Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

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Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:22 pm

Freestyle Sheet

Name: Cloren d'Estanda

RPer: Danakir

Sex: Male

Race: Human / Pseudo-Angel

Height: 173 cm.

Eye color: Emerald green.

Hair color: Snow white.

Age: 58 years.

Appearance: Cloren is a tall and rather stern looking human male. Of course being 58 years old his ages has begun to show on his worn out visage. A rather large and unaesthetic scar goes from his left shoulder all the way down to his belly. Cloren short nearly military styled hair of the purest white goes quite well with his emerald green eyes since his face does begin to feel the weight of time. Not that he looks that old rather then his way and expression makes him seem even older then he truly is. A permanent tired expression and glassy eyes are is as he often as many people of is age do dream of a distant past. In his youth it is obvious that Cloren must have been quite handsome, however, those days are long gone. Cloren possess a rather deep tan that he gained from a life of wandering in Gaera. In itself Cloren build is still trained and well muscled but, sadly, the decay of time has made his bone weaker then they used to be. In simpler term Cloren body isn't enough for the kind of training he put it through nowadays. However Cloren being quite proud still train in the exact same way nevertheless despite the danger of such a choice. Cloren always wear a little colar with a cross on his neck. Even when he bath he will not take it off. Although Cloren physical conditon as become a preocupation, years of training and travelling still give him a condition that far surpasses the average youth. Should he be forced or accept back his nature as a Pseudo-Angel Cloren would gain a simple yet somewhat large pair of white wings. Each individual wing is about half the lenght of his body in size. However Cloren can reduce the size of the wings up to only a few inches large at will. He cannot enlarge them in any way or shape beyond their natural size. Also it should be noted that Cloren eyes become much more feral and he gains a very unnerving body smell. Not that he stinks, on the contrary it closely ressemble the odor of a rose but it is still very unnerving.

Clothes: Cloren often changes clothes but still always wear the same armor. A rather heavy looking armor of white steel the armor is quite impressive not only in quality but in durability. Far above the usual armor quality rumor even speak of it being made especially for Cloren by a master blacksmith. A large golden cross can be seen on the chest armor and the armor does not include any helmets. Except for that this armor is a full battle armor made specially for the needs of war. The set includes a rather large shield with a azure rune on it. Some may be inclined to think that this shield possess some magical abilities and they would be right. However the extent of this abilities is unknown to not only the experts but Cloren himself. The whole set in itself is quite light due to the strange white steel used to make it.

Weapon: Cloren use an immensely long and slightly larger then usual sword that seem to have been conceived for two handed fighting. However Cloren in a rather surprising feat of physical power use this sword with only one hand. Not only does he do that but he also keep a rather correct speed with it. Although it is nothing to brag about. The sword in itself is made of pure steel with one of the side being coated in sacred silver. The handle closely ressemble a cross.

Gods: Cloren does not follow any specific gods rather than the force of good. Any being or god that encourage and participate for what Cloren consider to be good will earn is support and honest praise.

Background: Cloren story begins more then five decades ago in the land of Baron. At the time Cloren was a young child of a rather powerful merchant family. Even if he was the first child of a long line Cloren was of no real purpose to their greedy and slightly abusive father and was as such disposed of by placing him under the care of the military. The truth is Cloren is what many would consider a monster, an abomination and an atrocity. His mother was quite close to the holy spirit of Ishtar and this may explain Cloren very strange and unique condition. Even at that tender age Cloren was already a rather wise and smart little boy and as such claimed he did not wish to become one of Baron dragoons. No, he had read a lot about the ancient way of the kingdom, the way of knighthood. Cloren wanted to learn the way of the knight. Of course due to a... 'shortage'... in knights willing to take him in Cloren could not have the advantage of a mentor. This explains why he had to take the general soldier path. Of course this deeply shamed his family that prided themselves in having a long runing history with the dragoon order. They then rejected him, strapping him of his name and all his ranks previlege.
Cloren pursued this goal of his for three long years as a normal military when at the age of barely 10 he meeted the man that was to become his mentor, father and friend. Chen-Ketsu was the strange man name. Practicing a strange art of the sword he told Cloren that he was a 'Samurai' and followed the code of the 'Bushido'. Seeing in this a manifestation of his idea Cloren asked to become Chen apprentice to which he was answered by the positive after a rather long and strenuous conversation with the man. This is how Cloren learned to fight as a Samurai and believe as a Knight. Quickly Cloren who had only been taught for barely a year showed military genius by realizing the similarity between the two styles. This is when he begun to adapt is master style to his own into a unique sword technique. Years passed and under his master, or sensei, teaching Cloren grew into an honorable but still naive fighter. Following Chen around Cloren saw an immense part of the world. He saw war, strife, sadness, despair and pain.
This of course shocked him greatly since he had lead such a sheltered and peaceful life. However, thanks to Chen, he was able to get over it and continue into the path he had chosen. At the age of 20 Cloren finally took his leave of Chen to strike for himself as a freelance knight. He now had the sword, the techniques and the code of honor. The only thing he lacked was experience and he intended on getting it. How foolish he was at that time...

