Name: Louke Roukan
RPer: Naka
Race: Half-beast
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8â€
Build: Lean, but sturdy.
Eye color: Pink
Hair color: White
Other: Louke is albino. When fighting in daylight, Louke’s MP is drained by an amount equal to 1+1d4 every hour. When out of MP, HP is drained instead. Upon reaching level five, Louke will be able to regenerate (Char. Level - 3) TP per turn. Once Louke reaches level 15, he will be able to tap into a skill known as Bestial Rage, allowing him to fully harness the power of his beast-side. Since the kind of weapon Louke uses is unique to himself, he cannot use weapons bought from a store but can dismantle them and make his own weapons out of the raw material.
Background: Louke Roukan was born under fateful circumstances.
Conceived by a beast father and human mother, Louke was only two years old when his mother died from complications as a result of giving birth to him. His father, stricken with grief, aspired to take his own life and disappeared, leaving his child alone and without a caretaker. Abandoned and helpless, it seemed as though Louke was destined to follow his mother’s fate. He was, however, taken in by a kind young mother of two, and since then, she has been the only parent Louke has ever known. If fate had not been watching, Louke would never have lived past the age of three.
During these years of his life, Louke became extremely talented with axe weapons and developed an infatuation with them. He was extremely adept at taking apart a weapon, modifying it to fit the wielder’s needs, and putting it back together. More often than not, his creations were much more powerful than any weapon that could be bought at a store. He became known as the best weapon designer in the village.
Upon reaching the age of fourteen, Louke discovered the true nature of his origin from his foster parent. He was not, as he had believed for fourteen years, a human, but a half-beast. Since then, he has visited his mother’s grave every week, bringing flowers and paying his respects to a woman he never knew, who died before he could speak his first word. Louke marveled at how a man could run away and simply abandon his child. When he first heard the story of his father, Louke didn’t believe it. Not a word. No good man would run away from his life just because his wife died. Something didn’t fit, and Louke was determined to find out what it was.
In the dead of night, Louke crept from his bedroom with a note in his left hand and his axe in his right. Leaving the note on the table, Louke quietly opened the door and entered into the starry blackness. He vowed to return upon finding out who he was and why his father abandoned him.
Despite his rather dark and dank past, he has a rather unique outlook on life. His motto states that no moment of life should be wasted, because in death nothing has value. A bit of a freelancer, he has become a bit of a rebel and has grown used to working alone. When he has a companion, however, he seeks friendship and usually ends up making a lifelong relationship. Since his charismatic disposition isn’t very high, it takes a while for people to get accustomed to his presence. He holds no religion and has only one unshakable belief: independence. You can expect Louke to take revenge even when it isn’t asked for. Given the choice, he will not fight unless his life or the life of a friend is truly in danger.
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65
Max MP: 25/25
Max TP: 28/28
Initiative 8 + 2d6
Courage: +4
Wisdom: +1
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +1
Agility: +6
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +1
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 0
Base AT/PA – 15/15
Modified for skill – 18/16
Modified for equipment – 21/21
MAttack: N/A (Never uses magic)
MBlock: 22
Missile Evasion: 26
Crescent Moon, Moon Axe +2/+1
Light: 8 + 1d6 (3 + skill + STR + 1d6)
Medium: 9 + 2d4 ([5 + skill + STR*2 + 2d6] -2)
Heavy: 10 + 3d6 ([8 + skill + STR*3 + 3d6] -5)
Hunter’s Hat, Light Helmet 0/+.5
Hunter’s Shirt, Light Armor 0/+2
Hunter’s Vest, Light Armor 0/+.5
Hunter’s Pants, Light Armor 0/+1
Spike Heels, Light footwear +1/+1
Melee Weapon (Moon Axe): 4 <COU/AGI/STR>
Light Armor: 4 <COU/STR/STA>
Speed: 4 [url=>Naka</A]
