Null's Game

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:45 am

".. Yourself?" She stood upright, suddenly feeling a little silly. "Are.. are you sure? I've never seen ANYTHING like that back home. One time a wolf and I had a staring contest, but that was the most I've.. well. So, what do we do?" Oleai bundles her hands into her pockets and seemed to become aware of the cold again - "You could've said something sooner." She walked inside.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:52 am

Not quite as immediately trusting as Oleai, Kyrie offers Rasmus a narrowed glance; even if he hadn't hedged, she still wouldn't put any faith in his claim. That just makes it even more suspect. "One person against an entire group of those...things." She scoffs, still stalking back and forth in the wrecked room. "No, we need to run, now. We'll gather up what we can, and...and if we have to, maybe come back later."

Brushing past Rasmus, she heads back towards the tracks. "Guy, do you...did you get everything you can out of those tracks? I don't know if they'll still be there later, not with those things coming through here."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:27 pm

Guy nodded to Kyrie. It would be a lie to say he was sure which set they should be following, but he was hedging his bets towards the most recent set being the one they wanted right now.

"This way, I think."

Guy stood and moved briskly forward. He didn't full run, unsure how fast the others who weren't Oleai could move.

(Following the set that is six hours old)

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:43 am

"Hey, I said if I had my sword. But I don't, do I?"

Kyrie was likely out of hearing range by the time Rasmus spoke, standing in the doorway of the cabin. Still, blithe confidence aside, she had a point. He had little hope of handling the Revenants as he was. So, he moved to follow her, but not before casting one last glance back into the cabin for any stray detail that may have been missed.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:12 pm

"Just be alert," Triya said as they set off, "The ones behind us might not be the only ones out and about." She wasn't entirely sure about abandoning the cabin, which was at least defensible, but being holed up in there while revenants laid siege to the place would be enough to give anybody the shivers. Weather aside. She, at least, had brought her sword, and had something rather more potent up her sleeve in the event of a fight.

"We can take them if need be," she said firmly, "In fact... Do we really want to leave them wandering about the hills for somebody else to run into?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:31 pm

Kyrie turns on Triya with an unsteady glare, still more than fidgetty over the very prospect of confronting these things. Stumbling over her words more than once, she speaks breathlessly, ears twitching. "Strong talk from someone that could just...magick themselves out of harm's way if it came down to it. The rest of us don't have that...that courtesy. Just what would you suggest I do, run up and stab a...a knife into them until they get tired of me? You can do the noble thing if you want, but I'd rather do the smart thing and leave." At that, she starts off in Guy's wake, more than a few nervous glances off towards the mountains, looking for the slightest sign of motion.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:54 pm

Guy spared only a glance here or there to make sure everyone was keeping up. So far so good. He was a little concerned that he sounded suspiciously like bickering, but as voices hadn't been raised yet he didn't comment yet. He kept a brisk pace following the tracks, listening and watching for anything moving around them. He had a feeling that Oleai would hear anything well before he would, but another set of alert eyes wouldn't go amiss.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:50 pm

Oleai danced in place for a few moments of hesitation, torn between the more noble slaying of monsters - and the desire to book it for safety. In the end? The latter was more appealing.

"W..Wait up!" One last look at the cabin, before Oleai bounded off toward Kyrie and Guy, "Come on, Triya!" It only took a few long strides before Oleai was right behind Guy - as if proximity meant safety. Holding her arms out in either direction to create a similar sphere of windlessness as she had before - albeit much smaller. More for herself and anyone with five feet. This, thankfully, took much less concentration. "Hopefully I can hear more of them in they get close.. like this."

With that, Oleai's long ears twitched, turning as animal-ears tend to, listening for anyone who might be approaching.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:18 am

Triya gave Kyrie an odd look, as if reevaluating what she knew about her. Which was, in a way, true. Aside from Rasmus, she hadn't considered there might be any non-combatants along. Obviously, no sensible person would be exactly keen to fight revenants, but simply running away and leaving the problem for somebody else to stumble over really didn't sit well with her.

