Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.
Wishbone Ash

Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Sun Jul 20, 2003 11:22 pm

(OOC: Here's the RP.. I figured I would start the intro post before I went to bed. As much as I like enthusiasm, I'm going to have to ask you guys to not post anything more than your intro for the time being..)

<span style="color:red;font-family:century gothic;font-size:large;">RESIDENT EVIL</span>
<span style="color:red;font-family:century gothic;font-size:small;"> Midnight Crisis</span>

Veribrant City, 8:00PM
The Rettelli Residence

Amidst the darkness of a quiet apartment, a light shone. This light flickered every so often, casting a misshapen shadow about the room.

"Attention... please... may... have... attention... please..." The reporter on TV droned, his voice being drowned out by the static weaving in and out of existence. A shadowed figure sat in a leather armchair directly across from the TV, hunched over and watching it intently.

"Do not... panic... only... make things worse... keep calm..." The reporter's voice was still audible, although the noise of the growing static kept getting louder, threatening to drown him out and plunge him into a sea of grey any moment. The figure's jaw tightened slightly.

"Please... stay in... house... lock... doors... windows..." Came the reporter again. Behind the reporter was a thick wooden double-door carved of oak. It sported a polished brass handle. Chaos could be heard in the background.

"End... near... pray... now..." The reporter finished just as the doors behind him burst open. The shadowy figure sitting in the chair saw a vaguely human form burst through the door and fling itself upon the reporter just as the screen faded to static.

After waiting a few moments, the figure stood up. The dull light coming from the TV was just enough to illuminate him. The figure was obviously a teenager. Perched upon his head was an unruly mop of light brown hair and resting not far below that was a set of icy blue eyes. The teenager was rather large and looked fairly well built.

"What am I gonna do?" The teenager thought to himself, beginning to walk about the room slowly. His eyes were wide in disbelief and shock and he kept nervously glancing down at his hands, which were shaking at his side. Vincent hadn't had the faintest clue of what was going on. Just yesterday he'd been at school. Things had been normal. Just a few days before that, he had been to the movies with a girl. Things had been normal then as well. But now..? What was happening now..? What was going to become of him..? What of his home..? All these thoughts were racing through his mind as he mindlessly meandered about the apartment.

"What's going to happen to my family..?" He wondered as he stepped into the kitchen area, which was attached to the living room. He then remembered his mother, father, and older brother were all at work outside the city. He allowed himself a small sigh of relief in knowing that they were probably safe. Well, safer than he was, at any rate. His mind continued to toy with all these possible scenarios while his hands deftly opened one of the drawers. His actions were stiff, almost robot-like. Slowly he pulled out a gleaming black handgun. Distant memories assailed him like a flood tide...

"Here Vince, take this. I know that Veribrant's a nice city and all, but you can never be too careful. Pretty soon you'll be on your own..." A tall, dark man, maybe in his 30's had said to him. This man was his uncle John, who had visited from out of town on his 16th birthday.

A dull moan brought him back to reality. His heart began to pound loudly in his chest. It was pounding so hard he thought it was going to leap out of his chest and plop onto the counter any second. He could hear dull footsteps coming from outside the door... followed by the hollow rattle of someone trying to turn the doorknob. Vincent immediately raised the handgun and thumbed off the safety with a click. There was a series of mechanical clicks as he racked the slide on the handgun. Luckily for him, he had left it loaded.

There was a dull groan as the doorknob swung open on its hinges. The teenager raised the handgun, taking aim at the door. His eyes widened in horror as his brain registered what he was aiming at...

...You have entered the world of survival horror.

Edited by: Wishbone Ash at: 7/21/03 11:14 am

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:54 pm

(OOC: Ok, you can all start posting your intros now. I have a few people I've talked to that agreed to join but haven't posted their sheets just yet. Go, go, go. By the way, if you still want to join, it's not too late)

Vincent was looking death in the eye, literally. A man (if you could call it that) covered in rags and tattered clothing had stepped through the door of his apartment. Instantly, the smell of decay permeated the room. Vincent almost gagged -- he'd thought the smell of the gym locker room was bad enough, but this put it to shame. It didn't take long for the teenager to figure out the stench was coming from this intruder...

"Get out of my apartment, or I'll shoot..!" Vincent bellowed in the most assertive voice he could muster at the moment. His bravado failed him when the man shambled a bit closer to Vincent. At first the teenager had thought the man was just a bum or something, but as the figure stepped into the light he knew he was gravely mistaken.

