Chicago Chronicles (locked V:TM Game, see OOC)

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Chicago Chronicles (locked V:TM Game, see OOC)

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Jun 26, 2003 3:52 pm

It's the last night of the year. Celebrations have already begun in the usually quiet and decaying city of Gary, a stark contrast to the great and prosperous city of Chicago. People hurry through the streets, trying their best to ignore brutes, punks and other dregs that lines the street, waiting for an easy prey. The usually quiet city is bustling with life, but as the city itself the people have abandoned all hope, all faith in themselves and the city. Farther out from town, in the wastelands, old steel factories stands as empty shells, home for the abandoned and hated homeless and the orphans.

Every once in a while some person stops to look away from the city, to look at the grand buildings of their neighbouring city, and then to look down, as if not worthy to behold such a sight. Misery is a horrible enemy.


On the hills, overlooking the city, are the estates and mansions of the once-rulers of Gary, steel barons and wealthy officials, now rotting husks of what was once and will never be. Their silhuette visible against the moon's pale, sparce features.

In one such mansion a light is lit. Barely visible, for the windows are covered with heavy drapes. Inside the house a gathering is to start, a gathering not seen in Gary for little over 20 years. A gathering of the undead.


During the past month, several small, gold decorated letters have been delivered to the kindred. Whether through shared contacts, known hunting grounds or simply by mouth-to-mouth, these letters have found their way into the hands of all those of the elite, undead society of Gary.

Written in the letter, with a thin and very decorative style, it can be read:
<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-family:georgia;">My Dear Friend,

As you know, this year is coming to it's end, and with it, another successful year of my, Modius, Prince of Gary, reign. Once it was in tradition for me to host a celebration of sort at the end of each year, where all were invited to say farewell to this year's disappointments and successes and instead look forward to the next year's awaiting surprises.

Time has not, however, been kind to this city, or us for that matter. Lodin, that accursed excuse for a kindred, have conflicted with me about control over Gary, even going as far as to destroy the very business we have lived on. But no more. As of this night, the tides of change will once again be upon us, making this city into what it used to be.

It is therefore with great hopes I invite you to attend this gathering and join me as I, and the other of our kind, celebrate and socialize. The celebration will start at 9 p.m, I expect you all to show up at least in time for the fireworks.

Your prince, Modius</span></div>

Naturally, this sort of thing is a must-to in the eyes of the undead. Meeting another of one's kind is hard in Gary, and perhaps contacts can be made in this festivity. Otherwise, it is always enjoyable not to have to hide yourself from the rest of the world.

((OOC - Introductions for your characters when you wake up. You all wake up some time between 7 and 9 p.m, so there's no need to fret. Try to write as descriptive as you can, and do not stress to get to the party. Both Miles and Selynu are short of blood (Miles have 5 of 11 blood points and Selynu have 4 of 11) so hunting could perhaps be adviced?

Any way, enjoy the game. And should anyone feel a need to join this game, pop to the OOC thread for this game and we'll see what we can do))


Re: Chicago Chronicles (locked V:TM Game, see OOC)

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:48 pm

Elsewhere, in another estate in the city of Gary, the earth of a flower bed located in a renovated mansion moved and slowly a pale figure arose, bathing in the darkness of the room, allowing the dirt to roll off her naked body.

Her scenes were hit by the new night and the lovely fragrance of the flowers surrounding her Haven. She always made sure she was surrounded by them as she woke, for she refused to smell of smell of death you normally find in such a place.

Brushing her hand over a small petal and letting it fall, Camillia arose fully from her Haven and enjoyed stretching for the first time tonight.

As she woke from the slumber she mused if she dreamed. Did she dream like when she was alive and merely forgets it like she normally did, or does she in fact not dream and return to a state of death?

The she woke properly and let go of idle wanderings.

'Tonight was the night' she thought as she glided across the cold floor to her good clothes. She was going to enjoy dressing properly for once, as most of the time she had to dress for the thugs out there. They were all base and simply went for what was showing the most flesh without showing it all.

No tonight she was going to dress well and have her hair the way she liked it. Long, curly, blond and letting it flow all around and past her shoulders, down her back and just touching the end of her ass.

She has spent her money on a beautiful dress, trim lined with patterns and flowing all the way down to her ankles. It was an assortment of tasteful colours and looked fetching on her almost perfect figure.

The lip stick and eyeliner was the final beautiful touch. It had been a while since she had been in the company of others of her kind and despite some reservations about it, she was at least going to make an impression.

She had thought of renting some horse and carriage somehow and arriving up in that, but it wasn't done to outdo your host.

She looked at a small clock and saw it was just past 7. Good, she had plenty of time to get ready and be late enough to be seen as she was walking in.

First though, a bath.

