The Merger (closed)

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The Merger (closed)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:30 am

A sparkling vortex of worlds, each world a glowing, glistening star of light which went on orbits seemingly lacking in pattern or reason, each a shadow's breadth apart, on tangents to eachother at times, sometimes even seeming to pass through eachother—

Zoom into one small cluster of the vortex, which proves to contain its own system of orbits; loosely connected worlds with silvery threads lacing between them, and then across the entire vortex, each flare of silver flashed crimson...

(OOC: An absolutely UNSPIFFY intro post, but now please introduce your own characters, each in their own world doing whatever they feel like! They'll be drawn in soon enough.)


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Hawknfox » Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:56 am

It was nearing eleven at night, and Peter Gibbons was finishing his twelth mug of some cheap mexican beer. Several of the people took uneasy glances at the man. Words of pity passsed among the patrons of the saloon, but Pete did not hear them. He didn't hear much, for that matter, except a slight ringing in his ears. Accidently tipping over his mug, he looked to the bartender, speaking slowly with more than a slight amount of difficulty.

"Bartender... one more..."

The bartender put down the glass he had been drying, shaking his head slowly. He motioned to one of the other employees, and goes around the barcounter.

"Better get him to his room before he vomits..."

The two helped Peter slowly stumble to his room in the building. He hadn't payed the rent in two months, and his alcohol tab was insane, but the owner had been letting it slide for a while now, ever since he sold his horse, his rifle, and just about everything but the clothes on his back. He always refused to part with his sidearm though, quite unexplainedly.

The two men set Pete down on the bet, placing a bucket next to the bed, for the morning hangover. And that was how Pete usually found his way into bed, carried there while in a drunken stupor. His life was about to take a wild shift though... Hopefully for the better...

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 2:31 am

Tokugawa Ieyashu, the great and mighty warlord of Japan, slayer of thousands of enemy samurai and lesser men as well...was enjoying tea with his eldest son, Hideyasu. It was a rare case of quiet time for the both of them, in-between battles, training, and ruling a country.

"Tell me son, does anything seem...amiss, today?" the warlord asked, seeming ill at ease. There was a certain chill in the air, but it was probably just his imagination. He thought.

"No father. Perhaps it is just one of those Christian devils you keep hearing about." His son retorted with a bit of ill humor in his voice. "Perhaps they are trying to seek vengeance for some reason."

"Do not be so cute with me, boy." The warlord replied, no amount of unease in his voice now. "You know as well as I do the Western devils have no insight to true religion. I even intend to make certain none of our Samurai fall to their taint by forbidding all passage out of Japan! I told you this already, didn't I?"

Sighing, his son gave up. "Yes, father."

"And that shall be that." Tokugawa snorted. Still, there seemed an odd chill in the air that he couldn't explain...

Edited by: Dragon Sage007 at: 11/30/03 2:36 am


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 2:51 am

Peter found himself in uneasy, turbulent dreams, shadows whispering into his ears. He could faintly see a shimmering outline of a woman holding a cup out to him.

Here. Drink. Cleanse yourself, she whispered, and her words were a command as Pete reached for the cup, his own body seeming to be beyond his control. An odd dream, really; everything had a hazy, surrealistic feel to it, but he could feel the coolness of the cup and its solid weight, like it was carved out of horn— in fact, it seemed to have been, with a spiral pattern carved on the outside, with intricate workings on it that he detected as much from touch as from sight.

Why do you profane the Sacred Realms? the woman whispered again, and by now, Pete realized her voice was coming from inside his head as much as in his ears.

* * *

Tokugawa noticed a slight breeze picking up, brushing over his skin softly as a soft, delicate pink cherry blossom wafted on it into his hand. When it touched him though, it was cold and sharp— it had a thin layer of frost on it, a sheet of ice clinging to each tiny petal.

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:18 am

Tokugawa crunched the petal in his hand quickly. This merely ascertained his fears from before.

"Son, go back inside, and take what you'll need to survive. Get your mother and your brothers, and fly. If you can, try to send a priest back for me. He may help my soul."