"Unnhh..." The man let out a moan, revealing an incomplete row of teeth that had been recently painted crimson. Indeed, the man's mouth and clothes had blood all over them, but that wasn't what disturbed Vincent the most. The way the man's eyes were rolled back in their sockets, the way his skin was whiter than chalk, the way his ankle made a sickening crunching noise every time he stepped closer to Vincent... that was what really got him. Panicking, Vincent aimed his Beretta at the man's chest.

"Get out of here!" Vincent shouted. The zombie was getting closer now. It was almost upon him when Vincent pulled the trigger, sporadically firing three rounds at the zombie. The zombie lurched backwards with each impact, its body convulsing as blood erupted from the wounds. The zombie paused for a moment, let out another groan, then dropped to the floor. Vincent let out a sigh of relief as he cautiously walked over to the man, inspecting it...

...And then its arms shot out, grabbing Vincent's ankle. Vincent let out a cry and tried to step back, but found his foot was caught in a vice-like grip. The zombie slowly raised its head, its maw gaping for flesh. Vincent struggled with the zombie, kicking wildly with his foot in an attempt to get it free. In his adrenaline-fueled fight to survive, he brought his trapped foot crashing down onto the zombie's head. Surprisingly, it imploded rather easily. The teenager quickly removed his foot from the spot as blood oozed up around the large dent in the zombie's head. The zombie's arms went limp and Vincent easily removed his foot from their grasp.

"What the hell was that thing..?" Vincent wondered to himself. He was breathing heavily from the exertion and adrenaline pulsing through his veins. One thing became clear to Vincent -- he had to get out of this place. He figured the police station would be a smart place to go. With that, Vincent gathered up some things he would need from his apartment; three full handgun clips, a long bowie knife, a miniature first aid kit, a flashlight, and some batteries. With all of this pocketed or hanging from his belt, he said a final goodbye to his apartment before fleeing into the hallways of the apartment building...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:02 pm

Lights flickered dauntingly within the topmost floor of the apartment. A TV left on emitted only a static filled drone around the room, as it had done for a number of hours. A mild groan was heard, and then a padding at the door. The knob began to jiggle slightly, before a loud burst was heard and..

There stood a long haired, unshaven man with a beer-stained wife beater on, and a pair of litterally cut-off jeans. He rubbed at his eyes, and looked around at the room..

The place was a dump. The only remainence of any sense of clean was that the walls weren't covered in something, as the floors were no longer quite floors, but piles upon piles of pizza boxes, old cigarettes, and the occasional can or bottle of beer. Surely, if the place had ever caught fire, all would be hell, but that seemed the least of his problems.

After a brief check through the mini frig and cabinets, it had seemed that food was scarce. Although he found a stale cracker, it had seemed that this battle for food would have to be fought elsewhere.

"Maybe I could steal another pizza from PizzaHead or something," he thought, as he donned on his prestigous PizzaHead stripped shirt, and white pants.

After slipping on his shoes, his eyes wondered over toward the hat rack, where a pizza hat and a beanie rested. Of course he chose the beanie, and even threw the other hat away at the blank television.

He opened the door, then stopped. Blank television? He rushed back inside.

"They didn't cut off my power yet, have they?" He desperately tried to turn it back on, but to no avail. He growled, kicked at it, and sighed..

Suddenly, the news report rang on. The last remainence of the reporter being leapt upon was the last image transmitted, before it went to static once more. He rose one eyebrow at it.
Clay shrugged - probably a monster movie. He got back up toward the doorway, only to find a trailing amount of crimson paint down the hallway, and the stench of rotting flesh adoring the walls. He jumped..

"Oh god.. " was his last remark, before he went back and armed himself accordingly, figuring this could be the break he was looking for to obtain his job back.

Edited by: [url=>Ruinth</A] at: 7/21/03 3:09 pm

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:12 pm

The pizza man and Vincent had stepped out into the hallway at the same time, apparently. It was Vincent's shooting that had woken the pizza man up from his nap in the first place. Now the two stood facing each other from across the hallway.

Vincent's first impression was that the man was another zombie, given his unkempt appearance. The teenager instinctively raised his handgun, but then lowered it after squinting at the figure a little longer. The hallway was only dimly lit, so it was kind of hard to tell.

"Hey! Are you the pizza guy?" Vincent called from across the hallway, hesitant to move incase he was mistaken..


