(Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

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(Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:44 am

(OOC: So here's the deal! RP is closed TO THE MAX, so unless you're one of the people that got the OK from this here thread, don't post here.)

It was a fine day in Los Angeles, late August of the year 2040. There were light clouds, but not even a hint of rain. A light, soothing breeze cooled down the bustling streets. The air was crisp, recycling technologies having long ago cleansed the air of smog. Indeed, it seemed that all was right with the city.

Sure, there was the occasional crime here and there, but the police reformation that took place after the earthquake kept most of it down. Well…most of the human crime, that is. There were far more sinister events taking place than the occasional mugging. Biotechnical constructs designed to aid humanity, known as Boomers, were doing far more damage than the human criminals could hope for, and thanks to the efforts of their manufacturers, almost no one knew anything about it…

A man gazed at the clock on the wall of his shop. He had recently put an ad in the paper, looking for an assistant. He was getting old, and could no longer keep up the effort to make his mechanic service look like a normal business. Not on his own, at least. He could, of course, ask for one of those girls to assist him, but they all had normal jobs. It just wouldn't feel right. He could also just close the shop and work off his considerable savings, but then the large part orders he made would start to look suspicious.

Mechanic seeking reliable assistant. the ad read. Short term or long term. Minimum qualifications required, just good references and a willingness to learn.

Roldo Gomez, an aging Portugese man, looked at his clock. He had counted on the fact that it was one of the few low-training jobs available that wasn't taken up by a boomer to net him an assistant within a reasonable time. Either way, it didn't change the fact that he had double-booked himself today. Soon, he was scheduled to interview a hopeful employee. Soon, he was also scheduled to have a meeting with his less legal employees about certain...updates...to their...industrial equipment. Hopefully, they would be patient enough to take some more time out of their busy day to allow him to finish the interview first.

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:11 pm

Double checking the ad to make sure she was at the right place, Renetta Evenson pocketed the piece of paper and stepped through the door.

She'd made a effort with her appearance today. A quick trip the local pool had netter her the shower she needed and her usually unkempt hair was freshly brushed meant that she didn't look completely like a tramp. Which is what she was at the moment, more or less. She'd drifted into LA with the intent of seeing the city for what it was worth, enjoying the nightlife a little and working at somewhere other than a gas station.

Of course she'd quickly discovered that every two bit job was occupied by a boomer, dropping the accommodation she could afford from "poor" to "none" in no time flat, resulting in her beaten up Oldsmobile now being her permanent residence. She'd sunk this low before, she reminded herself, but that didn't stop it from sucking.

And now here she was, applying for a position as a mechanic's assistant. She'd figured that she knew enough about tuning up cars to pass herself off as having "minimum qualifications," and hoped that keeping her decrepit car running for the last year and a bit would work as a "good reference." As for being willing to learn, well, it was either that or having to choose between food and tobacco. And that just wasn't going to happen.

"Hello? I'm here about the job."

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:58 pm

Upon entering, Renetta noticed that the place was surprisingly clean, for a mechanic's shop. She also noticed that the cars in the garage were surprisingly expensive, which probably meant that the guy taking care of them had a good deal of skill. Hopefully, that wouldn't work against her.

An old chair creaked around, until it faced the door. Renetta saw it's occupant - a grandfatherly looking fellow, who looked nice enough.

"Do come in!" he said, gesturing to a chair a short distance from himself. "Let's get started then, shall we?"

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:37 pm

"Sure thing."

Seating herself after a quick glance around, and fighting the growing compulsion to have a smoke, she began.

"I'm Renetta, good to meet you. Quite a nice place you've got here. Those yours, or are they just in for a tune up?"

A touch of flattery never hurt, especially when there was some basis for it. She had to wonder about those cars, though.

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:53 am

"Oh, no, those aren't mine. Some are here for a 'tune-up', some are here for restoration." He gestured to a car, which appeared to be nearly a century old, with most of it's panels taken off. "I am Roldo, owner of this quaint little locale."

"So...tell me about yourself. Experiences? Education? Goals for the future?"

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:15 am

Education? Goals? These were problem questions. Best to tackle them first.

"Well, ever since I graduated from high school I've been traveling the country, staying a few months here and there while taking on odd jobs. Worked at a gas station about two years back, picked up a few things from the mechanic there. I've managed to keep my own car running since then, so I've got the basics under my belt. As for what I want to do? Figured I'd see the rest of the country first, save up, then head over seas. Heard Europe is nice."

She'd decided against trying present her skills as more than they were worth. It was pretty clear this man was an expert, and she'd have been shot down instantly if she tried to fake experience.

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It sure would be nice if other people started showing up.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:01 pm

"Mmm." The Portugese man responded, careful not to let slip any expression that might indicate an actual opinion about that information. "And why, exactly, did you apply for this particular job?"

