The Kingdom [join in the ooc]

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Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:36 am

Ensifer left the massive supply room, passsing a few others on the way out. He noted their faces and began participating in some light conversation with some of the other lesser nobility present. Never hurt to get cought up on current events, after all.

He headed over to the fellow taking lords and ladies cloaks and such near the door, and tossed him the pack. "Hold onto this for me." He said, completly abandoning his more flourid speech momentarily.

He returned to the king, waited to be noticed, and knealt when he was. He didnt' bother laying down all his blades and approaching. "My liege, I am ready for your next command."

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:40 am

"Damnit! It's a friggin dead end. Now what is the point in that?" Her voice could be heard echoing down the hallway.


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:41 am

The man who had been conversing with the king well before anyone had gotten there, walked over and put his hand on his back.

"Stand up. We're waiting for the rest to get here. The King has already told me, just because I had been waiting, but he assures me that more are coming."

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Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:44 am

Bunny peaked around them.

"Um .. what if we knock?" She said shyly. "Its a door . . .isn't it. Maybe. .someone is on the other side."

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Sat Mar 22, 2003 3:00 am

Marissa laughed out loud at Bunny's sugestion. "Knock, eh?" She shrugged and knocked three times, quickly.


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Mar 22, 2003 3:03 am

Out in the chamber a knock could be herd echoing around all of the walls. Enisfer could tell that it came from the far back left door. On the lower level.

For a second nothing happened.


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby sseko » Sat Mar 22, 2003 11:40 am

OOC: the lord and chamber maid thing is fine.

After gawking around the room for a few minutes, he noticed the maid. Her beutty made him stair for another few minutes. But he shook his mind free.

"Not time for that got see king!" he said under his breath

He went up to the maid and shyly taped her shoulder.

"M'lady could you take me to the king" studering, and almost fainting, he had spent most of his childhood around his friends beating, but never really talked to the girls.

Edited by: [url=>sseko</A] at: 3/22/03 5:51:59 pm


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:15 pm

[OOC: Edit you post to tell me who you're talking too. and it's M'lady. There's no I. Think about out it. You're taking My, and then either Lord or Lady. The apostrophe takes out the y, so all you get is, M'lord, or M'lady.]

Edited by: [url=>Geocsuppi</A] at: 3/22/03 12:26:28 pm


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:19 pm

(Mi'lord, Mi'lady. Some people leave out the apostrophy, I believe either version is fine. In my experience, it's an appropriate title for talking to anyone... not just lords or ladies.)

Ensifer stood, some what sheepish, and looked back at the man.

Crap! Who's this? He's got no crown, but he's too high ranking to be a Seneschal... Maybe he's a regent. Is he with the church?

Ensifer's eyes darted up and down the man.

I dont' think so... no marks of office... he could be a merchant, but he's got enough self respect that I don't want to step on his toes if he's a noble...And hell, a well respected merchant could be as bad as any noble...

Ensifer stood looking at the man without saying a word. The silence between them was uncomfortable for the youth, and he hastened to put together some sort of reply.

After many seconds of indecision: "Uh... of course, Milord."

Brilliant. Isn't that just bloody brilliant.


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:33 pm

"No, I'm no Lord. Just a mercenary like yourself. I just happen to know about this particular thing."


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Ronin » Sat Mar 22, 2003 4:11 pm

Bren looked up from the forge and glanced across at a sign posted on the wall of his fathers smithy, he tore it down and looked at it, smiling he grabbed a large forge hammer from the rack and headed towards the castle.

When he got there he asked the guard at the gate
"where am i supposed to meet for this job?" he says handing the sign to the guard while thinking,
I hope this pays well!


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Mar 22, 2003 4:21 pm

"Please enter the castle, and and then go into the the kings chamber." The guard tossed the flyer into the heap that had been collected.


Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Ronin » Sat Mar 22, 2003 5:06 pm

Bren continues into the castle and sees three hallways, he says to himself, "hmmm i can't decide, lets go for the tried and true method"

He sets his hammer on its head and spins it, the hammer falls down pointing in the dirrection of the left hallway, picking up his hammer and carrying it over one shoulder, Bren starts walking down it slowly, admiring all the nice and expensive things.

(oc ooooooooooh shiny!! DAMNIT ME NO SPELL GOOD AGAIN!!)

