Welcome to Pine Heights...(A Waking Nightmare RP)

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Welcome to Pine Heights...(A Waking Nightmare RP)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat May 24, 2003 6:07 pm

(OOC: I changed the name of the town)

Pine Heights
Wednesday, 5:30 AM

A truck is quietly driving down the road, heading towards the town. From it's appearance one can tell it was of military origin. Inside the cab, the driver was relaxing, with a cup of coffee, listening to some oldies on the radio. One of his favorite songs.

"Please allow me to introduce myself... I'm a man... of wealth... and taste."

He had been driving for a long time now. About 4 days to be exact. Those four days had not allowed for much free time. He was on a schedule, and it paid more not to be late. He could afford only a few minutes each town to fill up on gas, take a bathroom break, or get something to eat or drink.

He clicked the radio to the news, eager to find out what was in store for him on his return trip back home.

"We can expect to see scattered storms throughout the area today, on into the night. The temperature for today will be 48 during the day, and about 35 during the night."

He grunted to himself, didn't sound too bad... not too good either. Specially if some of those scattered storms got a little out of hand. He had always hated to drive such big shipments during storms. Why he could remember one time when he got caught in a...

Suddenly, without warning a deer appeared in the middle of the road. The driver suddenly snapped back to the present and veered his truck to the side, he had hit a deer before... they always cause great amounts of damage. The smell afterwards was god awful too. He missed the deer by a hair and his truck flew off the road.

The last sight he saw was a large group of trees...

2 hours later...
Nash woke up from sleeping, he had no idea what time it was... nor did he really care. He had been sleeping in his truck all night. He stretched and popped his arms and legs, stiff from the night before.

He scratched his hair as he pulled out his wallet and flipped through it. Of the blood money he had gotten recently, he only had ten dollars left. He looked at his fuel... about half a tank left. He pondered on what to do with it... spend half on breakfast and put about five bucks into the tank... or put all of it into his gas tank...

"Ah screw it... I need breakfast." he said as he leaned down to the floor of his truck to get his boots. He clicked on the radio as he put the left boot on.

"A bizarre truck accident has occured on the outskirts of"


"Buy RodMore... for increased sexu..."


"like open doors... leading you down into my court... where I become so numb..."

Nash finished up with his boots and turned towards the steering wheel. With a turn of the keys it rattled to life, and he drove on down the street, letting the lyrics of the song block out the ones of reality.

(glad i've finally gotten it started)

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Re: Welcome to Pine Heights...(A Waking Nightmare RP)

Unread postby Banjooie » Sun May 25, 2003 11:20 pm

Elsewhere, out in the boonies, was a rather old man.

His name was Colin Macdougal, and by jiminy, it was shopping day. Of course, he knew those city slickers had all their newfangled gun laws, but he didn't care. He was too old, and was friends with too many people for anyone to really wanna bring him in. They all just sort of agreed with whatever he wanted.

He got into his truck, an old beat up red one from back in the days of 'Nam, 'n revved it up.

A short time later, he'd arrived in the city limits. Now, he didn't trust no city slicker with his dadgum car, so he parked it off to the side. Only a weak man couldn't walk a mile or two. And Colin Macdougal was no weak man, Oh, no. He could have wrassled a bear to the ground in his good ol' days, and he weren't THAT far off of them, no sirree. Maybe his bones got a bit creaky, but, pshaw.

Now, his radio didn't work none too well, but ol' Macdougal knew what he heard. There'd been some trucking accident. Them lousy city slickers couldn't drive a gopher without crashing it into something. He sneered when he'd heard it. But that was alright. He got out of the truck, locking it.

He walked back to the road. It was a short mile to the suburbs, and by dadgum, he was gonna walk it.

Darsis AlTanis


Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Tue May 27, 2003 2:12 pm

Pine Heights was often considered a nice city. It had its uptown, with the posh homes, and the downtown, with commercial highrises and fashionable shops.

But, like every city, it had its nether regions. The dark dank sanctuaries of the homeless, the drug addicts, the destitute, and the desperate.

Joe was currently sitting at one such location. A dimly lit back alley that was crowded with people. People sleeping under cardboard boxes, people dealing with small bags, looking furtively behind their shoulders. But Joe sat alone.

