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Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 4:02 pm


The races I have had checked are now updated to reflect the changes made. I am still open to advice on modifications.

So without further ado, the races. Keep in mind that all of these races are at least partially humanoid. Also, I could use better names, but none directly translated from another language (don't give me a Japanese name, for instance).

Coastal Malrian
Description: A ducklike, primitive race with little sense of privacy or ownership.
Racial Traits:
()+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
()Medium size
()Base speed 30 ft.
()Low-light vision
()+4 racial bonus to Swim checks
()+2 racial bonus on all saves against cold-based spells and effects
()+2 racial bonus on all saves versus natural diseases
Favored Class: Barbarian

Dark Malrian
Description: A ducklike race, very similar in form to the coastal malrians, that prefers to seek opportunities in the settlements of other races, particularly humans.
Racial Traits:
()+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
()Medium size
()Base speed 30 ft.
()Low-light vision
()+4 racial bonus to Swim checks
()+2 racial bonus on Disguise, Hide, Move Silently, and Pick Pocket checks
Favored Class: Rogue

Description: A race of dog people that lives in generally mountainous areas and has a strong sense of honor.
Racial Traits:
()+2 Strength, -2 Dexterity
()Medium size
()Base speed 30 ft.
()Darkvision 60 ft.
()+2 racial bonus to all saves versus charm and compulsion effects
()+2 racial bonus to Appraise and Craft checks involving stone and metal
()+2 racial bonus to Listen checks
()Able to take Scent (as the Monster Manual special quality) as a feat requiring a Wisdom of 15 or higher
Favored Class: Paladin

Description: A short race that has the qualities of cats, as well as enjoying humor and pranks.
Racial Traits:
()+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
()Small size
()Base speed 30 ft.
()Low-light vision
()+2 racial bonus to Listen, Spot, and Search checks
()Entitled to a Search check to find any secret or concealed door when passing within 5 feet of it
()+2 racial bonus to Climb checks
Favored Class: Bard

Description: A hawklike race that generally lives only in very remote locations where nature has not been replaced by civilization.
Racial Traits:
()+2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
()Medium size
()Base speed 30 ft.
()+4 racial bonus to all Spot checks
()+2 racial bonus to all Listen checks
()+2 racial bonus to all Handle Animal checks (but they still cannot train or rear an animal without ranks in the skill)
()+2 racial bonus to all checks made to detect scrying attempts (and do not need an Intelligence of 12 or higher as long as success is possible)
()+2 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks
Favored Class: Ranger

Description: A race descended from dragons that, although ultimately more suited to a humanoid lifestyle, retains some of their ancestral qualities.
Racial Traits:
()+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma
()Medium size
()Base speed 30 ft.
()Darkvision 60 ft.
()+2 racial bonus on Appraise checks involving gems and precious metals
()+1 racial bonus on all saves versus spells and spell-like abilities
()+2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks
Favored Class: Sorceror
Level Adjustment: +1 <p>

<span style="font-size:medium;"> Quotes of the Moment: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

=="....and I must have missed a step or two - or five." - Fuzzfas, Trynnie Alchemist (from Wizardry 8)
=="I assure you, I have no seeds. Or villainy.... or whatever a zound is." - Cabalen Thoth (RPed by KingOfDoma)

View my online journal here.
Also, if you have a question about my characters, look here.
And I've been having image trouble, so those are out for a while. </span></p>Edited by: Divinegon2130 at: 1/27/05 19:34


Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:17 pm

Here's what I had in mind for the Scent feat. This is essentially transcribed from a similar ability given to the nezumi in Oriental Adventures, and it is also from there that I decided to go with the Wisdom score of 11 (I originally had 13 as the requirement).

Basically, a character or creature with the Scent feat can detect opponents by smell within 30 feet as a free action. If an opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet, but if they're downwind, the range is only 15 feet. Strong scents (smoke, rotting garbage, etc.) can be detected at twice these ranges, and overpowering scents (skunk musk, troglodyte stench) can be detected at triple the ranges.

These only detect an opponent's presence, not exactly where they are. Noting the direction of the scent is a move-equivalent action, and only if the character or creature with Scent moves within 5 feet can they pinpoint the source of the smell.

The Scent feat also would allow tracking by smell. This basically follows the rules of the Track feat, except it's a Wisdom check, the base DC is 10 (or 20 if there are other powerful odors masking a creature's scent), the DC increases by 2 for each hour since the scent trail was made, and surface conditions and poor visibility do not affect this kind of tracking. Water generally ruins such a trail.

