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1st Character Thread!

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:15 am
by Dodgy Hound
My current character under PhilSys-

Dino Adolfo Baldasarre
Age: 20 Height: 5’10” Weight: 173# Eye color: light brown/amber Hair color: black

Born as the second son of a Noble landowner in Barius, Don Furruccio Baldasarre, his childhood was one of privilege and status. While his older brother became a captain in the navy and his sister was later married the son of a somewhat wealthy merchant, Dino spent his time thinking about how he would become something special, a celebrated hero. Dino was taught at an early age by his mother Viviana that his abilities were special and that because of his heritage he was to be a great man.

It was this desire to be a great man of his and his parents that took Dino Baldasarre to the Gail Academy, a birth place of many commanders and officers of the royal courts. Early in his time there he was quite taken by the violent art of dueling and became quite enthralled by its noble savagery. He spent much of his time learning from the best Swordmasters at the Academy and becoming an eager student. This brought him into rivalry with an older student, Fordon Kiyestimo.

Fordon was child of simple peasants, the adopted son of a Boyar, awarded with his place for saving the life of his patron. Fordon Kiyescimo was as proud as Dino and challenged the young buck. They had a hard-fought and close match which was fought to a draw by the judge’s decision. Competitive as he was all his life, Dino Baldasarre refused to shake the hand of the overbearing and unapologetic Fordon, and soon an unstated heated rivalry burned between the two.

Later, he joined an underground club of students, and they introduced to the possibilities of Temporal magic to him. Gail’s headmasters did not sanction the use nor the teaching of such dangerous magic to the future ruling elite of the country, but it was acknowledged as a useful tool to learn, and therefore it was an semi-accepted public secret: although the fact that the leader of the group payed the headmaster to look the other way helped as well. The young Baldasarre was always looking for an edge, and began to learn how to use the magic of time to enhance his abilities as a duelist.

Fordon soon gave him a reason to use his abilities, by instigating a duel over a small slight of honor between the hard-headed youths. During the fight Dino was caught using his magic and was disqualified and immensely shamed. His honor desecrated, his abilities as a duelist were questioned, and every win now considered tainted, he left the academy under the cover of night.

His wounds he suffered during the duel were not treated afterwards by the healers of the Monaca Bianca Caretakers, as he was too proud to admit to the pain or confront his disgrace. Instead he waited for his body to heal itself, leaving a handful of scars across his arms and chest, the most prominent on his right breast.

Dino Bardasarre has since left his old haunts. He was too proud of his father and too afraid of disappointing his mother to go back to them. So instead he took advantage of a chance meeting and began work as a bodyguard and herald of a wizard Ea T’uukla. Dino knew that Ea T’uukla was somewhat known and respected by the nobles and officers that the sorcerer worked for, but the Astral Seer wanted to appear to be of the ‘upper crust’ while in the noble courts of kingdoms he traveled through and someone to protect and assist him while he traveled in the country side. The Honorable Sorcerer T’uukla paid Adolfo well, equipping and feeding him and teaching him more tricks with his magic. This worked for Dino, now going by his middle name Adolfo to avoid old stories coming back to haunt him. His past of schmoozing with the sons and daughters of the nobility at the academy taught him how to hold himself, and the work he has done for T’uukla is more than enough to show him what being a hero can really be about.

He looks taller than he is, straight backed and on his toes, ready to defend and attack. Dino is too wary at times, or in even worse times he may be too angry. Very competitive in life, love, and work, he wants to be the best, even though he knows he isn’t always. He wishes to train to be a greater fighter than Kiyescimo and to prove his standing once again as his noble father’s son. He dislikes those that have been too ambitious and knocked others off their pedestals, like Fordon, but his arrogant streak has since cooled in his time as a somewhat commoner.

Possesses a voice that is at times cold and smooth, a tenor sound with a touch of dark tones. Also he speaks well, and at a normal speed with skill so that he seems enthusiastically low-key. Knows he can be charming and is commonly flirting with a noble lady, or helping out an attractive farm girl. However, his heart has not been taken… yet.

Has a nice smile with a distinctive snarl when angered at times and will get either loud or quiet, depending on what he can get away with. He dresses in browns and reds of a slightly puffy Barius noble style, with a blue scarf- signifying his patron Ea T’uukla- and black boots along with his heavy brown cloak and black leather bracers and protective helmet. His skin can be tanned after a bright sunny day or pale after spending time in dark indoor rooms. Possesses prominent cheekbones combined with a high forehead marks him as a man of standing to those who know the lands of his father.

