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The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 7:36 pm
by Ajil6
(For listed characters, see OOC thread later)

With the exception of hissing, clicks, and other machine noises. All was quite. Still. Nothing. No movement, no human sound at all, just the sterile noise of machines. That wasn’t entirely true, as the third deck was filling with water, and housed a damaged electrical system. There were also more than likely other sounds as well.
There was no one walking down the ships long halls, all was empty. Everyone had vanished.

Except for three.

Number Six paced up and down in front of the Captain’s cabin in an empty corridor of the ship, grumbling to itself in a quiet, musical way. For three hours Six had stood outside the Captain’s cabin, waiting for Its summon inside. Six wished that the Captain had paid more attention to his ship, instead of letting it get into such flagrantly nasty disrepair.

As it stood, Six was stuck alone in the hallway with the starship’s ancient custodian, a man named Jagar. It didn’t particularly enjoy Jagar’s company, as Jagar gave Six the creeps, simply because he rarely said anything, and always seemed to be around when you weren’t looking, but were in need of janitorial supplies. A long silence had passed between them. Jagar not paying attention to anything Six was doing due to his never ending mopping of the hallways, and Six ignoring Jagar to pay attention to the Captain’s chambers.

Six’s anxiety was soon relieved after a further ten minute wait. The door slid open, and the Captain slowly walked from his chambers. The Captain was a tall, clean-shaven man with a gruff way of speaking. Dressed like a navy Admiral, the Captain gave both Jagar and Six a short salute, then crossed his hands behind his back.

“I know,” He began. “I don’t need to inform you about our current troubles. As you know doubt know of them already…” Jagar simply nodded, and Six made a sound that sounded like a cross between a snort and a giggle. The Captain ignored both and continued.

“I’ve taken the liberty of enlisting a search party. Jagar said he’d finish the repairs… correct?” The Captain looked toward Jagar, who responded with a nod, but nothing else. “They should have arrived up here several hours ago…”

Jagar’s gruff voice echoed throughout the corridor as he began to speak, “Did you check the scanners?” The Captain shook his head sadly, “No, they’re all off line, and I can’t get a hold of the security systems. One of us needs to check it out… Everything has gone offline, not all the security posts are offline, but I can’t figure out which ones are still on.”

With a short nod, Jagar picked up his broom. “I’ll go then. Where are… er… The new arrivals at?”

From his pocket, the Captain produced a small napkin. “I couldn’t, well, get my printer to work, so I had to draw it on this… I’ve dropped the four off in four empty storage rooms on the same deck, all within 50 feet of each other. Unfortunately… I don’t know which deck it is. If it all worked out correctly… They will all be on Deck 2.”

Six simply shook Its head. “So you’re telling me,” Six began, it’s voice taking on a sultry tenor, “That you just randomly picked some… people, and dropped them on our ship?”

The Captain took off his hat, and used it to wipe his forehead. “Six, I didn’t have time to do anything else, it was them, or nothing. I brought them at the last second possible. After them, I can’t bring anyone onboard until all our major systems are restored.” “I’ll go find them.” Jagar said quietly and spun on his heel, without any further instruction he walked back out the long corridor.

Crossing its arms over its chest, Six narrowed it’s eyes. “Captain. What exactly are you planning to do with these people?” The Captain turned and walked towards his cabin door once more, and muttered, with a sigh. “Find my people, of course.”


The storage rooms each connect to each other, and one central hall. There are six on each side filled with food supplies. They line up, three on a wall. EKDS5k and Janer are located on the first storage chamber on the left side. Valerie and Amal are in the storage room directly south of that. The door to the northern (EKDS’s and Janer’s room) is blocked off from their side, so that they can’t see the door, but Valerie and Amal can. Both exits to the hallway are clearly visible.

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:17 pm
by Zemyla
Valerie awakened first, her form coalescing into that of an elf. She took a long look around, noting the piles of supplies, the metallic walls, the doors with their lack of obvious knobs or handles, and her unconcious companion.