Roldo looked at the clock. It was clear that he was expecting something.

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Re: It sure would be nice if other people started showing up

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:22 pm

Confronted with a poker face, the hopeful applicant picked an option to run with.

"Truthfully? It's the only one I could find which wasn't taken by a boomer."

She kept her facial expression free of any indication that she had a less than complementary opinion of her mechanical competitors.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:33 pm

"I see." he said, looking to the clock once more. "I take it, then, that you would rather work with people than machinery?"

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:42 pm

With a simple shrug, she answered.

"It's nice to have someone to talk to, isn't it? Haven't had much contact with boomers before I got to LA, but they didn't seem to be into the whole conversation thing."

A non-committal answer. The man could either take it as indifference or a sign of some deeper issue. Hopefully he'd pick the one that worked out best for her.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:47 pm

Walking through the door, Pamela noticed Roldo fairly quickly. She also quickly noticed the young lady sitting near Roldo.

"Ah, hello!" said Roldo, interupting his interview for a moment. "If you'd just head back to the pit, I'll be back there momentarily to show you and your comrades the refits I made to your...vehicles."

"Where were we then..." Roldo turned back to Renetta. "Right. I don't suppose you could tell me how well you work under pressure?"

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=flamingdeth>FlamingDeth</A] at: 2/24/05 16:47

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:35 pm

A young, athletic looking Hispanic woman walked up to the shop. She didn't stand out too much; short hair, with a tank top, blue jeans, and a pair of running shoes replacing her usual police attire. When she got there, she looked around, before looking down at her sports watch.

Huh...it looks like the right time...they're probably all inside by now.

And with that, Pamela Santiago made her entrance into Gomez' domain.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:44 pm

Another applicant? Ren pondered as she turned her head to regard the newcomer. She certainly didn't look like the sort to own one of the cars being serviced here.

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Are Hardsuits stickshift or automatic?

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:55 pm

"Sure thing," she replied, before heading out to the "pit". However, this did not stop her from getting a quick look at Renetta.

Ryu's probably going to flip if she finds her here...

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:02 pm

It took her a moment to respond. Her interviewer certainly had an odd way of speaking. Possibly just an eccentric old man, or perhaps someone who dealt with less than reputable clients.

"Pressure? Well, I took down a would-be robber once when I was working at a store. Does that count?"

What sort of question was that, anyway? She figured that being a mechanic, while not easy-going, wouldn't exactly be a high stress job.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:14 pm

Pamela made her way through what looked to be a break room of some sort. She walked through the familiar locale, stopping in front of a vending machine. Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi...the correct sequence of buttons, and the machine slid to the side, revealing an elevator behind it. The machine slid back into place, and Pamela went on her way to a sub-basement that did not officially exist.

Back in the area of the shop that looked like an office, Roldo chuckled. "Sure, that'll do. What would you consider your greatest strength and weakness?"

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:27 pm

Greatest strength? If she gave a straight answer to that it might freak the old man out a little, so...

"I'm very observant. As for my weakness....well, I guess I'm a pretty lousy cook."

An understatement and a truth. Well, from her point of view at least. Nothing wrong with being overly curious, after all.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:42 pm

Of course, while this interview continues on, a dark, dreadful shadow, human-ish in shape, falls over the door in a threatening way. A beast of total destruction maybe? A Mad Boomer? Whatever it is, the door opened for it...

...And it was an Asian-looking girl, one wearing a "Burger Emperor" work uniform, and sporting a rather...peeved...look on her face. Not that she was angry with having to come here, but...

I swear. If I have to deal with one more klutzy recruit dropping a burger on the floor and then asking me what to do with it...

Walking into the shop, her sight immediately turned to Renetta, with a somewhat indifferent look...it must be someone wanting something to be tuned up, but something makes her think that she's not really able to afford that...

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=namagomimk0>NamagomiMk0</A] at: 2/24/05 18:47

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:48 pm

Once more, the old man stifled a chuckle.

"Out of curiosity..." he began. "What do you do in your spare time? Any hobbies? Family? Friends?"

The basement. Also, the home of the anti-boomer vigilante group, the Knight Sabers. This place was a technological heaven, housing the greatest computers the world had seen, better surveilance equipment than what was available on any market, and weapons so advanced that the military would be embarassed.

And in a seperate room of this basement, the primary feature of the entire place, the hardsuits. Wonderous pieces of military hardware, these things were form fitting, heavily armoured, and had some of the most creative weaponry the world had ever seen. Each of them was also design for one person - no others could use them. And from where she could stand, Pamela couldn't see any difference between hers right now and how it looked the last time she had seen it.

