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Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:06 pm
by BrainWalker
Max's brow is officially raised. Who was this girl? He thought he had already met all the other Wunderkind. And how was she able to sing with multiple voices? And what was up with that freaky eye?

"So, wait, your name is a number? What's up with that?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:07 pm
by Shinigori V2
"Your name is the power setting on a hair dryer." Thirteen responds. "What's up with that?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:12 pm
by BrainWalker
Max started to defend his honor, or the honor of his name, with something about how his full name was Maxwell... but she had a point. And it was pretty clever. Bonus point for Thirteen, in Max's book.


"Okay, so, you were waiting for us? But, if you're a Wunderkind, how come you weren't in class with the rest of us? And what's with that freaky harmonizing with yourself?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:55 pm
by Besyanteo
Now that they had arrived, Enzo felt... wrong. He didn't want to come here, exactly. He was sort of drawn before, but now that was gone. What was that all about? Well, maybe she knew. She might even have done it on purpose.

"How were you able to draw us here? I didn't mean for us all to come this way before my feet started moving..."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:57 pm
by Shinigori V2
Seemingly ignoring Max's question, Thirteen responds to Enzo, instead. "I did not. You were always supposed to come here."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:04 am
by NebulaQueen
Silvie stared at Thirteen, her eyes narrowed and her arms crossed in front of her chest. Something about this wasn't right.

"Okay, but why? And how'd you get all the way out here?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:12 am
by Shinigori V2
Thirteen turned her attention to Silvie. "Because..Of what we are. I got here the same way you did."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:27 am
by NebulaQueen
"But we haven't seen you around before - and there aren't any others like us."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:28 am
by Shinigori V2
"There are." Thirteen says, nodding. "You just don't know them yet. They don't even know, themselves. But can you look at me and say that we're different?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:24 am
by Kelne
"Where is here, anyway?" Emily asked, choosing not to challenge the strange girl for now about any sameness, "It feels like the real world, but..." she shrugged, seemingly seeing little point in elaborating upon the reasons it couldn't be. If this person was from elsewhere, the place surely had to be something more than mere 'unformatted data'. It was also a bit troubling. She was pretty sure the database wasn't physically connected to anywhere else.

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:42 am
by Shinigori V2
"This is the Database. You know that." Thirteen says, turning her attention back to the ocean. "But, this is our world."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:56 am
by BrainWalker
Oh sure, so she'll answer two of Silvie's questions in a row, but not Max's. He's seriously considering rescinding that bonus point. Thirteen asked if the kids could tell she was the same as them by looking, but looks can be deceiving. Max decides to take a snapshot of the girl, for future reference.

"Okay, so... so wait. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the 9 of us were the first Wunderkind in Project Bluesky. Maybe we're just... one team out of the first, like... platoon, or whatever." Max ponders for a moment. "But, even if that's true, how can there be others like us who don't... who don't know that they're like us, yet? Or whatever you said? That doesn't make sense."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:02 am
by Shinigori V2
"You are the first nine." Thirteen says. "I came after you. By...A lot. It's not going to make sense now, but it will later."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:12 am
by Idran1701
Still confused, Sam speaks up cautiously, worried over saying something wrong to the person that seems to know so much more about...well, everything here. "Um...what did you mean about this being our world? Isn't this just inside a computer? It's not really a world or anything...I guess it kinda looks like one, is that what you mean?"

Thinking more on what Thirteen's just said, he speaks again after a short pause. "Were we training for a long time or something? It didn't seem that long, but maybe that's weird 'cause we're computer stuff now."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:16 am
by Kelne
That couldn't possibly be right. 13 couldn't be suggesting what it sounded like she was. It raised all too many disturbing questions about the environment they now lived in. "And Robert?" she asked, "Was he drawn here too?" They had been sent to find him, after all.

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:21 am
by Christian
((Damn it's hard to keep up with you post-wombats D: Starting at Darren's reply :P))

"A... girl...?" Alexis looked confused... how could there be a girl out there, they were after some kid named Robert, right? She turned to give the others a puzzled stare, had they seen the same thing?

