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The Great Nevareh

Re: The Finals Begin

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:17 pm

Zachary is outside of the door, tapping his foot as he awaits his roommates. It isn't really impatience that's making him do this, but a habit. He adjusts his circlet while he holds his book in one hand and balances himself against the wall with the other.


Re: The Finals Begin

Unread postby wkz » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:26 am

"Alright," Theodarus said, putting the paper of the torn scroll into their squarish pockets, "let's go then.."

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The Arena

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:49 pm

The four made their way to the arena door.

"I guess this is it." Kamome said, standing in the doorway. "Good luck, everyone. I hope that we can all live to see another day when it's al over."

And with that, they stepped inside. A huge, grey dome unfolded before them, with a large white circle in the center. There was a judges' area straight back against the north wall, which the comittee currently was.

Five figures. . .a middle-aged woman with an amazingly muscular body and a whip, a man with a blonde ponytail and spectacles, the bat-man, the succubus whom Theodarus had asked out to dinner, and finally, Momo, who was hovering in front of them all.

"Please make your way to the seats on either side!" Momo's squeaky voice somehow rose above the clamoring of the already-seated contestants. "The first round shall begin in five minutes."

"Let's go over there." Kamome said, walking along the sidelines of the massive white circle, and climbing onto a flimsy metal ladder that led to the suspended seating.

The seats looked like enhanced bleachers, not cold metal, but more like dark shaped plastic. Each seat had its own armrests, but they were more or less flat, with uncomfortable backs.

Kamome looked around, then, after a few moments, seemed to find what he was looking for. "Negi!" he shouted.

Negi was seated in the farthest row back, surrounded by Christopher, Ari, Zander, and Rall.

"How are you guys doing?" Negi said, scooting down to make room for Kamome and his three companions. "It looks like you all found a place to rest..."

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 1/27/05 18:49

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Arena

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:53 pm

"Nice to see you all made it. I'll be over here preserving my sanity if any of you need me."

Zachary then sits down and continues to read.

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Match #1

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Feb 02, 2005 11:21 am

"Welcome, all of you, to the final round of the tournament." the bat-man's voice boomed across the stadium. He could be seen from the bleachers, a small man like an action figure, making his way towards the white circle in the center. "There shall be no further talking. You have waited a long time for this. Now, we shall decide who recieves the key to the Space-Time Continuum. The rules are simple -- if you step foot on any ground outside of the circle, you lose. You can also lose by being killed. And those are the only rules." he grinned, staring around at stands. "And now, let us begin."

In the back of the arena, at the top, a huge black screen suddenly flashed white, and was then replaced with text:


Averyl and Kaytie, who had each been on the opposite side of the stands, made their way down to the white circle, each standing on an opposite side of it.

The bat man stood in the middle. "Match #1. . .BEGIN!" and with that, he leapt back.

Kaytie, a girl wearing a small t-shirt and suspender-shorts, with a young face and orange pigtails, looked at her opponent with a smile. "You look pretty strong~!" she said. "Let-'s-"

Suddenly, there was a flash of movement, and a vertical line of blood gushed from the girl's body. Averyl stood up behind her, flicking the blood off of his scythe and quickly moving off from the circle.

"Match #1. . ." the bat man declared. "Winner: Averyl."

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Ouch =[

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:29 pm

"...that was fast." Adarl thinks aloud, most likely sounding rather cold to the others. Though he did feel a small amount of pity for the young girl.

...It seems she made the same mistake I made... underestimating her opponent... the half drow thinks to himself, When the time comes... I suppose I must be ruthless as well, lest I end up like her.

...speaking of which...

Adarl glances around the arena a moment, trying to see if he can spot any zodiac members he recognizes. One in paticular, especially...

The Great Nevareh

Re: Ouch =[

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:30 pm

That's the man in black? Quick bugger, uses a scythe. How do I beat him? Maybe the next fight he's in will reveal something. This book is definitely the thing I needed to help clear up a few things. The Cohrenbee Paradox has never been so clear!

Even now, Zachary is still all over the place mentally. What a strange man.