Years would then pass fighting what Cloren saw as evil and earning a name for himself through endless hardship and sacrifice. Cloren even fought into a small and poorly known war that was lead in secret by the kingdom of Baron against a demon tribe of the East. Sadly, although they were victorious some demon succeeded in infiltrating Baron.
Only 30 people died in that attack. Civiliana for the most part. From all the people of Baron Clorens wife was one of them. At the same time a great war against the demons took place although Cloren units was used for the more 'secretive' war he still participated in the larger war where he earned his scar. Cloren rarely speaks or even mention his wife anymore but the wounds he made 20 years ago when he lost her are still deep and shall probably never fully heals. Cloren is a noble, honorable, kind and selfless individual. However he also abides by is code to the letter and will for no reason turn it down, even to the price of his life or dignity. Nowadays Cloren is very contemplative, calm and serene. However this has no bearing on his relations with his friends to which he will easily warm up. In simple term Cloren is one of the last knights of his kind on Gaera. Even if some still exist none of them still follow the code as closely as he does. Cloren himself names his way the High Knighthood. Cloren feels deeply ashamed of his true nature. He consider himself as a mere unworthy monster and an atrocity for this is what he was told for all his childhood by his family. Some would argue that Cloren serves the people as a way to redeem is nature but it might also be that nature that push himself to such numerous act of bravery and exalted deeds.

Other notes: To be truthful Cloren follows a code of honor closely related to our world 'Bushido'. However I have simply applied it as a code of honor for Knights in Gaera. I hope this does not concern anyone. Even so he only follow that version largely and some part such as the one that state one is not allowed to show mercy on an ennemy will be ignored. Also I would like to add that should Cloren shatter the cross in his neck Cloren will gain back his appearance as a Pseudo-Angel.

Let's explain precisely Cloren technique.

The bushido style Cloren learned is Shinmei-Ryu (Yes rip-off I know). That style is one that use both a sword with a long range and a tendency to attack from the side. Also this style is one that try to stay very stable and as such does not encourage jumping or more exotic attacks which makes it more compatible with the 'knight' fighting style that Cloren taught to himself.

The Pseudo-Angel: An explanation

The Pseudo-Angel race is a very rare and nearly mythological race of being. Considered by nearly all to be mere mockery of the celestial kin they are often hunted down, outcasted and executed by the masses. Alone, hated and even feared this race still had a deep desire to help and please the one that tortured them for a strange reason. The truth is that Pseudo-Angels are a gift of Ishtar that is to stay a secret and as all gift made by a good god it was misunderstood. All that is misunderstood is feared. All that is feared is hated. All that is hated must die. The destiny of a Pseudo-Angel is to be destroyed by those he helped making them often very cynical. However in some very rare case a Pseudo-Angel will be born from a normal mother and father instead of the 'Pseudo-Angel' equivalent to allow the race to continue it's existence. When they are given a chance this race often prove itself to be shy, secretive and rather stern. Currently they might be at most 20 Pseudo-Angels alive in Gaera. They once formed a powerful community but all that is left are ruins.

(Please don't kill me for creating a rare, non-uber race. Please! xD)

Feel free to comment if anything is wrong. <p>Psycho Mage. Member and creator of the Smiley Elf fan-club.</p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=danakir>danakir</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/27/05 23:10

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Capntastic » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:37 pm

Hello there, Danakir! Welcome to RPGWW, we hope you will enjoy your stay here. Anyways, down to brass tacks.

For your first character, you did pretty well at fitting in with the world we have going here. The history of the Cloren works well, as does the attitude to Gods. Overall nicely done, indeed. Unfortunately, there'd have to be a good reason this fellow can use a zweihander one-handed style.

Other minor details are the fact that the character seems to have a large deal of secrets, which is alright, so long as they don't manifest as some last minute super-powerful attack. That sort of stuff is heavily frowned upon.