Apparantly they had, and she fell into listening as they discussed what to do. She nodded at Max's remark, why were they just running off like this? They had a pretty sound plan and...

Thunder. She gave a startled shiver as the bolt lit up the skies... The hair on the back of her neck stood out as she fought back tears she knew would come. She'd never liked thunder, and being outside... "Guys, maybe we should..." she began with little conviction in her voice, but another sound broke her off. Music... and...

Tears began to run down the young girl's cheek as she recognized the sound. It wouldn't stop and silently she wept at the sound she hadn't heard in... how long had it been. "" she whispered, sniffing and trying to hold back the tears. And then the girl appeared. Alexis was scared, frightened by the thunder, and the darkness, and from hearing that song... But she couldn't... shouldn't be a bother to the other kids, they were on a mission now.

So she stood there, tears drying slowly as the song faded, and finally she gathered up enough courage to ask her own questions.

"W-was that you singing before?" It wasn't really relevant to... to what they were doing, but she wanted to know. "Why are you here? Do you know where Robert is?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:32 am
by Shinigori V2
Thirteen turns to address all the questions in order:

"Firstly, no, you have not been training for an abnormal amount of time. But you are the nine. The first nine. But there'll be more. I can't tell you how many more; I don't know. And, I think you may be misunderstanding what I mean by you being drawn here."

She throws her cloak back, gesturing to the trees. "This exact spot, you were drawn to. Because I was here. I was always here. Maybe not me, but someone like me. Maybe not Thirteen, but maybe another. Though I am here now, and you are, too. So, it was me. Thirteen, the whole time." She smiles to herself, as if satisfied. She turns her attention back to the other children. "This world, whether you know it or not, you came to of your own free will, though it was also destiny. But it's a world for us- A world for Wunderkind. They- The adults- Will never see it. They'll never understand it. They'll never...Know it."

She finally turns to Alexis. "No, I wasn't singing. What you're hearing is a signal that Wunderkind can hear that identifies me when other means can't. It was based off of your mother's work- Quite beautiful. I'm very pleased with it."

She turns again, sending her braid and her cloak whipping. "There's a lot they're not telling you. It's not intentional, though. They're not purposely hiding things from you."

She pauses for a second, before continuing. "They're testing you."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:13 am
by Kelne
"Uh-huh," Emily said, privately deciding that Thirteen herself wasn't telling them a great deal. Whether she was being cryptic of her own accord or had been programmed that way by whoever had set up the database (always a possibility, though the other interpretation continued to trouble her), she seemed very... oracular.

"So, any great wisdom to impart to us, now we're here?" she asked in innocent tones. Might as well go along with the act for now.

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:28 am
by Christian
Alexis nodded quietly. It had felt... horrible to hear that song again, but she loved it, it was her favorite piece. Even though she knew it would hurt, she wanted to hear it again... maybe... maybe there would be some recordings somewhere?

She blinked her own red eyes a couple of times to clear her mind and looked at the others, wondering if they were as confused as she was. "*A-are you saying that this forest, the fields, the lake... the grown-ups can't ever see it?" she found the idea of having a secret country of their own pretty exciting, although a bit scary. "Don't the grown-ups know that you're here? If you're like us, shouldn't they know you've gone missing?" she looked terribly confused, "what do you mean testing? Didn't they... didn't they test us when they made us train?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:05 pm
by BrainWalker
((Yea, this RP gets a lot of action. I guess that's one of the consequences of having 8 RPers and an engaging setting.))

Max was becoming more irritated as the "conversation" went on. What was this, the Cryptic Bullshit Hour on some local access channel? People should just say what the Hell they mean.

He tried to work it all out in his head. So, Thirteen was like the rest of them, but different. She even had her own identification signal, apparently. His teammates were the first Wunderkind, and yet there was... or would be, at some point, more. At least that part made some sense. Her description of the world also made a bit of sense. Apparently Max's "dream world" theory hadn't been entirely inaccurate. After all, Rivendare himself had said that the adults weren't sure what the kids would be seeing and experiencing in here.

But this other stuff was irritatingly confusing. Thirteen had apparently came "after" his team, and yet here she was way out ahead of them in the unformatted sector, on their first day out of training. And she had always been here, despite having come later than them? What the Hell does that even mean? And apparently the team wasn't drawn here, they were always supposed to...

