Gods and Goddesses

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby saberlock » Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:29 pm

"Thanks, miss," Saber said, as the unknown woman took Lock's arm, helping Saber carrying him "But we'll be ok if you tell us where to go. I can carry him by myself."

The woman looked at him for a moment, it felt as if she was judging him. "It's no problem, really. I'm glad I can help."

"It's your choice. By the way, I'm Saber, and this here is Lock."

The woman smiled, and said her name is Freya. "What happened to your friend?"

Saber shrugged. "We've been trough all kinds of hell before we got here, but he'll be all right. Won't you, Lock?"

Lock didn't answer. When Saber looked at him, he saw that his friend had passed out. "Damn, not good." He said.

"We've got to hurry. Listen, this may sound a bit strange, but do you know where I would be able to get some blood, fast? As you have probably noticed, Lock's a vampire. The good kind, though, a daywalker. But he still needs blood. I can give him a bit of my own to keep him going for a short while, but he's going to need a lot more, soon. I know this is a weird request, but please, if you know of any legal, quick way to obtain some fresh humanoid blood, we'd be greatly indebted to you."

As Saber finished talking, they had reached the inn. He looked an Freya, almost begging. Freya paused for a moment. "You mean he'll die if he doesn't get any blood soon?" Saber looked a his friend, then shook his head. "Not loss of life, but worse. Loss of sanity. For some reason, if he does not feed for a long time, the vampiric side of him becomes much stronger. He'll lose control, and probably kill just about anything that moves in order to feed... See, that's why I need help. I know nothing of this town, and without help, who knows what might happen." He looked at Freya again. "Please, help us."

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:00 pm

"Heey I know the perfect solution....a blood drive....."

Freya smiled.

"Gets tons of blood, no killing....What do ya say?"

~Back in the bushes~

Zarn yawned and curled up into a ball. He looked curiously at Monk. He lifted his head and crawled toward Monk. He crawled onto Monk's shoulder. Zarn's head sat by Monk's ear and flickered his tougne.

"You dare not betray her Lady....I do not take kindly to lairs..."

The Lizard hisses at him and jumped off his shoulder and back to the horse. Zarn laid his head down and fell asleep.

Sobe Dragon

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:18 am

Monk was slightly surprised at the lizards speech to him. He suspected it had a higher intelligence that what most believed, but he didn't know if it could speak or not. 'Well. seems Freya has more surprises with her than I thought.'


Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby saberlock » Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:39 pm

Saber looked surprised. "No killing? Sure, that'll be great! But, what's a blood drive?"


Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:29 pm

Angel Came up along side Monk, horse under him. The horse was several different shades of brown and grey, giving it a rock kinda look. He rode it barebacked, it only clutched onto reigns.

Angel didn't bother to look at Monk or anyone else nearby, just kept his gaze on the rode in front.

Sobe Dragon

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:58 pm

Monk watched the man walk by, He didn't really care. He was only interested in getting to Karda in one piece. He didn't like the Vampyre. It made him uneasy, he's known them to flip out and kill everything around them in a flurry of blood. His monastery had killed a couple of them. Dangerous folk who refused to die from normal means, they've been known to take out entire villages. His monks had been contracted by several cities to deal with Vampyres before, so he did not like them, in fact, they were probably the only group of people he did not like.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:47 pm

Freya laughed.

"Nevermind...but you can drink mine if ya want."

"What? Are you crazy!?"

Saber yelled at her.

"Hey don't worry....being a Demi-god kinda keeps me guessin'...Just do it. If I die, no big loss.

Fryea sticks out her neck.


"Frey come back here!!!"

A large man wearing an apron chases after a young boy.

"Aww don't sweat it pops, you know I'm good."

Frey grinned and ran off with bagels. Frey jumps onto a chariot.

"Yo, Asan, Nasa! Let's go!"

The twins Cats driving the chariot obeyed and headed off into the early dawn sky.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:26 pm

Frey laughed as he rode in the chariot.

"This rocks!"

"What rocks Lord Frey?"

One of the cats asked.

"Simple Asan, Lord Odin assigned me with my Sis!"

"Was that a wise desicion?"