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:17 pm

He rubbed at his eyes again, turning toward the voice that called out to him - pizzaman.

He sighed, gave a look down at his attire just as a hinted reminder, and murmured, "Yes.."

The lighting in the halls were much too dim for him to see much besides the silhouetted figure.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:32 pm

Vince let out a barely audible sigh of relief. This was followed by the quiet click of the teenager thumbing his handgun's safety back on. He swiftly strode over to the pizza guy and gestured towards the blood caking the walls.

"As you can see, this isn't a good place to be. Let's try to get out of here and to somewhere safe, then maybe we can figure out what's going on... but for now we have to leave." A dull moan filtered up the nearby stairwell as soon as the words left his mouth. Vincent looked around... it looked like the elevator was working, although the lights on the buttons were flickering faintly. There was also an emergency fire escape ladder in his room and their probably was one in the pizza guy's as well. Then.. there was the stairs, which was probably had another undead being in it.

"I don't think we should go down the stairs... should we try the elevator or the fire escapes?" Vincent asked, watching the entrance to the stairwell out of the corner of his eye. Another moan, louder this time, passed up into the hallway from the stairwell.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:42 pm

All this seemed all too suspicious to him, "Wait wait wait.. -What- is going on? Why do you have a gun? And -what- is that man in pain for? .. "

He seemed to be treating this as a crime scene, not a life-and-death situation. The man in pain, of course, was a referal to the moans.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:52 pm

Vincent realized that the man must not have known what was going on.

"Haven't you been watching TV lately? Have you looked out the window lately? There's these... things..," He said, gesturing towards the stairwell with his gun, "One tried to bite me." He added after a moment.

"C'mon, which way should we go? We have to hurry up and make a decision before that thing gets up here!" Vincent repeated a little louder this time. His eyes had begun to widen slightly.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Jul 21, 2003 4:10 pm

Amanda had been in the back of the Animal Shelter when the news came on. She heard the TV click so she looked up, just in time to hear the end of the broadcast.

She shook her head, thinking that it was all just a clever joke, when her supervisor walked in to the back room, eyes rolling, mouth open, and a dead cat dangling from her hands...


Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 5:49 pm

Kathy, or the monster that was once Kathy, slowly tilted its head sideways and looked over at Amanda. It dropped the dead cat with a plop; it had found a better dinner. Slowly it advanced towards Amanda, its arms dangling at its sides, its maw open and ready to bite...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 5:59 pm

The stench did not delight him. He wasn't all quite aware what the man was talking about, but people biting other people never quite sounded like his cup of tea. 'Sounded mostly like something a police force would handle - rabid humans..

"Fire escape would be the quickest way out, so.. " All rather calm reasoning for a person blissfully unaware of it all.

Edited by: [url=>Ruinth</A] at: 7/21/03 6:15 pm

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:25 pm

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go." Vincent said as he barged through the pizza man's room, since it was the closer one. After Clay entered the room, Vincent locked and bolted the door behind him. Just seconds later, the soft plodding sounds of footsteps could be heard in the hallway, followed by loud groans.

"Not a second too soon..." Vincent thought, hearing the zombie bang on the door. The teenager walked over to the first window he saw and checked to see whether or not it had a fire ladder or not. It didn't, but there was a catwalk running underneath it that lead to a series of stairs which lead down to the streets. Figuring that was the best way to go, Vincent pulled open the window and nimbly stepped out the window onto the catwalk. He beckoned for the pizza man to follow him.

"Look, there's two police cars a few blocks down. Looks like some sort of a barricade..." Vincent began, squinting for a moment before continuing, "Damn, it's dark tonight. Well, I see at least four officers at the barricade... they're shooting at the zombies. Maybe they can show us a safe place to go." Vincent said as Clay climbed out through the window. Both of them looked down for a moment at the streets for a little while.

The streets of Veribrant City were utter chaos, at the moment. People were fleeing, leaving everything they owned behind. A few desperate ones were trying to loot the stores, but many of the looters were being mauled by zombies. Hell, many of the people running away were being eaten as well. Vincent shuddered as he saw a pack of zombies feasting on some unfortunate person who hadn't been fast enough to get away, then began walking down the catwalk towards the stairs...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:29 pm

As Clay found the streets in complete hell, he stopped dead.

"W-what.. the hell?" was his only reaction. He hastily looked over in every direction - his chest pounded harder than ever.