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Match #2

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:04 pm

Adarl's eyes scanned the crowd, and he managed to see Saffron barely, on the other side, on the lowest pew to the ground. He was sitting slouched, his elbows on the knees of his spread legs, and his face pointed down. He was either sleeping, or depressed. Or maybe both. Winslow was close by, as was the woman who Adarl had seen earlier, with the strange dress and animal hairs. Adarl spotted another man, who looked similar to Kamome. He had the same skin tone, and the same hairstyle, although it had bright yellow streaks in it. He wore a slightly less flashy outfit than Kamome, one that was simply black, with yellow stripes scattered around it.

After Katyie's lifeless body was removed from the arena, the bat-man quickly moved on.

"MATCH #2: #2: Caradoc vs. Azusa!"

The two made their way to the stands.

Caradoc was a man with light-brown skin and a pastel purple outfit. He casted very high-level magic. This magic, however, took a long time to charge.

His opponent, Azusa, was a woman with long, black hair in a topknot. She was wearing a black-and-white samurai's outfit, and carried a katana at her side. She had a sort of raw beauty, and the little of her body that was visible through her unrevealing clothes seemed strong and smooth.

Caradoc smirked, closing his narrow eyes and beginning to chant. Within a few seconds, shards of ice began to appear in mid-air, zooming towards Azusa.

She jumped into the air, seemingly doing the unthinkable -- moving TOWARDS the attack itself. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and her katana was out, slicing in a clear arc and breaking the foremost icicle in two.

The next three came, and she parried each of them successfully, slashing through them and ending their advancement.

"Hmm. . ." Caradoc rubbed his thin chin. "Not bad, my beauty." The grin was still on his face. He chanted some more, and this time, a huge ball of flame appeared, launching itself towards the female samurai.

Due to its massive size and the speed at which it was going, there was no way the woman could slash through it.

Frowning, she held her katana straight in front of her like a lance, and dashed towards the flaming ball.

On the other side, the side that Adarl, Zachary, Theodarus, and Kamome couldsee, Caradoc grinned, awaiting his kill.

Suddenly, a smaller circle exploded through the center of the fireball, and Azusa came spinning out, her katana ablaze, still in front of her. She touched foot on the ground and began dashing towards Caradoc.

"I. . impossible!" he shouted. The flaming ball was now headed for the seats, and many people were making preparations to block it.

Azusa's sword came slashing down through Caradoc's body, causing the man to crumple to the ground in defeat. The fireball instantly dissapeared, a few inches before it would have made contact with the bleachers.

Azusa sheathed her sword, made a small bow to the corpse, and left.

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Re: Match #2

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:38 am

"...impressive..." Adarl comments of the woman's display of skills.

However, he still seems distracted at the sight of Saffron and company, glancing over every so often. The half-drow wonders what the man is thinking, including the swordsman's cohorts.

...are you upset? Or just meditating? I wish I could know somehow... Adarl thinks to himself.

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Re: Match #3

Unread postby Molokidan » Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:34 pm

Adarl continued to stare intensely at Saffron, waiting for a movement, or something that would signify how he felt.

As they prepared for the third match, however, Saffron finally moved his head up. His eyes immediately locked with Adarl, and a wide grin spread onto his face.

"Match #3 will now begin. . ." the bat man's voice boomed throughout the arena again. "Mephistoclessia vs. Omane."

Mephistoclessia, the woman Adarl had seen before, made her way to the stands, wearing the same black dress, which mushroomed out at the bottom, much in contrast to her tiny girdled waist. The veil was replaced upon her head, her long black hair spiraling out from behind it.

Her opponent, Omane, was a tall, fox-like creature, with long, pointy ears, a tail, and a body of reddish-brown fur. His face was cat-like and stern, and he had long, strong arms that came to the ground. His eyes, although animal-like, possessed a strange atmosphere of intelligence.

"Begin!" the bat-man shouted, moving backwards.

Mephistoclessia began to move forward to her opponent. "What amazing fur. . ." she cooed. "How lucky of me to meet you. I would perhaps like to skin you afterwards, you know."