With that, Tokugawa went back into his home to put on his armor. This would be a battle he would not lose, like all the others.

Even if it meant his soul, he would not lose to them. No matter what they were.

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:59 am

This particular tuesday afternoon found August paying rather careful attention in a lecture on continental drift. She didn't want a repeat of the last lecture, in which professor MacCallum had asked acerbically if she was paying attention... And had his toupe removed in a freak gust of wind.

You just didn't get freak gusts of wind indoors, and it was a wonder no one had associated it with her. One of these days, someone would make the connection, and on that day, her life as she knew it would be over.

Of course, August's life as she knew it would soon be over anyway, but for a completely different reason...


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:45 pm

Tokugawa's armor was undisturbed, and when he put it on he could feel an icy chill pass over him once more, then settle in, permeating almost to his bones. Behind him, he could hear a sound like a sheet of ice cracking.

* * *

The lecture proceeded, with no unfortunate incidents, though August caught a cold, harsh gust of wind on her cheek, though nobody else seemed to detect it.

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:50 pm

Tokugawa quickly grabbed his pike, and turned. Spirit or no, he would fight.

"Stand and reveal yourself, whether you be man or devil!" He shouted, despite the chill.

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:57 pm

August shivered a bit at the gust of wind, only partly due to its coldness. She didn't like unexplained phenomena, particularly when she didn't think she was the cause.

Still, when nothing else happened for a few moments, she returned her attention to the lecture.


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:21 pm

When Tokugaway turned, though, he didn't see evidence of anyone— spirit or no.

But what DID meet his gaze was an archway of ice, surrounded by a howling wind and flurries of snow, which swept about him and dragged him into the archway, knocking him head over heels as he landed on his back in the middle of a snowstorm. He couldn't see the archway anymore, and his familiar surroundings had disappeared. He still was grasping his pike, miraculously enough.

* * *

August could feel the cold intensifying, and then noticed clouds beginning to gather about the ceiling of the room— clouds which attracted no notice whatsoever from the people about her, not even when a single flake of snow fell from them, landing on the tip of her nose.

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:37 pm

Almost without thinking, August reached a hand up to touch the snowflake on the end of her nose. She was now very worried indeed. All around her, the lecture went on as usual, nobody even glancing up at the ceiling.

This sort of thing really wasn't helping her sense of isolation any. You heard about crazed supervillains and their human counterparts enacting mad schemes to purge the world of mutants or humans all the time on the news. She was painfully aware that if this was such a scheme, she was powerless to do anything about it.

All she could do was sit tight and pray that it went away. Suddenly, the problem of paying attention in class seemed very minor indeed.


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:11 pm

August's prayers weren't being answered, as more flakes of snow drifted down, starting to cover other people as well— none of them noticing, still, although they brushed irritatedly at it if it fell on their papers.

So. Why do you and the others sit so calmly, heat-child? came a voice to her head.

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:33 pm

"Who are you?" August whispered nervously, looking about for the source of the voice. Things were rapidly going from bad to worse.


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:39 pm

August's own whisper; now THAT was noticed. A few students about her glanced at her oddly.

Jarvik of the First Frost, heat-child. How are you the only one able to sense us?

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 9:27 pm

Tokugawa, muttering something about stupid Western Devils not following the rules of combat, used his pike to help him stand and see where he was. He was more than a tad miffed at this, of course.


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 9:36 pm

About him was an expanse of snow, chill and white. The flurries of snow still in the air threatened to blind him if he didn't find cover soon, though.

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Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 11:18 pm

Tokugawa shook his head, as he slowly made his way through this winter wonderland.

"So, is that it?" He shouted into the cold. "You think to kill me merely by depriving me of warmth? I have faced far greater dangers than mere cold! You'll have to send the mightiest of your demons to defeat me!"

And with that, he...just kept walking. Not much else he could do.


Waugh late!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Nov 30, 2003 11:52 pm

Nate threw his van into park and climbed out, absently slapping his gloves together as he dropped his keys into his pocket. It was a brisk fall day outside, and he had arrived at the coffee shop for his study group a half hour early, hoping to grab a mocha and the newspaper before he and his friends got down to buisness. With a slight swagger in his gait, more habitual than intentional or arrogant, he walked up to the door and let himself in.