"-What- are they? -What- happened.. " silence rang out after his last question.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:33 pm

"They're... zombies. Yeah, zombies is a pretty good word for them. One broke into my apartment... I shot it three times in the chest from pointblank. -That- just knocked it over. I was getting closer to inspect the thing and it suddenly came back to life..." Vincent explained as he began to climb down the first flight of stairs, Clay following closely, "And that's pretty much all I know. The reporter on TV said that we should all lock our doors and windows, but I'll be damned if I do that. There's more than enough of them roaming the city to break down a door or a window..." By the time Vincent was done, they were two flights of stairs and a ladder away from the ground. Vincent didn't see anything in the alleyway.

"Looks like the coast's clear... are you ready?" Vincent asked, waiting for a reply before he did anything else.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:37 pm

He ran a hand through his hair with stress, then he shook his head, as if shaking cobwebs free. All this had come so fast..

He laid a hand on his gun, nodding slowly, visable shakes still coursing their way through him. "We're off to the station, then?"

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:15 pm

The thought of going to the police station hadn't occured to Vincent.

"The police station? Well... I guess that'd be one of the safest places to be. Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe we can hitch a ride with those cops up at the barricade.." After Vincent finished saying this, he dropped the ladder. The platform they were standing on rattled as it went down and even more so when it came to a stop with a crash. Vincent quickly slid down the ladder, figuring the undead would probably come to the noise. Clay followed close behind. The two sprinted out of the alley, holding their hands in the air and shouting.

"Don't shoot, we're human!" Vincent yelled to the police officers. He saw one of them nod to another office and gesture towards the two of them. The group of police continued firing at the zombies Vincent and Clay were sprinting past. The two made it to the police without trouble; the zombies were too sluggish to catch them. Vincent leaned against the hood of one of the police cars, catching his breath.

"Is there anybody else alive in that apartment building?" One officer asked him. A sudden twang of guilt filled Vincent. They'd probably left a lot of people in that building... and he was willing to bet most of them didn't have any sort of weaponry. His train of thought was interupted by a different officer before he could reply.

"Hey guys, it's Ingerson!" One of the officers said as he jerked his head towards Clay.

"Hah.. I figured I'd never see him again when I was working unless I was bringing him in!" The officer that had been questioning Vincent replied with a smirk. The teenager couldn't really tell if Clay was buddy-buddy with these guys or not. After all, he had no idea that Clay was ever a police officer in the first place.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:47 pm

He growled lowly, "Are you guys going to sit around or shoot? Are you even winning?" He seemed to step closer to the one who'd addressed him, pressing a finger into his chest. "Because if I remember.. police were supposed to uphold order. "

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:13 pm

Vincent's eyes now focused on the man Clay was confronting. The police officer grunted his reply and went back to shooting at the zombies, all the while muttering something under his breath. The teenager quirked an eyebrow before he raised his own handgun. He figured he might as well help out the police... but then he paused for a moment.

"Are you guys even winning?" Clay's words echoed throughout his mind. No.. it didn't seem like the police officers were winning. Vincent noticed that the ranks of the zombies were growing. He didn't see any survivors in the streets now... just packs of zombies. Suddenly, there was a crackling noise. It was one of the squad car's radios.

"All units, pick up any remaining survivors and report back to the police station immediately! I repeat, all units pick up any remaining survivors and report back to the police station immediately!" An urgent voice crackled. Vincent wordlessly slid into the back of one of the police cars, his handgun held at his side. The police officers gave each other a few ominous looks before they got into their respective cars. Clay reluctantly climbed into the same car as Vincent.

"We should be safe at the police station.. " One of the police officers said quietly. The other turned the keys and the car's engine jumped to life. Without any further wait, the car sped off down the road.. running over any zombies that happened to get in the way. The other police car followed behind them.

After roughly fifteen minutes of driving and plowing through zombies, the two cars made it to the police station. Vincent's jaw dropped. It looked as if almost every car the police station had was lined up outside the entrance to the police department. The multitude of cars formed a huge barrier around the station. Behind the cars were many armed police officers who were blowing away any zombies they strayed near the barricade.

"Damn.." The teenager muttered underneath his breath. The officer driving the car parked it in the barricade. After this, they got out of the car and made their way into the police station...

