Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Character sheet archiving. Help with characters can be solicited here. This is also the place to talk Philsys or other RPing systems.

Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:08 pm

Here-in begins my thread of Character Sheets which Incorporate Weird Skills. This thread was mostly created to so I could stick a whole bunch of PS sheets here, so I can repeatedly link AM/Squintz to them until they tell me what's kosher and what's not. In some cases, I just want a ruling on one or two things, in some, the whole character concept is open to question. I'll start with the easier stuff, and build on it from there.

On this first character sheet, the only issue is whether the 'Lightning Strikes' ability is good, needs twinking, or should be junked entirely.

Character Name: Nai Resh, “Leftsider”
Character Race: Siren-Half
Character Age: 52
Hair Color: Silver-Green
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’5”
Weight: #148
Clothes: Light blue shirt, pants with flared legs.
Quirks: Brash, given to rushing in. Almost a kleptomaniac, although she’s learned to restrain it somewhat. Blood is about 50% siren. Only real effects it gives her are underwater breathing, striking beauty, and mild singing abilities. She has no mermaid form.

Character Sheet


HP: 70
TP: 20
Initiative: 5+2d6
AT/PA: 13/12


Courage 2
Wisdom 2
Intuition 6
Charisma 1
Agility 3
Dexterity 2
Strength 2
Stamina 3
Magical Aptitude 0

Total points to spend: 36

Weapon (Sai) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 3
Double Sword [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 3
Disarm Traps [Int/Dex/Dex] lv 4
Pick Pocket [Int/Dex/Dex] lv 3
Pick Lock [Int/Dex/Dex] lv 4
Stealth [Int/Agi/Agi] lv 4
[s] Ambidexterity [Dex x 3] lv 3
[s] Lightning Strike [Agi x 3] lv 4
[s] Detect Traps [Int x 3] lv 4
[k] Traps lv 4
[k] Poisons lv 4


[Innate] Lulling Song (2 TP): A soft, lilting melody, intended to put the listener to sleep. More effective vs. males.

[Lightning = 1] Lightning Strike: When rolling for initiative, if Nai rolls a total equal to or higher than (20 – rank) she may take a second action each turn. If she rolls Double Sixes, she may take a third action each turn. The second action is placed in the initiative rankings as if her first Innit roll were –10. If she has a third action, it always comes at the end of the turn. All her rolls are –2 on her second action, and –4 on her third action. She regains her parry, if it was used, after each action, with the necessary penalties. These bonus actions apply on the first round, and every tenth round thereafter.

[Stealth = 3] Vanish (4 TP): Upon stepping into a darker area, user seems to ‘vanish’ into the area, causing everyone watching to loose track of her. If a person tries to keep sight of the user, he must roll his Int. vs user’s Skill level.

[Stealth = 4] Sneak Up (6 TP): Sneak up on someone undetected, giving the user a surprise strike.

[Pick Pocket = 1] Pick Pocket
Innate ability, Combat cost: 1 TP
To pick someone's pocket, the user rolls 1d20 + Pick Pocket skill vs. opponents 1d20 + Intu.


Sai x 2
        (7/10/13, 0/0)
Leather Bracers
        (AC = 10, 0/0, Dur. = 10)
Studded Leather Armor
        (AC = 11, -1/-1, Dur. = 15)
Lock Picks
City Map (Doma)
Antidote x 3 <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 10/30/03 1:56 pm


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:11 pm

New and improved version of Rikk. Just take a look at his Magic Reduction ability. And I'm still not sure if the multipliers on his techs are ballanced or not. =/

Character Name: Rikkard Jordon
Character Race: Human/Quicksilver Dragon hybrid.
Character Age: 152
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 6’1”
Weight: #162
Clothes: Sleeveless shirt and loose pants. Doesn’t wear shoes.
Quirks: No family, and doesn’t use his family name. Often reacts violently to the harming of women, and has a great deal of difficulty in doing it himself. Strange tattoos on his arms. Kinda klutzy.

Character Sheet


HP: 70
TP: 20
MP: 50
Initiative: 6+2d6
AT/PA: 20/16


Courage 4
Wisdom 2
Intuition 4
Charisma 0
Agility 2
Dexterity -2
Strength 6
Stamina 3
Magical Aptitude 2

Total points to spend: 32

Runic Fist (Unarmed combat skill) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 4
Holy Magic [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 3
Superhuman Jump [Str/Str/Sta] lv 4
Stealth [Agi/Agi/Int] lv 2
Uncanny Perception [Int/Int/Wis] lv 2
[s] Damage Resistance [Sta/Sta/Wis] lv 4
[s] Melee Evasion [Agi/Agi/Int] lv 4
[s] Missile Evasion [Agi/Agi/Int] lv 4
[k] Wilderness Survival lv 4
[k] Woodslore lv 4
[k] Holy Lore lv 2


[Innate] Holy Resistance: Due to his nature, Rikk can resist holy magic with unusual effectiveness. On level One, he resists 10% of all holy damage, and this increases by 5% every level.

[Innate] Draconic Form (20 TP): Rikk’s four winged quicksilver dragon form. Due to his diluted bloodline, it’s limited, but he transforms far enough to be clearly recognized as a dragon, albeit a very small one (around 8 ft long, with a 20 ft wingspan). Beyond the role-play difficulties a dragon form presents, it’s very painful, which clouds his thinking. This effects his stats by giving him a +2 to Str, Sta, and Cou, but reducing Wis, Agi, and Dex by the same amount. His unarmed strikes do x2 their normal damage, and his Toughness damage reduction is doubled. He may also fly in this form. He can only hold it for X+1d20 minutes, where X = Character’s Level*5.

[Innate] Meditation (Cost: See description): A last ditch healing technique developed by Rikk’s order. He meditates for 1+1d4 hours, which completely restores HP, MP, and TP. He is normal for 24 hours, after which he is penalized by the amount he was restored. WHAT THIS MEANS, is that his MAX HP, MP, and TP will be reduced by the amount he was restored for 24 hours. He may not regain this HP, MP, and TP in any way, except waiting the 24 hours. It may only be used once per month, otherwise the HP, MP, and TP loss will become permanent.

[DmgRes = 1] Toughness: This skill is born of a monk’s long years of training and practice. They have gained the ability to ignore lesser physical pain, and will it not to effect their body. Also, the body eventually becomes so dense; the astral plane has difficulty affecting it. The result is they take no appreciable damage. This acts as a natural armor, reducing physical damage taken by rank+level*2 points, and magical damage by half that.

[Uncanny = 2] Sense Hostility: This skill is born of careful attunement to the people around you. Rikk has learned to pay attention to his 6th sense, and as a result, he can sense when people are planning him harm if they are focusing their thoughts on him for more than 120 – rank*5 seconds, and within 20 feet of his location.

[Runic = 1, Holy = 1] Burning Aura (5 MP per turn used, MP use begins the turn after it is initiated): A technique created by those who practice the Runic Fist, which allows them to turn astral strength into pure fighting power. This technique boosts AT/PA by +1/+1, and grants the user an extra Mag + 2d4 holy damage to a successful unarmed attack.