One thing that caught my eye was this line:

A rather large and unaesthetic scar goes from his left shoulder all the way down to his womb.

Only females have wombs, thus the sentence is highly confusing, and I'm sure you used the wrong word on accident. All is forgiven! We all make mistakes.

Anyways, glad to have you aboard, feel free to get AIM and IM me at Brodzky Zero I'm usually on most of the time.

Feel free to direct any questions to me or others in this thread as well; we'll be glad to help out.

Adios! <p>
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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:45 pm

Heya, Danakir--welcome to the forums!

I would like to ask something, and I hope not to offend you--I don't wish to be rude, but to clear something up. What is your native language? Generally speaking, the posters of our forum are very demanding about grammar and such, but while reading your post, I'm not sure English is your native language--I can understand everything fine, but there's number and tense disagreements here and there. Little things. I would just like to know, so if people harrass you, I can tell them to knock it off. :o

I'm glad to see information about Cloren's thoughts on the gods included. That can make for interesting RPing, yet it's often left out or not even thought about. Surprisingly description of appearance is often left out of sheets, too, so it's good to see that as well.

A note about Cloren's armor: who rumors that it was made especially for Cloren by a master blacksmith? I have some Baronian characters, based in the capital, that I can retroactively have know these rumors, if it would be appropriate. There's a man in Doma City who makes a living off of rumors (RPed by UnclePervy / SongstressEnlil) who might or might not have heard of it. FF Fanatic has oodles and oodles of Baronian characters who might well have heard such rumors...I'm not sure who all else. How widespread are these rumors?

The background seems clean and cool, with a couple notes. One, you may wish to consult with the current Baron expert about the war against the demon tribe. The geography of Igala (the continent) is mapped out pretty well...that'd put the tribe in a desert (which could still work out, in fact...could well make them nomads, not affiliated with any particular country). I'm not too familiar with Baron's exploits, the event could be combined with military adventures already established, and shifted in another direction with same effect...there's demons in those thar hills, and whatnot. It should get worked out. I'll hunt down who you need to talk to...

There's also the samurai thingy--that's pretty minor. Just a note that Chen-Ketsu likely wouldn't be native to Baron, or at least would have picked up Bushido from another country. I'm not entirely sure if samurai have been established in another country...I don't think it has. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong. <p>
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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:46 pm

Well for the womb thing it's simply that I'm not a native english speaker so I didn't realise it was femaly only. (In my mind it refered to an area not a function... if you see what I mean. ^^;)

As for the Zweihander I believe that it's simply a question of fighting style and sheer physical power. I would also like to state that the way of the Bushido in which in trained for a year is quite fond of one handed blade that would put a Zweihander to shame. Of course if it's unfair I'll just reduce it to more...reasonable size. Probably a bastard sword.

As for his secret. It's quite simple and in fact not related in any way or shape to an attack nor does it gives him any more offensive power.

It's purely a story based secret of shame, not power. I mean it'd be possible but it's rather rare that one is 'ashamed' of being uber... =p

In simple term he is a typical and simple warrior and I intend for him to stay like this for the time being. I just wanted to try something different by playing a character who already has a good part of life behind him giving him a lot of experience in exchange for his physical condition.

I thank you for your comment. It's really appreciated. ^^ <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:48 pm


Actually, I first saw this post over at Mike's, and we both had a double-take at that. My second reaction, of course, was to dictionary.com the word.

Turns out womb is an archaic synonym for "belly." Whodathunk?

I was gonna mention that in my post, but I figured someone else would.


=D <p>
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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:52 pm

Okay here are you answers. First as I said just now I'm not a native speaker. ^^; Of course I tried my hardest and I believe one can compensate a lack of grammar with creativity. (Or else I'm screwed. xD)

I'd be glad to meet the Baron expert and change anything that he finds unfitting with the background he took time to make. After all, it's only basic manners to do so.

As for the rumors, if you have heard of Cloren then chance are very good you've heard of this too. It's not that hidden at all but it's not mainstream for anyone that doesn't know Cloren himself.

Chen-Ketsu, I believe it was clear but I must be mistaken, is not from Baron. He's from a mysterious country and even Cloren couldn't tell exactly where he came from...

I didn't put much detail about Chen since it would have taken too much time and space but I'll add more info about him if it can help.

Well I believe that's about it. ^^

PS: I've got owned by you twice you foul net fiends! I shall get my revenge one day! Revenge I tell you! Revenge!