Nasa sternly remarked.

"Quiet! I am Lord Frey, so you do as I say!"

"But we are to only listen to her Lady."

Asan replied.

"Tck. Whatever, just get me there quick!"

With that the chariot raced off into the heights of the atmosphere.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:04 pm

"Hey lookie...I see Freya..."

Frey cackled.

"I'll see ya guys later, go back home."

Frey told the twin cats.

"As you wish Lord Frey."

The twins answered. Frey jumped from the airborn chariot. free-falling from the sky he saw Freya.

"HEY SIS!!!"

He yelled crashing down. Freya looked up. And to her surprise, a young boy, which looked very similar to Freya (except being much young, and a male), grinning falling down toward her. She had little time to react, so Frey crashed right on top of her.


He smiled hugging his elder sister tightly.

"W-what are you doing here Frey?"

She asked struggling to breathe. Frey pulled from her.

"Lord Odin said I was to assist you in your mission!!"


"Yep! Isn't that great!?"

Freya scoffed and stummbled to her feet. She dusted herself off. She looked toward Saber and Lock, and grinned.

"Hey, Frey...that three is a real Vampire...you wanna see if he'll suck your blood?"

Frey look at the weakend Vampire, he cringed, but not from fear.


Frey began jumping up and down and doing sumersults.

"Bite me, bite me, bite me!!!!"

He ran over to Saber and Lock.

"Come on dude!! Do it!! Please do it!! I wanna see!!"

"Go on do it..."

Freya inticed.

"Humor little Frey."

Frey was holding his fists bouncing in front of the duo.

"Come on Dude!! PLEASE!! I wanna, let me Dude!! I totally swear I won't be mad... Dude...Aww do it, I wanna see!!

"Do it already, before he pops a casket!!"

Freya shouted unable to take her brother's whining.

~In the Bushes~

Karn opened an eye and looked off where he senced Freya. He looked to Monk.

"More company...milady's younger sibling has arrived...you best obey their commands..."

Zarn was becoming quite upitty. But he was just becoming impatient. He's never been seperated from Freya this long, and he's becoming very aggitated.


Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:31 pm

Angel's horse reared, hind legs kicking, Angel instantly calmed it down and watched as this...man, no god, pranced around like a panzy.

Angel dismounted his horse, not bothering to tie it. He walked up to the god and grabbed him by the throat. he lifted him a few inches off the ground and threw a nasty look at him.

"Settle down, your making a scene, and that's the last thing we need," Angel said gripping tighter, "Now calm down,"

Sobe Dragon

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:39 pm

Monk touched the lizard on its back "calm yourself, there is no reason to be agitated, I understand this has probably been the longest you've been away from Freya, but she is fine I assure you"

He looked over and saw a man, prancing about like a fairy, 'hmm. that is odd'. He watched as the stranger, the man Freya was worried about, grab the boy and get him under control.

It was a good thing, he was drawing WAY to much attention from the people, they were starting to ignore them now.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:05 pm

Frey quickly silecned.

"Nice grip dude...."

Frey pulls out and falls on his butt.

"Ow...Dude...That's not how you treat a Lord!"

Angel just stood there staring at him. Frey stood proudly and laughed.

"Don't you know who I am?"

Freya smacked her forehead.

"I am Lord Frey of the Northland territory of the Asgardian Kingdom. I serve Lord Odin..how dare you touch a messenger of Lord Odin."

Freya slapped the back of his head.


"He's right, you are making a scene. Relax for once...."

Freya looks to Angel and bowed her head respectivly.

"Sorry about that. His young antics can get out of hand. apologize Frey!"

"I'm sorry sir. *whispers* Dude but I wanted the Vamp to bite me..."

Edited by: Lady Freya Vanir at: 3/6/03 3:16:15 pm


Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby saberlock » Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:47 pm

(OOC: I apologize for my lack of posts, but it was Carnaval (Meaning beer and more beer Image ), and I forgot to mention that I would be unable to talk, not to mention type, for a few days. Image
My bad.
Anyway, I am back. On with the story.)