Omane growled at this, his lips rising from his jaw, and bounded forward. He raised his arms, and suddenly, long silver nails sprouted from his paws, and began spinning like a buzzsaw.

Suddenly, he froze in his tracks. Literally. He was frozen mid-step in his jog, one foot outwards, the other on the ground, one arm raised, the other behind him gaining momentum. His head was arched upwards now, and his entire body seemed to be shivering a bit.

"I'll try not to harm your body." his opponent spoke softly, and suddenly, a stream of blood appeared in a circle from the beast's jawline. The top chunk of his head slid off from the body, which them crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

The crowd, their eyes now on Mephistoclessia, would have been able to see her make a few small finger movements, had they had good vision.

"Winner: Mephistoclessia." the bat man spoke, moving forward to remove the body from the stage.

"I have a request." The woman said, stepping in front of him. "I would like to take my kill back to the stands with me."

"Impossible." the bat man said. "That'd cause a huge commotion. I can't let you do that."

"Please." Mephistoclessia said, her voice sounding like an honest plea. "This fur is magnificent."

The bat man frowned, his eyes stern, as if easily piercing through her veil. "You can try." he spoke. "But I will stop you."

Mephistoclessia stood there a bit longer, and then finally stepped back, quickly exiting from the stage. The bat man's eyes followed her all the way back to her seat.

After the arena was cleaned, the bat man continued. "The next match will be Theodarus vs. Negi." he spoke. "Challengers, please make your way to the arena now."

(OOC: I'll contact Theo online for a good time when we can do this. Sit tight.)

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Re: Match #3

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:01 pm

" will be interesting to see how you 'talk' your way out of this one." Adarl comments to Theo, as the combatant leaves the group.

Then he glances over again, noticing Saffron's seemingly out of place grin back. He immediately breaks the gaze and looks toward the arena, visibly upset with something. Namely, himself.

He knows now... dammit... Adarl thinks to himself, Surely if we end up adversaries, he will try to use my feelings against me... or will he?

...dammit, I can't die here but... I don't know if I can bring myself to...


Adarl cups his hands together, resting his face into them and sighing. He still had much to think about. No matter how much he wish he didn't.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Match #3

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:40 pm

Zachary is, of course, not paying attention.


Re: Match #3

Unread postby wkz » Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:15 pm

"There are ways...." Theodarus said as he stood up for the match. "Trust me, there are ways...."

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Match #4

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:57 am

(OOC: Theo and I are working on setting up a date where we can both be online for a few hours at a time. Remember, we're in totally opposite time lines, so it's not exactly the easiest of circumstances...we'll get it though!)

Theodarus made his way down the steps to the arena, Negi following behind him.

". . ." There was a large, thick air of silence between the two. As they both set foot on the arena, Negi stepped next to Theodarus. ". . .I don't know what to say, Theodarus. I. . .I never expected it to turn this way. But just...promise me you won't hold back. Let's do this one in good spirits." Negi said, his eyes lit and friendly behind his mask. He held out a hand to Theodarus. "Just promise me that."


Re: Match #4

Unread postby wkz » Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:53 am

Theodarus eyed that hand warily for an uncomfortable moment, then looked at Negi straight in the eye. Don't hold back eh? he thought, as he grabbed the hand of a friend, assuming a somwhat casual stance with the other hand in his pockets. "Agreed." he said in a very formal tone "You do the same too, please." as he gave the hands a curt, firm shake.

"Now that we've stuffed all the guilty feelings about hitting friends down a deep hole," he continued on, showing a big grin, while glancing at the judge a bit (and knowing someone knows how false the shown feelings are), "let us beat each other to pulp..."

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 2/14/05 5:03

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Theodarus vs. Negi: A Promise Between Men!

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:22 pm

Negi's squinted his eyes sagely, and then moved to his side of the arena, his torn rags flowing with his movements.

"The fourth match. . ." the bat man said, giving Theodarus a good, long, look before turning to Negi. "Theodarus vs. Negi, shall now...BEGIN!"