[Runic = 2, Holy = 2] Rising Sun (8 MP, 4 TP): A powerful uppercut, which burns with holy fury. Deals normal unarmed attack damage, plus Mag + 2d6 holy damage. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 3, Holy = 3] Soul Burn (15 MP, 6 TP): A focused spiritual blast, which sears out in a straight line from the user, dealing Mag + 8+2d8 holy damage to anyone, friend or foe, within a three foot wide, seventy foot long corridor in front of Rikk. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 2] Gattling Kick (4 TP): A pair of rapid kicks across the face. Both attacks are as normal, but when coming out of the move, Rikk will be at a AT/PA penalty of 0/-2 until his next action. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 4] Whirlwind Kick (8 TP): A gattling kick, followed by a pair of rapid set up punches and a final, massive kick to the chest. Does one normal kicking attack, with damage x 3 (calculate with AC x 3 as well), and the target is sent flying Str + 2d6 feet away from Rikk. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 7 (Cannot be used yet)] Spiral Kick (12 TP): A trio of roundhouse kicks with the right leg, followed by a final snap kick under the chin. Normal kicking attack, with damage x 4 (calculate with AC x 4 as well), plus falling damage, as the technique sends the target 4 + Str + 2d6 feet into the air. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 12, Superhuman Jump = 4 (Cannot be used yet)] Spiral Fist (20 TP): The Spiral Kick technique, followed by a punch from above as the target goes airborne. Normal kicking attack, with damage x 5 (calculate with AC x 5 as well), and falling damage doubled. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)

[Runic = 15, Superhuman Jump = 8 (Cannot be used yet)] Dragon Tail Hammer (25 TP): The Runic Fist’s succession technique. Leads off with a gattling kick, followed by a barrage of punches, a Spiral Kick, and a two handed blow to send the unfortunate target back to the earth. Normal kicking attack, with damage x 8 (calculate with AC x 8 as well), and falling damage tripled. (May not be used when in Draconic Form.)


Natural Armor
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (AC = 6, reduces Magic Damage by 3)
A large sack, to carry stuff in <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 10/31/03 4:48 pm


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:13 pm

Biggest issue with Hope is her 'Double Style' ability. Not sure if we can do something like that or not. And yes, I know, having abilities relating to sleep is wonky, but I thought it was fitting for a cowgirl.

Character Name: Hope Crider
Character Race: Human
Character Age: 18
Hair Color: Black (Shoulder length)
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 5’8”
Weight: #160
Clothes: Leather vest, short sleeved shirt, jeans, belt w/ Shikigami talisman, and hip high riding boots.
Quirks: Speaks with a heavy southern drawl, very good-natured, and has a cheerful outlook and personality. From a version of modern day earth, wound up in Gaera four years ago, after her first encounter with inter-dimensional travel.

Character Sheet


HP: 75
TP: 20
Initiative: 7+2d6
AT/PA: 15/15


Courage 5
Wisdom 1
Intuition 3
Charisma 2
Agility 2
Dexterity 2
Strength 2
Stamina 4
Magical Aptitude 0


Total points to spend: 28

Weapon Skill (Bowie Knife) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 3
Kickboxing (Unarmed Fighting skill) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 3
Shikigami Use [Cou/Int/Int] lv 4
[s] Double Fighting Style[Cou/Agi/Str] lv 3
[s] Horse Riding [Int/Str/Sta] lv 4
[s] Chocobo Riding [Int/Str/Sta] lv 2
[s] Animal Empathy [Int/Int/Wis] lv 2
[k] Riding Gear lv 4
[k] Cooking lv 4
[k] Stablehand lv 4
[k] Cowboy Songs lv 2


[Double = x] Double Style: Lets Hope take advantage of both her knife, and her kickboxing skills. She may merge the two into a single fighting style, adding her ranks in one to AT, and her ranks in the other to PA. She may attack and parry twice, once with her modified AT/PA, once with her base AT/PA. She may do this only if her Double ranks >= her Bowie or Kickboxing ranks.

[Shikigami = 1] Growth (Combat Cost: 1 TP): Hope can use her Shikigami talisman to increase the length of her hair, up to 20 feet.

[Shikigami = 2] Grasp (Combat Cost: 1 TP): Hope can use her Shikigami talisman to enable her hair to handle and lift objects less than five pounds. Any Dex rolls that may be needed are made at a –4.

[Shikigami = 3] Heft (Combat Cost: 2 TP): Hope can use her Shikigami talisman to enable her hair to lift heavy objects, anything which weighs less than Int*10 pounds.

[Shikigami = 4] Hair Lance (4 TP): A narrow portion of Hope’s hair extends out as a lance, and strikes one target for Int + 3d6 damage.


Bowie Knife
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (x/8/13, -1/0)
Steel Plated Riding Boots
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp +3 to all kicking attack damages.
Riding crop
Printed, bound book, with many blank pages (and a few with writing in English). <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 10/31/03 4:49 pm


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:15 pm

Character Name: Rhet Fackel
Character Race: Human
Character Age: 18
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5’10”
Weight: #150
Clothes: Jeans, grey shirt, tan leather jacket w/ zipper and elbow pads.
Quirks: From a version of modern day Earth, but has been on a number of inter-dimensional ‘jaunts’, in which he has learned a lot, and picked up many nifty skills. Unfortunately, to accompany that, is a very pessimistic view point. Rhet says the universe is no respecter of persons, and that there is no point to trying anyways, as you’ll loose it all at some point. He truly fights like he doesn’t care if he lives or dies.

Character Sheet


HP: 70
MP: 40
TP: 20
Initiative: 5+2d6
AT/PA: 15/11


Courage 1
Wisdom 2
Intuition 2
Charisma 0
Agility 4
Dexterity 2
Strength 5
Stamina 3
Magical Aptitude 2


Total points to spend: 28

Weapon Skill (Bastard Sword) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 4
Blue Magic [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Mystic Sword [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Alchemy [Wis/Int/Dex] lv 4
Sewing [Dex/Dex/Int] lv 4
[s] Sharp Hearing [Int x 3] lv 4
[s] Apathy [Wis/Wis/Cou] lv 4
[k]Potions lv 4
[k] Inter-dimensional Travel lv 4


[Bastard = 1] Bastard Switch: A Bastard Sword can be used with one or two hands, which is why it is also known as the Hand and a Half sword. By constantly switching between an one handed and two handed stance, Rhet makes it harder to predict where his strikes will land. However, it also makes it harder to properly place a parry. Thus, Rhet is at AT/PA +2/-1.

[Bastard = 2] Eternal Raid (3 TP per extra lunge): Rhet makes a lunging attack. If his strike succeeds, he makes another attack, at AT –1. He may continue to do this, with a cumulative AT penalty, until he makes an unsuccessful strike, runs out of TP, or the target reaches 0 HP.

