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Marius Hawk, Lawyer

Unread postPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 11:24 pm
by Kelne
A member of one of the minor houses of Doman nobility, Marius Hawk has made a comfortable living through the practice of law. It has been a secure, if somewhat denigrated, existence.

Still, as recent events have made increasingly clear to him, not everybody follows the rule of law. The war has been something of an eye-opening experience for him, bringing him into contact with echelons of society he might never have encountered otherwise. And he is painfully aware that, despite his responsibilities as a member of the nobility, he has done very little with his position for the benefit of the common people.

As a 35 year-old lawyer, Marius is not the most likely sword-wielding champion of justice. And indeed, he does prefer to talk out any disputes he becomes involved in. After all, any fool can wave a sword at evildoers.

In the event that talking fails, Marius is quite capable of employing force in the pursuit of justice. Still, as with much of his life, his experience as a duellist is somewhat divorced from reality. Though quite skilled in the stylised duelling of the nobility, in the real world, he is quite likely to fall prey to many kinds of low cunning.

Level: 1
Experience: 0/1000

Cou: 2
Int: 3
Wis: 4
Cha: 4
Agi: 5
Dex: 3
Str: 0
Sta: 0
Mag: 0

HP: 55
MP: 0
TP: 20
Init: 7+2d6 (9-19)
AT/PA Base : 10
AT/PA Modified for weapons & armour: 12/12


Rapier (+1/-1) 8/10/X
Parrying Dagger (-1/+1) 4/7/X


Swords <Str/Agi/Cou> 4
Daggers <Str/Agi/Cou> 4
Ambidexterity <Dex> 4
Painting <Int/Dex/Dex> 2
(s) Dual Wielding <Dex> 4
(s) Observant <Int> 4
(s) Swimming <Agi/Sta/Str> 2
(s) Public Speaking <Int/Cha/Cha> 4
(s) Fencing <Str/Agi/Dex> 4
(k) Law 4
(k) Negotiation 4
(k) Etiquette (Noble) 4
(k) Igalan History 4
(k) Foreign Cultures 2
(k) General Knowledge 2
(k) Formal Magical Theory 2


[Fencing=4] First Blood (2TP) - Most duels fought with live steel (In Marius' experience, anyway) are to first blood, which may be drawn from almost any part of the body. When fighting in this manner, Marius receives a +4 AT bonus, but inflicts negligible damage.

[Swords=3] Blade Lock (4TP) - Used to force an opponent's weapon out wide and prevent him from defending himself with it. At the cost of his rapier attack, Marius may force his opponent to defend himself against all subsequent attacks using his base PA. Ineffective against double-handed weapons, dual wielders, and unarmed opponents.

[Fencing=2] Riposte (4TP) - By knocking his opponent's blade aside just enough that it will miss, Marius can free up his own blade for a counterstroke. However, outside a formal match, this can be a risky tactic, since the opponent may be able to redirect their attack. Used only as a reactive move, on a successful parry. Marius attacks with his rapier, whilst his foe may make another attack roll, but will only inflict half damage if he hits.

[Swords=3, Fencing=3] Disarm (6TP) There are a variety of possible moves to accomplish this, but the result is much the same. On a successful opposed Dex roll, Marius' opponent will be disarmed. On a critical failure, Marius himself will lose his rapier.


I now open the floor to comments and FD's perhaps inevitable mockery. Thoughts on the disarm tech would be particularly handy, as I'm not sure Dex is the best method of handling this. <p>"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon</p>

Re: Marius Hawk, Lawyer

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 6:48 pm
by Archmage144
It's just the name, but my first thought upon reading this was "Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law." <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>


Re: Marius Hawk, Lawyer

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 10:08 pm
by Capntastic
I instantly thought "Ben Holiday" :D

Re: Marius Hawk, Lawyer

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 1:37 am
by Shinigori V2
Where's his weakness to holy? :( <p>

<div style="text-align:center">
<div style="text-align:center">Why Barius has no family reunions.</div></p>

Re: Marius Hawk, Lawyer

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 1:56 am
by wkz
Not to mention in a mornarchy (or similar), you get thrown into a jail cell faster than you can say "I Object!"

Re: Marius Hawk, Lawyer

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:05 am
by Uncle Pervy
Only save that Doma has an established system of laws and a court that is seperate from the king; though the king's word has a lot of sway in it.

Re: Marius Hawk, Lawyer

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:35 pm
by FlamingDeth
*mocks Kelne* <p>
<hr width="70%"><center>Superion, Autobot air gestalt, recently died protecting Los Angeles from a nuclear missile. Rest in peace. :(</center></p>