Then again, everyone did seem to agree on running away. She hadn't fought revenants herself, so it might be best to defer to the group consensus. They were likely more dangerous than Rasmus gave them credit for. Falling into a steady jog, Triya kept pace with the main group, alert for anybody over-exerting themselves. The revenants, after all, weren't going to get tired out by a chase. Best they didn't either.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:39 am

Rasmus didn't seem to have any problem keeping up with the group. He did not look happy about it, however. Another wistful glance was tossed back toward the cabin as they continued to move further away, and he sighed a little. Fleeing left behind more possible clues, and left the Revenants wondering the countryside, and he totally could have handled them.. if he had his sword.

A quick glance around at the others, and his expression shifted to a thoughtful one. The questions that were popping up in his mind would have to wait, however. There would be a better time to ask questions later. Hopefully.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:23 pm

Following the pair of tracks deeper into Garpaath, as the snow sets in, in earnest. Thankfully, it's not the horrid snowstorm it looked to be...Yet. The group may be chilly, but they're in no danger of being caught out in the cold just yet.

It's a few hours walk through the foothills of Garpaath, past a pair of old Cobalt mines that clearly haven't seen use in months. The dark is beginning to set in, and they'll need to find a place to settle for the night- The mines may be a warm enough place, though potentially with it's own perils, or the group could rest up, and return to Frostbyte in the dark and not risk the snow getting worse over night.

However, over the crest of the next hill, there is light. As the group hits the lip, they notice something in the valley below- A small clearing in the snow, full of people of all shapes and sizes. A roaring fire is built in the middle, and torches are aligned throughout the clearing, allowing men and women to continue working despite the darkness and the storm setting in, and gives light for the small group of children to play. It appears they're setting up a city of some sort, but the group is still too far out to get too many of the fine details.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:57 pm

Oleai had fallen silent only about twenty minutes into their journey. Perhaps to the relief of some members. Pouring all of her efforts into keeping the worst of the storm off of the party as they tracked through the snow. Both arms held aloft to keep her spell channeled; a dome of wind combating the natural storm. Neutralizing it.

But this little dome of relative comfort was getting smaller by the minute, and any observant comrade would notice Oleai's arms shaking and straining from the effort just as they crest the hill and see the camp.

The team has a few moments to consider their options; before all of them are overtaken by the storm's full strength - and Oleai falls to one knee with gasp - Not that it could be heard over the wind - Eyes clenched shut for a moment before squinting open.

"I.. I'm sorry, I can't keep it going any longer." Fighting off a winter storm for hours on end was a personal best for the young Wind Mage; not that she had much time to celebrate. It was getting very, very cold.

Oleai struggles to stand, arms still shaking from the strain and now the storm - unable to do so, she holds out a hand for help..

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:41 pm

"Well they're not Frostborn," Rasmus murmured quietly upon seeing the bonfire. With the low volume, nobody who wasn't actively listening, or had better hearing, would likely have heard.

As he noticed the storm picking up, his attention attention was drawn to Oleai. 'Too much for he--oh.'

Her hand is met by Rasmus'. Having excellent stamina and resistance to the weather naturally, the trek has had little effect on him. Of course, it had not taken long for him to realize that the trip may not be quite so easy for everyone.

"Here. Are you gonna be okay?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:32 pm

Kyrie's kept herself as bundled as she could for the last hours, fighting out the cold as much as possible. Keeping her eyes on Guy and nothing else, purging any thought about the Revenants from her mind, barely even watching the surroundings. Her mind as blank as she can make it, for the sake of her own sanity.

It's not until they come to a stop that her concentration's broken, as she takes in their surroundings. Before she can even say a word, though, she looks to Oleai, frowning and moving over with Rasmus to give her a look over. With a look to the mines, she guides her over with Rasmus to a seat not too uncomfortable. "Sit down, Oleai. You've been pushing yourself too much. Get yourself back together, and then we'll get to that settlement and that fire."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:27 am

Oleai took hold of Rasmus, her hand all bundled in a big fuzzy glove. Hoisted to her feet; she leans against the elf. A bit silly, seeing she had almost a foot over him. Not counting her ears which went up another several inches. As Kyrie approached and led her toward a small alcove near the Mine entrance, she tried to speak up over the wind.