[Bastard = 4] Bastard Backhand (2 TP): If Rhet misses a strike, he pivots on one foot and tries to backhand slash his target. However, this move leaves him very open. Using the move, puts him at -2/-2 until his next action (this penalty affects the strike as well as ensuing parries). This move does not work with other Bastard skills, such as Eternal Raid.

[Bastard = 8] Empress Massacre (5 TP per extra slash, 3 TP per extra lunge): Rhet makes a chopping attack. If his strike succeeds, he may make an additional slashing attack at AT –1. Rhet may continue making slashes, with a cumulative AT penalty, until he misses, runs out of TP, or the target reaches 0 HP. If Rhet misses with a slashing attack, he may continue the combo with a lunging attack, keeping the AT penalty he had previously and adding another –1. He may continue to make lunges, with a cumulative AT penalty, until he misses, runs out of TP, or the target reaches 0 HP. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Mystic = 1] Hyper Blade (8 MP): Makes Rhet’s weapon an enchanted weapon that does 2d6 extra Air damage.

[Mystic = 4] Scream Blade (10 MP): Rhet unleashes a magical slash of Air, which deals Str*2+Rank*3+2d6 damage to a single target. A ranged attack.

[Mystic = 6] Extreme Void (14 MP): Rhet summons a massive stone sword from the ground, which impales his enemies on its point. Deals 12+Rank*4+4d6 earth damage to a single target. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Mystic = 8] Machina Blade (22 MP): Rhet unleashes a huge slash of Air, which deals Str*2+Rank*4+3d6 damage to a single target. A ranged attack. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Mystic = 10] Nibelung Valesti (30 MP): Rhet attacks with his sword, throwing the target air born, where he is pierced by a number of massive holy javelins. Deals 18+Rank*6+4d8 holy damage to a single target. (Cannot be used yet.)

[Mystic = 12] Deus Ex Machina (42 MP): A sign of Rhet’s bizarre sense of humor. He unleashes a pair of slashes in an X pattern. It deals Str*2+Rank*5+4d6 damage to all within a 60ft corridor in front of Rhet. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Mystic = 8, Apathy = 6] Barren Soul (20 MP): The ultimate incarnation of Rhet’s apathetic outlook on life. It creates a massive, non-elemental sword of a magical nature (or imbues the sword he is holding with these properties.) The weapon may be used with any sword weapon skill, and has the damage rating 14+Mag/20+Mag/26+Mag, and has an AT/PA modifier of 0/0. It adds 5 to the damage rolls of all Mystic Sword spells. It lasts for 2d6+rank/2 turns.

[Blue = 1] Learning (Breath): Allows Rhet to mimic an enemy’s breath attacks. In order to learn the breath attack, Rhet must be successfully struck by it, and survive. The breath attack becomes a blue magic spell, with the Rank necessary to use, and MP cost, decided by the GM. It functions exactly the same as the enemy’s breath attack in all other respects. At the end of the battle Rhet learns the tech in, he has the choice of discarding or keeping the technique. Rhet may not have more than three Blue magic spells of the same element at a time. Blue magic breaks the elements down into Fire, Water/Ice, Wind/Lighting, Earth, Holy, Shadow, Astral, and Exotic. (Exotic encompasses everything that doesn’t fall into one of the other 7.)

[Blue = 1, Bastard = 1] Learning (Swords): Allows Rhet to mimic any sword technique he has seen in battle. In order to learn a sword tech, Rhet must first see it in combat, and then mimic it, in that same combat. In order to do this, he must first declare his intent to attempt the mimic, then roll 2d6 + Weapon Skill vs. 7 + the rank of weapon skill necessary to do that tech. If he wins the roll, he both uses and learns the tech. If he fails, he may try once more. He may only attempt to learn techs twice per combat. Once a tech is learned, the skill necessary to use it changes to Bastard Sword. The rank and TP costs remain the same, as to the mechanics of the tech.

[Blue = 1, Mystic = 1] Learning (Mystic): Allows Rhet to mimic any mystic techs he has experienced. A mystic attack is one that fills any of the following requirements: Combines physical and magical damage OR requires both MP and TP to use (and does not fall into one of the other categories Rhet can Learn) OR uses a non-magic skill (any skill that does not use the base stats Wis/Int/Mag) to achieve an elemental effect, OR a tech based on a skill with Mystic in the title. In order to mimic these attacks, Rhet must both be successfully struck by them, and survive. Once learned, the spell becomes a Mystic tech, with the same rank requirements, MP/TP costs, and execution as the former tech.

[Blue = 4] Aqua Breath (18 MP): Rhet unleashes a storm of foam and water which deluges anything within a 60 degree arc in front of him, extending out 120 feet. It does 15+rank*2+2d6 water damage. WATER ELEMENT.

[Blue = 4] Acid Breath (20 MP): Rhet unleashes a torrent of bubbling acid, which strikes anything within a 60 degree arc in front of him, extending out 120 feet. It does 12+rank*2 poison damage, plus another 3+rank/2 damage each turn for 2d6 turns. EXOTIC ELEMENT.


Bastard Sword
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (13/19/25, -1/-2)
Padded Leather Jacket
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (AC = 9, Durability = 12)
Minor Healing Potion x2 <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 11/8/03 12:53 am


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:17 pm

OK, the first four were easy stuff, where you could look at the skills and say yes or no. Now, we get to the point where the character concept in and of itself is a little more whacked. Aaron is converted from a system revolving around Shaman, and he takes the school of magic in a new direction. Read the sheet, lemme know what you think...

Character Name: Aaron Anchors
Character Race: Human
Character Age: 24
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’9”
Weight: #145
Clothes: Long brown lab coat, tunic, pants, and high-topped boots. When possessed, a second overcoat appears, and a broad brimmed hat that would make a Red Mage jelous.
Quirks: Studious, but possessed by a Spirit of Vengeance, which makes him highly unpredictable. Inferaphobic, meaning he will become frightened by large fires (such as burning buildings/forests, or high rank fire spells) but not fire in small, controlled amounts (such as lesser fire spells).
Possessed Personality: When possessed, Aaron becomes a Vengeance Demon in human form. He will ignore his former allies, and attack anyone who is hostile towards him ruthlessly. He shows no mercy, and will turn on his comrades if they get in his way.