"One night was more than enough for me to regain my energy!" Negi shouted, his muscled four arms popping out from his robes, each carrying its own saber. "Engarde, Theodarus!" And with that, he began dashing towards Theo, hoping to reach his target before he had a chance to act.


Re: Theodarus vs. Negi: A Promise Between Men!

Unread postby wkz » Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:39 pm

Well, that was quick. He knows my weak points after all... Theodarus thought as he pulled his left hand out of his pocket, Even with the bit of charging I did while shaking hands, its not enough...

Reaching into his clothes for his other weapon (the writing pad), he looked at the audience behing the charging four-armed man. "Have to make a good first impression, for the later fights..." he whispered, then attacked.

Or not.

Because the only other thing he did is to hold his brush in one hand, the pad in the other, and spread his hands apart, facing outwards. The posture does not look like any attack or defensive posture at all. In fact, it looked like an open invatation for the still-charging Negi to attack.

Or is it?

(Theodarus is still charging his brush for his Words)

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Re: Theodarus vs. Negi: A Promise Between Men!

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:50 am

"You'd better get out of the way, Theo!" Negi shouted. "You know that you can't trick me with that!"

Negi, reaching close proxminity of Theo, then proceeded to jump in mid-stride and leap towards Theo, his sabers outstretched.

He looked a bit worried on his face, as if he was truly expecting Theodarus to jump out of the way. Nevertheless, it was too late to turn back now...


Bad Boiz,bad Boy~~What 'ya gonna do? What 'ye gonna do...

Unread postby wkz » Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:23 am

I guess I didn't buy a lot of time... Thodarus thought Then again, Plans B to D all have the better chances for a faster win

With that, he stepped towards the blades, spinning his body counter-clockwise at the same time. The sharpened wordpad gained momentum as it passed in front of Theodarus, to his left and orbited behind, in an arc that would hit Negi from the robed figure's right if allowed to continue.

So, what are you going to do now? Theo thought, keeping a sharp eye out for any change in Negi's forward movement...

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Negi's Secret

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:06 am

"---ngh!" Negi's eyes followed Theodarus's movement with surprise, and watched the drawing pad come towards his open side like a dagger. Suddenly, in a flash, out from the place where the drawing pad would have hit, an arm came shooting out from the rags, grabbing onto the pad, which nearly chopped the entire hand off itself. As it bled all over Theodarus's instrument, Negi allowed himself to continue his leap, this time OVER Theodarus, trying to keep his momentum to wrench Theodarus's weapon out of his hand, before Negi's new fifth hand became severed.


Theo's game-plan

Unread postby wkz » Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:23 am

So Negi, you have a few tricks yourself. Theodarus thought to himself as he adjusted his posture to account for the new limb. Then again, all the close-fighter types always seem to notice the sharp pad rather than the soft pen, alway forgetting that "the pen is mightier than the sword" appiles ESPECIALLY to me (:D)

With that thought, he stopped his spin as Negi passed overhead, this time thrusting his convinently close-by left hand towards the unprotected back. With a few deft strokes, he attempted to write a word, one that will win the match...

(Theodarus attempts to write a Word of Power:"Agree". Thoughts in his head says: "Agree with me on what I say"
Also: in the interest of hastening up the match, this is what he will do if he successfully wrote that word. If unsuccessful, I'll just delete the following and re-post.)

Now for the clincher Theodarus thought as he hastily added distance between the two. "Negi!" he shouted as loud as he could, "Step out of the ring!!"

(Theodarus uses Binding Agreement on the words "Step out of the ring!!". With the earlier Word of Power he used, Negi have to agree, and that means he'll be binded to the Agreement, and do what it says.)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 2/17/05 1:40

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Re: Theo's game-plan

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:06 am

"Hmmm...." Negi landed on the ground, his back having been marked by Theodarus, and now hearing Theodarus's triumphant yell, that could possibly end the battle right here.

"I will step out of the ring." Negi said, not being able to hold his legs back from moving. "However. . .you seemed to have underestimated me, Theodarus!"