The police station was very, very large. The teenager's jaw had dropped when he'd entered the police station. The entrance hall was -huge-. Absolutely huge. Inside there were both police officers and citizens alike. Many people were sobbing without control, crying out the names of their lost loved ones. The two officers who had driven in Vincent and Clay ushered them over to the group of survivors, then left them alone.

Vincent left Clay for the moment, looking around to see if anybody he knew had survived... although he knew better than to get his hopes up.

(OOC: For those of you kind of disappointed that there isn't much action or scariness or anything like that at the moment, don't worry. Right now I'm just getting everybody into the RP and situated before I actually commence the story.)

Edited by: Wishbone Ash at: 7/21/03 8:15 pm


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Islerre » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:25 pm

Stephanie pushed her way through the meandering crowd, chestnut tresses clinging to her face with tears and sweat. Her white tanktop was streaked with blood, as well as her fingers and wrists - she seems to have been tending to others, as there were no signs of injury on her.

"Clay!" She stumbled forward as she was bumped from behind, reaching for Clay's arm for support. Sighing wearily after regaining balance, she wiped a bead of perspiration from her forehead with the back of one hand.

"It's hell in here.. No one's here that's been bitten.. I'd bet that people were too scared to go back for the ones who were, or ended up getting mauled by those.. those -things- in an attempt to help. Most people are here after getting shot in crossfire, or from injuries caused trying to run.." She looked him over breifly, her expression softening..

"You're alright, aren't you?.."


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:29 pm

He gave a sideglance back at the officers, before turning his gaze back to her. " Just fine.. Listen, you haven't been exposed to those things, have you? " he queried quietly, his gaze about the room in haste, even though they seemed safe here.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Islerre » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:31 pm

She followed his gaze briefly, before glancing back to him, her eyes flashing with worry.

"I.. I only came to the city to see you.. - I parked outside your apartment when I first saw the things.." She shuddered visibly, her clutch on his arm tensing..

Her voice lowered.. "What.. What are they?"


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:34 pm

Although he couldn't help but feel abit weird, garbed in a PizzaHead suit in the mesh of all this crises, he placed his grip softly around her clutching hand, and breathed out in a whisper, "I don't know.. I don't know anything about it. "


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Islerre » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:47 pm

She bit her bottom lip gingerily, moving to rest her head against his shoulder, her entire form visibly shaking. Her gaze swept across the room breifly, coming to rest on Vincent..

"I.. saw you walk in with that young man.. - Who is he? Does he.. know how to kill those things?" She leaned back lightly, gazing up at him.

Despite everything, such a crisis had drawn her closer to Clay, now that there was the inevitable fear that one of them would wind up dead.. Everything had seemed so normal, up to now. She was living in her parents, and though she hadn't found a decent job yet, she had her car - the silver Mustang parked outside the police station - which her parents had gotten her for her sixteenth birthday. Now, she found herself in a sea of questions: What were these things? Where did they come from? Could they be killed? And how many people would they kill before they were stopped? It seemed to Stephanie, in situations like this, her ex-boyfriend was the only thing that was safe..

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:50 pm

(OOC: Lurkage, Kaila! XD)

Vincent continued to push and shove his way through the bustling crowd. Icy blue orbs scanned the area, searching for familiar faces. He didn't find any. He had just about given up hope when he saw her. He blinked a couple times just to make sure his eyes weren't decieving him. Dark brown hair... milky white complexion... cheerful blue eyes... warm smile... yes, that was Katelyn. Katelyn was the girl whom he'd gone to the movies with several days ago. Needless to say he was attracted to the girl, but he wasn't sure if she liked him more than a friend or not. It was something he'd been pondering daily until today, when the nightmare began. Just as he started to make his way over to her, she seemingly disappeared into the crowd again.

"Katelyn! Katelyn, where are you!?" Vincent called aloud, hoping for a reply. He got none..


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:03 pm

(OOC: 'Kay. I'm going to start RPing on this account.. thing. ~ Islerre.)


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:05 pm

He wrapped his arms around his ex in a soft embrace, remembering slowly how she felt beneath his touch..

Nevertheless, he shook himself free of any thoughts. She was merely scared..

"Apparently, he shot at one, and that did a good job," he pressed his lips into her mane while he spoke..

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:24 pm

Meanwhile, at the shelter...

Amanda backed up in to the cages that lined the back wall of the room. The animals were going crazy, dog barking, cats hissing, the wild ones were swiping through the bars.