Character Sheet


HP: 60
MP: 85
Blood MP: 0/38
TP: 20
Initiative: 4+2d6
AT/PA: 11/10


Courage 3
Wisdom 5
Intuition 4
Charisma 0
Agility 1
Dexterity 1
Strength 2
Stamina 1
Magical Aptitude 4


Total points to spend: 38

Weapon Skill (Whip) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 3
Shaman Magic [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Invoke Vengeful Spirit [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Blood Magic [Mag/Wis/Sta] lv 4
[s] Sprit Speak [Wis/Mag/Mag] lv 4
[s] Willpower [Cou/Wis/Wis] lv 4
[s] Uncanny Perception [Int/Int/Wis] lv 4
[k] Spirit Lore lv 4
[k] Seal Lore lv 4
[k] Inter-dimensional Travel lv 4
[k] Linguistics lv 4
[k] Cryptography lv 4
[k] Teaching lv 2


[Innate] Possession: Due to Aaron’s status as a possessed character, he is vulnerable to possession under certain circumstances. He may avoid (or throw off) possession by making a saving throw. These circumstances are: When first entering combat (make the save roll before his Initiative, as it may effect it), whenever he receives a critical hit, and each combat round when his HP is less than 10% of maximum. Whenever these circumstances appear, Aaron may choose to forfeit his saving throw vs. possession. The saving throw is 1d20 + Cou + [s] Willpower vs. 12 + 1d20. If Aaron fails, he is possessed, and takes on his ‘possessed personality’. His stats are also affected, as follows: Sta and Str +2 (with corresponding HP increase), Cou and Cha –2. Aaron may use all skills and techs as normal when possessed. He is possessed for 2+1d6 rounds, after which he may attempt to regain control by again making the saving throw. He may do this every round until he regains control, unless he chooses to forfeit his saving throw. If Aaron chooses to forfeit his throw, either when entering combat, or while being possessed during combat, he may attempt to regain control at any time. Make all throws before Aaron takes his action for his turn, as if he succeeds in regaining control, that is his action for that turn. If combat ends without Aaron regaining control, he will remain possessed for one hour, after which he may attempt another saving throw vs. possession. If this fails, he must wait another hour before he can attempt again. Aaron may attempt as many times as necessary until he regains control.

[Innate] Manifestation: Aaron’s spirit, like all spirits, shows itself in various ways. Specifically, it has a tendency to manifest physically if not held in check. It will appear to the casual viewer that Aaron’s hands are always bloody, unless a seal is placed on them to prevent the spirit from manifesting. If the spirit is manifest, Aaron is at Cha –2.

[Blood Magic = 1] Siphon Blood Power: Aaron’s spirit derives power from spilled blood, and the way it provokes angry or vengeful feelings. However, his ability to use this power is inhibited by the fact that the spirit siphons off part of it. As a result, he gains MP = ¼ of all damage dealt by piercing or slashing weapons. He may hold a maximum of 20 + Mag + Wis + Sta + Blood Magic rank + Invoke rank/2 + Willpower/2 Blood MP. He will take damage according to normal Blood Magic rules if this pool overflows, and it dissipates after combat ends.

[Spirit Speak = 1] See and Speak with Spirits (Combat Cost: 1 TP): When he so desires, Aaron may search for the spirits of the dead or nature, and speak with them.

[Uncanny = 2] Sense Hostility: This skill is born of careful attunement to the people around you. Aaron has learned to pay attention to his 6th sense, and as a result, he can sense when people are planning him harm if they are focusing their thoughts on him for more than 120 – rank*5 seconds, and within 20 feet of his location.

[Shaman = 2] Buffet Spirit (7 MP): This spell is designed with one purpose in mind, and that is simply to blast a spirit away from someone/something. It breaks any effect the spirit is having on the person/thing it is near, and any shaman who is successfully struck with it may not use Invoke Spirit magic until after the spirit returns to it. To succeed, Aaron must successfully roll his Willpower vs. the spirit’s Cou, Int, or Mag, or, if it is another shaman’s spirit, that shaman’s Willpower.

[Shaman = 4] Silence Spirit (15 MP): This spell completely breaks a spirit’s ability to interact with the living for Rank + 1d6 hours. It may not be invoked by shaman, may not speak or possess humans, ect. To succeed, Aaron must successfully roll his Willpower vs. the spirit’s Cou, Int, or Mag, or, if it is another shaman’s spirit, that shaman’s Willpower. This tech may also be used to prevent a character from using Shaman Magic, Druidic Magic, Invoke Spirit, or other magic skills that require communication with spirits.

[Shaman = 8] Exile Spirit (22 MP): This spell seals a spirit away from reality for all eternity. It may not return, nor may it interact with the physical world in any sense. It may return only by having a shaman summon it specifically, or to return with another being, living or spiritual, who has entered the astral plane in one way or another. To succeed, Aaron must successfully roll his Willpower vs. the spirit’s Cou, Int, or Mag, or, if it is another shaman’s spirit, that shaman’s Willpower. (Cannot yet be used)

[Seal = 4, Shaman = 3] Bind Spirit (40 MP, 10 TP): A technique that allows Aaron to Bind a spirit to a specific item, location, or person. In order to do this, he must first make the correct seal (whether a roll to choose the correct seal to use is at the GM’s discretion), and then roll his Willpower vs. the spirit’s Cou, Int, or Mag, whichever is highest. The process takes 2-4 hours, depending on the strength of the spirit. The spirit then inhabits that person/place/thing (if it’s a person, they are not possessed, but will have an annoying voice in their head). If it is mobile, the spirit moves with them, and the spirit may communicate with anyone in physical contact with the person/place/thing it is bound to. Otherwise, it may not move. If the spirit has abilities/spells that may be projected, it may confer them to the person/place/thing it is bound to (GM discretion).

[Invoke = 1, Shaman = 1] Spirit Armor (5 MP per turn): This technique causes the color of Aaron’s clothes to change to red. Physical damage done to him is reduced by 4 + Mag + Willpower.

[Invoke = 1] Bloody Lance (10 MP): A blood red lance flies from Aaron’s hand to his unfortunate opponent, dealing 12+rank*2+1d6 damage to a single target by the power of raw hatred exuded by Aaron’s spirit.

[Invoke = 4] Bloody Lash (16 MP): A blood red energy whip writhes out and strikes Aaron’s opponent, dealing 16+rank*4+2d6 damage to a single target by the power of raw hatred exuded by Aaron’s spirit.

[Invoke = 4] Bloody Star (28 MP): Aaron flings a blood red sphere of energy onto the battlefield, which deals 10+rank*2+1d6 damage to all targets within a ten foot radius of Aaron’s target.

[Invoke = 6] Blood Legacy (20 MP): Aaron’s spirit attacks one target, plunging him into a hellish reverie, in which he is surrounded by the screamed damnations of vengeful shades. The target is held until he can make a saving throw of his Cou + Willpower vs. Aaron’s Wis + Willpower. While held, the target is at AT/PA -4/-4. Once escaping, he is at AT/PA -2/-2 for 1d6 turns. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Invoke = 8] Bloody Eclipse (56 MP): A whirling void of red energy forms at the landing point of a sphere that Aaron throws. Deals 14+rank*4+2d6 points of damage to all targets within a 20 foot radius of the target. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Invoke = 12] Bloody Claw (38 MP): A red claw rends reality, dealing 26+rank*6+3d6 damage to a single target. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Invoke = 16] Bloody Sun (80 MP): A much larger version of the Bloody Star spell. Deals 20+rank*6+2d6 points of damage to all targets within a 30 foot radius of the target. (Cannot yet be used.)