Huddling under his ragged coat, he clutched his only possession. The one thing that no one could take from him. It was a simple thing, nothing but trash. But Joe would never allow anyone to take it. It was an old rusted pipe that had at one time been filled with cement, making it a formidable weapon.

He sat, staring at the ground with his unnaturally bright blue eyes, mumbling nonsense ditties under his breath. He began sketching designs in the dirt, meaningless lines, and doodles.

Another homeless man had somehow acqured a battery powered radio, but it was seized from him by another man. Then, typically, another person snatched it from that person, and a brawl exploded. Only Joe sat unnoticed. The radio was quickly broken in the ensuing fight, and landed in a shattered heap near his feet.

It had stuck on one station permanently, the sound distorted by the damage done to it. But the last words to come from the cheap electronic device held portent, although none of them knew it.

...truck accident has occured...

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue May 27, 2003 2:39 pm

Dennis looked to the library doors one last time.. he had already been there for a few hours, setting his newest aide into place for the day ahead.

Not many could take the unexpected stress the job brought on, but Mr. Maher felt that he could trust this young man, who he had last seen turning on the front desk computer. Not only that, but he felt that he had to take a break from it all.. the old, dirty smell of the books could very well have been pressing into his own flesh for all of the time he spent there.

But today he would be taking a walk around town, enjoying air fresher then that which polluted the library. After all, this town alone was the idea of American capitalism at its prime. Simply taking a walk in such should invigorate him for another tiring day to come, tomorrow..

He looked to the skies before briefly checking his watch. It'd be some time before six.. all the more time to check if the shops were open yet or not, he supposed.

And off he went..


Enter the medic

Unread postby Alaerien » Thu Jun 05, 2003 5:18 pm

Arianne jingled her car keys in her pocket as she walked through the parking lot. The sun was sinking behind a high-rise block of flats so that the parking lot was swathed in shadows, and the far end was as good as hidden. A cold wind blew across the lot, pieces of rubbish scraping along the ground, and Arianne shivered as cold fingers inched along her spine. Her head felt tight as a drum, as if an iron hand gripped her forehead, and her skin crawled. Stupid, stupid, she scolded herself. You should've taken the day off. Now you're going to have another headache. The headaches often kept her up all night. She was good for nothing while they lasted, and dead on her feet in the morning besides.

A ray of sunlight lay across her path. Arianne felt the warmth against the side of her face as she crossed it and walked once again into the shadow. It was dark and cold in this corner of the parking lot. For a moment Arianne blinked in the dimness, thinking that her car wasn't there. Oh. There it is. The dark bulk of the silver Ford loomed close beside her. Arianne unlocked it and climbed in, the doctor inside her wondering if she should take an eye test. The next moment, she dismissed the thought once more as she turned the key and started the engine.

Arianne switched over to automatic pilot and drove without thinking as she headed home. Her head was starting to hurt. She thought longingly of coffee, a long hot soak and the paracetamol in her kitchen cabinet. As she braked at a stop light and waited for the light to turn green, those cold fingers crawled over her spine once more. Arianne did not believe in premonitions, but intuition was a strong force, and she thought that hers was trying to tell her something. Arianne shrugged away the feeling, put her foot down and drove home.


Re: Enter the medic

Unread postby Ajil6 » Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:45 pm

Jason was in a bad, bad mood. A very bad mood, a mood that was most described as "not good." That was to say, it wasn't particularly justifiable. It had been a busy day at the First Bank of Pine Heights. He had a terrible toothache, and that had made communicating somewhat difficult, as the dull throb of pain seared across the injured area each time he spoke, or bit wrong, like a hot branding iron across his mouth.

It didn't help, that the last person in the line before he got off work wanted to cash a bounced check, and spoke very broken english. He wondered as he spoke to the woman, ~Why me, God? Why didn't I get a better job working as a Teacher, an ultimately more fullfulling job than this? Or why didn't shed my worldly possesions and become a monk, and move to Tibet? I'm certain that Tibetian monks have a lot more fun sitting around in their monastaries all day doing nothing, than I am right now.~

He was happily relieved by a glare from his supervisor, who came over to take control of the situation.

Today wasn't nice at all.

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Furthering the story...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jun 08, 2003 6:21 pm

Nash stopped his truck in front of his favorite little cafe, Percival Pine's Cafe and
, he turned his truck off and opened the door.