... wait a minute.

"So... are you, like..." Max can't believe he's about to say something this stupid. "Are you from the future or something?"

He already regretted asking. He tried to save face. "...or like, a part of the Database or something?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:24 pm
by Shinigori V2
Thirteen turns to Max, and frowns. "That's a pretty silly question. The second would probably be a lot more accurate than the first."

She shakes her head. "I'm being weird because there's a lot you don't understand and can't yet. That's why you ended up here, and not there. You can keep asking questions, or you could hear what there is to tell you."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:57 pm
by Idran1701
Sam looks between the other Wunderkind here, noticing that most of them seem as confused as he is. Still a little worried despite seeing he's not alone, he nods anyway to Thirteen. "I wanna hear what you wanted to say. What is it?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:01 pm
by Shinigori V2
Thirteen nods, and begins to speak. "You probably think that you became what we are because you just happened to be picked." She thinks for a minute, looking them all over with that single, blood red eye. "But that's only half true. They don't even know it, themselves. You were picked because you're Wunderkind. You always were Wunderkind, like I always was."

She stops, thinking for a minute, as if actually trying to be clear for once. As she does, the kids internal databases struggle to gather any known data on her, before she begins again. "People said, for a long time, that technology was changing to become more compatible with people, right? Well...The other way is true, too. There's a small group of people that were changing to become more compatible to technology."

She stops, pausing for a moment to see if anyone has questions...Or to see if anyone is making the connection.

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:43 pm
by Besyanteo
Enzo had been opening his mouth to ask a question, then stopping short and shutting it as the other children spoke in turn. Finally, Sam got his say, and Thirteen spoke her piece. Enzo blinked a few times, thinking about what she'd said.

"You're talking about Transhumanism... sort of. I read a little bit about it while I was training. It's like... the idea that people can be combined with technology to make better people. Smarter or faster or stronger, people who don't die, and stuff. But that's not exactly it either... Because I guess that's what we already are. So I guess that's not your point..."

Enzo looked at his feet and tried to concentrate.

"The way you say it... It sounds like you're saying that we're evolved somehow."

But again, that was more or less finding a way to restate her. It felt like a stair step was standing in front of him: He wanted to take the next step up, but there was a glass wall between him and it. It didn't occur to him just now to wonder if she might just be crazy or some artifact of the environment. He just took her at face value for the moment, and continued to beat his head against the glass wall.

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:21 pm
by Shinigori V2
"Not completely." Thirteen says. "We're still adapting. And...Evolution...It's correct, but not. We've splintered off into a new evolutionary branch. We're not better than humanity. We just exist differently."

She turns again, looking over the ocean. "We exist as data, living information. No other living creature has ever existed as we do before."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:47 pm
by Besyanteo
Enzo hadn't been expecting that. A new species? Sure, cool, that was easy to see. A new Kingdom? A wholly different kind of- wait. She'd also said they had always been this way, before. At the time, he let it go by because... well, because he thought Thirteen was basically jsut calling them a new kind of Human. They'd most definitely been human before all of this began. He was born to a human mother, even if he didn't particularly remember her. So, what? What she was saying shouldn't be possible. Up until recently Science said the same thing about what he was, but still.


"That's... That's not possible. I mean, not in the way you're saying it. Either you're still not telling us exactly what you mean, or..."

He didn't want to call her a liar. It was rude, and when it started to come out it felt weird. He wasn't really used to doing that to people was all.

"Is there something else we're still not getting?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:49 pm
by Christian
Alexis looked... heartbroken, staring at the other girl. "Do you mean we were supposed to become like this?" she seemed to take these news pretty badly, "And everything that's happened was supposed to happen because we were going to be wunderkind?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:53 pm
by Idran1701
Thinking on all Thirteen's said so far, Sam frowns, coming to the same conclusion as Alexis. The idea seems to hit deeply at him; clenching his fists, he yells at her, glaring. "If you mean that, you're wrong! 'Cause...that's dumb! The stuff that happened wasn't supposed to happen, that's dumb! So...stop!"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:18 pm
by Shinigori V2
"No." Thirteen says, sternly. "That's not what I mean. Regardless if your parents lived or died, orphan or not, you'd have been Wunderkind. One has nothing to do with the other."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:20 pm
by Idran1701
Sam stares and calms down, now not only confused but emotionally deflated. "...Oh. How?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:42 pm
by BrainWalker
Well, it seems like we're actually getting somewhere now. Maybe we should have stopped asking questions a while ago and just let her say her piece.

