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Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:36 pm
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
The tale now recounted by myself, Danaril the Sage, began with the heroes taking their ease in The Lookout, a bar in Andar’s capital city of the same name that belonged to the Adventurer’s Guild. They were all alone in the establishment this night, a fact which had pushed them together for cameraderie. Having made their introductions and drank a few rounds together, they were interrupted by the arrival of Guildmaster Thendle, the same man that had accepted their applications to the guild not so long ago. With him was a middle-aged, dark-haired, and slightly portly man in wizardly robes.

The Guildmaster looked around and then pointed out the group, taking his leave as the other man proceeded to join them at their table.

‘I am Gordrenn, purveyor of magical paraphernalia, material necessities, and related items to many wizards of note.’ He said, in a somewhat pompous tone. ‘And you have been recommended to me for a job of some urgency.’

The mage explained that he had to deliver a chest of material components to a wizard named Tauster, who lived in the village of Thurmaster in a small region of Andar known as Haranshire, to the South-East. His usual couriers had left his employ due to “professional differences”, and that no freelance couriers of a professional nature could be hired within such short notice.

‘I am rather desperate to have the goods delivered.’ Gordrenn admitted. ‘The contents are nothing terribly expensive or important, but Tauster gets very huffy if my deliveries are even a day late. I can offer you 150 gold pieces to split between you, such is my need. How does that strike you?’

Dayum, you must really want to get going. o_o;

Unread postPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:56 pm
by GC130A
(Okay, so it's the city of Andar in the country of Andar and the bar is The Lookout and it belongs to the ADV guild. Got it.)

Over the course of the evening, Nelson had naturally been the boisterous one. Setting aside his travelling cloak, he had been the first to start up every song and dance when the opportunity presented itself. Should any of the group lacked tact or simply been honest, ten to one they would've told him never to sing or dance again. This polite request would've been met with a laugh and a hearty pat on the back. Followed by resuming whatever drinking song he was previously singing.

But this, this was business. A hundred-fifty? There had to be something exceptional in that, for a routine courier job. Still, money was money. Nelson crossed his arms.

"Fine, but yer payin' up front. An' givin' ten more fer travel expense."

He looked back to his other drinking mates, who more than likely would end up his companions for this journey. Quirking an eyebrow, he continued, "Any problems with that?"

Edited by: [url=>GC130A</A] at: 8/23/04 5:59 pm


Unread postPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:25 pm
by The Great Nevareh
"Now, now, my newfound friend. The evils of alcohol are preventing you from policing your behavior."

The young man who says this turns his bright smile upon the newcomer, his clothes that of a traveler but his countenance that of a priest. Before him is a glass of milk, since unlike his compatriots he does not believe in imbibing drink. As he speaks, his voice is smooth and soft.

"Sir, I apologize for my compatriot's behavior, but I do agree with his motives. In a world such as we live in, it is not safe to assume that all will turn out as planned. And Haranshire is far enough away to warrant a small budget for traveling expenses. I understand, sir, what someone being 'huffy' at you is like, so a budget for speedy travel is all the more welcome."

This young man's eyes are bright and his face sincere. What he's doing in a bar with people like these is anyone's guess. Or why he's even part of an adventurer's guild, for that matter. He looks more like a member of a city's cleregy than an armor-toting, mace-wielding cleric-adventurer.

Edited by: The Great Nevareh&nbsp; Image at: 8/23/04 9:29 pm

Oh dear.

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 1:53 am
by SALSAlys
The smallest member of the party was seated directly on the table, cross-legged and with a small mug of fruit juice. The young halfling was rather slimmer than the usual members of her race, and with dark, curling hair tightly bound back into a tail. A light dusting of freckles played across her cheeks and snub nose.

"What's the time that your Tauster's expecting the goods anyways?" Devra asked in a slightly husky voice. Though still rather high, her voice was lower than would have been expected for someone her size. That she could speak at all might have surprised some of the less attentive members of the group, as she had been rather withdrawn for most of that evening, simply sitting and drinking rather than engaging in conversation, eyes flicking about warily.

Re: Oh dear.

