Marta and Leia (One-shot,advanced critique requested)

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Marta and Leia (One-shot,advanced critique requested)

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:09 pm

Index: (for the sake of organization)
Post 1 -Basic stats
Post 2- Skills
Post 3- Questions


name: {Marta} - age: {15} - eyes: {violet} - hair: {lilac} -
height: {120 cm} - {single horn on forehead}

{Summoner from unnamed continent. Raised on Igala from infancy by grandmother. Lives off of the land and has one sister, Marta. Grandmother lived in Therney. Died two years prior.}

Name: {Marta}
RPer: {Nekogami}
Race: {Human/Summoner}
Level: 2
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: {70}
Max MP: {80}
Max TP: 20
Initiative {3+2d6}

Courage {+3}
Wisdom {+4}
Intuition {+4}
Charisma {+1}
Agility {+0}
Dexterity {+1}
Strength {+1}
Stamina {+3}
Magic Aptitude: #4

Base AT/PA - {8/8}
Modified for skill - {Base + part of skill value/base + remaining skill value}
Modified for equipment - {mod for skill +/- equipment penalties/mod for skill +/- equipment penalties}
Accuracy – {for ranged weapons, weapon’s accuracy rating + skill ranks}
Dodge – {14}
Base MAttack – {12}
MDefense – {20}

-=- {heavy hooded robes, oak summoner staff, leather boots, tunic} -=-

Weapon Damage - {weapon name} {adjustments}
Thrusting - {base thrust damage + STR+1d6}
Slashing- {base slash damage + STR*2+2d4}
Chopping - {base chop damage + STR*3+2d6}
Number of Attacks/Parries – {1+Part of Bonus Melee actions)/1+Remainder of Bonus Melee actions}


name: {Leia} - age: {17} - eyes: {blue} - hair: {lt. blue} -
height: {147 cm} - {Single horn}

{Old sister to Marta. Summoner of unnamed continent. Raised by grandmother on Igala, few memories of homeland. Talented in summoning.}

Name: {Leia}
RPer: {Nekogami}
Race: {Summoner/human}
Level: 3
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: {70}
Max MP: {70}
Max TP: 20
Initiative {3+2d6}

Courage {+3}
Wisdom {+3}
Intuition {+3}
Charisma {+3}
Agility {+0}
Dexterity {+0}
Strength {+1}
Stamina {+4}
Magic Aptitude: #4

Base AT/PA - {6/6}
Modified for skill - {Base + part of skill value/base + remaining skill value}
Modified for equipment - {mod for skill +/- equipment penalties/mod for skill +/- equipment penalties}
Accuracy – {for ranged weapons, weapon’s accuracy rating + skill ranks}
Dodge – {13}
Base MAttack – {10}
MDefense – {9}

-=- {Leather bustier, cloak, leather boots, steel summoning staff} -=-

Weapon Damage - {weapon name} {adjustments}
Thrusting - {base thrust damage + STR+1d6}
Slashing- {base slash damage + STR*2+2d4}
Chopping - {base chop damage + STR*3+2d6}
Number of Attacks/Parries – {1+Part of Bonus Melee actions)/1+Remainder of Bonus Melee actions}

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Re: Marta and Leia (One-shot,advanced critique requested)

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:18 pm


Marta - 28 SP

[k]Herb knowledge
[k]History of Magic
[k]Magical Creature Knowledge
[k]Monster Abilities
Animal handling/training - <3/1/3>
Charm - <1/1/3>
Herb Hunting - <3/3/3>
Healing Magic - <4/3/3>
Staves - <3/1/0>
Summon Magic - <4/3/3>
Use Magic Device - <3/3/3>

[Summon Magic] Summon Sylphid Spirit (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summons wind-elemental with skills
-Atmospheric Rejection, defensive attack the pushes target back
-Gravity Draft, defensive attack that forces target to the ground
[Summon Magic] Summon Terrestrial Mole (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summons earth-elemental with skills
Tunnel- digs tunnel through dirt and/or stone
Terraform- changes terrain to another
[Summon Magic] Summon Burning Golem (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summons Fire-elemental metal golem that defends against physical and fire attacks to summoner
[Summon Magic] Summon Liquid Spirit (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summons water-elemental spirit with skills
-Quench- provides fresh water from atmosphere
-Drench- surrounds target in watery prison
[Summon Magic] Summon Thunder Bird (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summons electric and wind elemental with skills
Electrocution- lightening damage and stuns
Cloud Lightning- forces target into air, performs electrocution, drop damage is also incurred to target.
[Charm/Animal Handling/Training] Tame Summoned (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Calms aggressive or agitated summon
[Charm/Animal Handling/Training] Bind Summoned (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Binds summoned to the summoner that summoned it. Summon becomes unique to summon as until summoners death, summoned death, or summoned is released.
[Summon Magic]Release Bind (cost in TP, MP, or both) - releases summon from summoners control
[Healing Magic] Cure (cost in TP, MP, or both) - cures injuries

[k]Herb knowledge
[k]History of Magic
[k]Magical Creature Knowledge
[k]Monster Abilities
Animal handling/training - <3/1/3>
Charm - <1/1/3>
Herb Hunting - <3/3/3>
Healing Magic - <4/3/3>
Staves - <3/1/0>
Summon Magic - <4/3/3>
Use Magic Device - <3/3/3>

