by Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:12 pm
As the various invitees work their way through the crowd, stopping where they will, even more new arrivals show up- Near Nadia, a pair of Dark Elves put on a show duel to the music she's sponsored with her tip, exciting the crowd and enticing a few more to stop. Near Triya, a pair of Dragoons, identifiable by their ornate bronze breastplates, have taken to hassling a group of Snow Elves, demanding identification and making sure the elves see clearly the custom guns both are wielding. The elves don't seem terribly impressed.
More, as people begin to shuffle towards the massive castle atop the hill, a few celebrities begin to emerge- Kyrie notes Yandice Pervasu, young lieutenant of the Cats Eye Cartel- Probably best to stay out of her way, even her sight if possible. Young as she is, she's eager to make a name for herself- especially at the cost of the other cartels. A quintet of black Razorbeaks clad in golden armor, as well as their riders, flies in formation straight for the castle- The Black Riders. And some of the alchemists are suddenly ill at ease- While there haven't been any seen yet, there's definitely the familiar feeling of a Homonculus nearby.
But, there's little time to dwell on things- Bells begin ringing all over town, as well as a piercing steam whistle from the castle. It's time for the conference to begin.
Near the gates of the castle, a strange alteration has been quickly thrown up- A number of tiny guard booths, as well as queue lines, with the invitees getting into line to show their proof of identification. Some are turned away- Their identification taken away. For now, there's a holdup, as it seems every line has a fake at the same exact time. Gate number 5 seems to be taking particular effort to hassle someone- Seemingly because of their giant, betrinketed hat. Hopefully it won't take too long...
...But, as they wait, some may notice the pride of Wells, the White Templar, Lady Varina Maké Faen Elvenblade, standing atop the gatehouse, overseeing operations. With her simple white armor, pale skin and midnight black hair, she's very easy to pick out from the rest of the guards. Considered to be one of the top swordsmen in the world, it's rumored that she's the direct descendant of Lord Elvenblade, the hero of Wells during the Sundering War.