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kiduf's RPG Characters

Unread postPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:28 am
by kiduf
Well, okay, there's only one at this point, but still.

[Profile: Azerbarth]

Name: Azerbarth
Race: Dragon Anthropod
Gender: Male
Age: 75 (Human Equivalent: 20)
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Fire
Hair Color: None
Hair Length: None
Eyes: Blue
Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 253 lbs.

Dragonian War Talons; a name I got from Vexx (partly, at least). They are blessed with the power of the vanquished Dragonian soldiers. The Talons are permanently bonded to Azerbarth, and will only come off after death. Most fire-based attacks that Azerbarth performs are powered (and will come from) the talons. He is also capable of conjuring fireballs about the size of a human head from two 'flame glands' at the back of his throat. In case the Talons ever become impractical to use in combat, Azerbarth carries a straight sword on his back. It is capable of posessing magical properties, but the 'power-gems' that belong in the hilt of the blade have long since gone missing.

DRA Dragonian General war suit. Silver-steel chestplate with matching forearm guards. Leather skirt goes over silver-steel and (diluted) gold leg armor. Silver-steel shielding for the 'skeleton' of his wings, which have a span of 8'1". Gold-trimming on all pieces of armor.

Other Stuff/Backround:
An exile of his ancient race for blaming the chief healer of the 'Life Dome' for the death of his family. However, he was smart enough to sneak into the chamber where the War Talons (which were donned by Azerbarth's late father, General of the Dragonian Army) were kept to steal a war suit as well as the Talons. And so, he wanders the world looking for a partner in travel, and revenge. His allegiance is neutral, and he will side with those who truly need him.

Although Azerbarth is extremely ambitious in his journeys, he is not invincible, and he knows it. At all times, he is making sure to keep his wings safe. That is the biggest flaw of his people. They have powerful wings, designed for swift and agile flight, but an injury to them would more than halve their energy. Any puncturing of the webbing on the wing leaves a Dragonian approximately 45 minutes to get help, or he (or she) will die. Fortunately, the Dragonians have the ability to fold their wings in behind their backs when not in flight, keeping the risk of injury to a minimum.

Another problem is his fire conjuring. All of Azerbarth's fire attacks are EXTREMELY powerful, as his species is designed for that, but he WILL overheat if he gets trigger happy. This is why the Dragonian Army specializes in close-quarters combat, and only trains their soldiers in fire manipulation mastery for emergency use or sniper operations. A sure sign of over-heating in a Dragonian is when the fireballs begin to have a blue core, as the body automatically tries to compensate for the lack of strength in the shots by increasing the intensity. If a Dragonian overworks themselves with it's fireballs, it will die, simple as that.

In The Islands of Ecestrim (the only RPG I intend to use Azerbarth in at the moment), the journey he has left on is his first. Azerbarth grew up only hearing stories of his father's various adventures throughout the islands. In the same year that his father was murdered, Azerbarth planned to enlist in the Army, to be able to battle alongside his father. However, he would never have that honor, as his mother and father would both be brutally attacked and killed on the eve of his graduation into the Dragonian Army. Not having any desire to continue in military life, Azerbarth opted to not attend his graduation, and instead sought refuge in his dwelling, mourning the loss of his parents for weeks.

As he grieved, though, he was also thinking. Thinking about who could've done it, and planning how to get back at them. Azerbarth in no way expected the Government to handle it at all. From his short time in the military, he knew that the politicians were all pompous asses, and nothing would get done if not for his father's sound advice to the mayor. His father's top priority was to lead the Dragonian Army in greatness, but he was also officially the Mayor's Advisor. The Government did give Azerbarth a steady flow compensation money, however, which was the norm in any case of high-class murder. This did not appease his thirst for revenge at all, though. Yes, he did have money, but he was alone. He could have all the money in the Life Dome, and it still wouldn't matter. He had to get revenge.

So, the next two years were spent planning and scouring the spiral to try and figure out who would kill his parents. Those two years end at when Islands begins, with the last two months of them being the time when he is absolutely sure that it was Denskrae that ravaged his life. This is assuming you've all read my intro to Islands, by the way.