Saber looked at Frey, Freya, and Angel. "Ooh boy... We're in on something that's over our heads again" He thought, deciding to stay out of their argument. Then he turned to Lock, who was still unconscious. Saber pulled out one of his blades, and made a small cut on his hand. A few drops of blood fell down on Lock's lips.

Lock slowly opened his eyes, awakened by the taste of blood.

"Time to wake up."
Lock looked around the room. "I feel terrible."
"I think there's some people here who might be willing to help you with that."
"Help me? Do you mean...?"
"Yep. Two people just volunteered to 'donate'... I'm not saying I understand why, but..."
"I... I can not..."
"Hey, they offered it. Why complain? Let's get this over with."

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:24 pm

Frey looked at Lock.

"Dude, he's gonna do it!?! Sweet!!"

Freya slaps his head.

"Relax will you...."

"Gezz, sorry..."

Freya smiled and grabbed Frey by the ear.

"Our hyper little voulenteer..."

Frey smiled at Lock and awaited the bite.

"Little idiot...this is gonna be too funny..."


Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:26 pm

Angel shock his head in disapproval of teh whole thing, standing next to his horse, he walked over to the vampire, looking down at his half opened eyes.

Once again, shaking his head, thinking we have to many people doing whatever it is we're supposed to be doing...

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Gods and Goddesses

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:27 pm

Huginn and Muninn sat on Odin's shoulders as he watched a mirror, which reflected the images of Freya and her current company...

"Young Frey has come to the aid of his elder sister, yes, yes."

Huginn said rustling his feathers.

"True, true it is that the Lady's party has grown in numbers...but what of the nightwalker?"

Muninn said flying off Odin's shoulder toward what seemed to be a culdron. Huginn followed his brother and flew off of Odin's shoulder landing on the culdron's edge. Odin slowly walked to the culdron. He preceeded to look into the boiling water inside of it. Huginn grabed a small bottle in his beak, and handed it to Odin. Odin filled the bottle about halfway and corked the top. He handed the bottle to Muninn. The crow grabbed it in his large talons and quickly flew out the castle window, closely followed by his brother Huginn.

Sobe Dragon

Monk enters the scene

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:12 pm

Monk could not say he approved of the Vampyre drinking of the boy, but there was little risk except maybe a little weakening of the boy. He doubted the Vampyre would turn him, or suck him dry. In fact, this was the first vampyre he had seen that didn't immediately take someones blood. He had to be offered it.

He looked at the lizard, who seemed more edgy than ever. he grabbed him and set him on the ground "Let us go to them."

With that said, Monk walked over to Freya, the boy, and the strange man whom he had some altercations with so far. They were surrounding the Vampyre and his friend. He touched Freya and said "Your friend here is anxious."

The lizard immediately went to Freya's side.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Monk enters the scene

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:39 pm


Zarn jumped into Freya's arms , and she starts to stroke his head. Zarn become very content. Frey began to lose patientce though.

"Frag dude!! Bite me already!!!"


Finally Bitten

Unread postby saberlock » Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:09 am

Lock slowly got up from the bed. "I have never seem anyone so eager to get bitten..."

He looked at Frey and grinned, showing his teeth. Frey just stood there laughing back at him. "...but if that's what you want... I hope you taste good!" Lock said, reaching for Frey's neck. "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

"Just get on with it and bite me!"
"Heh... Don't worry, I will."

Lock tightened his grip around Frey's neck a little as he sunk his fangs into it.

Saber looked away. "I can never get used to the sight of that..." He said, as he went outside.

Lady Freya Vanir

Lesson One: No matter God or Mortal blood sucking hurts...

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:01 pm

Lock slowly pulled his fangs from Frey's neck. Frey immediately stummbled backwards. His face grew a bit pale and he fell on his butt holding his neck.

"Frag!! That hurts!!!"

Freya slapped the back of his head.

"Quiet, but thanks to you, now I know it hurts."

"Ow...Dude bite me...."

Freya sighs and helps her younger sibling up while Zarn climbs onto her shoulder, holding her Partisain tightly in his mouth. Freya grabs the weapon from Zarn and heads out. She stops for a moment and looks back at Saber and Lock, who was regaining some of his strength.