[Invoke = 18]Blood Sovereign (56 MP): The six eyed demon-spirit of vengeance calls for the blood of Aaron’s enemies, killing them instantly (provided they HAVE blood). (Cannot yet be used.)


Hip bag
Many books
Seal Gloves
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Seal = Seal of the Holy Maiden
Effect: +1 to all Willpower rolls, -5 to all damage rolls for spells. Prevents manifestation, meaning Aaron will not develop bloody hand syndrome.
Mithril Whip
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (x/15/x, 0/-2) <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 11/3/03 5:04 pm


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:20 pm

Finally, Eli Grey, the ultimate TANK. This guy is the most likely to get thrown back in my face. I've tried to make him ballanced, the biggest question here is, never the less, 'Will he fit in the setting?' Read, comment.

Character Name: Eli Grey
Character Race: Magitek-Golem/Human hybrid
Character Age: 2 months
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 6’4”
Weight: #254
Clothes: A sort of grey baggy one-piece.
Quirks: Eli has a ‘command matrix,’ which is currently empty. He adds people who speak the ‘word of command,’ who can then shut him down, or order him to start/stop fighting. Otherwise, he may only fight to protect himself or others. He is very up-beat, and positive, acting much like a person of sixteen with no problems in his life. He does not get depressed easily.

Character Sheet


HP: 85
TP: 20
Initiative: 5+2d6
AT/PA: 14/14


Courage 2
Wisdom 2
Intuition 1
Charisma 0
Agility 3
Dexterity 1
Strength 6
Stamina 6
Magical Aptitude 0


Total points to spend: 26

Breaking Stuff (Unarmed Fighting skill) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 4
Armor Repair [Wis/Dex/Dex] lv 4
First Aid [Wis/Int/Dex] lv 4
[s] Superhuman Jump [Str/Str/Agi] lv 4
[s] Drinking [Sta x 3] lv 4
[s] Perception [Int/Int/Wis] lv 4
[k] Metallurgy lv 4


[Innate] Word of Command: Eli’s ‘command matrix’ is part of his golem nature. It allows people to give him basic orders, and shut him down should he prove dangerous. In order to be added to Eli’s command matrix, a person must speak the word ‘inferno.’ Once added, this word can also be used to render Eli unconscious. Eli may never speak this word, or reveal what it does.

[Innate] Astral Interference: Because Eli is part magitek golem, his aura is unbalanced. All his magic resist rolls are –3.

[Innate] Golem Brain: Some parts of Eli’s brain have been replaced with golem components, making it more resilient in some ways, but also removing some of his ‘6th sense.’ As a result, he cannot be frightened or intimidated, either by normal or magical means, and subdual damage is reduced by 50%. But he makes Int rolls at –3.

[Innate] Regenerate: In order to keep him from going off-line in the middle of an important fight, Eli may convert part of his raw energy reserves into critical organic components. He can convert TP to HP, at the rate of 1 TP to 2 HP. If Eli goes ‘off line’, ie HP goes below 0, he automatically begins healing himself at a rate of 2 HP per turn (no cost, as all his normal fighting energy is going towards this end). He may also drop into a state of reduced operations, remaining conscious and aware but not taking any actions, to restore 10 HP per hour.

[Innate] Natural Armor: Eli is built on a golem chassis, despite the fact that he looks completely human. This makes him highly resilient, with a natural AC = 6 + DmgRes rank + level*2

[Innate] Morph Arm (1 TP, per morphing, per arm): Allows Eli to morph his magitek arms back and forth between looking like a normal arm, and forming a heavy duty astral projector. The projector looks like a large milky-white crystal suspended in a metallic lattice-work. When Eli’s arm is in projector mode, it cannot be used for any purpose aside from the Arm Beam.

[Innate] Arm Beam (4 TP for one, 10 TP for both): Eli has a pair of astral projectors built into his arms, which he can use to create astral beams. When fired, they deal 16+2d6 astral damage, and have a range of 120 feet. The arm beams may be fired at different targets, but they will ‘cancel’ each other if fired at the same target.

[DmgRes = 1] Magic Reduction: Eventually, the body becomes so physically dense, the astral plane has difficulty effecting it. This reduces magical damage by (rank+level*2)/2 points.

[SuperJump = 1] Leap (2 TP): By expending a massive amount of energy, Eli can propel himself a considerable distance airborne, helping him navigate areas with high buildings, or jump across large chasms. He may jump a maximum (Str + SuperJump)*5 feet into the air. He will take 15+1d20 damage if he falls more than 10 feet as a result. Natural Armor may reduce this.

[SuperJump = 2] Horizontal Leap (2 TP): Allows Eli to jump (Str+SuperJump)*3 feet horizontally. On landing, he will take 15 +1d20 damage. Natural Armor may reduce this.

[SuperJump = 4] Submission Leap (4 TP): Takes the Horizontal Leap, and allows Eli to use it as an offensive projectile attack with an accuracy = Cou + Agi + Str + Superhuman Jump, which does (15 + Str + 1d20)*2 damage, and twice that in subdual damage.

[Break = 2] Weapon Break (4 TP): Eli attacks a weapon, and if he strikes it, roll his Str + 1d20 vs. Weapon’s Slash damge/2 + 8. If Eli wins the roll, the weapon automatically breaks.

[Break = 4] Armor Break (5 TP): Eli attacks a specific piece of armor. If he succeeds in striking it, roll his Str + 1d20 vs. Armor’s AC/2 + 10. If Eli wins the roll, the armor automatically breaks.

[Break = 8] Bone Break (8 TP): Eli makes a ‘called shot’. If he strikes, the bone in the struck area of the body is broken. Add 2d8 damage, and that limb may not be used until healed. If Eli calls a Torso shot, add another 1d8 damage. If Eli calls a Head shot, add another 2d8 damage, and the target is KO’ed. The target may attempt a saving throw by rolling his Sta vs. Eli’s Str. If he succeeds, the extra damage is negated. (Cannot be used yet)


Natural Armor
        (AC = 22)
Carrying sack
Clothes <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 10/31/03 5:27 pm

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Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:06 am

Well, as I have some time, I'll give my thoughts, unofficial as they are.


Lightning Strike - Seems fairly reasonable, although it isn't going to come into play very often. At least for the first few levels. However, I'd limit the extra actions to the first round of combat, as that level of speed is difficult for anyone to keep up over the long term without magical assistance.


Damage reduction - Perhaps a tad powerful. At level 1, this provides damage reduction equivalent to a suit of hide armour, and it'll get better fast. I'd go with an AC of rank + level*2, lump it in with magic reduction, and provide the AC in the usual place for the GM's convenience. Not all that powerful to start off with, but it'll get there in the end.

Otherwise, seems fairly reasonable, though I'd go with a series of combo attacks rather than a flat damage multiplier, with falling damage (or doubling said damage) applied only if the relevant blow connects.


Double style - Since kicking damage is generally better than using the bowie knife anyway, you might as well just call her AT/PA 15/14 and have done with it.