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Hawknfox » Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:03 am

Peter slowly awakened, sort of, into the dream world. It had to be a dream, probably induced by all the alcohol. He took the cup, against his own will, and drank it. It wasn't booze, maybe it was coffee or something, something that would help him make clear sense of this...

Where was that voice coming from? He suddenly realized that the voice was in his head. He tried to open his mouth again, but he still had no control of his body. He could move his hands a little, and dropped the cup, reaching out to the outline of the woman. That was the last thing he could remember, before losing consciousness once again...


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:51 am

The sunset was blood red, a duplicate of the prominent color upon the hillside upon which a man (and 4 corpses) stood, holding a claymore.

Daevon Balliol grunted in satisfaction, driving the end of his sword into the ground, glancing about at his handywork.

"Tha'll teach ye. Ye filthy sons 'o buggers an' bastards." he swore, as he stretched his arms. "Damned blasted theives."

He stood for a moment, overlooking over the open ground for a moment, then cast a quick eye back on the 4 bodys, just to make sure they were dead.

It wouldn't do to be stabbed in the back, after having so thoroughly beaten them for attempting to steal what little money he had with him at the moment.

A chill wind suddenly rustled about him, though the leaves on the trees seemed un-affected. Un-concerned by this, he removed his sword from the ground, knelt, and took the arm of one of the dead men, wiping his blade off on the sleeve.

Upon finishing, he stood, with a slight and wild looking smirk.
Daevon stood a moment longer, then turned on his heel, heading down the hill.

"Odd teh be havin' such a cold wind a' this time 'o tha year..." he thought to himself as he walked along towards no where in particular.

((OOC: Sorry for the slow answer.....I've either been working or too damned tired after work OR not able to get to the computer to post :{ I have tomorrow and wednesday off, so unless one of my 'rents is home, I can post again then.)


Almost everybody's here now! We need Zem!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:29 pm

Tokugawa kept walking indeed. There was no change in his surroundings, although sometimes there seemed to be a distant roar on the winds... but there was nothing he could see.

A particularly harsh wind blew across his face, giving him a mouthful of snow and knocking him aside slightly. That misstep made him sink in a drift up to his legs, though now he felt something odd, just below his toes. A hint of— warmth?

* * *

The person on duty for the shop smiled at him as he entered. This was a new girl; pale skin, big blue eyes and a sprinkling of freckles, with her hair tied into pigtails.

"Heya! What's your—"

His surroundings shifted, everything becoming a mirrored realm of ice, and the girl was a fey spirit with long, pointed ears and pastel blue hair in pigtails, robes shifting about her in the wind...


Nate's view snapped back to normal.

"— sir?"

She was still smiling, pink bubble-gum colored braces showing.

* * *

The taste of the liquid in the cup wasn't anything in Peter's experience— cold, but refreshing, even though it felt as though it stung his throat. A cleansing taste.

As it slid down his throat, though, he could feel some of the dazedness slipping from him, even as the woman's pitying voice echoed in his head again.

Poor child... you never meant to come here, did you? Let us see if you can be sent back to your own world.

He could feel something— warm, soft, comforting— at the tips of his fingers, and then a cool hand clasping his.

Go home, little one.

That was when he truly lost consciousness, and when next he awoke, he was in a cave, a silvery blanket over him, keeping him far warmer than would have been expected from such a thin cloth. He could hear a faint roaring, and the ceiling of the cave appeared to be made of hard-packed snow— although he could see the tips of somebody's feet poking from it.

In chiselled, neatly-incised words on the rock next to him, a carving read

"The path you took is now closed. I hope you may find your own way home now."

By taking stock of his possessions, Peter could realize he still had his clothing, as well as his sidearm, but with the addition of a small glass flask containing a clear liquid, which had a crystal stopper.