IM:Does every god damned thing here got to have "Pine" in it's name?

He hopped out and headed towards the entrance. The early customers were there already.
The waitress, Daisy, greeted him upon his arrival. "Welcome back Nash dall... would ya
like da usual?" she asked in her usual little (and at times very annoying) accent. Nash
nodded, his usual; which consisted of eggs, biscuits and gravy and a tall glass of orange
juice, didn't cost too much here.

Daisy wasn't too bad looking, the only problem with her as far as Nash knew was her
accent. After he nodded, she went right to work in the back fixing up his order.

Nash sat down at the counter, the other customers were minding their own business, so
he didn't bother them. The jukebox in the cafe was playing a good little hit...

I see the bad moon risin'... I see trouble on the way... I see Earthquakes and Lightnin'...
I see bad times today...

Nash leaned back, "Don't go 'round tonight... or it's bound to take your life... there's a bad
moon on the rise." he sang to himself softly as he awaited his breakfast. He pulled out his
wallet while he waited, and fingered through his cash.

"Hey sonny... did ya hear?" came a grave old voice. Nash turned to see the face of an old
man, one the regulars there at the Cafe. Just that... he hardly ever talked to anyone at all.

"What about old timer?" he asked in reply. The old man cleared his throat, "There was a
wreck out there on the road about 2 and a half hours ago... big truck.... carrying
something." he said, as he looked around and got closer.

"I'm an old veteran y’see... I see those there trucks drive by my little ranch all da time.
They’re military trucks I tell ya, an old war dog like me don’t ever forget the looks of such
things. Something’s up sonny... I’d keep an eye out." he said as he went back to his seat
and his own meal.

Nash looked a little confused, but pondered on what the man just said. Would make
sense, they say the old geezer lives pretty far out from the town. So it wouldn’t surprise
him if the old timer knows what he’s blabbering about.

Nash thought back to his own time in the army. He knew some things were transported
via trucks across the country, but those were usually weapons and munitions... usually.
But what would they be doing way out here?

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Re: Furthering the story...

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Jun 13, 2003 1:30 pm

After a long while, good ol' Colin Macdougal'd walked his dang well mile. After all, it wasn't uphill, wasn't snowing, and he sure as rain weren't in his father's pajamas, god rest his soul.

He was now in the green, mainly white area of Pine Heights. But that figured, didn't it now..everybody's all middle class, with their fancy computers 'n...Colin didn't have any truck with that sort of stuff. Didn't need some bucket o' bolts to find out what he needed to know. That's what a library was for, 'n he'd only stepped in one twice. Once to get a book on house repair, and once to return it. He didn't need no advanced mathematics hocus pocus. That was for the brainy types that had arms as thick as twigs, and spines to match. Nah, he'd depended on his instincts, 'n his ability to aim his shotgun. Course, he'd taken it with him. Ain't nobody ever gonna tell him different, either. The cops were all okay with it, 'cept a couple new ones he had to occasionally smack in the back of the head. Damn young'uns.

But he'd made his way to a corner store. He needed some more ammo, and this seemed like a damned nice place to get it at.

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Re: Furthering the story...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Jun 13, 2003 4:26 pm

The Store Colin was heading to was called "Wesson's Gun
and Outfitter Store
", one of the oldest stores in Pine Heights. The owner was named Ricardo, why the store was still named Wesson's is to this day a confusing mystery. He was a decent sized person, with oily black hair, and a 4 o'clock shadow, but just a bit less kept (Ricardo wasn't the best at shaving). He had on as usual, the red Wesson's store shirt.

Ricardo was finishing up a cleaning job he was doing on an AK-47 Automatic Rifle, one of his most expensive weapons in the store. He heard the door bells jingle as Colin entered.

"Ah Colin... how's life treating ya? Here for a new gun?" he asked, smiling as usual.


Re: Furthering the story...

Unread postby Ajil6 » Mon Jun 16, 2003 4:41 pm

Jason was quite certain that he looked ridiculous pulling into the dentist's office wearing his bank uniform while riding his old bicycle. He made sure to lock it up the best he could, so no young hoodlems would take it. As he walked into the office he made sure to put his hands to his jaw, and make like he was in an obese amount of pain as he spoke to the lady at the desk.