What she could see was a light flashing on a console, not too far from her. She had seen it before, and knew what it meant. It was an early warning light - an older model boomer, somewhere, was in the process of going rogue. And unfortunately, Pamela was the only one currently in the room to notice it.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:06 pm

Another quick glance around reminded Renetta of the depths even she wouldn't sink to for cash. Working in scummy, dead end jobs was one thing, but fast food? Euch.

Quickly dismissing such unpleasant thoughts she turned back to Roldo to answer the next string of questions.

"Didn't get into LA that long ago, so I haven't really had time to dig myself in. As for my family, well, they're half way across the country from here."

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:15 pm

"Ah, Ryumi." said Roldo, facing the newcomer. "Pamela is already waiting. I believe you know where to go...I think I'll be finished up here soon."

Once more, he turned back to Renetta. "Well, it seems you know what your goals are...but what motivates you? Drives you towards those goals?"

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:22 pm

Oh shit.

Deciding to cut Roldo's interview short, she briskly made her way back to the office area. After all, a job interview can be rescheduled; a Boomer attack cannot.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:50 pm

What's this? Another for the back room?

Possibilities cartwheeled through her mind, but were quickly swept aside by the stern desire to be able to rent basic accommodation.

"See all there is to see, I guess. You live you entire life in one town, or even one state, and you miss out on so much. I needed to get away from home and find out what was out there."

Of course, she'd be hard pressed to say she'd found much so far. Little towns could only offer so much, and that was why she was here in LA. Not only was it a big city, it also had the whole "earthquake reconstruction" deal going on.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:02 pm

She nodded quickly, and turned to Ryumi. "C'mon, let's go."

And with that, she went back down, with more urgency than she did a few moments ago.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nebulaqueen>NebulaQueen</A] at: 2/24/05 21:05

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:53 pm

Ryumi nodded toward Gomez. Though thoroughly annoyed with her job she recently got off, she knew better than to say anything to her "employer", and she goes back toward the back room. Of course, she probably ended up running into Pam on the way...

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Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:57 pm

"Interesting! Well then..." Roldo began.

"Um, I hate to interrupt..." interupted the off-duty police officer, returning from the back room she had entered not too long before. "...but I think something's wrong downstairs. A bunch of lights on your equipment are going off."

The old man stopped in his tracks. The chair squeeked in stress as he got to his feet, and turned to Pamela.

"I'll call in Samantha..." he whispered to her. "...you take Ryumi back down to the pit, then start getting suited up. I'll be down momentarilly."

He turned back to Renetta. "I do so apologize, but I must take s small leave of abscense. Stay right there, hopefully this will take only a few minutes."

Roldo proceeded to make his way to the back room.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:12 pm

"Uh, sure thing."

Yeah right.

Something was going on here, she knew it. Admittedly she didn't know what it was, but that's why she was going to scope this place out as soon as she had the chance. And seeing as that chance had come...

She began scouting out the immediate area, looking for any oddities. She didn't expect to find any, though. Whatever was going on was going on the "the pit," which lay somewhere beyond that door. Which was where she'd be heading next.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:16 pm

What Renetta found in the area was, suffice to say, mechanic's equipment. It was nice mechanic's equipment, but it certainly wasn't the oddity she was looking for. Thumbing through the old man's papers revealed very little...only shipping manifests for what looked like standard part orders. Exactly what you'd expect from a shop like this.

She began headed for the door. She did not, however, get a chance to actually look inside just yet.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:23 pm

Samantha Branson had always been known as a hard worker. Sometimes, a bit too hard. Often, she'd lose track of time doing something- In this case, diagnosing a dog with worms in her clinic. When the phone rang, it broke her concentration- As she glanced at the clock, and cursed herself for being late. Answering it, she got the jist of what was happening, and appologised.

Appointing one of her colleagues to finish up with the patient, she made her way out, speeding twards Roldo's shop as quickly as she possibly could.

Not long after, she arrived at the shop, rushing twards the break room- Or, more appropriately, the pit, hurrying right past Renetta, with little more than a nod of acknowledgement. She thought as she hurried, and made sure the door was shut tight behind her. She slowed by the vending machine, as if to make it look like she was simply interested in a beverage- Then began to work at it. Shortly after, she arrived in the pit, preparing herself as quickly as humanly possible. Throwing her coat off and setting her things aside in a mess, she worked to explain herself. "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to be late. Had a late walk-in at the clinic that I needed to take care of and lost track of time."

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:31 pm

A third? What the hell is going on back there?

It was time to check it out, she decided. And thus, giving the latest arrival a second or two to put some distance between them, she crept into the back room.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:34 pm

"No need to worry about it now, just get ready," she said, as she suited up herself.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:41 pm

Renetta listened at the door. Only a slight shuffling noise, then nothing. With a total of four people back there, there should be more noise than that. She slowly turned the doorknob, and pushed it open...