"Hey, I was wondering...maybe you guys can help me. I'll really can't tell you with what..to many prying eyes. Meet me outside by the Valen road."

She looks toward Angel.

"It was nice meeting you sir, and thank you again for calming Frey down."

She bows her head.

"I was clam before this guy came and totally jumped me!"

Freya glares at Frey.

"Will you be quiet and come."

Freya smiles to the three men and exits the inn, followed by Frey and Monk.

Freya leaned against a tree holding Zarn in her arms and patting his head. Frey stood in silence staring at Monk. He had only once before seen a man this large, but not a mere mortal...Frey began to get impatient. Frey was standing in front of Freya facing Monk, who was at the opposite corner of the road. Frey ran his hand through his long blonde hair and smiled. Than he neared Monk and grinned.

"Dude, you are like totally freakishly huge!! Rip! What are you!?"

Freya hit Frey with the blunt end of her Partisan.

"Mind your manners Frey."

Frey rubs at his hindquarters from the pain.

"Geez...sorry... *looks back at Monk* But Dude...seriously...you are freakishly huge..."



Edited by: Lady Freya Vanir at: 3/6/03 3:21:11 pm


Re: Lesson One: No matter God or Mortal blood sucking hurts.

Unread postby saberlock » Thu Mar 06, 2003 6:50 pm

"Thanks, kid. I am in your debt." Lock said, as he walked out of the room. He walked outside, where Saber was waiting for him.

"Saber, we are going."
"Going? Where?"
"the Valen road."
"Valen road? Why? Where the hell is that?"
"Because the lady asked our help."

Saber looked at his friend. "Of course. She helped us, and we'll help her. She didn't look like the kind that would need help, though." He shrugged. "Oh well, will I have time to get some supplies?"

"Supplies?" Lock turned around. "Just hurry up. I'll go find Valen road." he said, as he started walking away.

Lock asked around a bit, and soon found the Valen road. He sat down, and closed his eyes for a second. Some time later, Saber came rushing in. "Wake up! I'm here!"

"I was not sleeping, you idiot." said Lock as he opened his eyes "I was thinking."

"Yeah whatever. The important thing is, I'm back. Now where's that lady?"

"She will be here... What did you get?"
"Just some snacks for on the road."

"Yup. And something to drink." Saber reached in his pockets, and pulled out two bottles. "I figured we might be going away somewhere, and we might not see a decent inn of pub for a while."

"So you brought your own alcohol?"
"Hey, we're going to need something to drink, right?"
"Fool... Anyway, why do you think we are going to leave this town?"
"That's obvious, isn't it? This place is boring! What could that lady possibly be needing our help with in a place like this!?"
"Not all dangers are easily visible, Saber. Do not assume what you can not know. Let us wait for the Freya to arrive..."

Lady Freya Vanir

The trail to Kardra

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:09 pm

Freya sighed and smiled at the patiently waitnig Monk and Frey, who was drawing pictures in the sand. Suddenly a strange 'caw' sound cound be heard from the distance. Two very large black crows flew down toward Freya. One of them dropped a small bottle from their claw and Freya caught it and placed it in her satchel.

"Awsome!! What was that!?"

Frey asked jumping to his feet.

"Nothing of your consern Frey, it is an Item form Lord Odin."


Frey was disapointed he couldn't be told what it was.

"Come on, we have to go to Valren road."

"Is that how come we were like, waiting?"

"Yes..let's go now..let's see if those two actually went..."

Freya, Monk, and Frey made their way to the road, and sure enough Saber and Lock had made it. Freya walked in front of the group, turned to them and smiled.

"Well...I guess you accepted my offer..Thanks alot..I really need the help.."

She turned to the road and pointed ahead...Zarn sat on her shoulders wagging his slender tail side to side like a metrenome.

"We have to head across dangerous Demi territory to reach King Zues' Territoy in the Northlands. I really appreciate you're help guys..."

Freya smiled and walked ahead of the group. Frey ran up to his sister's side.

"Do you, like, think it's smart to trust tham? They totally freak me out..especially the giant..."

