by Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:39 pm
The grinning woman and the stout man head to opposite ends of the room, handing folders to be passed around. As they come around to the recruits, they contain photos and data sheets of the known suspects. One photo shows the giant from a downwards angle, as he prepares to strike the camera person from a balcony above. As before, he's fully covered in his leather armor, including a hood, and not a single patch of skin is shown.
The other is the Wunderkind, Sin, as taken from the side. Her arms are out to the side, and her eyes are closed. Judging from the look of her knees being slightly bent, and the toes of her massive boots pointed downwards, it would appear the several hundred pound Wunderkind is somehow floating. Her mouth is open, as if being caught mid sentence.
Cannonaid pulls a clicker from his pocket, and smacks it against his opposite hand twice, before clicking it. Over head, a projector shoots the images of the two onto the boards on either side of him.
"Gentlemen, this is what we have. After five years, Lelorniel has resurfaced. The last sighting of him was during the Doomsday incident back in '51. Lelorniel, last name unknown, is identified as a Revenant, an advanced type of zombie created by Donovan Jobbs to be his personal attendant and bodyguard. One of the things we do know from our mages studies of Lelorniel is that, alongside being impervious to harm, he cannot act without a master. What does that mean, gentlemen? Someone else has convinced Lelorniel to join them in whatever they're planning. Lelorniel is what we call a "big stick", and we'll likely only see him where his master absolutely needs a win."
"Um...Excuse me..." Someone says from the back of the room. Men and women scoot out of the way. The three Wunderkind girls are positioned in the back, sharing a single handout between them. Janda steps forward, lowering her raised hand. "...Uhm...I was in the Doomsday incident a few years ago, and I actually fought Lelorniel. He can't be hurt physically, but he can be hurt by magic..."
The mention of magic- Despite Cannonaid's mention of mages previously, causes a few chuckles. Janda frowns, sinking back again, with Em stepping in front of her with a stern expression.
Cannonaid simply nods. "Good. Good intel, kid. Zeke, add that to the sheet."
The stout man nods, and begins to write. Cannonaid shifts, indicating the picture of the Wunderkind. "Likewise, Sin was a known entity, but decidedly not hostile. She was situated on a small island, watching over the children orphaned there during the Doomsday event. We've sent men to take over her charge and to find out how long she's been gone from there. Information on that is still sparse."
He shifts his weight and continues. "Whatever it is, she's been rejuvinated into a Wunderkind- She was a teenager before- And recruited to the side of whoever plotted the murder. We've had a few sightings of her previous, as you can tell from the photo, always about the same context that you gentlemen-" Cannonaid nods to the recruits- "Saw her yesterday. Singing about the true gods of sorrow and pain. We currently have no information about any combat potential she has, but as a Wunderkind, we have to assume she's capable of cyber attacks, as well as the benefits a Wunderkind body grants normal children."
Cannonaid surveys they room. "Any questions so far?"