"Yea, see, that's the part that I'm getting stuck on. I think I'm beginning to understand what you're trying to say about what you... what we are. We're apparently some sort of new evolutionary offshoot; digital creatures the likes of which the world has never seen. That's... incredible, actually, but it's this 'always' business that's confusing."

Max shifts his weight and tries to collect his thoughts on the matter. "So... if you came here after us... we've apparently been at least partially digital beings since way before we all gave up our bags of flesh, but didn't know it. And we've been 'here,' in this new state of being, even before you were, even though you seem to understand it way better than we do, and even though we had no knowledge of it before now? I mean, I'm trying to work with you here, but if we've 'always' been here, what the heck were our digital selves doing while we were all growing up as sausages? And what about all the the 'others' who aren't aware of their digital existence yet? And what about you? If you're not a part of project Bluesky... well, not yet... then how did you get to this particular spot? Isn't this unformatted storage space on a mainframe at D-52? Shouldn't this be, like, a pretty secure area or something? I'll accept that you're some kind of freaky data-ghost or something, but if you weren't specifically brought here by D-52, how did any data, sentient or not, get in here?"

Max ran his hand over his head, and rubbed the back of it, struggling to make sense of all the thoughts swirling in his head, not entirely understanding even the things that he just said. "I dunno, am I getting warmer?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:47 pm
by Shinigori V2
"Butterflies." Thirteen says, simply. "Think about Butterflies."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:03 pm
by Besyanteo

He paused for a moment.

"You're saying that as humans, we were catepillars. In our training, and even right now, we're kind of like cocoons. When we get our bodies, we'll be butterflies. At some point, it had to happen. A butterfly doesn't know it's going to change, it just does it. ... That said, I sorta don't agree. I think we're more like the Axolotl; It's a water breathing newt that, with a little help, can become a land dwelling salamander. It needs certain hormones to be injected to it to make it's metamorphosis, or to get really lucky after being taken away from the water not dying. Even then, most of them don't change all the way, and most die. They need someone who knows what they're doing to get them into their new body, or they just stay where they are. There's a thousand different reasons why we could have missed out on this, and any one of use could have stranded us as humans for the rest of our lives."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:10 pm
by Shinigori V2
"Metamorphosis, right." Thirteen says. "Throughout our lives, we were changing. Becoming more and more like technology. I'm sure at least one of you is having a sense of deja vu, because you've felt like this before. Your new body seems..familiar."

She nods, looking over them again. "What I mean to say, is being born Wunderkind is sort of like being born...Into the gifted and talented programs at schools. It's not because you were raised differently, or because you're orphans, or your body was destroyed in a fire. Not everyone can be like us. We're..Special. There are markers- Were markers, at least- In our human bodies that determined that we were changing into Wunderkind, like butterflies. None of us knew it. But sometimes, we could feel it."

Janet nods slowly, and speaks up. "A...A long time ago, I was watching TV...And I had a daydream that I was pulled..Into the TV, you know?....I mean..Did anyone else do anything like that..?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:36 pm
by Christian
Alexis seemed somewhat put to ease at the assurance by Thirteen, but she seemed to finally understand what she was talking about...

"Do you mean that we..." she looked at the others, "uhh... parts of us... always was here?" she fiddled with a lock of her hair, glaring eyes returning to Thirteen, "because, if you're here, and you're not in the project yet, maybe you're like... a... ghost or something? But not really, 'cause you're not dead... I think?" she found it hard to express her ideas as eloquently as some of the other children, but she tried. "Then... were we here too, before we actually joined the project? Parts of us, I mean?"

She glanced at Janet and nodded quietly. She'd experienced something similar, but she... she didn't want to talk about that. There was another reason the song brought back painful memories.