Frey whispered while still looking straight ahead.

"We have no other choice...just follow my lead, and everything will turn out according to Lord Odin's will."

She whispered back.

"O-okay..you're like the boss..."

Frey ran up ahead sumersulting and laughing across the road. Freya watched and dragged her large Partisain behind her.

Edited by: Lady Freya Vanir at: 3/7/03 7:10:51 pm

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: The trail to Kardra

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:49 pm

A little while into the trip Frey became restless, so dicided to start some trouble. He slowed down his paced, and lagged from the front row, til he was slowly walking by Saber and Lock.

He walked a steady pace by Lock and began poking him on the shoulder while asking the stupidess questions, like 'Why are you so ugly?' 'How come you got bad breath?' and other questions to pester the Vampire.

Freya kept her eyes on the road. Something was wrong and she could feel it...

"What is that...."

She turns to Monk with a concerned look.

"Do you feel that Monk?...The wind...it just changed....."


Re: The trail to Kardra

Unread postby TassiaEmiliaGalafeld » Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:58 pm

Further down the road.... A young girl lay a few feet off of the side of the road, wearing a black button-up blouse and a black skirt, both rather fine silks. Her hair is short and straight, but rather messy, and is an odd baby blue color. Her skin is pale, and full of cuts and scrapes, and she lies on the ground, a small pool of blood around her, and her clothes rather wet from it. At her stomach is a rather large stab wound, the result of a dagger that lays loosely in her hand at her side. The dagger has a 12 inch blade, flawless in design but currently looks much more menacing due to the blood stains on it. The hilt of the dagger is of very nice design as well, and has a pure, shimmering ruby at the end of the hilt, which appears to glow faintly, although it could just be the light. She herself lays her mouth open, a small quanity of blood trickling out, and her arm, the one that isn't holding the dagger, is draped loosely over her stomach, the hand of it resting mainly open on the wound in her stomach. She appears rather unconcious, and it would appear by her state, that she will die rather soon if not attended to.


Re: The trail to Kardra

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:27 am

Angel burst out of the woods on his horse, over the girl, surprising her. Still not realizing who it was that was traveling up the road, he yelled, "run!".

With that Angel turned around and picked up the girl on the ground. Three shadows could be seen in the woods were Angel appeared from, against the moonlit horizen.

"Theives," Angel said pulling out his bow, nocking an arrow, and without time to aim, shot it off, missing the lead theif's horse by a few inches and struck the ground in front of another horse.

Angel road off into the oppisite woodline, trying to ballance the girl on his lap.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: The trail to Kardra

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:24 pm

Angel's horse come charging at the group from the opposite direction. Freya readies her Partisain.

"D***...I knew something was wrong..."

Zarn jumped off her shoulder and stood behind her legs. Angel rode up to them. To horse readed itself and as Angel tried to keep control and balance the girl.

"What happened?"

Freya asked noticing the girl. Frey ran up from the back triiping all over himself trying to climb up a tree. Angel readied another bow as Frey finally managed to reach the top.


"A group of theives..."

Frey said straining his eyes trying to get a closer look. Frey's eyes widen and he jumped form the tree top. He ran to his sister in distress yelling out in a foreign tounge. Freya hits Frey trying to calm him down. He took a deep breath and looked at Freya.

"The Anubis!! It is the Anubis Guild!!"


Freya outstretched her Partisain as the sounds of galloping hooves neared....


Re: The trail to Kardra

Unread postby saberlock » Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:32 pm

Lock, who was too lost in thought as usual to even notice Frey's questions, now looked at Freya. "Trouble?" he asked, grabbing his crossbow.

Sobe Dragon


Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:54 pm

((Sorry for not posting in so long, its Spring Break and I'm at home, so I will barely be able to use this computer to post, I had to drag my stepdad off of it as is))

Monk heard them say something about Thieves, 'Bastards'. He hates thieves. He kills them whenever he runs into them.

He sees Angel, running with a small girl in his arms. Monk runs after him, and grabs him. "Let me take her, I can heal her faster than you can. Get them to get out of here, I need them away from us. They'll follow you guys." He then gently removed the girl from his hands and hid himself in some bushes, away from prying eyes. "Do not worry, little one, you shall not die tonight."