His job status requires the protection of others, and he will selflessly defend the lives of others that are under attack. However, he does not donate money or services easily, nor does he break the law for simple pay, but a honorable vow or repayment, or perhaps a twinkling maiden’s eye, may make him attempt heroic accomplishments. He is not so prideful to believe in death before dishonor, but he does believe in fighting to protect someone’s good name. Dino's confidence is partially fueled by his sense of invulnerability and pride- if he is bound and shamed his bravado is shown to be lower than his courage.

Hubris: Proud, Competitive, and Stubborn
Virtue: Loyal, Zealous, and Determined

Dino Adolfo Baldasarre
RPer: Dodgy Hound
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
HP 60
MP 45
TP 20
Initiative 7+2d6

Courage +2
Wisdom +2
Intuition +3
Charisma +2
Agility +5
Dexterity +1
Strength +3
Stamina +1
Magic Aptitude 2

Base AT/PA 13/13
~Skill & Equipment: Rapier 18/15
*~Skill & Equipment: Heavy Dagger (Main Gauche) 14/18
Accuracy (N/A)
Dodge – 23
Base MAttack – 7
MDefense – 17

Hardened Leather Helmet, Main Gauche aka Heavy Dagger, Fencing Rapier, Shielded Robe, Leather Bracers, Leather Boots.

Weapon Damage - Rapier
Thrusting 11+(1d6)
Slashing 16+(2d4)

Weapon Damage - Main Gauche
Thrusting 8+(1d6)
Slashing 14+(2d4)
Chopping 20+(2d6)

*Shielded Robe         13        0/0        12
Leather Bracers 10        0/0        10
Leather Helmet 10        0/0        5

Number of Attacks/Parries – 3 / 2 or 2 / 3, depending

*[s]Dual Weapon Fighting – <Cou/Str/Agi> 3
[s]Weapon Parrying – <Dex/Agi/Agi> 3
**[s]Pain Resistance - 2 <Sta>
*Ambidexterity – <Dex> 3
*Dagger – <Cou/Str/Agi> 3
Deception – <Cha/Cha/Int> 2
Diplomacy – <Cha/Cha/Int> 2
Etiquette (Nobility) – <Cou/Cha/Int> 2
Feint – Dodgy Hound at: 6/13/05 16:21

Re: 1st Character Thread!

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:52 am
by Shinigori V2
Thing one: If you can walk while mortally wounded, let alone fight, you are a true man. Mortally wounded means your ass is dying. It doesn't mean "Ow, my hand!"

Thing two: I know if someone made a light mark on me with a rapier, it would irritate me more than scare me.


Thing Three: I skipped the backstory before, due to playing a game with Deeum. Now that I have read it, I have a few things to point out.

Firstly, Barius never had "Governers". Even before the government became corrupt (You DID know that the Barian government is completely rotten, right?), it was more or less an absolute dictatorship, although the king had input from the men who are incharge of the four major cities (Blizzardia, Windor, Hailon, and the City of Storms)- Boyars. This could be considered more or less the same thing, but eh.

Second: Gail Academy is the name of the school most Barian officers to go. Notice the weather theme? Weather is a very important part of Barius.

Third: Typical Barian upperclassmen wear heavy armored clothing. For Instance- Fred Amanaziani, father of one of my major characters, Griff, used to be high in the government. He walks around in clothes with plate armor sewn in. Everyone in Barius wears armored clothing. It's another part of thier culture- They're very prone to fighting, so they're always ready.

This could POTENTIALLY work, though I'd like to help you out with it, if you want him to be from Barius. Go ahead an IM me. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 6/13/05 5:20

Nevareh's Witless Critique!

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:05 pm
by The Great Nevareh
I think the whole "Mark" thing is like Zorro ripping a Z in your shirt with one fluid movement. Someone with that level of prowess who seems more willing to play with you than actually take you seriously IS somewhat unnerving.

As for Strike of the Black Falcon- I think you might have nerfed it a bit. Unless you honestly believe that the TP cost is sincerely low enough to warrant a disadvantage as grave as being defenseless for a turn, thus opening yourself to G-d-knows-what while the other combatants are running amok, and is thus likely to result in your own death, I'd get rid of the falling down.