He decided again, that today wasn't his day at all as he sat down to sign the inane amount of paper work required before the dentist would call him in. He just wished it would be over so he could go home, sleep the night away, and maybe watch a late night talk show.

Of course, it wasn't that easy. The dentist didn't accept Basic Health's Insurance. This was coming out of his own pocket. A simple and single thought went through his head as he turned the paperwork in.


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Re: Furthering the story...

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:14 pm

Dennis had spent his time wandering the town, not really intent on going anywhere special. He wasn't hungry at the moment, he didn't have enough money to buy something.. anything.. new.. and if there was any entertainment around here, it was most likely closed until 12pm.

He sighed and dusted off the bare amount of clothing he had on his back as he continued into town...

Darsis AlTanis

Re: Furthering the story...

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Tue Jun 17, 2003 8:31 am

Joe was not in the mood to put up with the stupidity of his fellow homeless. He got up, walked out of the alley and onto the street.

He moved briskly for awhile. It was only when he spotted some other people that he slowed, and began staggering around. He was not drunk, he actually didn't drink at all, but if he acted like he was, then people would usually ignore him.

His destination was as yet unknown to even him. But he was somehow sure that he was supposed to be somewhere. Probably not a building, as the owners wouldn't let him in if they didn't know him already.

Maybe he should head towards Wesson's. The owner their liked to here his stories about the various weapons, back in the day before the government screwed him over.

Damn feds...

Fight their fucking war for them, and they throw you on the street. Hail the conquering hero and all that bullshit. Well, look at your returning war hero now.

The American Dream right? Right.

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Re: Welcome to Pine Heights...(A Waking Nightmare RP)

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Jun 17, 2003 7:27 pm

Tom leaned back in the chair, taking a sip from a fresh cup of black coffee bought at Starbucks. He'd just finished a round, his final round, in the mall and was now taking a deserved break. Pine Mall would be better off without him anyway.

The small room had been set aside in the deepest and darkest corner of the mall. Meant to serve as a recreation and resting room for mall employees, it now served no more purpose than the place to rest tired feet in. A long-broken pinball machine stood in one corner, blinking disheartedly, and a ancient coffee-machine stood in another. No one ever got a drink from that machine, it could kill a weak person.

Turning on the radio, Tom began thinking about his new job. He'd be a radio dj, or most probably a newsreader, but at least that was a start. Some soft music was playing but he wasn't interrested in that. Instead he switched over to the channel he was supposed to work at and found that the traffic news was just running.

A bizarre truck accident has occured on the outskirts of...

The radio died before saying where. Tom just sighed and took another sip of the coffee. He looked up as the door was opened by Frank, one of his collegues.

"<span style="color:orange;">Hey Frank, anything to report?</span>" The two men chuckled at the old insider-joke. Frank joined Tom at the small table and opened a coke.

"<span style="color:orange;">You know that stuff's gonna kill you.</span>" Tom sighed.

"<span style="color:red;">Not before the coffee takes you.</span>" Frank replied. Another chuckle.

"<span style="color:orange;">This I'm gonna miss.</span>" Tom thought for himself. Oh well, time goes by and thing's change.

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Re: Welcome to Pine Heights...(A Waking Nightmare RP)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jun 17, 2003 8:05 pm

Nash drove through town, listening to the news on the radio, the old man's words still clung to his mind.

The radio report kept on playing...

The truck had crashed on the outskirts of the town, military officials have begun cordoning off the area. Apparantly something special must have been in this truck, but reports have not been able to get any new info as of this moment...

At the Wreck site...
6:30 am

Military and local police were in the area of the wreck, investigating and cleaning up some of the mess.

A black sedan pulled up North of the Military Blockade. A man with dark shades stepped out of the vehicle. After flashing his military branch badge to the guards at the blockade he headed towards a group of investigators.

"Who let THEM in here?" he asked a nearby soldier. The soldier looked at the investigators, shrugged, "They were the first ones here, and besides... they helped drive off the reporters earlier."

The man seemed to get angrier, "Well tell those country bumpkins to get the fuck out of here! That's an order!!" he barked at the soldier. The soldier shook his head.

"Sorry sir, you'll have to talk with my commanding officer about that." said the now nervous guard. This seemed to make the man in the black shades think, turn around head towards the tarped spot serving as headquarters.

Meanwhile not too far away...