Finally, a creature or character with the Scent feat can identify familiar odors the way humans identify familiar sights.

....whew, that was a lot.

Edit: I'm also considering adding a more severe drawback, where a character would be more susceptible (penalties to saving throws, increased effect, and the like) to attack forms that rely on scent (such as troglodyte stench). <p>

<span style="font-size:medium;"> Quotes of the Moment: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

=="....and I must have missed a step or two - or five." - Fuzzfas, Trynnie Alchemist (from Wizardry 8)
=="I assure you, I have no seeds. Or villainy.... or whatever a zound is." - Cabalen Thoth (RPed by KingOfDoma)

View my online journal here.
Also, if you have a question about my characters, look here.
And I've been having image trouble, so those are out for a while. </span></p>Edited by: Divinegon2130 at: 1/16/05 22:18

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Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:19 pm

(Specific Note: I am considering giving this race - and this race alone - the ability to take Scent as a feat requiring a Wisdom of 11 or higher, but I feel it is too unbalancing.)

Suggestions for this!

Make the Wisdom requirement higher. Such as, say, fifteen or sixteen?

Also, you could have set limitations on just what Scent could do. However, I can't say any more, since I'm not familiar with it. Could you describe what you had in mind for this feat? <p>

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Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:17 am

3rd Edition abandoned all restrictions on race and class, essentially. Baldur's Gate II used 2nd Edition. <p>

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</p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=idran1701>Idran1701</A] at: 1/17/05 3:18


Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:06 am

My only experience with Paladins in Dungeons and Dragons comes from Baldur's Gate II, and that may be why I am ignorant of the fact that non-human races can belong to this class. Still, I feel the need to inquire about this. <p>

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Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:18 pm

Hmn. Another potential restriction is that a character has to have their scent to begin with. For example, he can't track down the specific presence of a random stranger he hasn't met...all that'll show up on the radar is that someone is there. It would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. <p>

*Megaman sounds like a little girl*-Uncle Pervy, on the Voice Acting in MM8

"Well, we've made it to Leeds without being robbed or violated. We win at time traveling!" - Shelley, Scary-Go-Round</p>


Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:17 pm

Alright, I'm going to provide some input here, but keep in mind that my input assumes, generally, that you do not want any of these races to have level adjustments. Pardon me if my suggestions deviate too far from the concept, but the descriptions I'm getting are all I have to work with.

Hauraik: If you think giving the race Scent as a feat is too unbalancing, give them a +2 racial bonus to Survival checks when using the Track feat. It'll make them better at tracking and whatnot, but they still have to learn how. Giving them the Track feat for free is too powerful, obviously. However, since they do have to use a feat slot to learn the Scent ability (much the way they would if they wanted to learn Track, unless it were a bonus feat), you could simply increase the requirement to Wis 13 or 15 (11 is too low--11 isn't even notably above average in D&D, and all skills that require a stat to be at a certain minimum require at least a 13 in that ability score) or put a level requirement (say 3rd level?) on it as well. Alternately, decide that Ranger Hauraik get Scent for free instead of Track.

Felhin: I am moderately confused as to why this race's favored class is wizard. Wizardry in D&D requires years of dedication, training, and study to even learn basic spells. Why would a race of trickster cats that enjoy pranks have wizard as their favored class? I would suggest rogue, or even bard. Also, cats are known for their agility and mobility. Even as a small race, I think they ought to have a move speed of 30 feet. Maybe if you get rid of their +1 universal save bonus and give them the faster movement?

Takaerin: Wilderness Lore and Animal Empathy are not skills. They are class features. Also, I'm not sure what Wilderness Lore is, because it isn't mentioned in the book anywhere, so it might be a skill you came up with (in which case that's just fine), or perhaps you're referring to Knowledge (Nature). Anyway, no matter what terminology you use, Animal/Wild Empathy's nature as a class feature means that unless the character is a Druid or Ranger, this has no benefit whatsoever, especially considering that the roll for Wild Empathy is based on Charisma, and the Takaerin have a Charisma penalty. If you want all Takaerin to be Rangers, that's fine, but I would suggest some other benefit instead. Also, considering their range of apparent talents (Handle Animal, for example), perhaps reduce their Intelligence instead of their Charisma, to reflect their wild nature and therefore reduced level of book knowledge? Finally, I assume that this race does not have functional wings--this is mostly a personal note, but please correct me if I happen to be wrong, because I figure that would be an obvious balance issue.