(xD) <p>Psycho Mage</p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=danakir>danakir</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/25/05 22:54

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:10 pm

Yeah, you posted very shortly after I did (and I was posting while Kyle did). :H Thanks for being so patient to answer twice!

Trying your hardest is just fine--notice I had to ask to find out the answer? I doubt I speak your language fluently, so it'd be asshattery to expect perfect English from you. :o You are writing well enough to get the idea across, and you have a character who seems to work, so there's no reason not to go along with it. Besides, one only gets better from use, eh?

Thanks for clearing things up for me, especially about the rumors. I'm not sure you need to put in more information about Chen, unless you would really like to some day.

I think the current care-taker of Baron is Besyanteo. I'll give him a heads up on this thread for you so you all can hash things out. <p>
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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:49 pm

Well then all left to do is to thank you. ^_^

Thanks! <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:20 am

The peoples call, and I come.

First, Kudos on finding and using the edit button so quickly. Many many people will ignore that, irking people here to no end.

Second: You character!

As it came to me first, I just want to point out that your character has brittle/decayying bones, yet almost effortlessly weilds this large sword and heavy armor. I won't say it's wrong, but thought should be given to lightening him up by downgrading some things, or finding a means of making his equipment lighter. If your heart is set on the heavy equipment, I advise finding a magical means of making his armor actually be lighter on his body. ... Or possibly a more temporary enchantment on his bones once a month/few weeks/whatever. There are many possibilities.

Now, as for his backstory.

Cloren story begins more then five decades ago in the land of Baron. At the time Cloren was a young child of a rather powerful merchant family. Even if he was the first child of a long line Cloren was of no real purpose to their greedy and slightly abusive father and was as such disposed of by placing him under the care of the military. The truth is Cloren was a bastard and as such was to be disposed of. Even at that tender age Cloren was already a rather wise and smart little boy and as such claimed he did not wish to become one of Baron dragoons. No, he had read a lot about the ancient way of the kingdom, the way of knighthood. Cloren wanted to learn the way of the knight. Of course due to a... 'shortage'... in knights since the last century Cloren could not have the advantage of a mentor. This explains why he had to take the general lowly soldier path. Of course this deeply shamed his family that then rejected him, strapping him of his name and all his ranks previlege.


Years would then pass fighting what Cloren saw as evil and earning a name for himself through endless hardship and sacrifice. Cloren even fought into a small and poorly known war that was lead in secret by the kingdom of Baron against a demon tribe of the East. Sadly, although they were victorious some demon succeeded in infiltrating Baron.

Keep in mind: about 20-25 years ago, there was a war that raged through Baron against undead and, yay, demonic forces! This doesn't conflict with whatyou have in anyway, it's just something he'd have experienced, being in Baron at the time. This is also the time when the cultural center of Baron, the city of Isalia, fell to dark powers and became uninhabitable. Very sad. ;-;

The piece about the secret attack on a group of demons is acceptable enough. Although I'd keep in mind that in a place like Baron, the reason it was kept secret would likely just be to avoid panic among the civilians.

Soldiers are not a lowly or dishonorable group in Baron. Baron, being a warrior race that slowly civilized over time, would likely revere it's soldiers greatly. I'm sorry but this one is absolute. His family can hate him for whatever reasons, and reject him at their leisure, but that wouldn't affect his rank or priveledges in any way.

I actually need to discuss with the previous owner of Baron whether or not there might be a lack of Knights in the Kingdom, but being that they're appointed by the King whenever he feels it's appropriate, I'm going to guess that they shouldn't be lacking them too greatly. It's more likely that at the young age his father shipped him off for training, none of the Knights he could find were interested in mentoring him.

I can't really comment on Bushido too much, but to say it would be very rare to find a practicioner of it in Baron. It has more to do with the fact that Baron isn't among the eastern lands of the rising sun than anything else. However, it's not unheard of for Nekonians to visit the place, or even for an interdimensional traveller from earth to pop up sometimes. The simplest fix would to be to call it something other than 'Bushido'. I don't know it's tenets, so I can't really tell you it's unnacceptable. ... Especially since we have more than a few ninja running about.

All in all, I think this is an excellent first character. I'd advise keeping it in freestyle, as some of what you want for it just won't fit with a first level PhilSys character. Furthermore, he's meant to have a great deal of experience on him, which is again very hard to put down onto an early level PS character.