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:46 am
by BrainWalker
Max binks. Butterflies? All that mental exercise, and she responded with a single word. Well, at least it was a single word that made sense. Axolotl? How do you even come to information like that? Well, it had become clear over the course of this discussion why Enzo was their intel guy.

But now he was thinking about the last thing Thirteen had said. What Janet was talking about. This place had felt pretty familiar, at first... Max had thought it was just because it was like being outside but... maybe there was more to it than that? He had them put a window in his room. He was wondering if there was an "outdoor" area to the database right from the beginning, and had even asked Mr. Rivendare about it. And then once he got out here... he was overwhelmed by the sense of freedom, and of... familiarity. Was it just because he knew what being outside was supposed to feel like, or was it because he had been subconsciously trying to reconnect with a place he had always known?

This was some freaky shit.

Looking a little less composed than usual, Max addresses the current topic of discussion. "You know, sometimes... Sometimes, when I got a call on my cell, I would already have my phone out of my pocket... before it even started to ring. A few times, I even had a hunch who it was on the other end, even before flipping it open. Even when I wasn't expecting a call. My friends thought it was weird, but I never really thought about it much, until now..."

Max sat down on the ground. In the back of his mind, he was forming more questions for Thirteen, but at the front, it was all about this newfound identity he never knew he had always had.

"This is heavy."

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:20 am
by Kelne
"Hang on," Emily said, having been trying to take in the veritable deluge of information. A lot of it, worryingly, did seem to make sense on an exceedingly weird level. She'd always had a knack for mechanical stuff, and had somehow never felt as... connected to the wide open spaces as she had to the big city. But the implications...

"If there are others, or potentially others, well, obviously they're not all going to wind up being downloaded into computers by D-52." She hoped not, anyway. The circumstances leading up to that weren't what she'd wish on anybody. She'd liked being human, damnit. "I can see how we might be the first to realise what we are, what with the pretty darn extreme circumstances and you telling us and everything, but surely others are going to arrive at the same destination by different paths."

Another thought which belatedly occurred to her was that, if every member of the programme to date was predetermined to be a wunderkind... What would happen to a normal person who was converted? Would it all go horribly wrong, or would they just not adapt as well?

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:28 am
by Spleen
(OOC: So it turns out that in the course of my move thus far I haven't even been to a computer in order to say "Hey, I can't get to a computer" in the past two days, which is a first for me. Or do my homework, incidentally, but screw that. I'm sorry I've been impossible to reach; I'm sure you tried, Shini. Feel free to take control of Darren if you haven't already (I don't have time right now to backlog right now) until I get some reliable connectivity to the intarwebs.)

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:58 am
by Besyanteo
Interfacing with technology at an instinctual level, huh? That would do a lot to explain how easily they had made this adjustment, why at times they hadn't needed to make any adjustment whatsoever. It felt right because... they'd already been doing it for years, unconsciously. The implication that there were others like them was still setting in. What could someone stuck in a human body do with this capability? Hack an ATM, disable a security system, messed with a factory's equipment... make a woodcraft room's equipment go haywire? Enzo didn't want to think about it anymore, and he pushed the thoughts away. The memory of pain in his ruined hands was still a bit too near at six months.

There was still a niggling problem, though. The adults didn't know... And that might mean bad news if someone got really good at using their connection while still in the flesh. How do you trace the computer activity of a site that doesn't exist on the commweb? Enzo was pretty sure you didn't.

"If... If what you're saying is true, we have to make a decision. Like, right now. Do we tell our handlers about all this, and if we do how do we make them understand?"

Re: Child's Play

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:36 pm
by Shinigori V2
"No." Thirteen says to Alexis. "I'm...Complicated. It's all very complex. Don't try to understand it now; you'll know..Eventually. I'm sure of it. As for the others...They'll get here. Eventually. All Wunderkind will be Wunderkind, and this is our home."

She turned her attention to Enzo, her single eye narrowing, as if trying to emphasize the importance of her words. "No. Tell them nothing. Tell them, if you must, that you took longer than expected to locate Robert. Do not mention me at all."