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:20 am
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
'It is evening, so... you would have precisely a week from now to get the goods to my client. A journey possible if you start out at dawn tomorrow, should you pace yourselves correctly.' Gordrenn replied. 'I can pay you now, and I agree to your expenses, but you understand of course that this was business brought to you by your guild, and should you try to swindle me in any way, or otherwise abuse my trust in your honour and integrity, I shall be obliged to report your misconduct to the guild and furthermore the watchmen of this city. And if you fail to complete the task to my satisfaction I shall expect at least partial reimbursement.'

The mage pulled a scroll-case from within his robes and from within brought a rolled up document.

'This shall serve as our contract, which I had written up earlier in concert with one of your guild scribes. You may check the details if you want, but I assure you it is legitimate. I shall need your signatures, and also a look at your guild papers.'

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit at: 8/24/04 12:00 pm

Re: Oh dear.

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:48 am
by JoshuaDurron
Elias shifted in his seat, setting the mug of ale he had held in one hand for most of the night to one side, and scooted his chair slightly closer to the table. He had found it necessary to sit a little farther away than the rest, in the interest of their good comfort. Now, however, there was buisness at hand, and comfort took a back seat.

"If I may ask, what, specifically, are the goods?" Force of nature caused him to end his sentence by flicking his tounge out of his mouth, but he hastily drew it back in, adjusting his cloak over his shoulders as he did so. While it kept prying eyes away from his bare arms and their tatoos, it did little to hide his obviously inhuman heritage. Most likely, it was just a nervous gesture.

Re: Oh dear.

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:08 pm
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
'The contents most certainly aren't your business, but as I said, they are minor components and magical paraphernalia, as is my business.' Gordrenn replied to the tiefling, seemingly unperturbed by his nature. Then again, he was a mage, and had likely seen things far, far worse.

'Now would be a prudent time to add that there are enchantments on the chest you will be delivering.' He continued warningly. 'Do not even think to tamper with it - I will know if you do.'

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit at: 8/24/04 12:15 pm


Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:10 pm
by Vampire Jester Jinx
Simethal was perched near the halfling, as creatures of that stature rather amused her. She watched the man give his spill from over the rim of her mug of ale.

Her hand wandered into her small (and quite empty) backpack, and procured her papers without breaking her study of the man buying their services.

Setting down her mug of ale, she stood, and with the slightest courtly bow of her head, acknowledged the man, and laid her papers before him.

When she turned her back to him however to return to the table to sit with her companions, she rolled her eyes and shot them a halfbaked grin to show what she thought of his general attitude.

A strange bit of behaviour to be sure from one easily recognizable as an elf from a respectable ranking family. She sits back down, and begins to inspect her beloved rapier, to make sure all was in order, for the impending trip.

So it does!

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:26 pm
by SALSAlys
Devra shrugged slightly, an eyebrow quirking itself at Simethal's grin. A slight twitch about her mouth might have been the start of an answering grin, but she maintained her composure.

"Got m'papers, then," the halfling said, pulling them from her pack and nudging them over.

Let's see here...

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:16 pm
by The Great Nevareh
"My papers are... let's see here..."

Justin begins to pat himself down, as though he's not quite sure where he kept them. As he searches through his pockets, he removes a variety of things ranging from trinkets to a pamphlet emphasizing the glories of Ansan. Eventually, he pulls out a small folded square of paper that he unfolds to reveal his papers.

"There we go. Oh, by the way, I don't suppose I could interest anyone in an... informational pamphlet?" Justin gestures to the pamphlet he pulled out, written in bright colors and beaming religious happiness and contentment. It almost feels like he was waiting for the point in time where everyone would be at their least reasonable with drink to ask.

Edited by: The Great Nevareh&nbsp; Image at: 8/24/04 3:04 pm

Re: Let's see here...

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:21 pm
by JoshuaDurron
Elias noticably flinched at the sight of Justin's pamphlet, as if the sight of it pained his eyes. He fished around in his cloak for a moment, patting past his axe holsters down to his pockets. Eventually, he pulled out some crumpled looking papers, identifying himself as a member of the local guild, and tossed them casually onto the table. He then folded his arms across his chest and flashed his teeth in a lightning quick grin in response to the elf, taking his drink up again and saying, "Why not? I'm in."

Re: Re: Let's see here....

Unread postPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:22 am
by GC130A
Nelson ignored Justin's petty pamphlets, instead producing his own papers. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance that the others were talking of things that were already tacitly understood. Especially his employer.