Edited by: [url=>Ronin</A] at: 3/23/03 12:53:20 am

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Watch Your Step

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Sat Mar 22, 2003 8:09 pm

Marissa knocked again.


Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sun Mar 23, 2003 12:50 am

Once again in the King's Court and knock could be herd echooing off the wall. Jou finally realized where it was coming from. He walked over and opened it slowly, letting light into a very dark hallway. Three people stand in the door way.

You finally here the door creak open. Your first sight is that of a lowly slave rather dirty underneath all of the new clothing. Past him is a lavish court. Many people high in the politics of The Kingdom could be seen. Most importantly the king could be seen with two people standing by him, they had been talking it would seem. Everyone is very quiet and looking at them.

Bren walked down the hallway, of course adminring the shiny things, and great craftsmanship of everything. Finally he came to the end of the hallway, and he saw this...

What wasn't gold was velvet, and what ever wasn't either of those was marble. There were two stair cases that lead down to the level below. There was a blacony on the level Bren is on that circles the whole room. On the far back wall rested a huge throne. A plump man was in a chair, and a slender shapley, and well endoud woman stood next to him, his 'chamber made' Bren assumed. Many nobels lined both walls there were no converstaions at all, infact they all seemed to be looking in the lower left corner. Two other men stood in the center infront of the throne. To the right the other halls were visable.

End... tricked you HAHAHA!!

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:27 am

Bunny lowered her head as they entered, not realy sure how to act. She had never seen anyone dressed so finely befor, and here she was in a room filled with wealthy peopel.

She steped behind Marissa and folowed her, carefuly looking around with her eyes.

"Its relay prety," she wispered.


Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby Ronin » Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:50 am

Bren walked slowly down the stairs, unable to fathom everything he was seeing, he had never seen so much wealth before in all his life, as he walked down the stairs he noticed the man at the throne, and thought to himself,
I bet hes the guy I should talk to, he looks kingly enough...
he walked over to the man at the throne and said in a buisness like manner, hoping not to betray his awe at the wealth on display, " I have come here regarding the job, are you the man I should be talking to?" as he said this he leaned on his forge hammer, trying his hardest not to look poor.

(oc, hmm i was hoping for a trap i could bash, thats one of my favorite hobbies! EDIT EDIT>_< me no spell good!)

Edited by: [url=>Ronin</A] at: 3/23/03 12:51:57 am


Introductions are in order

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:50 am

Ensifer tried not to let his frustration show. Not that he had a problem with mercenaries, his father would call himself a nobleman mercenary in private. Still, genneral ignroance, excuseable or not, wasn't the best thing to flaunt in the court.

The door had finally been opened by someone's rather... unhygenic servant. Ensifer recouped his earlier bungling, and approached the pair behind the door.

"Please, enter. We are not dogs to bite at unfamiliar guests." He noted the young lady at the door. She seemed uncomfortable with the lavish surroundings: no air headed third daughter of a noble was this. Such unaffected honesty didn't come from a gossiping bauble. "Not that even common mongerls would ever mar such a radiant soul," he said, and stepped aside as he gestured for them to enter.

(Ensifer isn't hitting on her, just being elegant.)

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:56 pm

Bunny looked up quickly and bowed slightly to Ensifer. She wasn't sure about who he was, but since everyone was dressed so well, she thought she should.

"Thank yous Sir." She said softly and slowly entered she held her hands infront of her.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:37 pm

Marrisa raisied an eyebrow at his comment and entered after Bunny, still pushing Angel ahead of her. She noticed the king and bowed.

"I, along with these two, am here to apply for the position advertised in the flyers. I do hope you still have room available."


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:56 pm

Ensifer followed behind Bunny and Marissa. "Please, you give me too much credit. I'm no knight."


Wait, if these two arent servents or nobility... I'll probably be traveling with them rather than a gaggle of incompetent nobles sons.

And probably the young smith there. By the edge, the arms on that boy...


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Mon Mar 24, 2003 12:32 am

The King looked at everyone.

"I grow weary of this. Robert attened to them while I retire to my chambers."

The original man there looked at little surprised then said, "Yes my leige(sp?)."

He turned to everyone who had asked the king the same question. "Uhh. Well you all can join. Please enter that door over there and talk with Thalamus."


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby Ronin » Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:33 am

Bren walks through the door, and sees the man,
Thats probably Thalamus

he says, "hello, the kings aide said I needed to talk to you, about the job on the flyer......."