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/26/03 6:00 pm

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Meet Nira. ..the kid that could kill you

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Jun 27, 2003 7:04 pm

(This message was left blank)

Edited by: [url=>bunnygirle78</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/27/03 10:46 pm

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Enter Nira

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:44 pm

A small face peeked from around the corner of a small store. Taking a deep breath Nira stepped out onto the street, and carefully looked around.

She was a small girl, looking about ten years of age. Nira wiped a strand of curly blond hair from her face and reached into the pockets of her shorts. She pulled out a wadded looking letter.

Her blue eyes scanned over it and she took a few steps.

"Hmm," she said looking nervous. She wasn't sure what way to go, but as she walked she felt something pulling her towards the right direction. She stopped at a stop sign and reread the note again.

She looked up and glanced over her shoulder before walking on.

(this one is a bit shorter, but I think it follows her char a bit more.)


While we wait...

Unread postby Choark » Sun Jun 29, 2003 11:08 am

The warm water flowed around Camillia's body as she laid in the bath, thoroughly enjoying herself. Though these days her body gets one of its greatest pleasures from the taking of blood, she had still found that nothing in this world or the next feels as good as a bath.

She made cups with her hand and let the water fall out of them an onto her body as, enjoying the sudden touch of the water, and it running down her body, following her form.

Lovers would come and go and none of them would ever caresses her skin as delicately.

Soon however the bath was over and Camillia got out, dried herself and dressed. She would head off to the party now, not stopping for food. The host may be providing dinner after all and it would be very rude to have eaten before coming.

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Re: While we wait...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Jun 29, 2003 11:28 am

Nira bent over breathing hevay. She had run most of the way. She knew the streets were dangrous a night, and as she stood bent over she looked around. She stood up and started to walk again.

"Weird," She said hosting her frog back pack higher onto her shulders. She wondered why she hadn't seen any others, but then remmbered that she had been hiding behind trash cans inorder to get where she was now.

She started to run again.

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Posting late.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:47 pm

A dark figure rose from a down mattress in the grand master bedroom of his small, suburban Chicago based mansion. He pulled his long hair back from his face, and gazed at the beauty all around him.
In the one bed, far larger than your run of the mill "king size", he lay in the warmth of the smooth flesh of fifteen young, succulent naked women.
He ran a hand slowly up the side of a long haired brunette, stopped to stroke and cup her breast.
"Awaken, my loves..."
They slowly came to life, drawing closer to this pale, handsome man with the piercing triangular features on his triangular face.
"First, pleasure..."
A titter of glee ran through the group as they ran their hands and bare bodies over his, and drew closer yet.
"And then, to feed."
The dark game continued... and by eight o'clock, Miles was preparing for the celebration.

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Re: Chicago Chronicles (locked V:TM Game, see OOC)

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Jun 30, 2003 5:23 pm

(OOC - Where's Koneko? Also, Cho, I am assuming Camillia has her own car(considering she has the driving skill), but I will refrain from mentioning which brand/model it is)

As Nira made her way through the alleys the hard steps of shoes against asphalt echoed against the brick walls. A scrap of paper, the page showing sunday cartoons, blew past and, for a brief moment stuck to her leg before it again flew away through the alley. Around her trash cans and cardboard boxes lined the walls as bums and junkies tried to make the best out of their horrible existance. One of the bums, a old and un-shaven man smelling sickly of puke and urine, stepped up towards the girl and smiled, showing two rows of rotten yellow teeth,

"This is no place for a little girl." He said as he took a step towards her. The bum seemed to fill the entire alley as he stepped closer and closer, the mad grin remained as if plastered on his face. No one else paid them any notice, and Nira realized that no one in this neighbourhood would even bother to notice the scream of a young girl.


Camillia turned the car key slowly as the engines roared to life. There was nearly something magical about this, of how by a simple flick of the wrist a thing, a being of metal, could awaken, spewing out it's gray breath while drinking greedily from it's vat of gasoline.

She was in no particular hurry so she drove down the streets in a comfortable pace, admiring the decaying, yet strangely beautiful landscape of the city. Her thoughts wandered, first to the party, to how she would amaze everyone with her presence, then to it's host, that Modius, and then towards the rest of the night.

However, as she stopped at a redlight she could see movement in a small alley just next to her car. She saw a glint of blonde hair as it was caught in the light of a lamp, but then it was gone. Normally, such a trivial thing did not matter to her, but this felt different somehow...


Miles knew this night would be important. He would gain powerful allies, or foes, but in the end he would enjoy this. Far too little of his time in Gary had involved any kind of social interaction, and Modius had once expressed his love for art and sculptures. Perhaps the prince himself would prove to be a valuable friend, if not more than that. A patron for his museum would certainly be delightful, and a powerful man, no, kindred like Modius certainly fitted the position well.

The mansion of Modius was close by, yet Miles felt himself torn to whether he should arrive by car, or by foot. Certainly, a car would make more impression, but he did not have a driver, and that was a fact he did not want to show openly. Oh, choices, choices.


