Elorfin Stanesh
Race: Half-Wood Elf Ranger
Height: 5' 6"
Appearance: Dark blond hair, pale skin, blue eyes
Age: 50
Level: 1
XP: 0
Elorfin was born to a Wood Elven and human mixed couple in the forests of western Ka'thalar. His father was a human farmer and trapper come to Ka'thalar to earn an honest living in new territories, his mother the Wood Elven maiden who befriended and settled with him. Elorfin was raised on the edge of forests close to a local outpost that provided his father with trade, spending his days with his father in the woods, setting out in learning the trade that had sustained him, and on trips to nearby outposts and towns.
One night, at age ten, Elorfin's father failed to return home and his mother, following out to see what had happened to him, failed to reappear. Drow raiders overturned and destroyed their home, and Elorfin only survived by taking refuge in the nearby woods. Elorfin's parents had been slain by by the Drow, spilling from their cavern stongholds in running battles with Druids and Wood Elves. Grieving in the woods he was found by Talaran, a lone Tuathan Druid who had been fighting the drow in question. Talaran vowed to raise the young half-elf himself for the rest of his youth and carry on teaching him the ways of the wild.
From Talaran Elorfin learned another side to the wilds he had frequented with his father, gaining insight into nature's ways from the Druid's standpoint, and acquiring a taste for the elemental magics that the Druid practiced. But the call of the wider world was strong in Elorfin, and he became restless with the slow pace of life in the forests. At age 30, Elorfin bid Talaran farewell, and set forth to find his fortunes in greater Gaera.
Elorfin is not necessarily quiet, but is inward looking, stern, and bent to adventure. Elorfin is a little scarred by his past tragedies, and it makes him a serious character, especially for a wood elf. He looks to adventure and the open road for hope, hope of reward and perhaps a little infamy, and occasionally misses his woodland home. Being from a roguish background he is used to independence and is suspicious if not disregarding of authority, the larger and more grandiose the better.
Elorfin worships the Elemental Lords in cursory fashion, a habit picked up from his teacher Talaran. This also accounts for his magical skills and their bent to Druidic and Nature magics.
Courage: +1
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +1
Agility: +3
Dexterity: +3
Strength: +3
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude: +2
Hit points: 70
Magic points: 45
Tech points: 20
Intiative: 4+2d6
Attack/Parry: 10/10
MAttack: 7
MBlock: 15
Missile Evasion: 19
Skill Points: 30
Melee Weapon (Swords) 4 {Cou/Str/Agi}
Melee Weapon (Dagger) 2 {Cou/Str/Agi}
Missile Weapon (Bow) 4 {Cou/Dex/Str}
(s)Stealth 3 {Agi/Agi/Dex}
(s) Swimming 2 {Agi/Sta/Str}
Tracking 3 {Int/Int/Sta}
Cooking 1 {Int/Int/Dex}
Traps 1 {Int/Int/Dex}
(k)Read and Write 2 {Int/Wis/Wis}
(k)Survival 2 {Int/Wis/Wis}
Druid Magic 4 {Int/Wis/Mag}
Earth Magic 4 {Int/Wis/Mag}
Druidic Magic - Choking Brambles ([Druidic Magic=1]Choking Brambles (7 MP) - Causes a web of thorny vines to erupt from the ground, entangling opponents. Deals 8+2*rank+1d6 damage, and roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, target cannot take action this round.)
Earth Magic - Quake 1 ([Earth=1]Quake 1 (5 MP) - Does 10 + rank*2 + 1d6 earth damage to a single target)
Short Sword, Dagger, Shortbow, Quiver of 20 arrows, Woolen Breeches, Hooded tunic, Boots, Studded Leather Armour, Backpack, Cooking utensils, 30' Rope, Strong Healing Potion
{Note: no techs have been added as I am a but stuck on that one. . .}