"I'm okay.. really. Just a bit tired, and cold. Whatever we do.. I'd just like to do it quickly, please." A weak attempt at a smile, the two closest could see tiny bundles of frost on her whisker and fur.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:48 am

"Cold, huh?"

From deeper into the shaft, a light flickers into existence. A...Person, a young woman from the sound of the voice, begins to approach from the darkness, holding a lantern. Covered in head to tow in heavy jackets, boots, mittens, hats, and even goggles, it's impossible to tell anything really about her, other than that she's carrying a small chunk of Elven Cobalt in her hand. She approaches the group, slowly.

"Why don't you come down to the dig sight?" She asks. "They should have the fire ready for the night, and warm places for you to sleep. Should be about dinner time, too. We'd love to have you."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:58 pm

"GAH!" Oleai was startled by the woman coming OUT of the mineshaft. Flipping around and clinging to Kyrie who had helped her into the entranceway.

"Who.. Who are you? I.. " She looks at the party, remembering not to make decisions on her own, "W-what do you think we should d-do?" Her teeth chattered slightly as she spoke.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:47 am

Guy had been fairly quiet as they walked through the snow, as he was wont to be. He looked relieved when they crested a hill to find a roaring fire and people ahead. In theory this is exactly what they had wanted. Oleai collapsed. He was concerned and he face showed it, but Rasmus and Kyrie were already there for her. He'd turned to concentrated on the camp fire ahead of them and did a double take as his eyes passed over a woman stepping out of the mines. He grinned to Oleai as she asked for the groups decision, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. He offered his hand to the as yet unnamed woman.

"I'd never turn down a warm fire on a cold night. Guy Savarin."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:32 am

The woman puts down her chunk of ore for a moment, and shakes Guy's hand. "Cannon Nefil." She shakes with a strong hand, then disengages, going back to her ore. "Just give me a second and I'll lead you guys down."

Cannon goes back to work, singing quietly to herself, though often times she cuts the words and goes into humming. Her song seems to be about children complaining to their father about something or other. Who knows.

Cannon: High Elven for "Flowers", "Garden", as well as the word for the late afternoon. Nefil: High Elven word for angels, divinity, gods, heaven.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:10 am

Rasmus didn't mean for the suspicion to be blatantly obvious in his expression when Cannon initially appeared and offered them refuge for the night. His eyes kept flickering between the Elven Cobalt in her hand and the approximate area where her face was. Then he heard her name, and his suspicion lessened, at least slightly.

'This still seems weird..'

Over the course of Rasmus' sixty-seven years of life, he had become somewhat familiar with the old mines around Garpaath from having been in a few. Though he couldn't recognize their current one, it seemed likely to him that it wasn't so different from the others. Which didn't necessarily mean it was safe. The decision on whether to go further in, however, he would leave to someone else. He was hungry, but his blithe confidence had him convinced he could make it back home if nothing else worked. His companions, on the other hand, may not have had the same option.

With options in mind, Rasmus asked, "You said Cannon Nefil, right? I'm Rasmus Icestrider. Do you know anything about the, uh.. village, or caravan, or whatever that's down there?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:20 am

"It's a dig area." Cannon says. "We're breaking ground on a new city for people traveling through the deeper parts of Garpaath, so they don't get stuck in this weather."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:09 am

Recovered from her immediate shock of the newcomer, and with her teeth still chattering, "I-I'm Oleai. Did you s-say deeper parts?" She left her lastname out of introductions again. By habit at this point.

She clung to Kyrie still, leaning down to whisper to the much shorter woman, "It's c-cold. Whatever we do.. lets do it soon." It seems, at least Oleai, saw Kyrie as acting leader; the racial tension entirely gone on her end. Not that there was much to begin with.

Oleai looked down toward Cannon, watching the new-come woman closely and making note of the expression on Rasmus' face. Adding to her whisper, "Maybe.. we can make our own fire."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:20 pm

Though with a slight frown, Kyrie lets Oleai cling for now, seeing how utterly frozen and ezhausted she's left herself. The sudden appearance of the elven woman's surprised her, raised her suspicion at first, but everything she's said sounds reasonable enough. And she can't deny that she'd like to get to somewhere warm herself.