She edged towards the rear exit, shaking and terrified, ", stay back!" She grabbed the nearest thing to her, a fire extinguisher. She pulled the pin and pointed it at 'Kathy'. "Stay back!"

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:11 pm

At the shelter..
The foam from the fire extinguisher succeeded in knocking the zombie back a bit and stunning it momentarily, but it did no real damage to the zombie at all. However, for the moment the zombie wasn't advancing on Amanda at least...

From outside, Amanda heard people yelling. Loud, masculine voices were calling out something... she strained slightly to hear what it is they were saying.

"Anybody! If you can hear me and you're still alive, get out here! We can get you out of here!" The voice boomed. It didn't seem to be too far away from Amanda either.

At the VPD...
Chaos and confusion. News has spread among the survivors that large armored vans are being sent out to gather up any remaining survivors. There is still no word on what exactly the monsters outside are, though..

(OOC: Amanda, does your character have her full inventory on her already..? Because it would seem kind of odd for a teenaged girl to carry a Glock with her to the animal shelter.. eh-heh.)


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:29 pm

He stood at the entrance of the police station, tiptoing beside his ex to see above the commotion of waiting survivors for their sanctuary from this hell. Little could be seen, however..

He sighed, crossing his arms, turning his gaze back to his ex, " Geh.. "


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:33 pm

Her gaze shifted quietly towards the windows of the VPD, watching the barricade of police cars and officers fending off the monsters. She turned away abruptly, covering her mouth with her hands, her shoulders shaking with tattered sobs..

"I.. I just can't watch..-"

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:50 pm

Vincent had now finished exploring the main hall of the VPD... and he found absolutely no sign of Katelyn. He thought for a moment, then realized she must have gone into a different room. He looked to his left. There was a brown door near him. Its golden handle seemed to beckon to him. Vincent quietly slipped inside, easily going unnoticed what with all the commotion outside. He now found himself in a brightly lit hallway. There were a couple boxes here and there, but nothing really special. He ignored the boxes, figuring whatever was in there wasn't any of his business anyway.

"Hmm.. seems as if the police station is pretty well equipped for this." Vincent thought as he casually strolled down the hallway. All of a sudden, he stopped. He heard voices coming from behind a nearby door. He pressed his ear to the door, listening...

"It's not ready yet, you damn fool!" A male voice shouted. It sounded crackly and raspy. Perhaps it belonged to an old man.

"I don't care if it's ready or not.. I want them. Now." Another voice replied. This voice was distinctively different than the other's voice. It was low, smooth, and had some kind of dark undertone to it that Vincent didn't like.

"The samples won't be accurate if the process isn't complete! Tell your organization they'll have to wait a little longer." The crackly voice responded. Vincent shrank back from the door as he heard footsteps from inside. Luckily for him, it was just the old man pacing back and forth. Still, he waited a moment before putting his ear back to the door.

"...It had better be worth the wait, or it'll be your head." The suave voice said after a brief silence. Vincent thought he heard a sharp intake of breath. He then heard footsteps, this time coming towards the door. Quickly, Vincent slipped behind a nearby pile of boxes and crouched there, hidden in the shadows.

"Sorry. I thought we had a... visitor." The suave voice said, "Well, I'll be back later for those samples. You'd better not disappoint me, Dr. Creig." The suave voice finished. Vincent heard heavy footsteps once more. He peeked out from behind his hiding spot for a moment. He saw a tall, blond, Caucasian man dressed in black military garb walking away from him. As he turned the corner, Vincent caught a glimpse of the black shades the man was wearing.

"Hrmph.. impatient bastard." The raspy voice muttered. An old man wearing a white lab coat stepped out of the room, looking down the hallway in the direction that the other man had gone. He muttered a few more things to himself, then disappeared back into the room, leaving Vincent to wonder what they had been talking about.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:57 pm

He stepped over, wrapping his arms around her once more, pulling her close to him. He stroked across her mane, aiming to soothe and calm at her nerves while he looked nervously around for any signs of any progress with the armored cars. He briefly wondered where Vincent had gone.. It was probably a danger to not be present when they were going to get a lift, soon.

He lifted his head up slightly above the crowd for any sign.. - none.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:03 pm

When she heard the voices, her heart skipped a beat, she threw the extinguisher as hard as she could at the zombie and pushed on the door, yelling,

"In here! Help me, someone! Please!"