Re: Re: Let's see here....

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:56 pm
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
Gordrenn examined the papers he had already received.

'These all seem to be in order. Will you be in on this, sir?' He was of course speaking to Jarvin.

'Oh, and if you could all sign here, below mine...'

He rolled out the contract and took a couple of their mugs to hold it open, drawing a quill and a bottle of ink from within his robes - which seemed to have an almost magical capacity for concealing items within their folds - and placing them by the scroll.


Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:10 pm
by SALSAlys
Devra politely ignored the pamphlets as well, instead nudging herself over to the quill and ink. As they were rather large for her, she handled the quill a bit awkwardly, but made a legible, neatly written signature, though it was somewhat blocky.

Re: Hm.

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:46 am
by Vampire Jester Jinx
Sim gave a wink (in hopes of giving cheer) to the poor cleric, whoes awkward invitation was being brushed aside. So she took a pamplet and folded it and placed it inside her coat.

It could always be used for toilet paper later on.

She then reached foreward and took the paper and pen, and in elegant flowing script wrote out her full elven name, and family name, and then handed it to the person on her right.

And me....

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:36 am
by The Great Nevareh
Justin does not seem the least bit miffed in any way. He The fact that he is being blatantly ignored and brushed aside doesn't seem to bother him, or even register with him. When the quill comes around to him, he examines the contract, thinks about a few things, and then passes the quill pen and the ink to the next person without signing the contract.

"I apologize, but I cannot bring myself to sign this. It contains clauses that might be used to ask me to place something before my holy work, and that is not possible for me. I will still happily accompany the party, and if not signing means I do not have entitlement to payment for services rendered, so be it. I once again state that I cannot sign this document. Is that all right?"

He seems perfectly serene, as though the matter of money is of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. He also doesn't seem to think he's making that great of a request.

Re: And me....

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 4:26 am
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
'You must sign the contract' Gordrenn replied, 'else you won't be able to join the group. Where there are no grounds for trust, there will be none. However, I do not see how delivering my package can prevent you from pursuing your holy work... the people of Haranshire are simple, and many are unlikely to have settled on a faith. It is my opinion that you would be doing your church a favour to travel there.'

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:29 pm
by GC130A
Nelson smiled, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head.

"Y'see, friend, ye knows our boss. Ye have yer info straight an' ye seen our papers, so ye knows who we are, prolly where we been an' where we live. If ye got the gold ter pay so much so yer client dun get 'huffy', ye got the gold ter take us down if we cross ye. Ye've them enchantments ter tell ye if we mess with yer cargo.

Us? We got all th' time in the world an' th' state 'o bein' fer hire. Yer holdin' all the chips, lad. Ye kin trust us, coz we dun have a choice but t'be trustworthy."

He waved his hand at the contract. "That thin' ain't needed. Fear 'o gettin' caught'll make a man shoot square with ye more'n any piece 'o paper."

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 4:07 pm
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
The mage sighed. One of those sighs that are only reserved for people they think are fools - specifically fools attempting to be clever.

'You are, it may surprise you to know, wrong. Firstly, the Adventurer's Guild nor any of its members are your "boss". Secondly, without your signatures I have no solid evidence that you have in fact agreed to take on my assignment. Kindly sign where I indicated.'

Justin Rambleth Again!

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 2:06 am
by The Great Nevareh
Justin seems slightly bemused.
"If Haranshire is indeed a place as you say, then I should find myself going there anyway. I will sign. However, I fear that some clause in this contract might be used to force me away from Ansan." Justin then takes the quill and writes illegibly. It could be Common, Dwarvish, or perhaps even a very, very bad Elven, but if you squint just right it might say "F. C. Justin Sezuro, Church of Ansan."
Or it could be something dirty.
Justin, of course, doesn't appear to notice anyone wondering what kind of chicken scratch his signature is.

Re: Justin Rambleth Again!

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 2:46 am
by SALSAlys
Devra simply sighed, almost cuddling her mug of juice against herself as she sipped from it. Despite her vague annoyance with Justin, she admired his devotion to Ansan.