Re: Chicago Chronicles (locked V:TM Game, see OOC)

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jun 30, 2003 5:53 pm

The thought to just drive on by did occur to Camillia but this was a night to indulge in interest after all. Pulling over as soon as she could she stepped out of the car and was hit by the cold of the night.

Oh how she had forgotten she had the heating on in the car. The chill of the night was uplifting, sending a feeling through her bones, to her ears and the tip of her toes and reawakened her all her senses. She enjoyed it as she moved towards the alley.

She will be careful though as she does not want to ruin her dress. Now what was it she sense that interested her so...?

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Re: Chicago Chronicles (locked V:TM Game, see OOC)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Jun 30, 2003 8:56 pm

Nira stepped back, not sure what to do. She had never really left her haven, except for feedings wich were few.

"Go away. . ." she said backing up. "I. ..don't want to hurt you." Her small french accent was starting to poke threw as her voice cracked with fear.

Suddenly she felt a tingle craw up he skin. She gasped and jumped back.

"Someone Help!" She shouted as she backed up into the wall of the alley cluching her small stuffed frog. She held up the frog, as if to shild herself.


Waiting for CrC and others

Unread postby Choark » Sat Jul 05, 2003 10:05 am

Hearing a sudden plea for help Camillia quicken her walking pace, though still didn't hurry herself too much. She wanted to see what was happening before she decided what to do after all.

'Was that a child?' She thought. Surely no one would allow a child to walk around at this time of the night, why there were all sorts of people around this neibourhood...

.. The irony behind that thought made her silently chuckle a little.

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Re: Waiting for CrC and others

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Jul 09, 2003 12:36 pm

Nira glared at the man and frowned at him.

"Get away from me." She said stubernly. "If you don't. . .I might have to hurt you." She said stiffly. She didn't want to feed on this person, she realy didn't know where he had been.

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Re: Waiting for CrC and others

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Jul 09, 2003 4:55 pm

((OOC - See my thread in the OOC. I'm gone for a while, will be back in the next week... Will also deliver an important statement about the game when I return... A(hopefully) positive one.))


Gomen gomen again. I have been muchly undiligent.

Unread postby Koneko » Fri Jul 11, 2003 10:59 am

(OOC: Sorry. I've tried making an intro post several times now, gotten dissatisfied with it, deleted it all and gone to do something else. My sincerest apologies. Also, I hope it isn't odd, strange, unrealistic or anything else bad that he's got blood in his fridge. I'm still not quite sure on how much control I have while he's hunting, so I decided to forgo it for now.)

A man meditated, brooded, mulled in the solitude of his house. Over what, we cannot be sure. The letter, perhaps. Life, perhaps. The universe, perhaps. It didn't really matter anyway. Before he even saw the inside, Selynu knew he was obliged to clean out the refrigerator.

And "clean out" should be translated as "eat everything inside." He was hungry. There was food.

The blood inside wasn't quite fresh, but it did quite well enough. Now, to the matter of this letter. Thinking about it while he drank, he realized it wasn't really a question of whether or not he should go. It didn't matter if he disapproved of Modius' authority, objected to the man's thinking, philosopies and ways of ruling. The offer was there, and it was to be accepted. It was not made otherwise.

Dressing plainly in a baggy grey shirt and pants to match his hair and eyes, and shaving for the first time in several days, Selynu prepared himself for this... "party."

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OMG Back!

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Jul 12, 2003 4:07 pm

(Don't worry, Koneko, I understand how you feel. Welcome to the game, and don't worry about the blood, it's not that unusual for vampires to keep some refreshment around the house. However, do your char have a car or something? Also, check the OOC thread for the news)

The man did little to listen to whatever Nira said to him. He took up a empty bottle, smashed it against the wall and held the broken bottle in front of him.

"That's some nice stuff you've got there, girlie." The man began to cough after finishing and then spit a large glob on the wall, right next to Nira. "Lucky me you won't be needing them anymore. He he."

The man moves closer to Nira, and doesn't seem to be convinced by her threats. While certainly she could take him on, that bottle looks sharp...

((Also, people should post... ;_; ))

Edited by: [url=>ChristianC</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/19/03 6:49 am

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Re: OMG Back!

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:04 pm

Nira stood rigid. Her mind was racing. Prehaps she could scare him away, or at the very least make him lstep to the side, that could let her run past him. She closed her eyes and felt her fangs grow inside her mouth. The moment she did she flet a bit better about the situation.

"Get away," she said baring her fangs. "This is your last warning." She said. Inside she hoped it would work. She knew she could out run him, if only she could get past him.

(Sorry, I wasn't sure what to have her do.)

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Real quick post before running off to work!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:05 am

Miles eventually decided to go, wearing his best, walking to the party. It was too short notice to rent a limo, or even just a driver, and would much rather the party goers believe he simply had a flair for the fresh, night air.

(and I'll edit with a description of Miles's best later this evening. whee.)

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