One of the investigators looked at the windshield of the truck. He looked at his colleague. "Hey Jim... what do you think happened to the driver?" asked the investigator. Jim had been there longer than this man.

"Didn't they tell ya? They didn't find the driver... haven't found a clue about his whereabouts this entire time. Seems the good old boy just up and left soon after the wreck. But how he survived after running into a thick wall of trees is still a mystery to me." replied Jim as he turned to the military. "They're gonna have some chemical experts from the Branches come here soon. We've been warned not to get too close to the back of the truck or to enter the cab of the truck. Apparently... some sort of... Biohazard."

"Then why the hell am I so close to this windshield then?" asked the investigator. Jim shrugged and walked towards his car.

IM: If this trucker's still alive... then could he be heading towards the city?

What they didn't get to see was a crack in the back of the cab, and the weird ooze spilling out of it through the back end.

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Re: Welcome to Pine Heights...(A Waking Nightmare RP)

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Jun 17, 2003 8:21 pm

Tom put the empty cup down on the table and looked up as Frank rose from his chair.

"<span style="color:orange;">Hey, Frank,</span>" He said slowly.

"<span style="color:red;">Yeah?</span>

"<span style="color:orange;">Can I take your round? I've got to get home earlier, what with my new job and stuff.</span>" Frank shrugged.

"<span style="color:red;">Sure, why not.</span>" Tom nodded and rose from his chair. He walked up to the door and smiled.

"<span style="color:orange;">Thanks, owe you one.</span>" He said as he left.

The mall wasn't very big, you didn't expect that for a small town like this, but the mass of people usually made it hard to orient oneself. Not that Tom had any problems with that. Considering that he'd been working there for nearly 15 years, he knew his route inside-out. He enjoyed how the crowds usually spread out when he came closer, giving him space to move. Something else he was going to miss.

He stopped as he heard a radio transmission.

The truck had crashed on the outskirts of the town, military officials have begun cordoning off the area. Apparantly something special must have been in this truck, but reports have not been able to get any new info as of this moment...

The owner of the radio switched to a music channel. Tom shrugged and continued walking. Probably weapons or something.

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Unread postby Banjooie » Wed Jun 18, 2003 2:56 pm

Colin chuckled.

"Well, I reckon I'll be wanting some ammo for good ol' Berty here." He hefted his gun a bit. "Hey, what's that you got there on the radio? I heard this thing 'bout some idjit city slicker who crashed his truck. Maybe he's up and died finally. They oughta make these truck drivers learn how to drive before..."

The truck had crashed on the outskirts of the town, military officials have begun cordoning off the area. Apparantly something special must have been in this truck, but reports have not been able to get any new info as of this moment...

"Well I'll be. I reckon it'll be alright, but in any case, I think I'll get myself a LITTLE more ammo than the usual. What say a dozen boxes, whippersnapper?" This last was said with a hint of good humour. Something special indeed...probably just some newfangled oil fuel.

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jun 18, 2003 3:03 pm

Dennis finally came to a stop by the grocery store. Walking was good and fine, but he had had enough for now.. checking his wallet, he found enough money to at least buy food. Somewhat surprised and pleased by this fact, he entered the store, walking into the midst of the aisles as he heard a radio in the background blare on..

The truck had crashed on the outskirts of the town, military officials have begun cordoning off the area. Apparantly something special must have been in this truck, but reports have not been able to get any new info as of this moment...

"Eh." He thought. "Nothing worrisome, probably."

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Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jun 18, 2003 11:52 pm

Ricardo smiled, "Yeah you know them military types these days... always muckin' up something. Probably out of boredom." chuckled Ricardo as he put down the automatic weapon to head towards the section behind his desk to get the exact demanded amount of shells.

"Been keeping Berty up to snuff lately Colin?" he asked as he piled one case of shells on top of the other as he talked.


Re: Onward..

Unread postby Ajil6 » Thu Jun 19, 2003 12:33 am

Jason was so very, very happy that the dentist's office was open so early in the morning, even though he was angered about the bank for the exact same reason. After a half hour, the dentist had let him go.

He looked at his watch: 6:30 AM and made a face. Some places opened too early in the morning for his taste. His jaw was numb, and he was tired. He was probably going to skip the rest of the day at work and just ride his bike to his apartment.

Which is what he started to do after unlocking it.