* * *

Nothing untoward happened to Balliol, although after a while he heard a rustling that seemed to be following him; it walked when he walked, and whenever he stopped, it took a few moments for the noise to stop as well.

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Zem is here!

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:11 pm

It was a fairly nice day in southern Germany. Sir Rodrick had recently routed a couple of amateur brigands terrorizing a farmer. He got down on his knees to pray. Thank you, Lord, for granting me victory in this battle. All that I do, I do in Your name. Amen.

With that, he climbed onto his horse and started heading north again. He wanted to get to someplace warm before darkness fell.

(EDIT: ezCodes bad! HTML good!)

Edited by: [url=>Zemyla</A]&nbsp; Image at: 12/1/03 7:30 pm


Re: Zem is here!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:38 pm

Nate was more than a tad startled by the unexpected way his surroundings had 'blinked'. But he shrugged it off as nothing more than being a little tired due to too many all nighters. He flashed the girl a grin and said, "I'll take a tall hazelnut mocha, please."

After paying for his drink, and while waiting for it to be delivered, he grabbed a copy of the paper and began looking it over, shoving his gloves into his pocket as he read.

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Re: Zem is here!

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:39 pm

Blushing slightly, August strove to look as if she was paying attention to the lecture while trying to frame an answer in her mind, I Don't know. I've never even heard of you. What are you even doing here?

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*Changes the line*

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:20 pm

Ieyasu quickly tried to dig it out. Even if it was just a demon in disguise of a human, he had no wish to weather out this cold alone. For all his haughtiness, he was still human.



Unread postby Firnthuleien » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:26 pm

Daevon stopped, balancing slightly on the tips of his toes. If someone was going to attack him, he'd be ready to spring away, coming back with a counter.

He glanced about the brush surrounding him, eyes narrowed, trying to spot his invisible stalker.

He heard nothing save the normal sounds of the forest, and saw naught but trees and plants. With a growl of frustration, he continued moving on, and as before, the sound beginning anew.

Still walking, he tightened his grip on the hilt of his claymore, his eyes darting back and forth, straining his ears to find the source of the sound.



Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:44 pm

Sir Rodrick noticed a slight chill picking up as he moved, and his horse began getting more skittish, seeming increasingly reluctant to go in the direction he had chosen.

* * *

The ink on the paper swirled, glowing silver as Nate touched it, although the girl behind the counter didn't seem to notice, humming a popular tune as she began making his order. The headlines of an article began shifting, adjusting to spell out


* * *

Doing here, heat-child? I may as well ask what YOU are doing HERE... this is the domain of the frost giants. Why are you and your companions trespassing? the voice replied to August, somewhat contemptuously now.

* * *

Tokugawa's fingers felt numb as he dug, but he was eventually able to clear out enough space to see what he was standing on...

Which was apparently solid air, over a cavern below, whihc seemed to be illuminated by a source he couldn't see. He could also see Peter Gibbons.

By feeling about a bit, the Japanese ruler was able to feel invisible steps leading downwards.

* * *

Daevon still had no success finding his stalker, though when he turned—

A white bolt flung itself between his eyes, and it stung freezingly at first before he lost consciousness.

When he revived, though, he was alone in a cave with a roof that appeared to be made of snow, with pale illumination about him. There were no exits he could see.

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THIS should be fun.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:12 am

Tokugawa raised an eyebrow at the strange man. He was dressed so...oddly. Not quite like a peasant, but definately not like a noble either. Despite this, it was another person, and one who may be able to tell him what was going on. So, dressed in full armor, he descended the stairs as carefully as he could.

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Re: Yay!

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:16 am

Look, the last time I checked, London wasn't the domain of the ice giants. Fog giants maybe, but not ice giants. A nasty thought hit her, We are still in London, aren't we?


Re: THIS should be fun.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:16 am

Tokugawa didn't slip, fortunately, and the snow and chill didn't seem to follow him down. Out of the gale, this cavern seemed much cozier— though there were no exits he could see.

By now, Peter could see Tokugawa as easily as Tokugawa could see him.