He bowed his head and put his hands on her belly wound, and started, in his mind, to chant. Then the wound started to close. He could feel her blood clotting and getting hard, and her skin rebuilding. She would be extremely weak, but she would live.

Monk stood up extremely dizzy. The others had run on. 'uh oh'. He knew that by now he was well behind the thieves. His dizziness was still with him, but with the element of surprize on his side....

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Thieves

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:19 pm

"Well, well,"

One of the theives pulled out a sickle and pointed it towards Freya.

"It is a follower of Asgardia!"

One of the theives cried as he pulled out a pair of sickle. The last theif stood back and watched, he seemed to be the leader due to his luxurious clothing.

"I will be rewarded for your head!"

The theif threw his sickle at Freya. Frey jumped in the way grabbing the fast flying sickle with his bare hands.


The other theif cried as his horse reared itself. He throws his pair of sickle, one flies at Angel the other flies directly at Saber and Lock. The leader stood back from the fighting and watched his men handle themselves.


Re: Thieves

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:28 pm

Servi let his arrow go, colliding with the sickle and flinging it off it's course, digging into the ground next to him.

"let's go!," Servi yelled as he strapped his bow to his back and rode in the direction of the closest theif, garnet sword in hand and ready to strike.

Serviapproached the closest theif and swung at the theives neck, but he ducked, sending Angel's sword around, but he brought it under control.

Servi turned forward just barly able to catch the oncoming branch, he jumped off his horse, falling on his back then quickly rising with his sword drawn, not bothering with brushing off the dust.

[edit] ACK! it's not Angel! it's Servi!

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=psloyalist>PSLoyalist</A] at: 3/10/03 5:30:10 pm


Re: Thieves

Unread postby saberlock » Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:45 pm

"What the h..."

Before Saber was able to finish his sentence, he was pushed aside by Lock. The sickle aimed at them just barely missed him.

Lock immediately aimed his crossbow at the man who had thrown the sickle.

"The only thing I hate more than thieves are people who kill others for money. You shall not receive a reward for anyone's head!"

Lock tightly held his crossbow, aiming for the thief's shoulder.

"After the fight, someone is going to have a lot to explain..." he thought, as he fired the crossbow.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Thieves

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:21 pm

One theif pulled backward as the other tried to hold off Servi.


He said pointing to Frey and Freya.


The leader implied with a sneer.

"What shall I do...?"

"Get them rilled up, enough to follow us...as soon as they're mad...retreat..."

The leader rode off back into the direction they came from. The thief rode up to his companionn and spoke to his in a foreign tounge. The theif smiled and looked at the group.

"I'm going to have fun with them..."


Re: Thieves

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:22 pm

"they're retreating!," Servi yelled as the leader ran off down the road, " Get them!"

Servi jumped on his horse, following the leader, sword still drawn, now, he figured, he had the advantage in this situation, best not to waste it.

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: Thieves

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:26 pm

The now two Theveis stood in front of the group. Both pulled throwing stars from their satchels.

"Lady Freya...you see these?"

The theif holds up the throwing star.

"Those are weapons from the Eastlands Royal gaurds!!"

Frey yelled dropping the sickle to the ground.

"How did you get the Drakons stars?? Those weapons are impossible to obtain...let alone weilded by Anubis' Theives!!"

Freya yelled holding up her spear.

"Wouldn't you like to know..."

The other theif began as he pulled out more throwing stars.

"...If you want to know...You know where to find us...Lady Frey...Lord Frey."

Both theives ride off. Freya pulled back with shock. Frey grabbed his sister's shoulder.

"Freya, how can they weild those things....*whispers* It's impossible....the sutra magic on them..."

"I know..."

She inturruptted him.

"Where'd Monk go?...And where the heck does Servi think he's going....."

Freya looked around in confusion to what was going on......

"*sigh*What am I going to tell Lord Odin?"

Edited by: Lady Freya Vanir at: 3/11/03 6:42:33 pm


The ambush...

