Rise Of The Survivors (Post-Semi-Apocalyptic RP)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.
Captain Kyth

Rise Of The Survivors (Post-Semi-Apocalyptic RP)

Unread postby Captain Kyth » Sun May 23, 2004 4:36 pm

Rise of the Survivors
The Bomb annihilated all but 3,000 of Earth's Humans. The surviving 3,000 had been handpicked to survive.
The shelter, located under London had supplies for all 3,000, as well as satellite uplinks, etc. etc.

Eventually, Machines developed sentience. After a long period, a Master Computer "evolved", and united the Machines, in an effort to find their masters. Not to kill. But to help. For once, the Machines were not turning against their creators. The mechanicals had evolved emotions. They saw what had happened. Age old video cameras were accessed, showing the unfortunate "victims" being turned into naught but dust. They felt sorry for their masters, and vague records that had not been deleted indicated that a group of humans were still alive, somewhere on the world.

The Machines obtained access to the civilian satellite networks and used them to scan for the humans to no avail, for the Bunker was protected. The Humans still had the military satellites. They rarely used them, as the radio signals would give their positions away.

Eventually the Machines colonized other worlds and terraformed them into ideal locations for their masters to live should they return. Each planet was assigned a Master Computer by the Overmind. (The Most Powerful And Complex Computer, EVER)

Unfortunately, Mar's MC thought that Earth's MC was keeping the humans hidden, and had found them. The two began all out warfare over controversies and rumours. Eventually, when the EMPF (Earth Machinoid Peacekeeping Force) was struck a deadly blow by the MARS (Mars Assualt Regimental Soldiers) when the MARS developed a piece of weaponry that could change the alliegance of any Machine the user chose.

As the EMPF were pushed further and further back, closer to home, the dormant Military Satellites, owned by the ESF (Earth Survival Force) reactivated and opened fire upon the MARS assualt ships. The EMPF were astounded that such seemingly outdated equipment could be so deadly. The ESF contacted the EMPF and they forged an alliance. The EMPF would provide the supplies the ESF needed to rebuild London's populace and transport systems, whilst the ESF would use their Military Satellites to fend off MARS attacks.

The ESF flourished and after only a few years, the human population was estimated at 30,000. Not many, but ten times that of their original headcount. The EMPF also took DNA samples from test labs and produced an army of mindless super soldiers, named the "Legionators". Over time, and prolonged failure to adapt the alliegance changing device (aka the "Judas Device") forced MARS to capture a Legionator. After extensive reengineering, the "Brute" was produced. Twice the size of the Legionators, Brutes were big, bad, slow, and heavily armed. Legionators might have outnumbered Brutes, but Brutes outgunned Legionators. Neither army could win again.

Eventually, the ESF, who were both outnumbered and outgunned, decided to take the war into their own hands. The MARS faced an entirely new foe. One that was sneaky, underhanded, unpredictable, and most of all... Unique. The ESF's superior cunning and resourcefulness, as well as unpredictability, allowed them to take Brutes apart from all angles. Weapons thought to be ineffective were now effective in the hands of the puny mortals. Humanity was back and in the house. And nothing was stopping it now. Eventually, the ESF turned on the EMPF and overrode the MC, and forced it to work for them. Earth was now totally under the control of the HMC (Human/Machinoid Coalition) and MARS were next. MARS called upon local MC's and they took up arms, some with the HMC, recognising the Humans as their true ancestors and the ones who would rightfully own what they had worked hard to get for them, whilst others allied with MARS, outraged that such a pitiful collection of mortals had the nerve to take an MC as their own.

MARS abandoned the Brute project as it was costing too much, whilst the humans considered the Legionators to be freaks of nature and stopped them from being produced. Humans enhanced themselves with Biomechanical upgrades, whilst certain Machines were installed with upgrades depending on how well they did in battle.


This won't all be fighting, there will be some RP in the HQ/bases as well, just so you know.

Signup, here

Edited by: Captain Kyth at: 5/24/04 12:13 pm


Re: Rise Of The Survivors (Post-Semi-Apocalyptic RP)

Unread postby RyuKurai000 » Sun May 23, 2004 7:16 pm

As one GM to another...