She nods to Cannon, looking down towards the deeper tunnels. "I think we'd most all like to get down below as soon as we can. How far a walk down is it?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:05 pm

"It's a shorter walk outside, but there's a path inside the mine. Not that the mine's a lot warmer, with how much Cobalt's down here making the whole thing that much colder. It's like an ice cave, but there's no wind, at least." Cannon says.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:19 am

Kyrie glances up to the shivering Plainsrunner still holding her as she thinks on the matter. After a moment or two, she speaks up. "Oleai, you're the worst off right now. What do you think? A short walk outside, or a longer walk down here?"

Giving Oleai a chance to ponder, Kyrie takes a closer look at the metal in Cannon's hand. "Cobalt?" Kyrie furrows her brow, looking around the mine. "Sorry, but I've never been this far north, and that's not one I've ever heard of. You say it makes things colder? Enchanted metal, then?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:27 am

"Yep." Cannon says, tossing the ore into the air and then catching it again. "Always cold, but super, super strong. If you can get it covered up well enough it builds pretty well, or makes great armor. But generally only the Frostborn can being near it for too long; forging it just makes it colder."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:45 am

"Brr," Triya remarked, shivering theatrically at the thought of wearing something that cold all the time. Then again, maybe it wasn't theatricality at all. She did look pretty cold, "Sounds useful, but let's talk about it round the fire. I'm for the short walk." Windchill there might be, but it would be over in just a short while. Investigating the wonders of the mine could wait until she'd baked a bit of warmth back into her bones. She really wasn't cut out for the frozen northlands.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:38 pm

"Alright. It'll only be a few minutes outside."

Cannon heads for the entrance of the mineshaft, before stopping suddenly. "I should warn you, though. The camp might be a little...Unsettling. Can you promise you'll at least try not to panic?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:29 am

"W..Why would we panic? It's just a camp..?" Oleai's question was barely a whimper over the wind, but audible enough for their 'guide'.

Still hiding behind Kyrie, gripping the woman's shoulder.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:43 am

Cannon watches the group for a moment, before reaching up to remove her goggles, and begins to undo the scarves wrapped around her head. As she does, our heroes may get a bad feeling about the situation.

As her skin becomes visible in the gaps in the cloth, it's apparent that her skintone isn't normal- A sickly blue-green, far removed from the normal blue tones of a Snow Elf. As she removes the scarves entirely, a few more details stand out. Her hair is chopped short and a pure white. Her neck is covered in nasty bruises, and there's obvious signs of decay. She's an elf, for sure- Her ears are long, pointing straight up...Though the tip of her left ear is cut short, roughly a quarter of her ear is simply not there.

And then there's her eyes. Likely far removed from anything anyone's seen before, she's got dark rings under them, and then her eyes themselves are inverted- The whites are black, and her pupils are white. She blinks as her eyes seem to adjust to the fresh air and shakes her hair out, then looks towards the group again.

"We're all dead." Cannon says.

For those with good hearing:
Without her scarves, something becomes much more obvious about the way Cannon's speaking. She sounds as if she's constantly wheezing and out of breath, despite not showing any physical signs of it.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:53 am

Eyes widening, Kyrie stumbles back, only kept in the cave for now by virtue of Oleai's grip, her tail drooping behind her. Her breath quickens as Cannon reveals herself, and she seemingly tries to stammer out...something, but she can't find the words, coming near to hyperventilating as her gaze stays fixed on the corpse standing in front of her. Struggling against Oleai, she finally gets herself free, tearing out of her cloakand making for the exit. She barely gets a step, though, before she faints dead away, falling to the cave floor with a "thump" that'll likely leave her head aching pretty bad when she comes back around.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:02 am

The same wide eyes as Kyrie, Oleai's grip tightens on the struggling Nekana; who of course breaks free only a moment later. Kyrie's hitting the floor snapped Oleai out of the immediate horrified stun. Adrenaline in her system again, she takes two large steps backward - never taking her eyes off Cannon, to take a knee next to Kyrie; to take hold of her arm and shake. Ears rigid and sticking straight up.

"W-what are you?! Stay back!" Free arm held upward and pointed in Cannon's direction. Hopefully word of the Lagamora Windspeakers somehow made its way all the way north - and this creature might know what this threat means.