Instead, I'd go with an independent Double Style skill and allow two parry attempts per round (PA dependent on style being used) as long as Double Style ranks are equal or better than the bowie and kickboxing skills. Sort of the reverse of the situation for Griff.


Definitely very different to my own version of a blue mage. One thought, however - I'd switch 'and survive' where it appears to 'and remain conscious', for the simple reason that, except under extreme circumstances, survival is largely a given in an RP.

Also, I think learning techs should be something rather different to learning magic. Perhaps ranks in a skill appropriately entitled 'mimic'?


I'll come back to him later.


Put simply, No.

As a GM, I see something with far too many natural immunities and abilities to keep track of. As an RPer, I see a combat machine that will take an actual EM Pulse to take down if it turns on you (and I see it doing that). I can't think of any character under level 4 I'd even consider to have a chance.

As to whether he fits in the setting, the answer is yes. See the example of James for a rather more balanced technological lifeform.

Back to the drawing board with Eli. <p>"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon</p>


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:04 pm

To reply to Kelne:

EDIT: Nai's ability updated, so that her bonus movements occour once every ten rounds.

Rikk: I used flat multipliers so the GM wouldn't have to repeatedly roll for a large number of blows. In some cases he's landing as many as 10 hits in one turn- which can really drag out an engagement.

Hope: I'm really not sure what you're saying here... maybe you could clarify? o_o;;

Rhet: I set him up the way he is simply because I was thinking of Blue Mages in FF5, who not only learned magic techs, but physically based things such as the 'Goblin Punch'. Using this as my moddle for Blue magic, it seemed to make sense that he could mimic techs as well as spells...

Aaron: Yes, he is a strange character. Probably the one I wasted the most time working out too... Someone comment, dammit! >:{

Eli: SURPRISE! He was rejected. ;_;
However, I was unaware that there was a base for artificial life forms in Gaera. I'll look that up. As for his being a combat machine, he's actually only programmed to attack on command, or when threatened. And since no one on Gaera is in his command database... well, it kinda cuts down on his aggressiveness. Probably should have noted that on his quirk sheet. ANYWAYS. I didn't think he'd work in his current form, but I thought it was a good place to start.

ALSO AN EDIT: I cannot find this 'James' that is an example. Maybe someone coudl give me a link? <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 10/30/03 1:57 pm

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Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Oct 30, 2003 4:49 pm

Sorry. Forgot that it hadn't been posted on the site.

Name: James Mandrew
RPer: CronoLuminaire
Race: Reploid like mechanical life form...

Level: 1
XP: 0

Max HP: 70
Max MP: 30
Max TP: 20

Intiative: 6+2d6
Base AT/PA: 12/12

Courage 4
Wisdom -1
Intuition 3
Charisma 2
Agility 2
Dexterity 3
Strength 3
Stamina 3
Magic Aptitude: 2

Weapons: "Natural" weapon; Blaster, and Rapier
Armor: Metal skin, "Fancy armor"
Items: CPU

[k]Mathematics/Physics 2(1)
[k]Computers 2(1)
[k]Biology 1(1/2)
[k]Geology 1(1/2)
[Cou/Dex/Dex]-Blaster 4
[Str/Agi/Cou]-Rapier 2
[Dex/Agi/Cou]-Fencing 2
[Dex]-Ambidextry 4
[Dex]-Two Weapon 2
[Cou/Str/Agi]-Unarmed Fighting 2
[Str/Agi/Dex]-Jumping 2
[Str/Agi/Dex]-Climbing 2

[Innate tech] CPU: Translation
James' CPU can translate new languages after being exposed to a large enough sample of the language, this exposure usually comes over a length of time. This time is 7-Int weeks, 1 week minimum. (As per Cap'ns Suggestion) After which James can speak and understand this language on a fluent level.

[Innate tech] CPU: Scan
James' CPU is equipped with a scanner, which serves a variety of functions. It has aided James to detect the "unseen", whether the microscopic (e.g. Creature traces) or the "invisible" (e.g. Darrow). The Scanner can also detect the vital signs of most organisms, which is important to his next tech...

[Innate tech] Disabling Blast (Name may change)
If James' scanners detect an aggressor is near death, the strength of his attack shall be adjusted accordingly so as to merely render the opponent into a state of unconciousness.
It would have to be an extreme situation indeed for James to try to override this function.

[Innate tech] Auto-Repair System
James' CPU monitors his own "vital signs" as well as those of others. When injured, the CPU will initiate a Repair process, this Repair process operates at three levels.
One: During the normal course of a day, James is up and about, the repair system is functioning at a very low level, if it is needed. A living being is in a constant state of growth and repair, this level is about equivalent to that.
Two: When James has entered "Sleep" mode, there are more resources available for the CPU to allocate to Repairs, increasing it's efficency greatly.
Three: Emergency Repairs, When things turn Dire, and James is reduced to a cirtical state, the CPU will initiate an emergency shutdown procedure (KO, 0Hp or whathaveyou), Repairs will be at thier upmost efficency at this time, Repairs continue at this level until he is stabalized (The point where HP would indicate a return to conciousness, again, as per the Cap'ns suggestion).


Not much in the way of actual numbers for some things, and I could have sworn that there were damage values for the Blaster lurking about somewhere. I'd place his armour at between 15-20, and his auto-repair system as similar to Eli's regenerate, but only usable in sleep mode or at 4HP per round when reduced below 0HP.

As far as Hope goes, I'm likening her dual style to a form of dual wielding. Probably the simplest method, now I think about it, is to steal the rules from Griff's sheet - one value for AT/PA, attacks with both weapons each round, penalties if skill with weapons and dual style aren't equal. <p>"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kelne>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/30/03 5:26 pm


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Oct 30, 2003 7:22 pm


Have changed Rikk's charsheet, so the techs aren't quite so insane.

Hope now uses a double style.

Rhet has a few new techs, and changes to his old ones.

Eli has been completely overhauled, with a little help from Pervy.

Someone needs to comment on Aaron. >:{ <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 10/31/03 5:02 pm

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Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Oct 31, 2003 9:52 pm

Alright, on to Aaron.

For convenience sake, I'd lump in the ability to see and speak with the dead and nature under one tech, as they all use the same base skill and are pretty similar, really. This strikes me as the sort of thing that should be bound by common sense rather than individual techs for each.

Seal and Exile Spirit seem to do pretty much the same thing, with Seal actually being somewhat stronger, as there is no avenue of escape for the spirit. I'd drop Seal entirely in favour of Bind. Of course, it all depends upon how obvious and durable the seal is...

Spirit Armour - unlike an attacking style spell of this sort, there are benefits in the turn it is cast. MP use should begin immediately.

Blood Legacy - Why force them out? Why not leave them subjected to the vengeful spirits? Certainly they'd have trouble escaping them on their own. Strikes me as a spell with great psychological potential.

Otherwise, a fairly standard set of attacking spells, really. <p>"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon</p>


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:06 pm


Rhet's gotten even MORE techs, and his skills have changed slightly.