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:36 am

(It's liege, BTW.)

Ensifer made a half bow at the kings dismissal. He nodded in acknowledgement of Robert's directions, and proceded to follow them.


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:52 am

The room was also circular, and four storys high. The bottom floor was one huge closet. The only break in it was made for the door. Hanging in the closet were pants, lots of pants. Pants in every style imanginable. The next floor was the same thing except no break, no door. And on that floor instead of pants hung shirts. The next floor jackets, cloaks, and other realated clothing. The last floor was filled with weapons, think of a weapon and if it's not up there it doesn't exisit.
Thalamus sees everyone and says, "First floor first."
[OOC:Write your everything until you're done in the room. You can make it several posts if you like.]

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:12 am

Bunnies jaw dropped as she walked threw the first floor. Fine cloths, having all around them. She walked by them. Though they were all nice, she didn't think it right to take any.

"This place is odd," she said as she stared at them all. She walked up to a fine bule tunic and stared at it. "But it is nice."


Edited by: [url=>bunnygirle78</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/24/03 1:49:13 am


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby Ronin » Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:22 am

Bren walks through the door slowly taking stalk(sp?) of his surroundings(i can't spell) he chooses a loose bluse shirt, and a baggy pair of blue pants, thinking,

I like blue, its my favorite colour, it matches my eyes.....

he picks up to steel bracers that go from just below his elbows to his knuckles, he puts on heavy chainmail shirt while talking to himself saying, "I don't much like MAKING chainmail, takes too damn long, putting all those little rings together, but it is very nice armor"

He also grabs a pair of heavy shoulder guards made out of steel, one of them went straight out in a kind of wedge shape and the other curved down the shoulder. He grabbed a heavy bandoleer(sp?) that had a set of loops going down the back that ended in a pocket for a weapon haft to rest in, and had holders for throwing daggers in the front.

When he came to the top and final level he whistled, staring at the sheer asortment(sp? ahghhg i can't spell!) of quality weapons, after examining many of them he decided on a sturdy warhammer, it was designed for two hands if wielded by a human, and had a heavy steel head, one end of the head was flat and square and the other side came to a brutal point, he also took a well balanced spear, made completley out of steel. He then proceeded to fill his bandoleer with throwing knives to a total of nine in all thinking to himself,

I'll learn to use these later!

He then tested the heft of his hammer and once he was satisfied that he had made the right choices, he slid his war hammer and short spear into the back of his bandoleer and walks down to the main room, taking the weight of all of his equipment with ease, he leans against the wall outside the door to the armory he just left and waits for something to happen

(can I ever not make a spelling mistake in my posts?? ahh well mines not as bad as bunny's!!)

Edited by: [url=>Ronin</A] at: 3/24/03 1:24:40 am

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:46 am

Bunny slung the tunic over her arm and walked into the next room. She picked out a plain pair of brown pants and walked on.

When she reached the next floor she could not help but to stare. She never really used much armor, since she never fought before. She decided it best to take just a cloak. She picked a dark cloak and then stared at some of the armor. She left it and walked on.

When she reached the last room, she nearly dropped her things. Weapons of all sorts. She hugged her things tight as she walked by the swords looking half terrified. She stopped and looked around briefly. In the corner of the room a long wooden staf sat. In one end, a large red stone was embedded. She walked over to it and stared.

"Wow," she said. She picked it up and felt a small chill rush threw her. And for a moment, the stafs stone seemed to flash. Bunny shook her head and rested it on her shoulder.

"This is more like me." She said glancing once again at The swords. For a moment Her mind flashed back to a day long ago.

She shook her head and quickly walked on.

(Ooc. Is that an ok weapon? If not I could edit the post.)

Edited by: [url=>bunnygirle78</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/24/03 10:26:50 am


Re: Introductions are in orde

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:21 am

(Well, I allready got my stuff. I'll pick it up when we leave. And Ronin, you spelled stalk and surroundings correctly. I may not the GM, but your spelling looks fine to me. No ones perfect, but it looks fine to me. Watch your capitols, you missed one or two.)

Ensifer strode through the aisles casually looking busy. he kept an eye on everyone else, and joined them when they were finnished.