((nope, it's not on her, but rather at her house. I guess it can be dropped from her invintory, I wasn't sure if I was gonna start her at home or the shelter. ))


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:15 pm

She buried her face breifly in his shoulder, her mind reeling with so many outcomes to a crisis like this. The only thing on her mind was death, and thinking of it only made her sick. Her stomach lurched, and she pressed tighter to Clay, clutching at his shirt tightly, as if afraid he'd let go.. leave her alone, with these lingering thoughts of a seemingly inevitable death. When suddenly, the thought occurred to her; she had no weapons, no way of defending herself..

"C-Clay..? What do we do.. if we have to leave the station?.. I can't.. fend off those things with my car keys..-" She grinned weakly at her own dry humor, brushing her face against his shoulder to wipe away stubborn tears. It wouldn't do to cry infront of the people who had lost their loved ones. Right now, she was to help them as much as possible..


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Tue Jul 22, 2003 12:50 am

(OOC: Woah, this sprang up quite quickly! Sorry for the late entry, but hopefully I can get Shadrick to the police station quick smart.)

Tap-tap-tap. Bzzt.

Tap-tap-tap. Bzzt.

It was another night at Pyramid Software, seemingly like any other night. The staff and the cleaners had been and gone, and there was only the sound of one keyboard and the lights occasional flicker to break the silence.

Tap-tap-tap. Bzzt.

"S*&%!" Shadrick's exasperated cry echoed around the office floor, bouncing from cubicle to cubicle. There was a loud groan as he lay back in his chair, his right hand running through his long black hair. Shadrick toyed with his glasses for a moment, before taking a long draw of his coffee.

He had been working on Pyramid's latest virus protection software for the past three months and was no closer to having it finished, and it's deadline was tomorrow. The boss would have his ass in the morning. Of course, Shadrick wasn't going to give up that easy. Furrowing his brows at the problem, he stared intently at the code on the screen, the silence settling again.

Tap-tap-tap. Bzzt.


Shadrick sat bolt upright in shock at the unfamiliar sound, his heart hammering in his chest. Noone else was ever here this late at night... What was going on? Getting up, Shadrick looked over the walls of his cubicle, seeing nothing but row upon row of the same, leading up to his boss' office.

Then he heard it again.

Someone must be hurt Shadrick assumed, slipping some caffeine pills in his pocket and heading for his boss' office, and the first aid kit within. Due to the almost cavernous nature of the office floor, he couldn't tell with any certainty which way the moan was coming from.

As Shadrick headed for the boss' office, he remembered the rumour about his boss keeping a gun in his desk, more to scare slack programmers than anyone else. He smiled to himself as he remembered the jokes he and his co-workers had IMed to each other about it.

Suddenly, the lights went out.

Plunged into darkness, Shadrick took a moment to panic. Then, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he looked back to his cubicle. Swearing under his breath, he realised he hadn't saved his work in hours. He was well and truly screwed.

Still, the moaning continued, and Shadrick began to notice that it seemed to be coming from the boss' office. He reached the oak door, opening it with a little hesitation.

The boss' office was sparse, dominated mostly by a large desk in the centre. Upon scanning the room, Shadrick couldn't make out any figures. Grabbing a first aid spray from the kit hung on the wall, Shadrick nearly jumped out of his skin as the moan sounded again, even louder than before. It seemed to be coming from behind the desk.

"Are you alright?" Shadrick's voice trembled with fear, as he waited for a response. Receiving nothing but more moaning, he tentatively stepped around the desk. Laying on the floor was what appeared to be a person... With no legs.

If the lights had been on, Shadrick might have recognised the poor cleaner, but in the dark and with his fear, Shadrick only saw a legless shadow crawling toward him, moaning loudly now... with bloodlust.

Shadrick danced back around the desk, giving it a hefty kick, in an attempt to knock it onto the shadow.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Tue Jul 22, 2003 11:35 am

(OOC: It's cool WhiteShadow, don't worry about it. There's two other people who haven't posted yet either, and yes I realize this did pop up fast. The real "RP", so to speak, won't start until all the characters are at the police station. I realize right now things are kind of dull and not very interactive or interesting, but that'll change once the RP really gets underway.)

At the shelter..
The zombie grunted as the full force of the aluminum fire extinguisher slammed into its chest. The undead monster stumbled backwards, then fell to the ground. Just after this happened, the door behind Amanda burst open and a man wearing a SWAT uniform burst in. He was holding a submachine gun, but Amanda couldn't tell what kind.

