Lex's Characters (storage)

Character sheet archiving. Help with characters can be solicited here. This is also the place to talk Philsys or other RPing systems.
Vampire Jester Jinx

Lex's Characters (storage)

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:41 pm

Yeah, so, I don't have webspace anymore and need to get my sheets up. A few words.

1.) IF there is a technical problem by any means with my sheets, please post and explain in a non-asshat sort of manner. I always like to have my sheets in good working order so that I do not mind.

2.) I will leave one of these<span style="color:fuchsia;font-family:courier;font-size:large;">*</span> next to anything in particular I want some feed back on. LIke for instance, I'm shit with techs, I will highlight those for particular observation and suggestion.

3.) If I've spelled something wrong, I've assraped grammar, by all means let me know.

4.) Constructive criticism meant intending to help. Not to make me look like a motard.

I will be adding these over the next couple days and I intend to post sheets on EVERY one of my characters.

<span style="color:navy;font-family:verdana;font-size:large;">Whisper (Vampire Jester Jinx)</span> - Lv2 - 79HP , 75MP , 25TP

name: Whisper - age: 78- eyes: blue- hair: light blue- height: 5'0 - appears to be sixteen, has large dragonfly wings.

Whisper sat on a rock one day, letting the warm summer breeze wash over her, large dragonfly wings twitching. She pondered many things. Life and all it's meanings, how the rabbits were doing this year, cow poetry, and how she really needed to get in touch with Timmy, as they had a lot to catch up on.

Whisper was one of those damn crazy forest fey. And rather proud of it. However, she's sitting in the middle of a field just outside Doma, a good distance from her beloved forest, and home in the Oak tree. Her brother and "Sister" were fighting. Now if this had been human fighting, the fey figured, the chance of losing limbs would be a lot less likely. But Pom and Righte tended to be just a tad bit violent! They would both want her to take their side in this matter, so the young (well, by fey standars anyway) girl decided to vacate the surrounding area for awhile.

Now what would she do? Visit her adopted sister Jaede? Travel like her klepto younger sister Wyrd? Perhaps she'd take up with the humans for awhile. And MAYBE finally get a taste of magical happy juice (booze.)

The fey shook her head, causing the massive blue pigtails to bounce. No, none of that would do... She didn't know where Jaede was, and travelling just wasn't fun alone! So with some scratching of her head, and some deep discussion with a patch of daiseys, Whisper decided that she would go out, and make it her mission in the world to help the sick and old with her great and mighty healing majick! ........Who knows? Maybe all that practice will help stop all the little "oopsies" that tended to happen with her healing.

--Basics--Name: Whisper
RPer: Vampire Jester Jinx
Race: Fey
Level: 2
XP: 500/1250
Max HP: 79
Max MP: 75
Max TP: 25
Initiative 6+2d6

Courage +2
Wisdom +2
Intuition +1
Charisma +3
Agility +4
Dexterity +1
Strength +2
Stamina +3
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA – 9/9
Modified for skill - {Base + part of skill value/base + remaining skill value}
Modified for equipment – 10/9

-=- Thorn Armor (AC 15)(Nymph Form), Thorn Whip (Nymph Form), Pretty Dress -=-

Weapon Damage – Vine Whip {+1/-1}
Thrusting - X
Slashing- 7+8+2d4
Chopping - 10+12+2d6


[k]Etiquette (Fey)-4
[k]Herb knowledge – 4
[s]Evade Missile - Vampire Jester Jinx at: 11/2/04 10:42 am

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Lex's Characters (storage)

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:24 am

Please by all means, critique this one if you wish.

Due to the debate on systems in Second Gen, I will be making both Philsys and Windows for my SG characters. I merely finished this one first, and am Posting it here now. Just for flexibilities sake in hopes that an rp will pop up in which I can hopefully use her for either.

Name: Nadymma Aufein Ill Bast (Dymma to her friends. ONLY her friends.)
Setting: Second Generation
System: Modified Windows
Age: 17
Race: Half drow/unknown
Height: 5’1
Weight:109 lbs.
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: just a shade darker than platinum Blonde, curly as all get out.
Clothing: Dark blue robes made of a thick material, with a few ornamental buckles, a short black leather jacket that has seen better days, several sashes worn round the waist of various color and material, functional slippers, bright beads and feathers in her hair at random spots.
Build: Still that of a developing teenager verging on almost frail, though she hides that fact with the layers and thick clothing.


Nadymma is the one and only child of Amana’s that the chaotic priest/ess gave birth to herself. As to the father, there are several guesses, but most find they really don’t want to think on the subject too long to actually figure it out.

She is Amana’s pride and joy. Well…She would be if Dymma wasn’t rather unlike her mother.

Ever since she was able to read Amana has sent the young girl to be tutored under the best people she could either threaten or hire. Her studies covering every possible spectrum you can imagine, just a bit here and there. Though, for everything her tutors taught her the young woman spent her private time learning the next thing after that.

Books and their precious contents are what matter most to her in the world. She’s knowledge hungry and usually goes to any extent to further what she already knows.

Unfortunately some of her tutors have left a lastingly bad impression on the young girl. For instance, she studied two years under a drow necromancer, and now has a rabid fascination with necromancy and death. Though it’s mainly due to her wanting to experiment in the area of necromancy used for healing and preserving the living. For awhile she even toyed with the idea of becoming a worshipper of Lolth, but in the end, the practices of the spider goddess didn’t suit her scholarly nature. (Though from her time of interest she bears a spider tattoo round her right wrist.)
At the tender age of 16, the young woman is already giving some older scholars a run for their money. She researches and catalogs information almost constantly, and has filled several volumes worth of information already. She’s hardly seen without a large tome with blank pages she is furiously trying to fill up. Monsterous races tend to keep her curiosity most, as well as magical practices, history, and a good many other things, actually.

Her biggest flaw is she comes off rather cold and hard hearted. That, and she tends to treat people like experiments instead of living beings. (HOJO!) She now lives in Doma, to further her “studies”. To make ends meet, she tutors for well off families. Dymma spends her free time fending of morons.

Her plans for the future? Attend Gunnir Academy.


-Strength d20
-Agility d16
-Stamina d16
-Dexterity d12
-Wisdom d8
-Intuition d8
-Charisma d12

Rapid Short Hand Notes! –d8
Scientific Sketching – d10
Intimidating Mental Midgets – d12
Wand use- d12
Necromancy –d8
Social Politics –d20
Dancing –d20
Flirting –d30
Geography – d12
Drow Culture/Langauge- d10
Earth magic –d12
Knowledge of Lolth Worship –d16
Anatomy –d12
Use of Scientific Method –d8
Any sort of physical combat –d20
Attracting dopey men: d8 (>:P A joke you see.)

Reference Pictures:
Vampire Jester Jinx at: 11/2/04 10:38 am

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