To find a break room. There was a television, a coffee table, a couch, a coffee machine, and a vending machine. No windows, no other exits, no stairs. However, there were no actual people in the room, which certainly couldn't be right.

Down in the pit, Samantha arrived just as Ryumi and Pamela were stepping out of the dressing room, outfitted in their one-piece skinsuits. Roldo, sitting at a large control console against a wall, swiveled his chair around.

"Samantha, get ready!" he said, his voice sounding quite imperative. "Pamela, Ryumi, get to the launchers! We have an older model cleaning boomer over in the mall in the early stages of going rogue!"

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:44 pm


Assuming Ryu and Sam would be following along shorty, Pamela hurried to the launchers.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:47 pm

Samantha made no effort to see the other two off. Instead, she hurried to get her street clothes off, and her skin suit on, and follow as closely behind the others as possible.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:48 pm

She'd heard of this sort of thing before. Never run into such, but heard of it. Those people had to have gone somewhere, and that meant there was a secret door somewhere. That was the only explanation for it.

So she began knocking on walls, hoping for one section would sound different from the rest.

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:14 pm

Ryumi nods, saying "Well, looks like I get a bit more payback..." before running, in her softsuit, to her hardsuit, hurrying to get it on and start with the launch procedure. Of course, she wasn't the first Knight Saber here, but she learned to QUICKLY get one's hardsuit on...which she was doing right then, securing and locking everything, helmet included on the purple and red suit...

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Re: Discussed with people beforehand!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:18 pm

Meanwhile, Pam was following suit (no pun intended), and finishing with her preparations. After securing her helmet, she was ready for action.

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:52 am

Renetta's searching began to pay off, to a degree. She failed to find any differences in the consistency of the walls -- indeed, they seemed to all be made out of decently thick concrete. However, she did notice that the vending machine was awfully close to the wall. In fact, it seemed that there was no gap at all between the wall and the contraption.

On the other hand, down in the pit, things were going as smoothly as usual. Skinsuits on, hardsuits on, batteries charged, ready to go. Stepping into the launch tube, target locked. The coordinates for their destination came into view on the ladies' displays. They heard a single familiar phrase.

"Knight Sabers...action."

The ride out of the tube was short, but exhilerating. Straight up, hundreds of miles per hour, they soared through the sky. They were nearly invisible to observers as they bounced from building to building, thrusters aiding each powerful leap. The scenery was beautiful from the vantage point they had, but they were moving far to quickly to appreciate it.

The threesome arrived at their destination. A nearby mall. over a dozen individual stores in it, each maintained and operated by a staff of boomers, and it just so happened that one seemed less than happy with it's condition. In fact, it seemed so unhappy that it had ceased cleaning up litter off the sidewalk, and insteal had absorbed a nearby automobile for the raw materials to double in size, and begin terrorizing the occupants of the place.

It stood in front of them, a fearsome sight. Ten feet tall, even when hunched over, with an upper body that would give the toughest body builders a cold chill. It also seemed to be chasing customers around with what appeared to be a super-powered vacuum cleaner, of all things. It seemed to be using it to do a good job of crushing random objects.

"PLEASE IGNORE ME, I AM HERE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE." it beamed, as pitiful humans fled from it in all directions.

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:39 am

I'm no expert, but I'll be damned if this isn't a sloppy job.

Four people went into the backroom and disappeared, and a little poking around revealed a mighty suspicious vending machine. It wouldn't take even the simplest of sorts to figure out where they went.

Guess they really don't expect anyone to come back here alone.

Her choices were clear. Either she could sit down and wait for everyone to walk out through the vending machine or she could try and open it herself. And as deliciously amusing as the former would be it also meant for certain that she'd be caught in the position of "knows too much," which more often than not meant something bad. Thus infiltration was the word of the hour and, seeing how there didn't seem to be a crowbar nearby to prise the machine open with, she resorted to the next best thing.

Hitting buttons randomly, and hoping for the best.

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Re: (Closed BGC RP, redux!) Things that go Bump

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:19 pm

Of course, the feeling of jumping around in that hardsuit and being launched, though still draining, was not new for Ryumi...That was the first boomer chasing people with a vacuum cleaner that she's seen, though. Ever.

...Never saw anything chase anyone seriously with a vacuum before. If it weren't a mad boomer, this would be amusing...

But, of course, to make the scene even MORE ridiculous, the mad boomer startes speaking babble about convenience. Totally out of place for an out-of-control, car-sized biomachine with a vacuum cleaner, it would seem. Ryumi snerked at the monstrosity..."Hah. Convenience my ass..." before triggering her hardsuit's anchor claws which dug into the ground, the built-in rifle flipping in-hand, as the Knight Saber in the purple and red hardsuit fired a shot to try and take out the boomer's core right then and there.


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