pm
by Shinigori V2
Two things:

Aura form is something all celestials can do. It's actually taken from Janda's sheet, who's had it at level one.

Foenix Armlet was only meant to be around for plot purposes later on, and was meant to be given to Janda, but Enlil was given permission to hang onto it until the desired time. It's not something she's going to have forever. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>


Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:35 pm
by Banjooie
Shini: It's considerably more irritating in a character who isn't built to win combats in that manner.

Re: Pacifist Angel of Dreams

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:31 pm
by Kelne
Yes? And how exactly does having a Cha of 9 tie into the sheet being fundamentally broken? It sounds like the problem here isn't with the sheet itself, but with how Pervy is playing the character. If so, let's get that out in the open, rather than attacking the sheet, shall we?

Certainly I don't think people will automatically be talked down by Enlil's god-like charisma. Charisma, if you recall, governs peoples' initial impressions. And, on that front, it is pretty well impossible for Enlil to make a bad first impression.

Talking someone down will involve the strength of a person's arguments, and to what degree their foe is willing to be talked down. Charisma does factor in to an extent, but it is by no means the determining factor. Almost anyone Enlil could talk down could, in theory, be talked down by someone else willing to make the effort. The difference is that Enlil will always make the attempt, and will carry on with it long after another person would give up in disgust. Beating her head against a brick wall, one might say.

And as for allowing Enlil to run roughshod over any and all opposition by talking them into submission, well, it just doesn't work. Being confronted by someone with a Cha of 9 does not somehow override your free will. In fact, Enlil can provoke considerable hostility in people she consistently badgers. Witness Kamos. Or Erech. Or Will. Or entire parties if she's being particularly stubborn on an important issue.

As for the issue of dealing 27 damage with a Str and Dex of 1, that only applies to, what, every mage ever? Dex hasn't exactly been a stat there's been much motivation to max out in the past.

If you want an example of a character dealing physical damage, well, I can't think of any who match Enlil's stats exactly, but my own character Cerene (a dedicated mage, by the by), has Str -1 and dex 3, and deals an average of 32 damage with one of her techs. She also dealt an average of 37 damage with an ordinary fire 2 spell at level 1. <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>