Not that Oleai had much energy left in her to expend, should she have to make good on it. A bluff is a bluff.

Shake shake shake.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:06 am

"I'm a revenant." Cannon says, keeping her distance. "But I'm also the one offering you a hot meal and warm shelter for this storm."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:33 am

Given the focus on Cannon, and Triya's position towards the rear of the group, it was unlikely that anybody would have notice how Triya's hand twitched towards her other glove at the revelation. It was a motion which she deliberately arrested. For all that seeing Cannon without her scarves was profoundly disturbing, she hadn't done anything hostile, and they were the interlopers here.

Additionally, unfamiliar as she might be with revenants, she was fairly sure they weren't generally known for being talkative and hospitable. No, this didn't seem like some attempt to catch them off guard and slaughter them, Cannon seemed like any other person confronted by travelers, just... Well, dead.

That was a bit of a stumbling block.

"Easy, Oleai," she said, moving forward to place a hand on her shoulder, "We've no reason to start anything. I think we should accept the offer, and there's a story to be told, I'm sure," she concluded with a look to Cannon. That story ought to be well worth hearing, even if unrelated to their search for Null.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:28 am

Rasmus, meanwhile, had stepped forward. While he was still out of Cannon's reach, he was in a position to step in front of Oleai if need be. His eyes had a calculating look that, combined with the wolfish, slightly threatening grin on his face, probably made him at least a little intimidating.

"I'm not so sure. Maybe you just want to help us, but that doesn't mean your.. friends inside do. You said it's dinner time, am I right? What'd stop them from thinking we're dinner?"

He glanced behind him for just a moment. Quick, but full of thought. Then his eyes were back on Cannon.

"I'd rather take my chance with the dig site, even if it is farther away."

That, of course, was spoken as someone who was not feeling the cold and fatigue quite like the others.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:12 am

Triya's hand on her shoulder caused Oleai another start; but it was effective in getting the Lagomora to lower her arm. With Triya and Rasmus between her and the Revanent, Oleai could instead focus on the unconscious Kyrie.

Lowering her other knee to the ground, Oleai gently hoists Kyrie's head and shoulders to her lap, patting both the woman's cheeks softly, "Kyrie? Come on and wake up, okay?" She seemed to be avoiding any eye contact with the revanent, as if not looking would somehow help with nerves.

"I don't want to go underground. Can we please not go underground? Just.. just give me a minute and I can probably stop the wind again.. for a bit. Kyrie needs to wake up anyway... Kyrie?" Clearly taking strength from having something to help with, Oleai could still be seen trembling by the shudder in her ears - which were still alert.

Her last question, seemed to be directed at Cannon, "How long have you been like this? .. What happened?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:26 pm

Kyrie stirs from Oleai's efforts, though she's still not looking in the best of sorts, ears and tail drooped, eyes slightly unfocused. She winces as she looks around, grabbing her head, and as she tries to sit up, she collapses back to Oleai's lap.

"...wh...huh?" For now, she just stays reclined, grimacing and trying to get her thoughts in order. "Where...?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:01 pm

Oleai glances down at Kyrie, and tries to give a comforting smile - but it's clear she's still just as nervous and frightened, "Uhm.. You fainted, I think. The.. Cannon.. She's still here, but isn't doing anything.. Are you okay?"

She had no desire to discuss the Revanent standing not ten feet from her. "We.. could go back to town, too."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:24 pm

"...mmph..." Holding her eyes shut, Kyrie nods slightly, though even that much leaves her head swimming. She's still light-headed, but as far as Oleai can tell, it's just the after-effects of her fainting spell. "Think so. 'm feeling...dizzy, though." She doesn't have much if any reaction to the mention of Cannon, but it's hard to tell just how there Kyrie is right now in general.

"...back to town? Mm?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:49 pm

"You know what?" Cannon says, frowning deeply. "I'm trying to help you here. But if you guys are so...So racist that you can't see past what I am, then whatever, I don't care. Go die in the storm trying to get back to Frostbyte. I'm trying to help but you can't see past the fact that I just happen to be dead, like I totally chose to be this way." She shakes her head, and begins walking out of the mine. "Breathers."


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