Edited by: [url=>WhiteWerefox</A] at: 3/24/03 3:22:52 am

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Introductions are in orde

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:09 pm

Marissa picked up a few things here and there, but basicly kept to her own things. She did however pick up a few large daggers, and a short sword just for the hell of it. One thing that caught her eye, was a black studded leather vest with a blood red dragon on the back. She picked that up along with a heavey pair of boots and a thicker pair of black pants.

"Right, I'm done." She walked over to bunny and and admired her staff.


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:52 pm

(Actually, Ronin, I make chainmail. Very tedious. And just for refrence, Forearm armor: Vambraces. Shoulder armor: Pauldrons. Assortment: two s's. Your spelling: not as annoying as constantly pointing out your mistakes. Dont' worry about it.)

After deciding to pick up a half shirt of chain mail for himself (Inspired by the prudent smith), with fine rivited steel links, a second rapier (Not so fine a blade as Witherwindle, but it was well crafted), a matching pair of steel daggers and another pair of white leather gloves, Ensifer noticed the group finnishing up. He headed down where they were gathering.

Ensifer slipped one of Brens daggers out of the bandoleer, and rolled through his fingers. "Good weight. For throwing?" He held the blade breifly in a defencive grip, switched to an offencive one seamlessly, then held the kinfe back to Bren, handle first.


Re: Introductions are in order

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Mon Mar 24, 2003 3:43 pm

[OOC: Okay... I'm going to Get one of the kingdoms ooc threads back up to the top. I would like each of you to post your most recent Character sheet including items/armour/weapons. And if you haven't posted your skills please do with this one. After that I'll post what happens, here. Please forgive the all ooc post.]

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Re: Introductions are in orde

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:06 pm

Bunny smiled at Marissa.

"Do you think its ok to take these things?" She asked. "I mean. .they are really fine. " Bunny looked up and then smiled again.

"I really like your jacket," she said admiring the dragon.

(ahh my char is developing hero worship issues.)


Re: Introductions are in orde

Unread postby Ronin » Mon Mar 24, 2003 9:10 pm

Bren smiled as Ensifer commented on his daggers saying, "yes, they are very well balanced for throwing daggers, Though I still must learn how to throw them", after re-pocketing his dagger in the bandoleer Bren pulled out and hefted his warhammer, commenting to Ensifer "now this is the weapon for me, I am quite good with it, after all those years behind a forge" he spun it in a circle in front of himself, ending with the head resting just over his shoulder, "The design of this one is perfect for me" he added, returning the great hammer to his bandoleer once more.

(oc, thanks for the tips, and to geoscuppi, I will post the stats in the ooc thread, ok?)
(oc, alright, if I don't say this someone else will, admiring her staff?............. Image )

Edited by: [url=>Ronin</A] at: 3/24/03 8:25:32 pm

Posts: 1245
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Re: Introductions are in orde

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:12 pm

Bunny stared at Bren as he swung his hammer around.

"Wow," she said.

Kuro Kodomo

Let's get to the killin!

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:12 pm

Marissa adjusted the vest and smiled, "Yeah, my pa had one similar to it. But them bastards stole it when he was killed."

She said refering to the stragers that had come into the kingdom and killed a lot of people.

"Besides, the king did tell us to take this stuff, didn't he?"

She looked around the room and noticed Bren showing off his hammer. She smirked.


Re: Let's get to the killin!

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Tue Mar 25, 2003 12:25 am

Ensifer arched an eyebrow. "If we are to walk around, asking questions with the authority of the king behind us, it wouldn't do well for the kings image if we were to be dressed in rags."He patted Whenwhindle, the raipier at his side."Besides, some articles of clothes aren't found in the tailors." he said, and smiled.

(So, do we get moving now?)


Re: Let's get to the killin!

Unread postby Ronin » Tue Mar 25, 2003 12:45 am

"true enough" Bren said, nodding, he then began to look around, wondering what to do next (oc HINT HINT) he finally settled on examining the craftmanship of his chainmail, marveling that anyone cold have the patience to twist all of the little rings together.

(oc, bunny apears to have the hero worship thing down..)

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Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: Let's get to the killin!

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Mar 25, 2003 12:58 am

(he he thanks. Shes young.)

Bunny looked at Marissa.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said sadly. "But don't worry I'm sure they will be brought to justice. And I'll do my best to help you and the others out. Even though. .I only know how to take care of animals."


Re: Let's get to the killin!

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Mar 25, 2003 1:13 am

[OOC: Waiting on bunny, and Angel's girlfriend.]


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