Aaron now features a variant of blood magic. <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:40 pm

OMG, a dwarven ninja?

Character Name: Koi
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Age: 67 + ?
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 4’4”
Weight: #212
Clothes: Karate Gi
Quirks: He’s a dwarven ninja. You don’t get much quirkier than that. However, if you insist on knowing more, he’s got amnesia, and doesn’t know much about being a dwarf.
Background: Koi, who doesn't know his real name, or where he came from, or what his family is like, comes from Chuushima. He was found washed up on the beach there after a strong storm. The people who found him guessed that he was in his early twenties, although it can be difficult to tell with dwarfs. How he came to be caught in that storm is just one of the many mysteries in his life. Koi drifted for a long time, until eventually he managed to find profitable employment as a retainer for a ninja clan. Eventually, he was allowed to learn some of the skills and techniques that the ninjas used, and he was able to find gainful employment. He eventually left Chuushima in order to find out more about who he is.

Character Sheet


HP: 70
MP: 40
TP: 20
Initiative: 5+2d6
AT/PA (Unarmed): 14/14
AT/PA (Table): 11/16


Courage 1
Wisdom 2
Intuition 3
Charisma 0
Agility 4
Dexterity 0
Strength 4
Stamina 3
Magical Aptitude 2


Total points to spend: 30

Taijutsu (Unarmed Fighting Style) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 4
Genjutsu (Ninja Illusion Magic) [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Earth Ninjutsu (Ninja Magic) [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Shriuken Throwing [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 4
Table Fu [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 2
Stealth [Agi/Agi/Int] lv 4
[s] Lightning Strike [Agi x 3] lv 4
[k] Heraldry lv 4
[k] Herbology lv 4
[k] Chuushima lv 4


[Innate] Noisy: While Koi has had stealth training, he’s not particularly good at it. After all, he is a dwarf. All his stealth rolls are –3.

[Genjutsu = 1, Stealth = 2] Poof! (2 MP): Lets Koi make a flashy entrance in a cloud of smoke, or leave in the same way. You don’t see him coming until the smoke clears and he’s there, nor do you see him leave until the smoke clears and he’s gone.

[Genjutsu = 3] Disguise (8 MP): Allows Koi to change his appearance to mimic that of something (or someone) else. Any something or someone else. This disguise alters his appearance, and voice, but not his feel. Thus, he should avoid being touched at all costs.

[Genjutsu = 4] Cloning (12 MP): Allows Koi to make ‘clones’ of himself. These clones have no substance, and serve only to cause confusion. When targeting Koi, characters must roll 1dX, where X = 1+rank/3, and roll a 1 in order to successfully pick him out from his clones. If they fail, they automatically miss him. This effect lasts for 3 turns. Period.

[Genjutsu = 7] Replacement (15 MP, 4 TP): This is an automatic ninja defense that kicks in when Koi looses a parry/evasion roll by 2 or less. Koi replaces himself with an illusion of himself, and something solid (like a block of wood) at the core. This replacement can take hits from the time it’s made until the time Koi’s next action occurs, at which point the illusion is revealed, and Koi acts. He may do this only once per battle. (Cannot be used yet)

[Ninjutsu = 1] Sand Flail (3 MP): Koi kicks up a bunch of sand, which painfully erodes and blinds at the target. Deals 5+rank+1d6 earth damage to a single target, and lowers AT/PA by -1/-1.

[Ninjutsu = 3] Mud Grip (9 MP): A large part of the ground is made sticky and difficult to move in by Koi’s Ninjutsu. All within a 10ft radius of the target are at PA –4, and cannot move. Obviously, this will not effect flying creatures.

[Ninjutsu = 5] Hand of Earth (10 MP): Koi flings a large gout of mud at one target, dealing 10+rank*2+2d6 earth damage and lowering AT/PA by -2/-2.

[Genjutsu = 8, Ninjutsu = 6] Earth Concealment (18 MP, 8 TP): This technique is an extension of Poof! or Replacement. After using either of these techniques (he may use Poof! and Earth Concealment in the same turn) Koi burrows into the ground unseen. Once there, Koi may only take one of the following actions: 1) Leaving the ground. This counts as an action, so Koi may not act again after having done this. 2) Throw a Shriuken. He makes the roll at –3 due to difficulties aiming from his position. 3) Try to trip someone. Use a normal grappling roll. Koi may remain under the ground for Sta+1d6 turns, after which he will automatically surface.

[Genjutsu = 10, Ninjutsu = 8] Shadow Cloning (50 MP, 20 TP): Koi makes clones of himself, as with the cloning technique, but this time, stones rise from the ground and give them substance. In essence, Koi is joined by Genjutsu rank/5 + Ninjutsu rank/10 NPCs. These NPCs do unarmed damage = 2/3rds of Koi’s unarmed, have the same AT/PA, come with no weapons but may wield those they find on hand, may use all of Koi’s physical skills (but none of his magical ones), lack MP or TP, and are destroyed after being successfully hit once.

[Shriuken = 2] Fire Shriuken (3 TP): Koi wraps one shriuken in rags drenched with oil, then lights and throws it. Adds 2d6 fire damage to one shriuken attack.

[Table = 1] Table Fu: Koi’s no stranger to fights in bars and the like. He’s also not unfamiliar with how to effectively use furniture as a weapon. Tables are a favorite of his, and he’s turned the use of them into a near-art. Table Fu is a normal weapon skill which adds to his AT/PA, and allows him to use any table he can lift as a bludgeon weapon with the stats x/14/20, -3/+4.

[Lightning = 1] Lightning Strike: When rolling for initiative, if Koi rolls a total equal to or higher than (20 – rank) he may take a second action. If he rolls Double Sixes, he may take a third action. The second action is placed in the initiative rankings as if his first Innit roll were –10. If he has a third action, it always comes at the end of the turn. All his rolls are –2 on his second action, and –4 on his third action. He regains his parry, if it was used, after each action, with the necessary penalties. These bonus actions apply on the first round of combat, and every tenth round thereafter.


Ninja Gear
        (AC = 6, Durability = 10)
Shriuken x 24
        The kind of palm sized shriuken ninjas are most known for using.
        Accuracy = (Agi+Dex*2+rank+1) = 9, damage = (3+Dex*2+rank+2d4) = 7+1d4
Fuuma x 4
A much larger variant of shriuken, in which the blades are nearly a foot long. Much more difficult to use, and much more deadly.
Accuracy = (Agi+Dex+rank) = 8, damage = (12+Str+2d6)
Flask of Oil <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 11/6/03 2:03 pm


Re: Lorr's thread of PS Insanity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:11 pm

One day I'll have PS sheets for half the population of Gaera. Then, NO ONE will be able to stop me! AHAHAHAHA! OK, onwards.