The act-normally-while-mortally-wounded thing should be a check, not an automatic success. Turn it into a skill or something. Also, "Would Injure His Pride" is a bit subjective. The skill COULD be construed as you giving yourself a get-out-of-death-free card.

Your background is... foggy. Shini has put a LOT of work into the country of Barius, and thus you most likely have stepped on his blood-sweat-and-tears canon by manufacturing new places (which isn't necessarily disallowed, though Barius is VERY small compared to other countries with lots and lots of empty space) as well as the alteration of culture and social structure (though the vast majority of what there is about Barius floating around can't be found without searching for and reading a nigh-endless amount of canonical RP threads- it's not exactly easy to assimilate it all in a short period of time). All magic isn't exactly taboo since it's been around since the beginning of civilization. However, some kinds of magic aren't as kindly looked upon as others, since they have IMMENSE destructive capacity when mis-handled (Like Time or Dimensional magicks- A minor screw-up on a low-level spell could kind of end things for a lot of people as you freeze a city block in a single moment in time or perhaps accidentally open a door to a plane where the air is made of acid and the Ebola virus and the native creatures have death-ray vision as well as hides made of distorted time/space)

Your stats confuse me, but now I'm treading in an area that I'm not perfectly well-situated in. Thus, take what follows with a grain of salt.

You have +5/+2 to your AT/PA with a Rapier alone and +1/+6 with a dagger alone. So... what's your Attack/Parry while using both? I'm going to avoid the fact that I have no idea how a level 1 character manages to get +7 to his AT/PA because there are a LOT of things I don't know.

Cou +2 doesn't put me in the mind of someone who is "Courageous." Your personality isn't completely disconnected from your statistics in Philsys. This is just me being nit-picky, though.

Your ranks in Ambidexterity have exceeded your allowable ranks- Since it's Dex/Dex/Dex, and your Dex is 1, the highest rank you can have is 3, I believe.

More to come if I find anything else I have questions about. <p>[---------------------------]
"There is great disorder under Heaven, and the situation is excellent."
-Mao Tse-Tung

"I eat the talking bees because I am George Washington Christ"
-From "Bob the Ball"</p>

re: Nevareh's Witless Critique

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:09 pm
by Dodgy Hound
I selected Barius as it seemed the most faux-Italy as there was. I'm pretty sure that I goose-stepped all over anything you did, but I'll edit some of the stuff that figures to be off-base.

Rotten Government I got- which is why a wizard would want to have a 'face' to grease the wheels abit for him.

+I have replaced+ the words Governer, Aulicomilitare, and 'magic' with Boyar, Gail Academy and Temporal magic, respectively to fit with the story; and I'll chat on AIM with you (Shini) as soon as I get home. Whats your handle?


He Gets +7 from the Weapon Parry (add ranks to PA) plus his weapon stats (+1 AT / -1 PA) and his Weapon skills.

Courage- if the base is 0, then +2 is more courageous than most... but not perfect, no.

I knew I left my Dagger/Dual Weapon/Ambi at 3 to start for a reason- I'll shuffle the skills accordingly.

The Pride trait isn't perfect, but he isn't getting any new abilities or able to work beyond his injures (and AT/PA penalties) while he's moving. And yes, the 'injure pride' its mostly subjective, so what kind of check would you suggest?

Strike of the Black Falcon: Nerfed? Not really- just optimal for very specific instances. He only has to pause to stand up if he misses- and it's nigh-impossible to miss when the enemy doesn't have any more parries because of the other basic attacks. So it works VERY well as a finisher to a move, which it is ment to be. It could be used outside of its optimal use, such as when he NEEDS to risk the miss to take an opponent RIGHT NOW. And heck, I'd take a chance to be heroic over a safe basic attack anyday. I think I'll rename it to more reflect it's purpose.

Tagging: I'll change it to reflect the anger-causing as well; a -1 to INT for people who are enraged?

I view him as more of a 'better to prevent a hit than to be hit at all' type- see the +5 AGI and multiple Parries. But would a 'Lighter' armor, such as Shielded Robe or Studded Leather work just as well? (I want his Parry to be as high as possible to use those extra actions and Parry skill well)

Edited by: Dodgy Hound at: 6/13/05 14:36