Last she remembered, she had been sitting around her hometown, which had gotten dreadfully boring. She remembered shouting to the heavens, "Somebody get me out of here!" Apparently, someone up there was listening. But who?

Shrugging off the philosophical questions, she went over to one of the doors chosen randomly, which turned out to be the one to the hallway, and pushing the large shiny green button, which she hoped would open the door instead of triggering some sort of auto-destruct.

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:32 pm
by NebulaQueen
Amal was the second to awaken, as he shook the grogginess from his head. The last thing he remembered was going to sleep in his quarters, while mulling over some paperwork due by the end of the month...

And now, he was here. He looked around the odd seemed to be a storage room of some sort. Whether it be building, ship, or something completely he did not know. ("rather large for most ships, though" he mused)

Either way, it was extremely...suspicious. He didn't like it one bit.

As he got up, he noticed a very...tall woman, pressing a button on a door. Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, he ducks quietly behind one of the storage containers while observing his fellow captive.

Or possibly captor... he thought pessimistically.

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/13/03 10:34 pm

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:13 pm
by bunnygirle78
Chicks head bobbed up and down as the loud music came from her headphones. She was siting against the wall, her large black eyes scanning the area, but not really taking anything in.

She didn't know how she had come to be there, nor did she care. Hell, the planet she was on didn't even know she had been there.

Leaning her head back against the wall she continued to keep count with the music.

"Hmm, no apparent locking systems." She said standing and putting her large hands on her hips. "At least in this room." She walked up to the door.

"Pshh," she said pushing a small button to open it. It slid open revealing a hall way with two other people.

"OK." She said sighing. They didn't look like anything she had seen before. Shrugging she cranked her music and smiled.

"Yo, you two weirdos know whats going on?" She said leaning against the wall and smiling. "Cuz, I want answers, and one of you better have them." She said her large eyes narrowing.

(Ajil6 said I could post. Chic's bio is on the ooc. Big green alien with large hands, feet and eyes. and a purple mohawk)

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:55 am
by EKDS5k
The robot stood in the center of the room, his gun arm raised and pointed at the hallway door, and the rest of his body in an aggressive stance. He seemed to be about to open fire, indeed was in the very process of doing so.

Except for one thing. The entire body of the construct was motionless and cold, and what could (correctly) be assumed to be his eyes were blank and inoperative. He was, in fact, deactivated, an unfortunate result of the Omen bringing him on board.

A voice on the other side of the hallway obviously triggered some kind of automatic mechanism, and his eyes flashed into activation. One by one, his internal processes resumed function, and he relaxed, lowering his arm and scanning the room, confused.

From the robot's perspective, a moment ago he was in the middle of a battlefield, trying (and succeeding) to gun down a large number of armed vehicles. There was a brief flash, and he had only halfway processed the error before totally shutting down and then reactivating just now. How long had passed, he had no way of knowing, his internal clock apparently had not kept time.

He turned, and scanned the other figure in the room...

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:05 pm
by Zemyla
Valerie looked at the alien challenging her, and smiled sweetly. "Well, I certainly don't have any answers, seeing as how I just got here. Am I to assume you were brought here the same way?"

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:29 pm
by bunnygirle78
Chick put her arms behind her head and nodded.

"Yeah, probably. Must of been one of those new types of port transporters." She crossed her arms in front of her and frowned.

"Damn, I had tickets for a concert. Who ever did this better have a good reason. Yo, my names Chick."

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 5:53 pm
by Zemyla
Valerie nodded and smiled. "I'm Valerie. Now, to find out who does have the answers we need..."

Re: The Omen (Closed Sci-fi RP)

Unread postPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:37 pm
by bunnygirle78
Chic ran her large hand though her purple hair and removed her headphones. As she did, a very loud heavy metal sound escaped them. She hooked it to her belt where the sound stopped.

"We have some feed, so com's should work." She said walking past the elf and staring up at the ceiling. "Plenty air to," she looked over her shoulder at Valerie. "I meet the weirdest looking aliens. What planet are you from?" She asked turning back to Valerie.