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Ah, the perils of new characters...

Unread postPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:53 am
by Kelne
One of those spur of the moment characters. Comments would be appreciated.

Recht Duval

Recht is a recent arrival to the city of Doma, having arrived shortly after the war. Unmistakably Rivan from his speech patterns, he speaks little of his past, merely saying that he'd had enough of the forces vying for control of his homeland.

Recht has started up a small business selling pottery and settled in quite nicely. But his story doesn't end there. It is at night that Recht goes about his true work, prowling the streets in search of any who would disrupt the peace.

With his own experience with dragoon vigilantes, Recht is bound and determined not to follow down their path of blood and fire. He is careful to target only those who are engaged in flagrant violation of the law, but whom his own concience dictates are fair targets. This may result in a person being watched for some days before he makes a decision on whether to strike.

Cou: 3
Int: 4
Wis: 0
Agi: 5
Dex: 2
Cha: 0
Str: 4
Sta: 3
Mag: 0

HP: 70
MP: 0
TP: 20

Init: 8+2D6

AT/PA: 16/16 (16/20)

Damage (unarmed)
Punching: 16+D6
Kicking: 24+2D6

Cloak of shadows: +4 to all stealth rolls
3 Smoke Pellets: 5' diameter cloud of smoke when used. -4/-4 penalty to all within.


Lance (3)
Unarmed (4)
Stealth (4)
Dragoon Training (4)
[k] Law (2)
[k] Rivan History (4)
Tracking (3)
[s] Pottery (4)
[s] Observant (2)
Lockpicking (2)
Acrobatics (2)


[innate]Leap - Recht may jump Str*5 metres, in any direction.

[Dragoon Training=2]Jump (4TP) A basic leap into the air, using the descent to add momentum to an attack. Deals double stabbing damage when equipped with lance.

[Dragoon Training=4]Thrust Kick (6TP) An almost horizontal jump, which sends the target flying Str*4 metres. Standard kicking damage, with falling damage applied if the target hits anything during their flight.

[Unarmed=4]Disabling Blow (TP) A measured punch to the head, designed to stun a target. At a -6 AT penalty, this will stun the target for D3 rounds if it hits. On a critical, the target is KOed. Any damage counts as subdual. <p>"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon</p>Edited by: [url=>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 1/2/04 5:48 pm

Re: Ah, the perils of new characters...

Unread postPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:26 pm
by Capitalization
[innate]Leap - Recht may jump rank*5 metres, in any direction.

Er, that ability has no ranks.

....Is this your way of saying white men can't jump?

Re: Ah, the perils of new characters...

Unread postPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:08 pm
by KingOfDoma
Innate means it doesn't need a rank. It could use a TP cost, though.

Seems fine otherwise, dude. <p>--------------------
"Spock, the women on your planet are logical. It's the only planet that can make that claim." -Captain Kirk, "Elaan of Troyius"

"Oh boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a viking!" - Ralph Wiggum

"I will try your burned, replicated birdmeat." -Commander Kurn</p>


Unread postPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:00 pm
by Banjooie
... Okay, in order for you people to actually read it, I'm going to use the proper account.

Let's look at this AGAIN.

Rank * 5

This skill has no ranks

0 * 5




Unread postPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 10:28 pm
by Capntastic
It's implied that it uses ranks in Dragoon Training, I believe.

Re: .

Unread postPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 10:44 pm
by Shinigori V2
Still, Jooie has a bit of a point. If it's based off the ranks in Dragoon Training, that it should say so in the requirements, rather than being innate. <p>

<div style="text-align:center">
<div style="text-align:center">Why Barius has no Christmas.</div></p>

Re: Ah, the perils of new characters...

Unread postPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:49 pm
by Kelne
Well spotted. It was supposed to be Str*5, I must have typed rank out of habit. <p>"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon</p>