* * *

Lon-don...? I do not know what you're speaking of. All I see are pale wraiths in snow field.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 12/2/03 12:20 am

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Re: THIS should be fun.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:31 am

Wait, you don't see the room? Walls? benches? Overhead projecter? This didn't sound good at all...


Re: THIS should be fun.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:37 am

None at all, heat-child. What do you see, then?


Re: Yay!

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:37 am

Daevon looked about his snowy prison through squinty eyes. As he sat up, he rubbed his head, then turned his attention to locating his claymore and finding a way out.

"This i' jus' bloo'y grea'......Now....If'n I can find m' sword, m'by I can make m' own door." he muttered to himself.

He swore several times, then pulled a wineskin (sure as hell not full of wine though ~.^) from his small pack and took a long swig.

"I swear I'll kill tha bastar' who knocked m' ou'. I'll wring 'is neck wi't m' own 'ands if'n I need tah." Daevon grumbled as he returned the "brandy"skin to his pack and resumed his search.


Re: Yay!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:41 am

With a little searching, Daevon was able to find a spot in the wall where he couldn't feel anything. Though it looked solid enough, when he touched it, his fingers passed right through the wall.


Re: Yay!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:38 am

Nate looked around at the rest of the shop. No one seemed to be noticing anything out of place, so he blinked hard once or twice, then looked at the paper again. The words were still there. He slowly raised an eyebrow and whispered to himself, "Enter or Return? Enter where?"


Re: The Merger (closed)

Unread postby Hawknfox » Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:49 am

"Never meant to... Come where?"

Peter slowly stood, holding the blanket around him for warmth. This had to be a dream... But, he could feel everything so well, and was seeing so clearly. Shouldn't he be...

Shaking his head, Peter looked around at the cave, quickly noticing the inscription and, with slight difficulty due to his limited education, reading it. Great, things just keeping better and better. He ran his hand over the words, the cold stone numbing his fingertips.

Tying the blanket around him like a cape, Pete checked his equipment over carefully.. It was about then that he noticed the man in odd armor staring at him.

Peter was a bit jumpy. Explainable, of course, by the fact that he had just woken up in a frozen cave nowhere near where he fell asleep. And so, his first reaction was to draw his gun and shout obscenities very loud.

"Who the hell are you?"


Re: Yay!

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:10 pm

Daevon pulled back his hand in shock when his fingers went through the wall.

"Wha' sorc'ry i' this?!" his eyes widened as he experimentally moved his fingers back into the "wall". "S'tha work 'o demon sp'rits....Tha's wha' i' is..." he said almost breathlessly.

Keeping a wary eye on the wall, Daevon crouched and picked his claymore up off the ground. Sqinting his eyes in determination, he re-adjusted the pack on his back, and stood.

"Well.....I cannae stay 'ere..." Daevon spat in a bit of frustration. He'd gone straight from disposing of some pathetic highway brigands to waking up in some demon pit.

He took a moment to steel himself, tightened his grip on his sword, and then walked through the wall.


Moving along nicely...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:16 pm

The words again shifted on the paper Nate was holding.

"Return, enter—"

Here, the words swirled again, forming a shapeless puddle of silver on the page before it shifted again.

"What is on your terminal?"

Without waiting for an answer, it began shifting again, changing and puddling after every complete sentence or comma.

"When you sleep and dream, do you return to the dream world, or do you enter it once more?"

* * *

Balliol found himself in a plain hallway of smoothly cut stone. Though chill, it was still well-illuminated, the light seeming to come from the air itself rather than any visible source. However, he could see the end of the hallway; which apparently was a dead end.


Re: Moving along nicely...

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:35 pm

Growing more and more confused, Nate played cool and decided that the easiest thing to do would be turn the page and see if the dancing words followed him. And it would be nice if his coffee arrived, so he could caffinate himself and see if that helped any. Yes, coffee would be very nice indeed...


Re: Moving along nicely...

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:53 pm

Daevon frowned and strode unhaltingly down the hallway to the "dead end".

"Prob'ly m're d'mned dem'n tricks." he muttered, striding a step closer to the "wall".

He held his claymore forward to test and see if the wall was really there.


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