In summary:

- There was a war. With demons. And explosions! Boomy!
- Soldiers are keen! Because they keep monsters/etc. from making us dead.
- Knights don't -generally- lack during times of peace. It's after a war you need to worry.
- Bushido? Kay. Just define how he learned it in a little more detail.
- Image
What the sign said.


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:26 am

Taken in consideration. I'll change everything that's problematic. As for the way of Bushido... if it's okay I'd really rather keep it with that name.

Well I assumed 'dragoons' were the one that took the place of knights... >_>

I guess I'll have to change that too uh? <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:33 am

Acrually, no. 'Knight' is a general term marking anyone who is trusted by the King and country, and is chosen to be marked as one of it's protectors. It's also got perks like being able to move about the castle at your leisure, and your opinions are more valued over that of say, a squire/town guard/whatever.

Dragoons, PAladins, summoners, and others are just styles of combat one chooses to accomplish their goals. In Danakir's case, he was sort of forced to enter the Military. Note that Monestaries and schools of Dragoons are not necesarily a part of the military.

Also! The military of Baron has a special Mage-knight chapter, if Danakir had any interest in it when he was a boy. There's alot of freedom in Baron for you to persue any weapon or magical specialization you're interested in. ... Much like Doma, really. And, if you insisto n calling it Bushido, that's fine. I just would have personally preferred otehrwise is all.


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:37 am

Well one can consider himself a knight without being accepted by the king. For Cloren a knight before being the king servant is his code of honor.

In this case due to his master he follows the code named the Bushido. I cleared up his fighting style for you.

As I said he's a 'freelance' knight meaning he never was knighted by the king and simply is considered a mere mercenary.

By the way I'm done with most of the changes so if you'd have the kindness of checking them to make sure they are okay...

Thanks a lot for the help by the way! <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:54 am

I have no other pressing problems with the character. Feel free to RP any old time! I might say more, but it's like 2 AM here, and I sleep.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:12 pm

I'm posting now because I'm a bastard!

All of these are suggestions since I'm neither the custodian of Baron nor a savant about Gaera in general.

You could change "Bushido" to "Chivalry," since Chivalry is the traditional western-European equivalent to the honourable way of the warrior . Though Chivalry lacks the philosophical and religious overtones that Bushido has it fits more with the more material and martial culture that Baron has.

As for titles, considering that they're handed out by the King (even if the King does it freely and without much trepidation) Knights are easier to find in the upper echeleons of society (since they have greater access to the King).

In the words of Molokidan: "SECRETS SECRETS ARE NO FUN UNLESS THEY'RE TOLD TO EVERYONE!" I'm not a big fan of keeping things in the dark unless absolutely necessary, and thus if your character has secrets I would advise that you list them and just say, in your sheet, that these are things that no one knows. It provides a deeper aspect to your character other than "I have mystery!" and it also makes it easier for other players in this community to take part in your character's development. We try very hard not to metagame (though it has happened, on occasion, since one of my characters is a con artist in exile in Doma and not many people know for a fact that she's an ex-con, and yet every single foreigner she meets with even vague ties to law enforcement recognizes her... Then again, I like to gripe). Unless things are vague because you have a plan in mind to establish those aspects of your character's past that involves other people, I'd put down the details and just leave some things foggy. No one likes to have "Oh, wait, I never told you but my characters has a secret beef with X and Y and thus will now kill your NPC on sight for well-hidden yet important reasons." pop up in the middle of a sesson. <p>[---------------------------]
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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:36 pm

I already explained why it's 'Bushido' and not 'Chilvalry'. Once again I repeat, one can consider oneself to be a knight by honor rather then by title. After all the code of Bushido does not perclude him from such considerations.

*Nod* Thanks for the second point but this has already been dealt with.

As for your last point well if it makes everyone happy I will. I'll just horribly maim the first person who makes a moo of themselves by instantly knowing that bit. That would annoy me more then anything else.

Please check soon for an edit with everything about this oh-so-uber-abusive secret. </sarcasm> <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:19 pm

Nev isn't asking you to make Danakir a knight of the kingdom, just further pointing out that Bushido would be an INCREDIBLY unlikely code to learn and follow in Baron. A man can be a knight only in his own heart and mind, and still follow Bushido, or be Chivalrous, or whatever.

But as I said, we can accept him knowing it... It just feels slightly arbitrary. In a first character, that's fine. My own first character learned fighting-monk style combat and energy attacks, just because. Your character atleast has a mentor in his history.