Darakai: While dragons are not the most dextrous creatures in D&D (indeed, they tend to be average at best), I see little reason for their watered-down humanoid descendants to have reduced Dexterity. I can understand the possibility of suggesting that they have claw-like hands, but Dexterity in D&D implies full body coordination, so by reducing their Dexterity, you also reduce the AC and Reflex saves of any character playing this race, as well as the vast majority of skills (none of which are class for a sorcerer, but again, they don't all have to be sorcerers). Instead, I can see them as being more strong-willed (i.e., more Charisma) or more strong of body (Strength, obviously) than human beings, as well as more durable. Unfortunately, all these pluses is leading down the road to a level adjustment. +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and +2 Charisma on top of their existing bonuses (without the Dexterity penalty) is probably good for a +1 level adjustment if you kick their universal save bonus down to +1 (keep in mind that at 1st level, most characters have class bonuses of +0 in one or two saves, which means that a +2 bonus is the difference between the expert and the klutz at level 1).

Edit: Now I get to do Priam's job! - Jak

Edit: Why the fuck do I keep forgetting to turn on HTML!?

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=archmage144>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 1/22/05 13:27


Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:27 pm

Some of the points Brian brought up are ones I already mentioned in chat, but I'm going to repeat them here and also what I ultimately came up with in some spots. I'll edit the main post regarding racial details sometime later.

First: Yes, I wanted to avoid level adjustments wherever possible.

On the Scent issue: I've ultimately decided to bump the minimum Wisdom requirement for that to 15.

Regarding the favored class for Felhin: I was stumped here. Originally I had abjurer (a form of specialist wizard) as the favored class, but I realized that could not even be close. And I felt illusionist (again, specialist wizard), which could suit a trickster race well, might have very well been inappropriate. However, I don't want rogue because I'd rather not have two races with the same general favored class (nevermind the humans, who can pretty much choose their favored class). Bard is thus the most likely class.

On the Takaerin: I've said this already, but I was using 3rd edition rules rather than 3.5. Considering this, I'm stumped as to what to replace Animal Empathy with. (I'm keeping Wilderness Lore and Handle Animal, and if someone wants 3.5 rules, Wilderness Lore will become Knowledge (nature).) My thought so far was, since they're so reclusive within nature, what about resistance to natural poisons (by which I mean organic ones)? Otherwise I have absolutely no idea. As for where to put the penalty, that's one I didn't see offhand. Thanks for catching that one.

The Darakai: This was one of those cases where I was desperate to avoid a level adjustment, although I don't see a lot of options to do that. I'll take the advice you put down, and I just hope people that would want to play this race don't complain about the level adjustment (I have had people do that before, yes).

.....and before I forget, you're correct, the takaerin do not have functional wings. The only race listed here that even has wings at all is the darakai, and their wings are far too weak to make flight possible. And even if I wanted to make flight possible for the darakai, it'd probably be epic or near-epic levels before I'd allow even a minimal version of flying. <p>

<span style="font-size:medium;"> Quotes of the Moment: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

=="....and I must have missed a step or two - or five." - Fuzzfas, Trynnie Alchemist (from Wizardry 8)
=="I assure you, I have no seeds. Or villainy.... or whatever a zound is." - Cabalen Thoth (RPed by KingOfDoma)

View my online journal here.
Also, if you have a question about my characters, look here.
And I've been having image trouble, so those are out for a while. </span></p>


Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:15 pm

Fly is a 3rd level Wizard/Sorcerer spell, and half-celestials, half-fiends, and half-dragons all have functional wings at a level adjustment of +4. Characters should have access to flight capability way before epic level (i.e., at 5th level at the earliest) unless you want to rebalance the campaign altogether and not allow arcane casters to choose the fly spell. Usually, it's better to allow players to fly and then make them use it to solve puzzles or avoid obstacles instead of disallowing them the ability on the grounds that it's harder to make obstacles for players that have three-dimensional mobility.

One note on giving a racial bonus to Handle Animal is that some uses of Handle Animal are not usable untrained. You might want to note that characters with a racial bonus to a skill can use it as if they were trained in the skill if it's appropriate (or if it isn't, they have to purchase ranks for the bonus to have any effect, which is fine, too, for some skills). Birds have good hearing--maybe give the Takaerin a +2 racial bonus on Listen checks? <p>
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Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Zemyla » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:59 pm

AM: The "winged" template in Savage Species gives an LA of +2 for a fly speed of 20 + your base land speed and a manouverability based on your Dex. <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

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Re: Looking for some help here.

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:33 pm

The idea of giving a 3rd level character a fly speed makes me want to projectile vomit my spleen. <p>
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