Suddenly, from about where Negi's shoulderblades appeared, two arms shot out. Out of those two arms, two extra arms appeared, and out of those, two more, rapidly, until they had wrenched themselves around Theodarus. Like a giant rope, they hoisted Theodarus about six feet over Negi's head, getting ready to toss him out, in the hopes that he would touch the ground before Negi himself did.

"I don't mind stepping out of the ring..." Negi smirked. "As long as you hit it first!" Negi himself only had three more steps to go. Would Theodarus be able to think of something in time?


Re: Theo's game-plan

Unread postby wkz » Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:42 am

What the .... he had more than a few "somethings" in his sleeves!! Theodarus thought as he was hoisted up by the multiple limbs. He struggled against them, although with the number of them wrapped around him, it was unsuccessful.

Three more steps... this is going to be close Theodarus thought as he pumped as much charge into his brush as he could, while he prepared for the inevitable throw...

(Theodarus charges his brush. Note that he expects to do something when he's thrown...)

The Great Nevareh

Re: Theo's game-plan

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:49 am

See Zachary. See Zachary read. Read, Zachary, read!

He continues to stare at his book without giving any outward signs of interest.

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Re: Theo's game-plan

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:44 pm

Theodarus began to charge his brush, and as Negi took his next step, he threw Theodarus. The huge column of arms threw Theodarus at an amazing speed down towards the ground, and as he fell, he saw Negi take his next to last step out of the ring. It was going to be so close....


Re: Theo's game-plan

Unread postby wkz » Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:00 am

Alright, here goes Theodarus thought. Once the arms released him in the act of throwing, he put his writing pad under his feet, and wrote a word onto it:"Float". Hope this works...

(Theodarus wrote a Word of Power. You could guess the effect, although with a minimal charge, it would not float in the air for long...
Just hopefully enough for Negi to take his last step out of the ring)

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Round #4: End

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:00 am

Theodarus stuck the bloodstained writing pad under his feet, closed his eyes, and just hoped that it would work.

Suddenly, as he was falling towards the hard floor of the arena. . .he noticed that he had stopped falling. Entirely, in fact.

"Woah." It was Negi's voice. He was currently standing with both feet outside of the ring, his head almost parallel with Theodarus's own. The writing pad was miraculously floating, just a few inches up from the bottom of the arena floor. The two men stared at each other for a few seconds, and then suddenly, Theodarus's writing pad fell to the ground with a soft clunk, and Theodarus went with it.

"Heh. . ." Negi scratched the back of his head wearily, sitting down on the edge of the arena. The arms he had materialized were all gone now, save for the one on the back of his head. "You really impress me, Theodarus. Congratulations."

"The winner of this match. . ." the bat man's voice suddenly cut the moment between them. "is Theodarus! Congratulations for being the winner of this round's first non-deathmatch! Both of you had an excellent fight."

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Re: Round #4: End

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:51 am

Adarl just stared for a moment at the arena, the announcer's words ringing in his mind.

this round's first non-deathmatch....

this round's first non-deathmatch.... does not have to be to the death...

Unable to help himself, he passed another glance over at Saffron, then back to the arena.

...or does it? Do I honestly think he would settle for that... after all that has happened? Should I even CARE at this point...?

Sick of the non-stop internal monologue for the moment, he takes note of Zachary's inattention to the match.

"...I would think you would be paying more attention, given the circumstances." Adarl mentions to the man.


Re: Round #4: End

Unread postby wkz » Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:16 pm

"Guess we both look like a bloody mess" Theodarus grinned in reference to his earlier statement. ("lets beat each other to a bloody pulp"). He stood up, brushed off the dust and extended his hands for a firm handshake.

"Hope to see you alive after this entire mess... laters" he said as he turned around, walking back into the audience stands.

And on the way up, he kept looking around for his next opponent. Her name's Mephistoclessia, issit? Hmmm...