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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:50 pm

I don't see the big fuss about Bushido, personally. Most PCs in Gaera are unlikely. I don't see it breaking the laws of physics or anything, so I'm cool with it. <p>
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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:10 pm

Dia has a point. Now we just need to get you in a CI or two.


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Danakir » Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:17 pm

I assume Pseudo-Angels are okay which is good. ^^

"Heroes are good, unlikely heroes are FUN" - Some random guy.


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:23 pm

Well I'm trying to find a few of those but they don't really happen that often lately it seems. ^^; <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:15 pm

Board CIRPs can be whipped up on command, basically. Someone just needs to have some time and interest on their hands.

I'd see about pulling one up now, but I'm not at home, and I likes being at home to RP. Creativity comes best in a comfortable environment. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">dictionary.com | encyclopædia dramatica</div></p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 7/27/05 20:16


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:21 pm

How exactly does a CIRP work? <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:43 pm

CIRPs are just where nothing scripted happens. Just RP where there is no specific "end goal", so to speak, and different characters get to know each other or whatever.

As an aside, Danakir gets the official FD Seal of Awesome. <p>
<hr width="50%"><center><span style="font-family:comic sans ms; font-size:x-large;">AVAST!</span></center></p>


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:49 pm

If I understand correctly even I, emperor of sucky GMing, would be able to do one!? :O

An unexpected turn of event this is!

On a more serious note, thanks for the answer.

I'm quite honored by the seal. (Why shouldn't I be? =p) Although I'd wonder why I deserved it I won't complain. Image <p>Psycho Mage</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:01 am

A question: Why precisely are Pseudo-angels so hated and persecuted? It seems unusual, given that Igala in general isn't too prone to hardcore racial persecution and such, unless the race is known for being a danger (such as demons). Did they do something particularly odious? What is their relation to true celestials, and the "angels" that can be found in Northern Igala?

Aside from these questions, you seem to have done a good job thinking things out. People can tell you how uncommon it is for me to say this. :D <p>---------------------------

ReakoSomner: regardless, I was poor, and in need of diamonds</p>


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:08 am

Thanks a lot.

Well let me make this simple. Imagine a race that is a mockery of something most people worship and consider to be divine. Would they tolerate them? Not really. As I said, humans fear what they don't understand and they kill what they fear.

As for angels... how should I put it nicely. They don't protect them nor hunt them. Angels know the truth for the most part but according to the goddess will they can't speak about it to mortals.

Basically they are persecuted by mostly humans and other kind of similar mortals. I'm simply using basic human nature or is that not enough? <p>Psycho Mage</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:59 am

I'd argue that's hardly basic human nature; it usually takes a good demogogue to get that sort of thing going. However, it's easy to get a good demogogue with the situation.

It's noteworthy, celestials are somewhat less venerated in Gaera than in most places. Mostly so people RPing celestials can't say "Hi I got wings gimme stuff."


ReakoSomner: regardless, I was poor, and in need of diamonds</p>


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:14 am

I'm sorry to ask but.... what's the meaning of 'demogogue'? ^^; <p>Psycho Mage</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:39 pm

My mistake, hard to recall you aren't a native speaker at times. A demagogue is a leader who gains power and rules by appealing to emotions and prejudices. <p>---------------------------

ReakoSomner: regardless, I was poor, and in need of diamonds</p>


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:40 pm

I see.

Well in my opinion it's still in the human nature, the demagogue only helps bring it out. <p>Psycho Mage</p>


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:30 pm

I would think that just about anything could be found in human nature. What separates higher-quality writing from lesser-quality writing, in my opinion, just lies in the reason for it being brought out.

Humans, after all, are natural explorers and natural survivors at the same time. I would expect that we are equally likely to fear what we don't understand as we are to want to explore it. Of course, people whose attention is kept in one place for the vast majority of the time, be it because of narrow economic interests, government restrictions, geographical impossibility of movement, or some other reason, probably would not find it impossible to lose some of their inclination to explore. That being said, I would think that, whether a writer chooses to claim that a group of people fear something they don't understand or that they take an interest in understanding it, either way would seem equally credible to me.

edit: Also, I want to add that the same group of people that hates one thing they don't understand might want to understand something else.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=seethe347>Seethe347</A] at: 7/29/05 19:43

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Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:14 pm

Our Seethe has the right of it.


Re: Danakirs Character Sheets (Comment appreciated)

Unread postby danakir » Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:14 am

Make pretty much sense to me. <p>Psycho Mage</p>

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