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby Banjooie » Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:57 pm

Colin chuckled. "Polished three times a week, four in winter. Now watch some middle eastern turban'ead rush in right about now, take over, 'n rename the city 'Doma City' or something crazy like that. That's ALL we need."

He pulled out the appropriate cash for the shells, putting the boxes in his vest pockets. "So it's been great talking to ya. I think I'll get myself a spot of breakfast."

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Jun 20, 2003 1:43 am

Ricardo nodded as he pushed the stacks of shells over to Colin and took the cash. "Take it easy there old man. Something happens to you I'll lose one of my favorite customers." replied Ricardo with his usual smile.

With Dennis...

An employee came up to Dennis, she was smiling and beaming... the typical fake smile of an average bored employee. Her name tag read "Sherril" on it. She had red flowing hair and quite a nice looking figure. She looked at him and asked "Need some help finding something sir?" she asked, smiling even harder now with those pearly whites.

Back with Nash...

You're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan,
Designed and directed by his red right hand...

Nash drove down towards the Gas Station... trying to stop worrying about what the old geezer told him.

IM:Could there be something going on with this crash? Goddammit... stop it! That old man was fuckin' nuts... I need my gas now.

Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 6/20/03 2:15 am

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:20 am

Tom continued his round, stopping every now and then too look at a favorite restaurant, or the Sport & Fish shop where he'd spent hundreds of dollars on fishing gear.

He chuckled. He was acting like this was the last time he would come here. He practically lived in the mall anyway, so why should he need to worry? The rest of the round was made with a much lighter heart, until suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "STOP, THIEF!"

Tom's head zoomed back and forth as he tried to find the source of the scream. Quickly he noticed a man carrying a handbag running towards one of the exit.

"<span style="color:orange;">Stop! Mall Security!</span>" He yelled as he rushed after the man. He didn't draw his revolver, feeling pretty sure that this was just a regular snatch-and-run. He ran after the man and saw to his relief how Frank, who'd been in the coffee shop buying a donut, rushed out to meet the thief. His smile vanished from his face as the thug pulled up a gun.

"<span style="color:orange;">Frank, look out!</span>" He shouted, but too late. A bullet strook his colleague, and friend, through his head, killing the man instantly. Tom, unable to control himself, drew his .38 revolver and screamed at the man: "<span style="color:orange;">Drop your gun or I'll shoot!</span>" People around the mall were screaming and running for their lives, leaving the small area where Tom and the thief stood completely empty. Outside the windowed entrance people stared at the two.

"<span style="color:orange;">I said DROP YOUR GUN!</span>" Tom walked slowly up to the man who was standing still, still holding the gun. Tom tried to think calmly. He wanted to kill the man so badly, but his training screamed at him to do this professionally. "<span style="color:orange;">Drop your gun, turn around with your hands in the air.</span>" The thief turned slowly, still holding the gun. The man was smiling...

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:54 pm

Dennis was obliged to be polite, but he hated the fake pretense so many consumer-level employees had to put on for their customers.

He briefly pretended to be blinded, waving a hand in front of his eyes. "Yes.. I was just wondering where the baked goods aisles was, Miss.. Sherril?"

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jun 25, 2003 7:41 pm

Sherril grinned, "Sir, we saw you reading the signs a bit earlier. But if you want the Baked Goods... they're down there." she said as she pointed towards an aisle a few feet away from Dennis. He had been close to it, but a large stack/display for Coca Cola was blocking the aisle sign.

"Have a good day sir." Sherril said as she walked back to the counters.

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 28, 2003 8:29 pm

The thief raised his weapon, and time seemed to move in slow motion as Thomas felt his right shoulder scream with pain, as the bullet struck it. Thomas replied with two shots of his own, one hitting the perpatrator in the hand, which was holding the gun, and the other in the upper left leg. It was the thief's turn to scream as he fell over in pain.

Luckily, someone in a nearby store witnessing all of this had called the police and they were already on their way. Thomas fell over, unconscious...

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jun 30, 2003 5:07 pm

(OOC: if the onwers of the characters not mentioned in this can handle their characters up to this point, I would greatly appreciate it.)
The rest of the day seemed to go by at the usual pace. Soon as if in the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon.

3:45 PM
Back with Nash...