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 2/23/05 21:19

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Rounds #5-9

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:15 am

The next few battles went smoothly. The fifth round was Fwupo vs. Ginn, and the hearty moogle easily disabled his ringblade-wielding opponent with quickness and finesse. The next round was Babuza, a heavyweight indian, vs. Ari, the man wearing the potato sack-like outfit with a blonde afro who hung out with Negi's group. In an impressive display of skill, Ari managed to use his opponent's girth against him, and flipped him out of the ring. The seventh battle was Cable, a man wearing silver and purple armor carrying a long spear, vs Levine, a man with short green hair and pale skin. The two men had a duel, Levine using two short daggers, and Cable using his long spear. Obviously, it had been Cable who had offered the proposition, and the crowd was surprised to see Levine accept it, despite his lack of range. During the fight, however, Levine had somehow greatly increased the size of his tongue, which had sped out of his mouth, wrapped it around Cable's spear and quickly disarmed him. Suddenly feeling discouraged, Cable had then forfeited the match.

It seemed as if Theodarus had set a precent for non-lethal matches. Everyone following his match so far had not died, unlike the first 3 bloody ones.

Then...Winslow's turn came. He came sauntering onto the platform, his two scythes buckled at his side, to face his opponent, Seraphine, a tall woman in light blue robes. They greeted each other, and then Winslow immediately went on the offensive, tossing his scythes. Suddenly, Seraphine began spinning, producing a small tornado, which deflected Winslow's scythes in a flash.

Winslow smirked. "Well, I'll have to go to Plan B..." he muttered, dashing up to catch his deflected scythes. One came in his hand quickly, drawing blood across his palm as he caught it a bit clumsily. He looked at the wound, his pupils dilating and his face contorting into a mask of anger, and then ran into the tornado.

Not much was seen after that, as the two were spinning at an amazing speed. Then, as quickly as Seraphine had begun, she stopped, collapsing to the ground in a bloody heap. Winslow stood above her, his clear white teeth glinting in the light.

After the preparations were finished, the bat man quickly announced the next match. "Zachary vs. Christopher! Please make your way to the arena."

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Re: Rounds #5-9

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:46 pm

Adarl was somewhat surprised at the lack of bloodshed in several matches. It seemed there were others who wished to avoid spilling blood as well, when possible. Still, it did nothing to ease the doubt in his mind over the inevitable match to come.

So he simply looked on for Zachary's match, and attempted some talk with Theodarus to take his mind off things.

"I must admit, given our experiences thus far, I am surprised these matches were not to the death." the half drow comments.


Re: Rounds #5-9

Unread postby wkz » Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:37 pm

"Well, it suits my purposes," Theodarus replied, surprised that the downcast-looking swordsman would start a conversation with him. "Killing friends, even if you only knew them for the duration of this competition, is a hard thing for some people to do..."

"But you are correct," he continued, " This sudden option away from the bloodiness of the earlier rounds is surprising. It would be best if you be careful, and win. I think the committee have something up their sleeves, especially in regards to the people who lost..."

With that, he turned to his other side, and nudged a bookworm, "Hey, Zachary! It's your turn!"

(OCC: *Nudge*nudge* :D )

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Re: Rounds #5-9

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:59 am

(OOC: Yes....Nevareh is sick or something....this will get finished eventually. I need to contact him soon to see if he wants to continue or what...)

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Re: Rounds #5-9

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:43 am

"I'm inclined to agree, to have so many talented warriors here for a competition cannot simply be for 'a great reward'." Adarl responds, "The question is... will we know their true purpose before it is too late..."


Re: Rounds #5-9

Unread postby wkz » Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:48 am

"Well," Theodarus replied, "As my Mother used to say, 'you can only tell where the shit flies after it is thrown' ". We'll have to keep our wits with us, but we should stop tearing our hairs out trying to think with too little facts..."

"Oh, and another question: do you know anything about Mephisto... er.... Mephsless ... ... ah, Mephistoclessia? When she can slice her opponent's head off with just a few finger movements, I'll need all the help I can get...."

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FF Fanatic 80
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Woo for not helping x.x;

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:40 am

"...truthfully, I know as much as you." Adarl tells him, "I only caught the barest glimpse of her abilities. They seem to involve thread of some kind, but that is all I know."


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