"With your dedication, I doubt much could push you away from your god," she commented softly, gazing into the depths of her mug.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:06 am
by Lord McBastard
Jarvin Highcrown, son of Delray Dawnforge, squire of the late Anera Swordjoy, choosen of Ansan the Overseer, lifted his head from the puddle of wine his hair had been soaking in. He blinked six or seven times at the Guildmaster in attempts to clear the blurriness out of them. "Why did I think leaving my head in a pool of bad wine would help me get a better insight on my 'companions' here?" was the first thing that came to his head, followed by "How much did he say he was paying again?", then he finally settled on a question of actual relevance.

"I ashume you'll be providin' us shome kin'of manifesht, as ta what's in the chesht? Don't want to get jere an fi'nd out you forgit shometing" he said as the cheap red wine dripped down his face and onto his shoulders. His words rolled out in an almost cliched style of drunkedness, but the sway of his head and the way his eyes weren't quite focusing properly added greatly to the illusion.

His hands awkwardly pawed through the various pockets on his vest until he produced a somewhat slightly wine stained piece of paper proclaiming him a member of the Adventurers Guild, how he had gotten it wine stained in the short time he had had it is a mystery. He had kept most of the facts about his life away from the people he was about, what he had brought forward was the fact he was a squire to a hedge knight and he possessed some martial prowess. This was probably the best course of action, at this point. He got an unesy feeling about this group, the fact they felt the need to wear weapons while they were drinking disturbed him somewhat, his were laying in his room along with his armour. The one with the forked tounge was of particular worry to him, he had encountered all manner of strange people travelling with Anera, but anyone who felt the need to carry that many axes and took such great lengths to hide his demi-human nature was something to take notice of. Not to mention whenever Jarvin focused inently in his direction he got an uneasy feeling almost like he could sense a sense of evil eminating from him.

He was suddenly reminded of a story he had heard from his former master, she had said true champions of good could sense evil around them. And Jarvi had been recently Called, perhaps this was his powers begining to manifest? He reminded himself again to keep a close eye on this one calling himself Elias.

(OOC: That probably came out longwinded, apologies it's late. I have no idea how Blaze wants to work in skill checks and so forth but I rolled a 16 on a bluff check for the whole pretending to be drunk thing, putting the total at 25, though it's possible that rolling wasn't needed, but...whatever)

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:27 am
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
Gordrenn examined Jarvin's papers.

'I hope you'll be sobering up before I entrust my chest into your care, Mr. Highcrown. As for such a list, there is one within the chest, but I assure you that I have forgotten nothing. Oh, and once again...'

The mage pushed both his contract and quill in the paladin's direction.

'Your signature, please.'

[GM's note: Okay. In future, tell me which skill you intend to use and what exactly the character intends to do in brackets, and I'll establish what actually happens in my next post. If you don't want the other palyers to know what your character is doing for any reason, contact me via IM or ezmail instead.]

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:12 pm
by Lord McBastard
Jarvin smiled his his best shitfaced grin and took the quill, dripping ink across the contract. With a seemingly unpracticed hand he scrawled something resembling a J with a ragged drawing of a crown above it. "How eg'jacktly are we moving jhish chesht? I don' wanto lug eighty pounds of shtuff fer a week" he slurred.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:48 am
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
'It weighs closer to twenty, in fact.' Replied Gordrenn. 'And the means of transport is entirely in your hands. Now if you'll excuse me I will just go and get my apprentice to bring it to you. He will also pay you.'

And so saying, he quicky turned his back on the group and left the bar.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:39 am
by SALSAlys
Devra quirked an eyebrow slightly upwards, and gave a slight shrug. She glanced at Jarvin with a hint of distaste, though it would have been evident only to one who was watching her eyes carefully.

Finishing her mug, she set it aside, then curled her knees to her chest, hugging them as she sat on the table.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 8/31/04 7:19 pm

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:42 pm
by The Great Nevareh
Justin, who by all rights should be reproving the paladin for his apparent excess, doesn't seem to notice Jarvin's drunkenness even though he's supposed to be a holy champion of the god that Justin reveres.

