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Re: Oopsie

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:41 am
by bunnygirle78
Bunny stared at Marissa, who was smiling. But something looked wrong.

"Are you ok?" Bunny asked looking said.

"Its just that. . " she said nervously. "When someone smiles, there eyes usualy don't look so full of pain."

Long Long Voyage

Unread postPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 12:49 am
by Ronin
Bren((add ce, t or whatever, I forget the variation for this rp)) looked out over the sea, wondering WHEN they would reach the island....


Unread postPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 8:51 am
by WhiteWerefox
ah... Geocsuppi quit. I think.


Unread postPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 6:52 pm
by Ronin
first geo, now whatshisname from The Horde.... when will I get into a stable rp??


Unread postPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 10:03 pm
by WhiteWerefox
We can only hope. A lot of RP's go like this. ChristianC may yet pull through.

I hold it as a matter of pride that the one RP I've GM'd actually concluded, and the other is going through it's end chapter right now.

However, every RP I've joined has died before it came to an end. Granted, that's only three plot RP's and a few charactor duels, but it's not a good track record.