Make an OOC thread. This is necessary so that the mods won't swoop on you like a hawk on a bird dropped from it's nest. It can also serve as well, an OOC discussion thread! It's helpful so that you won't have a little OOC chat going on in the middle of the RPG. Just some friendly tips!


Re: Rise Of The Survivors (Post-Semi-Apocalyptic RP)

Unread postby wkz » Mon May 24, 2004 12:51 am

Make the OOC post, and I'll join this from there....

edit: Oh, and this post will become the first story post once this gets under way.

PS: Copy everything in here to the OOC post, since it is the background to your RP world. And have your first storyline post replace that.

Ps 2: Oh, and welcome to RPGWW

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=wkz@rpgww60462>wkz</A] at: 5/24/04 12:58 am

Captain Kyth


Unread postby Captain Kyth » Mon May 24, 2004 11:58 am

~~~~RP Post:HMC~~~~



"What did I tell you about taking that armor off INSIDE the base?"

"You didn't,sir."

"Oh... well, please, take it off! You're gonna be LATE!"

"But I can't take it off... Remember? It's the only thing that keeps my prototype implants from killing me."

"Oh yeah... well at least get the speed on that thing upgraded..."

"Well at least I don't look like I'm covered in rotting vines."

"With all due respect, SHUT UP and GET OVER HERE NOW!"

"With all due respect, SIR, I'm coming as fast as I bloody well can"

"About as fast as a drunk slug... I dunno..."

"I -heard- that, SIR."

"You did? I think you were meant to"

"Don't make me rip your arms off, SIR, despite your regeneration, I don't think your arm will grow back."


"Ok ok Malc, I'm coming as fast as I can"

After three more minutes of painful waiting, Brian plods into the briefing room.

"Now we can begin gentlemen. I called you all here to discuss something very important. MARS are preparing to attack our HQ in New York. We cannot let them win this battle, otherwise they will have a beachhead on Earth, and we'll be in deep shit... as you all know, our anti-air defenses are all offline because of damage, so we have to engage them on the ground..."

New HMC Objectives: Operation Tanktrap

Shoot Down Landing Force (If possible, AA defenses may not be repaired in time.)

Engage Survivors at Dropzone

Defend the NY HQ at all costs

~~~~RP Post:MARS~~~~

"I want all units active now... and that RaR20521, I want him providing repair support, you understand?"

"Yessir, Understood!"

The small bipedal robot known as Assistor hurries out carrying the orders and the teams prepare.

"RaR20521? RaR20521? Can you hear me? It's Assistor... The Commander has ordered you be sent on Operation: Beachhead in order to provide repair support... now's your chance to prove yourself and get a well needed new chassis! Go get 'em!"

Suddenly, a mechanical arm plucks RaR20521 from his recharge socket and puts him into one of the dropships.

"Good Luck Troops! MARS is counting on you!"

"Dropship: Mercury-7, Ready for Launch"

"Dropship: Jupiter-5, Ready for Launch"

"Dropship: Pluto-3, Ready for Launch"

"Fighters Alpha-1 through to Gamma-8, Ready to Launch"


The Landing Force departs the surface of the MARS HQ, of course, on MARS, then they pause in orbit.

"Hyperspace window opening in 5..4..3..2..1.. OPEN! GO GO GO!"

The space in front of the ships shimmers and opens up to reveal a swirling myriad of stars and blackness. The ships plow on into the darkness and the hole closes behind them.

New MARS Objectives: Operation: Beachhead

Evade Defenses

Touch Down Safely at the Allocated Dropzone

Capture NY HQ

Edited by: Captain Kyth at: 5/25/04 1:04 pm

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Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Jun 07, 2004 12:15 pm

(Someone tell me what the fuck is going on for twenty dollah)

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Re: .

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:51 am

(I'd pay 40 dollah to see this locked rather than explained. :{)

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Re: .

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:17 pm

(...No payment necessary for this. >_>)

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