Instead, he seems to be quite pleased about... something. What he is pleased with and why he's pleased aren't obvious, or even subtle. He might be pleased about absolutely nothing, just being pleased for the pleasure of pleasantness.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:05 pm
by JoshuaDurron
Elias moved to the table and reached down to sign the contract once Jarvin was finished with it, leaning quite close to the paladin (which, since he had little experience in "civilized" life, he failed to recognize as one) as he signed his name onto it. He then rocked back in his chair and kicked his feat onto a nearby table (not the one everyone else was sitting at.) "Seems like a stuffy fellow." He commented to no one in particular.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:32 pm
by SALSAlys
Devra gave a slight shrug.

"He doesn't know us, we don't know him. Not well, anyway. Loosens up with time, I bet," she said briefly, tucking her chin on top of her knees.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:59 pm
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
A spindly lad, obviously Gordrenn's apprentice, walked in with the chest. It was of good quality build, with dimensions of 12" by 18" by 18". Putting it down on the table, he put with it a large coin pouch, presumably containing all the money that had been agreed upon - It made a satisfying clink as it touched the table's surface.

After locating the contract and picking it up, he grinned apologetically.

'The master forgot to say goodbye.'

His grin turned mischievous, but before he could say anything else a call from Gordrenn had him hurrying out again.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:17 pm
by SALSAlys
Devra chuckled softly, and gave a brief wave of her fingers at the apprentice, though she doubted that he had noticed. She then idly opened the bag, sifting out coins as she looked at the chest.

"So. How're we going to make our way? I'm not built t'carry the bloody thing."

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:40 am
by Lord McBastard
"Welp" slurred Jarvin, still playing to the drunken angle "We cou' buy a mool, shtupid ugly brutesh they 're, but they can haul a load" he nodded to himself, drops of wine splattering across the table and anyone too close.

Re: Night Below: The Evils of Haranshire

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:33 am
by JoshuaDurron
"Why buy one when it looks like we have one right here?" A slight smirk was working it's way across Elias' face as he made the comment, and it probably wasn't very hard to figure out who he was refering to.

Night Below

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:42 am
by SALSAlys
Devra simply rolled her eyes.

"We can just find some handler for one," she said, blithely ignoring Elias' comment. "It's good enough. Don't know 'bout the rest of you big'uns, but I travel light."

Re: Night Below

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:29 pm
by The Great Nevareh
"I always travel with the necessities for performing the rites and duties of a Disciple of Ansan. I am sorry, but I do not think I can be of assistance in carrying this case."
Justin, while saying this, sighs slightly.

He actually seems genuinely sorry about not being able to help lug the chest across the country.

Re: Night Below

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:49 pm
by Vampire Jester Jinx
Sim stood after sitting silently during all this, and ran her fingers over her clothes, straightening out a few wrinkles out of her elegant but functional travelling garb.

"If it is such an outrageous burden, I'll carry it, no need in using what funds we receive for a pathetic two bit beasty. "

The lady elf could not believe how incredibly lazy and argumentative her soon to be travelling companions were turning out to be. She thought to herself, that it was rather silly to have contracted so many layabouts.

Re: Night Below

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:17 pm
by JoshuaDurron
Elias stepped forward to the table for a moment. "I'm sure the stronger of us can all manage take turns, provided that the wizard's spell components aren't made of lead, or some such." He reached out and hefted the chest for a moment, to see just how much it weighed.

Re: Night Below

Unread postPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:04 am
by Blaze Yamato Spirit
As Gordrenn had previously mentioned, the chest felt as thought it weighed around twenty pounds.

Re: Night Below

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:44 am
by Lord McBastard
Jarvin shrugged an uncaring shrug. "I shink we should ge' a mule, bu' if you wanta carry it....." Jarvin laid his head back on the table and closed his eyes.

Carry a twenty pound chest for a week? Stupidity. If they got attacked, which seemed likely enough with the roads in the condition they were and the fact a wizard needed six armed adventurers to escort one chest, the might have to drop that chest in a hurry to get at weapons, dropping a chest filled with magicians goods.....well it didn't seem like a good idea, no matter how you cut it.

Re: Night Below

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:16 pm
by SALSAlys
Devra sighed.

"We c'n get a mule for cheap, and the animal can carry some other things as well. No sense in us gettin' tired, 'specially if it turns out we need t'handle something coming up."

Either way, SHE wasn't going to be carrying it, considering the chest was beyond what she could easily handle.

"We can just get it, like she said, and then head out tomorrow. Figure we can be ready by then."