Nash headed to his usual spot, where he would always put his truck at. He finally had gotten some gas earler that day. Though he had tried to forget it, the words of the old codger still drummed in his head.


He woke up in a hospital room. He didn't know what time it was, and became a bit disoriented. The drugs they had obviously put into, painkillers, were still in a effect a bit. He looked at his shoulder, the one that had gotten hit. The doctors and paramedics had wrapped it up pretty well.

But it may have been the medicine or it may have been the fact that he was in a hospital. But Thomas... felt like shit.

A nurse soon appeared. "Have a nice sleep sir?" she asked as she walked over to his side. She was quite the attractive nurse, black hair, tanned skin, and this beautiful green eyes. Of course her other part of her body were well done as well, but Thomas was currently not in the mood to pay attention to those.

He took a deep breath and replied...


After having gotten his shotgun shells, a good amount of breakfast, and a little shopping at the grocery store, Colin headed back towards his truck.

As he turned a corner, walking, he saw a dark blue car drive on by. Course being the type he is, Colin knew this car wasn't local...


"Joe" eventually made it to Wessons, Ricardo didn't mind the loitering, besides, he could use the company.

Joe had the usual interesting stories to tell, which helped kill some time. But eventually, more customers came in and Ricardo became a bit more busy.

So Joe had to get out soon after that. He went about his usual ways, till the current time in the afternoon.


She had gotten home as she planned. The chill still remained, but a good long soak in the tub helped get rid of that. She took the medication for her headache and was soon in bed to take a nap.

At about 3:35 PM, her alarm clock buzzed and woke her. Now was the time she should plan on what to do with the rest of her day. Go back to bed (she was a bit sleepy still) or go out and try to find something to do. Maybe go to a resteraunt.

In the city...

The dark blue car sped on down the road. Inside was the man from the wreck site, the investigator, Jim. He was still wearing his grey trenchcoat, and uniform (tie and suit). He hardly went to this town, cept when a call came up, but not now. Now he was after the trucker who had disappeared soon after the crash. He predicted that the man may have come here, since it was closer to the site than the other town about four miles further on the other side of the wreck site.

IM:Got a bad feeling about this... most definately

He continued on down the road...

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Re: Onward..

Unread postby Banjooie » Tue Jul 01, 2003 3:11 am

Colin watched the car drive by.

Why, he reckoned, that car wasn't owned by no city slicker round here. Oh, no. That car was up to something. Well, the driver was, but you dun need to make those kinds of distinctions. Nah. What mattered was there was something baaad about that car, and by jiminy, he was going to find out what. But it could wait till he got in his truck, and that was another walk back. Off we go, in that case.

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:00 am

Dennis nodded briefly. ".. right. Thanks."

He had always been confused about this store. Whatever had had wanted to find in the past was often obscured by some sort of overbearing display. In an 'All American' town like Pine Heights, he supposed he should've gotten used to that type of thing.. but it still annoyed him.

Almost as much as the employees did sometimes. Ah, no matter.

Carefully moving around the Coke display with a few moments time, he looked around for a Baker of some sort behind what he expected to be the typical display case of oversweetened donuts, cakes, cookies, pies, breads, and the like.

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 7/2/03 6:14 pm


Re: Pastries!

Unread postby Ajil6 » Wed Jul 09, 2003 4:19 pm

Jason rode his bike home, slowly as not to get disoriented thanks to the painkillers. He yawned, yes. Skipping work today would be a good idea. Yes. Taking a nap would be a good idea also.

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Gark, breaking my promises... I'm posting

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Jul 09, 2003 4:49 pm

(OOC - ^ I'm not supposed to post anything this week, what with my grumpy father and his shitty modem and all ^_^;; )

"<span style="color:gray;">Yeah... I guess...</span>"

Tom tried to relax, but as soon as he closed his eyes the picture of Frank dying flashed before his eyes. He jumped up in the bed, panting.

"<span style="color:gray;">Miss...</span>" He finally whispered after collecting himself... "<span style="color:gray;">Did... Did you get in a man named... Frank Richards?</span>"

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: Gark, breaking my promises... I'm posting

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jul 09, 2003 7:11 pm

The nurse put a hand on Thomas's chest, a look of concern was on her face "It's alright sir... calm down. But I'm afraid your friend is... well... I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid he... passed away not too long ago." she said softly.