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:51 pm

Angel continued to follow, hoping they wouldn't notice him following, if not he would ambush them with his bow, sounds good considering, theives always run away then ambush any followers...

(Sorry to make it sound like he's god-modding by knowing all their moves, but in a way: he's been through many skirmishes and battles, his life revolves around it, he knows a thing or to about combat stratagy)

Lady Freya Vanir

Re: The ambush...

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:25 pm

....But something was wrong....it had seemed the thieves had completley vanished from the road. Behind Servi the rest of the group followed, some on foot and some on horses. Frey was running up ahead to scope out the situation. Servi had stopped at the end of the road, at the entrance of a city. The rest of the group caught up and stood by Servi in shock.

Before them stood the once great city of Kardra...burned to the ground. The three theives could be seen at the far end of the street, almost as if they were mocking them...

Freya grit her teeth and gripped to her Partisain. Frey ren ahead at breakneck speed, enough to keep up with the group's horses and Freya. The theives were well ahead of them...but Freya stopped.


"We can catch up..."

Freya turns to the group...

"We'll find those scum later...right now, we have to help any survivors...."


Re: The ambush...

Unread postby saberlock » Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:31 pm

Saber got up and ran after Freya. Seeing the burned city, he suddenly stopped.

"Eehm... Miss Freya? I don't mean to interrupt or anything, but could you please explain what is going on here? I mean, thieves after a reward on your head, and now this. An entire city burned to ashes. Don't get me wrong. I've been involved in things that were way over my head before, but that doesn't mean I enjoy not understanding the situation. I know we agreed to help you and all, but I guess it's only fair if you explain what is happening... I won't back out on our promise, but I'd like to know why these things are happening, if you know what I mean."


Don't ask

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:16 pm

Servi dismounted his horse, walking towards Saber.

"Don't ask. Find people," Servi said walking past Saber and straight into a burning building, walking out minutes later with a small child, toy in hand.

"Parents dead, no one else in here," Servi said putting the child down and walking towards another house.

Servi seemed upset, he never enjoyed a battle with cowards.


Re: Don't ask

Unread postby saberlock » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:47 pm

Upon seeing Servi return with the child, Saber was shocked.

"My god! What monsters would do such a thing?!" he thought, while running trough the ruined houses. He searched for any survivors, but all he found was blackened corpses and ashes. "The fire must've taken these people completely by surprise..."

After a while, he saw Lock, kneeling on the ground. "Hey what's wrong?" Saber asked. But as he came closer, he saw Lock was kneeling next to a young woman.

"Is she..."
"She's dead. She was badly wounded. there was nothing I could do..."
"This is terrible... Who or what could have done such a thing?"
"I suspect this wasn't just some raid by a band of thieves. It has happened too quick, and too thoroughly."
"If you say so. I tried asking Freya about what was going on, but that Servi guy stopped me."
"The one that attacked us?"
"Same one. I don't like him."
"I think he can be trusted. He might be a bit overzealous, but I do not believe he is truly dangerous..."

Saber nodded. "Yeah whatever. I'll just... go look over there." he said, as he walked further through the burned city.

Lady Freya Vanir

Secrets and Abilites

Unread postby Lady Freya Vanir » Wed Mar 12, 2003 8:13 pm

"That Monk dude is with that girl he helped..."

Frey said leaning over Freya.

"Is she okay?"

"She seems fine..."

"Frey..look at this.."

Frey leans in closer and looks in the ashes. Freya pulls out a shining golden orb from the ash.

"T-that's a Sun Stone...dude...that's...."

Frey took the stone in his hand and examined it. Freya stood and dusted herself off. She picked up her Partisan and looked at Frey.

"That there is a powerful Magic Stone...I'll give you one guess what it casts..."

Freya said, leaning the Spear on her shoulder.

"Fire....But, its totally wicked...Sun Stones aren't this powerful..."

Frey said with a dumbfounded look. Freya snatches the stone and places it in her satchel.

"And I'm gonna find out why..."

Freya looked to Zarn.

"Go find Monk and that girl...see if they're okay, if they are...bring them back.."

Zarn nodds and trotts off, Freya and Frey continued to search for surviovors....


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