[Summon Magic] Summon Talon Bloodbane (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Ogre general killed in the middle of battle by opponent trolls. Known for ruthlessly murdering his enemies
-Battle Axe
-Bloody Roar- intimidates opponent
[Summon Magic]Summon Requiem Death (cost in TP, MP, or both) - human murderer that wields piano wire. Sentenced to death for the murder of 20 women.
[Summoning Magic] Kumomaru Akagawa (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summons nekonian samurai, known for his only defeat to Shinichiro Musashi, the sword master.
-One strike
-3 strike
-5 strike
[Summoning Magic] I'lharlock (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summons red dragon warrior. Unfortunately died in the first Solasian war.
-Fire breath
-Carry Marta
[Summon Magic] Dante Ruschevlar (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Summon Valthi marksman and bandit. Died in a shoot-out in Riva.
[Charm/Animal Handling/Training] Tame Summoned (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Calms aggressive or agitated summon
[Charm/Animal Handling/Training] Bind Summoned (cost in TP, MP, or both) - Binds summoned to the summoner that summoned it. Summon becomes unique to summon as until summoners death, summoned death, or summoned is released.
[Summon Magic]Release Bind (cost in TP, MP, or both) - releases summon from summoners control
[Summon Magic/Torture] Destroy Will (cost in TP, MP, or both) - eliminates summons ability to resist summoner
[Healing Magic] Cure (cost in TP, MP, or both) - cures injuries
[requirement(s)] Name (cost in TP, MP, or both) - description, formula if necessary
{etc...} <p>

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Re: Marta and Leia (One-shot,advanced critique requested)

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:04 pm


1) Are there rules on when a summoner can summon and how long between summons they must wait?

2) Are summons treated the PCs that can fight (they need stats) or do their actions count as spells? <p>

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Re: Marta and Leia (One-shot,advanced critique requested)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:14 pm

I have the following established for Dia:

• only maintain one summon at a time
• summons stay in effect for no longer than 5 rounds (it's normally Rank/X, maxed at 5. I think I may lower the max to 4 or 3, because she can also take normal turns while a summon is around; X may change based on the summon, and some summons are one-shots (like Meph, which is a status-effect summon)
• summons are unarmoured, have Dia's PA, and all damage directed toward summons go to her

Also, Pervy and I have had the following conversation related to his RP about summoning whatnot:

<ul>(04:16:43) Brother Pervy: *How does getting a summons work?*
(04:30:23) Dia-Bob: If it's a single creature or person Dia calls on--say Meph, Fluffy, or Cledus and Billy Bob (:o), they have to actually agree to it. Or's best to have them wanting to go along with it. If Dia relies on the spell to get them to obey, not just bring them there, then a botched roll (onoes metagaming) could get Cledus there, and he might just decide to eat her food for the remainder of the summon, while Meph has all that time to wreck havoc on whomever he pleases.

There can be a group of critters, like chocobos, that live in a certain area whose benediction you've earned. Say Dia brought some really, really tasty greens to the fat chocobo, the king of all chocobos. He grants her permission to call on his subjects. (On criticals, he comes and flattens the target! HUWAH!)

And sometimes, there's "stock" spells, and things like shadowbeast which start from a "hey, can I do this...?"

There's a ritual involved in linking a summoner to summon, which I haven't smoothed out. :| I've figured it should be a moderately lengthy process that takes most of Dia's energy, magical and physical. It's the type of thing you prepare the day before, and wind up not being able to do a lot but rest and eat afterwards. Maybe yell crankily at people.

If Dia falls unconscious from the summon link, causing the summoned critter to go away, depending on the strength of the bond, she may lose that spell. Meph may not be in danger of dying, but the pain is very real. Fluffy is a trooper. Cledus and Billy Bob...well. They don't like pain, but they just take a lot of arguing to convince. Of course, that involves hunting them down to argue with them. >_> I'm not sure a creature like Cerebus would *care* that much, although the shadowbeasts might spread word around and make it a lot harder for Dia to "catch" them.(04:31:43) Brother Pervy: *::Nods::*
(04:32:08) Brother Pervy: *I have the fun vision of Dia learning how to summon Joyce as an absolut last resort sort of thing*
(04:32:25) Dia-Bob: Joyce?
(04:33:44) Brother Pervy: *Joyce, as s/he is named.

Proper name: Lysedeleo'layeowotisi

S/he is pixie dwelling in Doma forest, whose speciality seems to revolve around languages*
(04:33:59) Dia-Bob: OH
(04:34:02) Dia-Bob: I remember her
(04:34:03) Dia-Bob: XD</ul> <p>
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Uncle Pervy

Re: Marta and Leia (One-shot,advanced critique requested)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:35 pm

My plan is to give Summons stats that are based on Dia's if it isn't logical to give them one of their own (For instance, Fluffy probably wouldn't have Dia's strength, but may well have her MBlock)

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Re: Marta and Leia (One-shot,advanced critique requested)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed Apr 20, 2005 12:54 am

There are two types of summons--the type described by Dia I always referred to as "spirit creatures" or "bonded summons" or something similar. The second type is an independent creature or entity that has nothing to do with the summoner. Hakaril's Wisp Guardian spell is a great example of how those work.

Also, there's no need to have someone critique your NPC sheets. Even if they're wrong, your players will never know! <p>
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