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Re: Gark, breaking my promises... I'm posting

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Jul 19, 2003 6:57 am

"<span style="color:gray;">...Dead?</span>" Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing... but the memories came back in his mind. "<span style="color:gray;">It can't be... it... no...</span>"

((I'm upset, people should post more! ò_ó))

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Bout bloody time.

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:46 am

(I'll respond and further the other stories when said posters finally... post.)
The Nurse could tell he was reeling from this news... so she attempted to calm him. "It's alright sir. Try not to worry yourself. I'm sorry that happened, and that you had to hear this news. Try to relax." she said trying to reassure him.


The Good Old Boy finally made it back to his trusty ol' truck. Luckily nothing had happened to it while he was away, which is a good thing. But as he made it into his truck... Colin failed to notice a trail of footprints... bootprints to be more precise... very close together. It was as if the person were... shuffling. The tracks were headed in the direction of the town...


He parked his truck. It rumbled before finally stopping as he turned the ignition off. He sat back in his truck and thought about what these recent events could all mean...

Jim, the Investigator

Jim turned a corner and stopped his car. Yeah... he definately had no idea where he was. He got out of his car and stood on the sidewalk by which he had just parked.

He spotted a diner not too far away. This would be a good place to start. Maybe check around... ask questions to the customers. He headed in that direction.


Clanton hated his job. He hated his boss, hated his piece of shit car, hated his home, and most of all... hated his damn wife. He walked along the streets, heading home from work.

He already knew what to expect when he got home. As soon as he had closed the door, his bitchass wife, Meriell, would yell at him that he's late (which is usually by only 5 minutes) and to take out the trash. All of that after he had been working all day in the local warehouse. Lifting heavy boxes, transporting things all around the place and unloaded the latest shipments. He was clearly not in the best of moods to be lifting anything else besides maybe a cup of coffee or the TV remote.

Thus upon decling the order, Meriell would do as she usually does, walk her lazy ass out towards him from the kitchen and bark more orders at his face. Man... did he love to be home.

No sooner had he finished that little thought when a sound came from behind him in a nearby alleyway. Clanton wasn't a pushover by any means, having quite a good considerable amount of weight and mass to himself. So he wasn't in the least afraid to go check it.

Besides... what was going to happen in THIS town? Only major thing that happened here today was the local shootout at the mall. But what one would have to understand is that hardly happens much out here.

That hardly clicked in Clanton's mind as he approached the alleyway. As he got closer, a shadowy person emerged. From the look of the person, they weren't in the best of shape as the stranger shuffled towards him. The man was wearing the usual trucker outfit. A red hat with some kind of Trucker Slang on it, a plaid button-up shirt, blue jeans with the worlds largest metallic belt buckle holding it all above the man's waist. He also wore some military boots.

"You ok pardner?" Clanton asked, thinking something was wrong with this man and that the poor bastard needed help. The most hideous look was on his face. The man looked like he was in pain, his eyes were rolled upwards towards his eye lids, his mouth was open, gasping slightly, and his face was contorted... as if he was in extreme pain.

"Hey... you alright? Answer me." said Clanton, as he obviously was getting more worried about this stranger. Looked like the type of person in serious need of medical attention.

The man walked up towards him. Without a word, he suddenly lunged towards Clanton and bit him on the right shoulder, tearing the skin. Instantly causing bleeding.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" a bewildered Clanton asked as he pushed his attacker off. The stranger tried to lunge again, but was met this time with Clanton's fist in a wide right hook.

"Stay the hell away from me you psychapath!!!" hollered Clanton as he ran, but he was already feeling the affects of the wound and blood loss. He staggered as he tried to run from this crazy trucker. He thought about his wife, Meriell, and how much he'd rather be with her right now. He loved her... no matter what happens when he comes home.

But this stranger was not about to be denied of his meal. He shuffled towards Clanton, who was making very little progress in getting away.

Clanton wanted to be with Meriell, tell her how much he loved her, and this time... he wouldn't give a shit about taking out the trash... no... it wasn't as heavy as the boxes. He would tell her how much he misses her at work. God how he wanted to be with her.

The stranger lunged again, this time biting down hard at the back of Clanton's neck. Clanton tried to scream, but the pain wasn't allowing him. "Me.... Me... Merieelllllllll..." he said with his last breath as he passed out from the pain.

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