Character Name: Ferra
Character Race: Frost Elemental
Character Age: 65
Hair Color: Clear
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Skin Color: Unnaturally Pale
Height: 5’4”
Weight: #182
Clothes: Pale blue, sleeveless dress, and Glacial Weave.
Quirks: Fascinated with the concept of ‘warmth,’ which will no doubt get her into trouble. Calm and reserved. Wishes she were a water elemental.
Background: Ferra comes from a family of powerful frost and water elementals. However, through various marriages, her family has become tied to a family of earth elementals, who, in turn, are connected to a family of fire elementals. While this complex array of family ties has prevented many wars, it still causes some problems. Seating at family reunions, for instance, can cause major headaches. Ferra was trained to be a master dancer by her older sister-in-law, a water elemental. Ferra has always looked up to her sister-in-law's soothing, graceful nature, and tried to immitate it. She has often thought, 'If only I had warmth, I could be like her.' The turning point in her search for grace came when Ferra performed her farewell dance at the last family reunion she would attend. After her performance, one of her distant relatives, a magma elemental, approached her as far as he dared, and told her, "You danced well today, Ferra. You made me feel the warmth of your heart." They were words that she would take with her the next month as she was called on to serve her people. For Ferra was not just a dancer, she was an elemental, and thus a being of power. Ferra spent the next twelve years on the seas of the Plane of Water, fighting against encroaching wind elementals. After that, she was summoned to the mortal plane to fight for a band of pirates. Once her assistance was no longer needed, she found that the pirates did not know how to send her back to her home. She now walks through Gaera, searching for a magus capable of travelling planes, so that she can go home once more, and resume her training. Ultimately, she has no higher ambition than to be a great dancer...

Character Sheet


HP: 50
MP: 70
TP: 20
Initiative: 7+2d6
AT/PA: 13/14


Courage 2
Wisdom 3
Intuition 5
Charisma 2
Agility 5
Dexterity 2
Strength 0
Stamina (–1)
Magical Aptitude 3


Total points to spend: 36

Weapon Skill (Saber) [Cou/Agi/Str] lv 4
Glacial Magic [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Prisim Magic [Wis/Int/Mag] lv 4
Dancing [Agi/Int/Cha] lv 4
Charm [Cha/Cha/Int] lv 4
[s] Gymnastics [Agi/Agi/Str] lv 4
[s] Wistful [Cha x 3] lv 4
[k]Various Dances lv 4
[k] Elemental Tradition lv 4
[k] Sailing lv 4
[k] Pirate Lore lv 4


[Innate] Elemental Absorption: Ferra is a Frost Elemental, and thus absorbs all damage dealt by Water and Ice spells. However, Fire spells do twice the normal damage.

[Innate] Mist Breath (10 MP): Ferra breathes out a stream super cold air, which deals 24+2d8 ice damage to one target within 20 feet.

[Innate] Frost Breath (16 MP): Ferra breathes out a stream of super cold air, which, if the target fails a resist roll, ‘freezes’ them so that they are Paralyzed.

[Glacial = 1] Glacial Weave (3 MP per HP of armor): This is one of the most ancient magical abilities in Ferra’s family, and part of what has made them so renown in the Plane of Ice. It appears to be little more than a shimmering, transparent sheath that she wears most of the time. However, in combat it morphs into a light suit of armor that can absorb a certain amount of damage before shattering. The armor has a max HP of (8+rank)*3 (Absolute Maximum of 80 HP.) It has an AC of 4, and absorbs physical damage normally. Ferra may ‘heal’ this armor at a cost of 3 MP per HP restored. If the armor’s HP reaches 0 and it breaks, Ferra must wait 4 hours before rebuilding it, and must spend double the normal MP.

[Glacial = 2] Glacial Bridge (10 MP): Ferra may create, or freeze, a path across chasms or lakes, making passage easier (if somewhat slippery). These bridges may extend a maximum of (Rank + Mag)*10 feet.

[Glacial = 2] Gripping Cold (12 MP): The temperature of one target’s body begins to fall drastically as Ferra freezes the air around them. They are dealt 2d6 cold damage per turn, and the spells effects last for 1d8 turns.

[Glacial = 4] Icicle Edge (25 MP): This spell forms a deadly blade of ice, which Ferra may wield as if she had Rank skill levels in it’s use, or based on her Saber skill level. It has an AT/PA of +1/+1, and deals 11/17/20 + rank ice damage.

[Glacial = 6] Ice Throne (12 MP): Ferra may create a large tower of ice with steps in the side, which can be climbed, with care. Max height is (Rank+Mag)*5 feet. (Cannot yet be used)

[Glacial = 8] Glacial Cold (30 MP): The temperature of several target’s bodies begin to fall drastically as Ferra freezes the air around them. They are dealt 3d8 cold damage per turn, and the spell effects last for 2d8 turns. Ferra may target rank/3 separate targets with this spell. (Cannot yet be used)

[Glacial = 12] Glacial Fury (45 MP): Ferra forcibly lowers the temperature in an entire battlefield. EVERYONE on the field (except Ferra) is dealt 5d8 cold damage per turn, and the effects last for 3d6 turns. (Cannot yet be used)

[Glacial = 15] Glacial Stop (60 MP): Ferra extends her supernatural control of ice to its uttermost limits. Through sheer strength of willpower, she prevents ice from moving, and freezes water instantly, causing all spells and techs based on these elements to become useless. Furthermore, ice in the general area is molded by her will, and she can force it to one side, or create structures out of it. However, it moves to slowly to be used offensively. This lasts for 1+1d4 turns, during which Ferra may take no other actions, or the spell’s effects will instantly fade. (Cannot yet be used)

[Prism = 1] Optic Glimmer (5 MP): Creates a glimmer of bright rainbow light, which can be used to distract one target, reducing AT/PA by -2/-2. May not be used cumulatively.

[Prism = 3] Crystal Glare (12 MP): Surrounds one target in bright, shimmering light, make him difficult to predict. Boosts AT/PA by +2/+2, and lasts for rank/2+1d4 turns

[Prism = 4] Optic Shimmer (12 MP): Creates a bright, flashing spray of rainbow light, which can be used to distract one target, reducing AT/PA by -4/-4. May not be used cumulatively.

[Prism = 7] Crystal Field (20 MP): Creates a curtain of bright, shimmering lights around rank/2 people, making them harder to predict. Boosts AT/PA by +4/+4. (Cannot yet be used)

[Prism = 9] Optic Blast (24 MP): On failing a magic resist roll, one target is blinded. This condition may only be removed by such white magic spells as Esuna. (Cannot yet be used)

[Charm = 4, Wistful = 4] Heartbreak (15 TP): Ferra’s longing to be warm and soothing lends to her ethereal appearance something truly mystic and enrapturing. Sometimes she doesn’t even realize this is taking effect. But if it is, she will sway the hearts of all who see her so that they wish to make her happy(provided they loose a roll of their Int + Wis + 1d20 vs. Ferra’s Charm Rank/2 + Wistful Rank/2 + Charisma + 1d20.)


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (10/15/18, 0/-1)
Glacial Weave
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (AC = 4, HP = 36)
Clothes <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>

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