So, with his back story out of the way, I suppose it's on to personality. Azerbarth is a determined individual, with only one goal in mind. In his lust for revenge, there is no obstacle that he will not face, even if he must do deeds for the evil to get where he needs to be. However, he still has a certain code of morals. Innocents will not die. Ever. Azerbarth is a vigilante, of sorts, while also being a sort of villain, but never for a truly evil purpose. He is also an imposing figure, which will truly help him avoid physical confrontations in the future, if only because he will scare off all potential enemies. If anything, you could compare him almost to Akuma, of the Street Fighting series. If you've read his full biography, that is. His need for vengeance could be compared to the Satsu no Hadou (Killing Intent) that Akuma has embraced. His cause is also something that is a part of his lifestyle, much like Akuma's need to battle to become the ultimate warrior. Akuma, too, will not taint his hands with the blood of the innocent. Just something for you guys to compare. <p>Go to! Pants for all![/b]</p>

Re: kiduf's RPG Characters

Unread postPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:17 am
by JasonAB17
Ok. This is a sort of interesting character! a few concerns:

Although Azerbarth is extremely ambitious in his journeys, he is not invincible, and he knows it. At all times, he is making sure to keep his wings safe. That is the biggest flaw of his people. They have powerful wings, designed for swift and agile flight, but an injury to them would more than halve their energy. Any puncturing of the webbing on the wing leaves a Dragonian approximately 45 minutes to get help, or he (or she) will die. Fortunately, the Dragonians have the ability to fold their wings in behind their backs when not in flight, keeping the risk of injury to a minimum.

This is an amazingly large Achilles Heel. You could kill the man, or any member of his race, with a blow gun. I'd advise against it, especially since there's no aparent reasoning for this incredible weakness. Also: Half power? In what sense?

If anything, you could compare him almost to Akuma, of the Street Fighting series. If you've read his full biography, that is. His need for vengeance could be compared to the Satsu no Hadou (Killing Intent) that Akuma has embraced. His cause is also something that is a part of his lifestyle, much like Akuma's need to battle to become the ultimate warrior. Akuma, too, will not taint his hands with the blood of the innocent. Just something for you guys to compare.

Actually, we tend to look down on the Ultimate Fighter concept here. It's not something real, normal people do. A man who goes around challenging others to fights at random and killing other men who were 'evil' tend to find themselves in jail more often than not, ala Cody, from Final Fight and Street Fighter Alpha. Or so I'm told.

However, I can't ask you to change any of this either, as you're not using it for the main RP world. So long as it's an other RP, it's at your own discretion. But if you want to cross it over at some point, he's going to need a few changes. Both for his own survival, and to be able to interact with other characters.

Other than these! I do like to amount of thought you seem to have put into this character. He has a little bit of the tragic past/angst syndrome, but it's not as blatant as it could be. You also obviously have a good grasp on the English Language(grammar, spelling, diverse vocabulary, etc.) that seems to be so rare on the internet these days. I hope your RP goes well, and welcome to the Forum.

Edited by: [url=>JasonAB17</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/13/05 2:19

Re: kiduf's RPG Characters

Unread postPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:24 am
by kiduf
A) In a general sense. Say he's feeling about 80% that day. In terms of general well being. His lifeforce literally flows through the veins of his wings. If he gets hurt there, he's going to start feeling about 40% right away. It's not like he's running on HP or anything.

B) I wasn't comparing Azerbarth to Akuma in that sense. It was more a comparison of how important their causes are to them. Akuma's need to be the ultimate fighter consumes him, as does Azerbarth's need to avenge his father's death.

C) I feel that this was a rush-job type of character, and I can see where his story is quite stereotypical, but I really can't do anything about it, since it seems like it works okay, considering how many backgrounds of this type flop, and I really don't want to try and fix something that isn't already broken. I like to think that Azer is a little more lighthearted than most characters of this type, though, as the rage in his cause is not what drives him, but the nobility in it.

Thanks for the feedback, though. I really appreciate it. <p>Go to! Pants for all![/b]</p>

Re: kiduf's RPG Characters

Unread postPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:37 am
by JasonAB17
A) Eh. I still don't see much reason for this weakness, in that it's the kind of thing that gets races killed off quickly. In a similar vein I don't see why his life force would run through his wing webbings, when the majority of his vital fluids would be passing through the misscles surrounding the wings' skeletal structure. I'll let it drop for now though.

B) Kay

C) Kay