"There's an armored truck waiting outside." The SWAT member said before he flipped his gun onto semi-automatic mode. Amanda nodded, then hurried out the door as the zombie she knocked down slowly began to get up. The man gritted his teeth, waiting for it to completely get up.

"Unnhh..." The zombie moaned as it began to shamble towards the man. It was just about to moan again, but it was cut off as several 9mm slugs slammed into its chest, neck, and head. The zombie fell down for the second time, but it appeared that it wouldn't be getting up again. Blood began to pool around the zombie's body.

Meanwhile, Amanda was now in the armored van outside. Inside it, there were a few other people like herself and several armed SWAT men like the one that had helped her. That particular man climbed back into the van a few moments later.

"Let's go, back to the police station to drop these people off." The officer said. The driver nodded, then shifted the van into drive. They sped off, running over countless zombies on the way to the police station...

At the software store..
The desk keeled over, various office supplies sliding off of it as it did so. There was a sickening thud as the weight of the heavy desk almost crushed the legless horror underneath it. Almost immediately after the desk fell, Shadrick heard something clatter to the floor. He saw one of the drawers had slid open. Nearby, two metallic objects gleamed in the dark. On further inspection, Shadrick would find that it was a fully loaded Sig P228 handgun and an extra clip for it.

At the police department..
The number of survivors in the main hall was steadily growing larger with each stop the armored vans made. Some people stopped crying, having been imbued with the hope that just maybe their loved one might come in on one of those vans..


Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:13 pm

Stephanie had dragged Clay to the edge of the window, close to the door, as the vans had started to arrive.. She was silent, intent on watching, but was obviously out of her mind with distress..

Not many people were exiting the vans, now, but there were enough of them coming in and out to spark some hope of more survivors. She didn't know where that man Clay had entered with was now, but she had made a mental note to speak to him, when she could. She was determined to learn as much about these things as possible. And that meant knowing how to kill them.

She shook her head faintly, her eyes tilting back up towards the window as another SWAT car pulled into view..

Stephanie closed her eyes, resting her forehead against the window.. a tentative hand clutching at the crucifix which hung about her neck..

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:45 pm

Once the van had stopped in front of the station, and the S.W.A.T. men said it was okay, Amanda and several others practiacly threw themselves out of the van and to the door.

Amanda could hear distant gunfire, but not distant enough for her to feel safe on the street. She pushed past the group and into the station.

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Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Jul 22, 2003 3:28 pm

Once a reasonably honorable title referring to his overall speed and cunning when taxiing the people of the city to their families and friends, the nickname "The Grease" now only served as a cruel joke at Bart's depression. His 'pals' at work didn't seem to realize that there might have been a reason why his overall attitude towards everything, even the job he loved, had turned to little more than apathy. They didn't seem to realize, simply, because they didn't care. His wife had left him three months ago, and since then, his life seemed to terribly empty to him. Giving people rides home to their families pains the heart when you have no-one of your own to return to.

A rather mucky yellow cab with an empty pizza box in the front passenger seat slowly pulled its way up to the police station. Maybe she was there, waiting, afraid. He could tell her it would all be alright. He could protect her. He just wanted so much to love and be loved. His rather pudgy hand moved its way to the glove compartment, opening it, and withdrawing a dark brown bottle of whiskey. His courage. A sip or two later, he reached under his seat and pulled out a first aid kit. She might be hurt, he thought to himself, his mind rehearsing his little act of heroism again and again. He would be her hero in these dangerous times. Dangerous times, he thought. He reached a bit further under his seat, and slid out a shiny lead pipe.
He wouldnt feel right leaving Ole' Trusty behind, when there might be danger ahead.

Wiping off his hand on his already dirty white shirt, he donned his dark blue company hat, grabbed the kit and pipe in one arm, and his bottle in the other.

A sip or two later, Bart 'The Grease' Tilesone was inside, looking amongst the survivors hastily for his damsel in distress.

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Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Jul 22, 2003 3:36 pm

And another van drives to the station amidst the scene of carnage to drop off its load of passengers to the police department. Most of these people were your average Joes...

,,,And one...was Kenny...

The man in question was a rather not-so-meaty guy...probably of the least concern if the zombies were looking for meat...with him, he had a duffel bag of what he claimed was..."stuff". The pyro was stepping off with an unusually cool look to his face...but slightly disappointed that he can't get more materials to blow stuff up with for the time being...


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